Organizational Behavior and Individual Behavior

Organizational Behavior
OB is a field of study
First knowledge from wide variety of disciplines is
necessary for the effective study and
management of organizations
Second, Knowledge from these disciplines can be
and should be applied to problems of the
management of people
Third, the application of knowledge can result in
simultaneous increase in organizational
effectiveness and the psychological health and
growth of Organizational Participants
Behavior is behavior whether it occurs in
organizations or not and Organizational often
influences people to look for non existent
differences or discontinuities between
behavior in general and behavior which occurs
in organizations
OB term is useful in three ways
It suggests that Problems in Modern organizations must be
approached at both the Psychological and Sociological Level
Even though behavior is behavior whether it occurs inside or
outside the organizations some determinants are more important
in organizational settings than in other situations
A third advantage of term although potentially a disadvantage too.
OB is more likely to be offered by business and professional schools
than by departments of Psychology and Sociology.
 In comparison with Foundation disciplines the emphasis of the
area is more Clinical and Practical than Theoretical. However this
Practical tendency does not mean that Theory is not Important in
Organizational Behavior
Individual Behavior
1.What is man basically like?(what is his basic
nature and how malleable is he)
2.How do people interact with their social and
physical environment? (how do they view
their environment and learn about it)
3.What causes men to act or behave? (what
motivates man)
Finally in view of your answers to the first
THREE questions,
    2.How could you design a society or a social
system which could change the man in any
directions which you would like to change?
    3.What Problems would you face in
developing such system?
    4.How would you apply these principles to the
design of the work organizations ?
1. Social Animal, By Nature Good- But then, Imitative
behavior, Greedy and Selfish, Physically Tangible but
Socially and Mentally Intangible. Unpredicted Nature,
Individual Differences makes him Unique. Acts
according to society, thinking about society before act,
stucked in mind, malleability is god gift,  flexible, adjust
in any situation, kind and good but its their mask.
Understanding Nature, reactionary (react in different
situations) a Learner, adorable, Sensitive, animal ,
Difficult to Understand, complicated, Temporary
feelings he had, Man is like Unopened Box nobody
knows what's in it. By nature man is like a water
2.Environment affects- Before act he thinks about
Society First, Concern about Social Image, Don’t
want anybody to interfere in his life but get
involves in others issue or Problem, socialization
is heart of personality building, Forming Trust and
Mistrust, Identity Crisis, Recognition, Social and
Physical Environment having Great Impact, His
nature is depends on his Environment, Very
Social animal hence interaction is purposeful
3.Thinking Habit, challenges, motivation,
attitude, Perception, feelings, emotions,
Behavior is reflection of Society
Situation or Unpredictable behavior of people,
expectations, Insult
Situations, Experiences, Culture, Environment
etc affects
Actions of others Matters
Individuals Behavior
Individual Behavior
All decisions and actions by a person are
influenced by implicit and or explicit assumptions
about the nature of reality. This is especially
important in Social Interaction; 
My assumptions
influence my behavior toward others
 and hence
affect their behavior toward me
“Faulty assumptions of Human nature” are
dangerous because they may generate undesired
consequences and because they are often self
fulfilling they may lead to problems which can
not be easily diagnosed or corrected
Meaning and Definition
OB is a study of Human Behavior
The Study is about behavior in Organizations
Knowledge about human behavior would be
useful in improving an organizations
OB is the study of organizational components
and their impact on human behavior and
organizational performances. Such study can
benefit from various behavioral and social
OB means the study of the behavior of
individuals and groups in organizations, and
organizations themselves, as they act and
interact to attain desired outcomes.
OB is the study of and application of Knowledge
about how people act within the organizations. It
is a human tool for human benefit. It applies
broadly to the behavior of people in all types of
Organizations such as business, Government,
schools and service organizations.
OB is directly concerned with the understanding,
prediction and control of human behavior in
OB is the study of Human behavior in
organizations; the interface between human
behavior and the organization and the
Organization itself.
The behavior of employees and the
organization is subject to the influence of
(Refer Figure )
The Filed of Ob is exciting and complex. Many
variables and concepts accompany the
interactions shown in the figure and together
factors greatly complicate the managers
ability to Understand, appreciate and manage
people in organization
They also provides
unique opportunities to enhance personal and
organizational effectiveness
Fundamental Concepts of OB
OB is basically based on few Fundamental concepts which
revolve around the nature of people and organizations.
Individual differences- People have much in common, but
each person in the world is also individually different.
Each individual is different from others in several ways e.g.
Intelligence, Physique, personality, diction etc. 
differences mean that management can get the greatest
motivation among employees by treating them differently.
Because of Individual Differences OB begins with
individual. Only a person can take responsibility and make
Decisions; a group by nature can not do so. A group is
powerless until individuals  act therein
2. A whole Person-
    when an individual is appointed, his/her skill
alone is not hired, his/her social background-
likes and dislikes, pride and prejudices is also
A persons family life can not be separated
from factory life. 
It is for this reason that
managers shall Endeavour to make factory, a
home away from home. 
They do not only strive
hard to develop a better employee out of a
worker, but also a better person in terms of
growth and fulfillment.
3. Caused Behavior
Behavior of an employee is caused and not
random. The behavior directed towards some
end that the employee believes, rightly or
wrongly, is in her best interest. Thus when a
worker comes late to his work, abuses the
supervisor, there is a cause behind. Manager
should realize the cause for late coming.
Cause and Effect relationship.
4.Human Dignity
This concept different than other three concepts.
It is more an ethical philosophy than the scientific conclusion.
It confirms that people are to be treated differently from other factors of
production because they are of a higher order in the universe.
It recognizes Human Dignity because people are of higher order, they want
to be treated with respect and dignity and should be treated in this way.
Employees work should be appreciated and recognized
The concept of Human Dignity rejects the old idea of using employees as
economic tools.
Since OB always involves people, ethical philosophy is involved in one way
or another in each action.
Human decisions can not and should not be made apart from values.
5.Organizations are Social System
Organizations are social system, consequently activities
therein are governed by social laws as well as psychological
Just as People having Psychological Needs, they also have
social needs, they also have social roles and status.
Their behavior influenced by their group as well as their
Two social systems existing in Organization, one is Formal
and another one is Informal social system
All parts of the system are interdependent and are subject
to influence by any other part.
Everything is related to everything else.
6.Mutuality of interest
Organizations Need People and Vice versa.
Organizations have human purpose, they have
formed some mutuality of interest among
their participants.
People see organizations as means to help
them reach organizational objectives.
Result of Mutuality is, people are encouraged
to attack Organizational Problems rather than
each other.
7. Holistic approach
When the Six Fundamental Concepts of OB
are placed together a holistic concept
This concept interprets people-organization
relationship in terms of the Whole Person,
Whole Group, Whole Organization and Whole
Social System.
Key Elements of OB Influenced
Nature of OB
A separate field of Study not Discipline
An Interdisciplinary approach (Psychology,
Sociology, Anthropology)
An applied Science
A Normative Science
A Humanistic and optimistic approach
Cause and Effect Relationship
Science as well as Art
Rational Thinking (Logical Thinking)
Scope of OB
OB is the study of human behavior in
The subject encompasses,
The Study of Individual Behavior
Inter-individual Behavior
Behavior Organizations themselves.
Intrapersonal Behavior  
covers such aspects as
personality, attitude, perception, learning,
opinion, motivation and job satisfaction.
Interpersonal Behavior 
includes group
dynamics, intergroup conflict, leadership,
communication, transactional analysis
the study covers such aspects
as their formation, structures, and formal and
informal organizations.
Significance of OB
Helps in Understanding Employees
Helps in Motivating Employees
Improving Superior - Subordinate Relationship
 Controlling and predicting human behavior
 Helps in Proper Utilization of Human Resource
Helps in achieving Individual, Group and
Organizational goal as well as efficiency and
Helps to know employees strengths and
Historical and Emerging Perspectives
of OB
Concern for the welfare of workers in
management of Business enterprises has been in
existence since ages.
Systematic management of Human Resources as
early as the 4
 BC (Kautilya’s Arthashastra)
The government then took an active interest in
the operation of Public and Private sector
enterprises and provided systematic procedures
for regulating employee-employer relationships.
Elsewhere HR in organizations received
managements attention much earlier; as early
as 1800 B.C. itself minimum wage rate and
incentive wage plan was included in the
Babylonian code of Hammurabi.
Robert Owen 1800
Robert Owen 
a young Welsh factory owner about
1800, was one of the first to emphasize the Human
needs of employees.
He refused to employ young children
Taught employees cleanliness and temperance and
improved their working conditions
Vital Machines as to inanimate Machines
Father of Personnel Management
This could hardly called modern organizational
behavior, but the beginning in that direction was made.
Andrew Ure 1835
Andrew Ure published “The Philosophy of
Manufacturers” in which he 
included Human
Factor as one of the factors of Production,
besides the commercial and mechanical
Believing in the importance of the Human
Factor, Ure provided workers with 
hot Tea,
medical treatment and sickness payments
He took special interest in the welfare of his workers.
He installed first humidifier and fire sprinklers in his factories.
He was decade ahead of his time and miles ahead of his competitors.
The Empress mills experiments showed that not only profits but people
mattered for him. Innovations at Empress Mill weren’t restricted to
technology adoption. In fact, lack of skilled and semi-skilled labor was
perhaps a bigger challenge. Workers would be absent for sixty days a year
due to festivals and for several days during harvest times. Absenteeism
was 10 to 20 percent a day. Jamsetji & team set about to make workers’
life easier. A Provident Fund Scheme was introduced in 1886 and pension
fund was introduced in 1887. Accident compensation scheme was
introduced in 1895. Most of these came before Factory Act of England
making certain measures compulsory. Empress held an annual prize day
were workers turned up in colorful holiday attire for performance
recognition. As many as 1000 workers were called to the platform to
collect prizes of gold and silver watches and chains, armlets, medals and
bundles of cloth.
In Jamsetji’s words at the opening of the
extension of Empress Mills in 1895, “We do
not claim to be more unselfish, more
generous, or more philanthropic than other
people. But, we think, we started on sound
and straightforward business principles,
considering the interests of our shareholders
our own, and the health and welfare of our
employees the sure foundation of our
Scientific Management
Taylor the Father of Scientific Management as he
converted broad generalizations into practical tools.
He was also responsible for awakening interest in
workers in the 1900s.
Taylor advocated the “selection of Right Person for
Right Jobs.” Training them adequately, placing them in
jobs for which they were best suited and remunerating
them handsomely.
Taylor’s Goal was technical efficiency, but at least
management was awakened to the importance of HR
which was hitherto neglected.
Taylor Published his major work Principles of
Scientific Management in 1911.
Taylors ideas were criticized particularly his
belief in rationalizing everything and holding
the assumption that human behavior is based
on ‘Rabble Hypothesis’
Slide Note

Organizational Behavior (OB) is a multidisciplinary field that combines knowledge from various disciplines to study and manage organizations effectively. It emphasizes the application of this knowledge to enhance organizational effectiveness and the well-being of participants. OB is a useful concept as it addresses problems at both psychological and sociological levels, highlighting the importance of behavior in organizational settings. Individual behavior is examined in terms of man's basic nature, interactions with the environment, and motivators. The questions posed lead to considerations on designing societies to influence change in individuals and applying these principles to work organization design.

  • Organizational Behavior
  • Management
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Individual Behavior

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Organizational Behavior Introduction

  2. OB is a field of study First knowledge from wide variety of disciplines is necessary for the effective study and management of organizations Second, Knowledge from these disciplines can be and should be applied to problems of the management of people Third, the application of knowledge can result in simultaneous increase in organizational effectiveness and the psychological health and growth of Organizational Participants

  3. IS OB a USEFUL CONCEPT? Behavior is behavior whether it occurs in organizations or not and Organizational often influences people to look for non existent differences or discontinuities between behavior in general and behavior which occurs in organizations

  4. OB term is useful in three ways It suggests that Problems in Modern organizations must be approached at both the Psychological and Sociological Level Even though behavior is behavior whether it occurs inside or outside the organizations some determinants are more important in organizational settings than in other situations A third advantage of term although potentially a disadvantage too. OB is more likely to be offered by business and professional schools than by departments of Psychology and Sociology. In comparison with Foundation disciplines the emphasis of the area is more Clinical and Practical than Theoretical. However this Practical tendency does not mean that Theory is not Important in Organizational Behavior

  5. Individual Behavior 1.What is man basically like?(what is his basic nature and how malleable is he) 2.How do people interact with their social and physical environment? (how do they view their environment and learn about it) 3.What causes men to act or behave? (what motivates man)

  6. Questions Finally in view of your answers to the first THREE questions, 2.How could you design a society or a social system which could change the man in any directions which you would like to change? 3.What Problems would you face in developing such system? 4.How would you apply these principles to the design of the work organizations ?

  7. ANSWERS 1. Social Animal, By Nature Good- But then, Imitative behavior, Greedy and Selfish, Physically Tangible but Socially and Mentally Intangible. Unpredicted Nature, Individual Differences makes him Unique. Acts according to society, thinking about society before act, stucked in mind, malleability is god gift, flexible, adjust in any situation, kind and good but its their mask. Understanding Nature, reactionary (react in different situations) a Learner, adorable, Sensitive, animal , Difficult to Understand, complicated, Temporary feelings he had, Man is like Unopened Box nobody knows what's in it. By nature man is like a water

  8. 2.Environment affects- Before act he thinks about Society First, Concern about Social Image, Don t want anybody to interfere in his life but get involves in others issue or Problem, socialization is heart of personality building, Forming Trust and Mistrust, Identity Crisis, Recognition, Social and Physical Environment having Great Impact, His nature is depends on his Environment, Very posessive Social animal hence interaction is purposeful

  9. 3.Thinking Habit, challenges, motivation, attitude, Perception, feelings, emotions, Behavior is reflection of Society Situation or Unpredictable behavior of people, expectations, Insult Situations, Experiences, Culture, Environment etc affects Actions of others Matters

  10. Individuals Behavior Thought Process Core Self Vision Behavior Feelings

  11. Individual Behavior All decisions and actions by a person are influenced by implicit and or explicit assumptions about the nature of reality. This is especially important in Social Interaction; My assumptions influence my behavior toward others and hence affect their behavior toward me Faulty assumptions of Human nature are dangerous because they may generate undesired consequences and because they are often self fulfilling they may lead to problems which can not be easily diagnosed or corrected

  12. Meaning and Definition OB is a study of Human Behavior The Study is about behavior in Organizations and Knowledge about human behavior would be useful in improving an organizations effectiveness.

  13. OB is the study of organizational components and their impact on human behavior and organizational performances. Such study can benefit from various behavioral and social sciences. OB means the study of the behavior of individuals and groups in organizations, and organizations themselves, as they act and interact to attain desired outcomes.

  14. Definitions OB is the study of and application of Knowledge about how people act within the organizations. It is a human tool for human benefit. It applies broadly to the behavior of people in all types of Organizations such as business, Government, schools and service organizations. OB is directly concerned with the understanding, prediction and control of human behavior in organizations.

  15. Environment Human Behavior in Organizational Settings The Individuals Behavior The Organization Environment

  16. OB is the study of Human behavior in organizations; the interface between human behavior and the organization and the Organization itself. The behavior of employees and the organization is subject to the influence of Environment (Refer Figure )

  17. The Filed of Ob is exciting and complex. Many variables and concepts accompany the interactions shown in the figure and together these factors greatly complicate the managers ability to Understand, appreciate and manage people in organization. They also provides unique opportunities to enhance personal and organizational effectiveness.

  18. Fundamental Concepts of OB OB is basically based on few Fundamental concepts which revolve around the nature of people and organizations. 1. Individual differences- People have much in common, but each person in the world is also individually different. Each individual is different from others in several ways e.g. Intelligence, Physique, personality, diction etc. Individual differences mean that management can get the greatest motivation among employees by treating them differently. Because of Individual Differences OB begins with individual. Only a person can take responsibility and make Decisions; a group by nature can not do so. A group is powerless until individuals act therein

  19. 2. A whole Person- when an individual is appointed, his/her skill alone is not hired, his/her social background- likes and dislikes, pride and prejudices is also hired. A persons family life can not be separated from factory life. It is for this reason that managers shall Endeavour to make factory, a home away from home. They do not only strive hard to develop a better employee out of a worker, but also a better person in terms of growth and fulfillment.

  20. 3. Caused Behavior Behavior of an employee is caused and not random. The behavior directed towards some end that the employee believes, rightly or wrongly, is in her best interest. Thus when a worker comes late to his work, abuses the supervisor, there is a cause behind. Manager should realize the cause for late coming. Cause and Effect relationship.

  21. 4.Human Dignity This concept different than other three concepts. It is more an ethical philosophy than the scientific conclusion. It confirms that people are to be treated differently from other factors of production because they are of a higher order in the universe. It recognizes Human Dignity because people are of higher order, they want to be treated with respect and dignity and should be treated in this way. Employees work should be appreciated and recognized The concept of Human Dignity rejects the old idea of using employees as economic tools. Since OB always involves people, ethical philosophy is involved in one way or another in each action. Human decisions can not and should not be made apart from values.

  22. 5.Organizations are Social System Organizations are social system, consequently activities therein are governed by social laws as well as psychological laws. Just as People having Psychological Needs, they also have social needs, they also have social roles and status. Their behavior influenced by their group as well as their drives. Two social systems existing in Organization, one is Formal and another one is Informal social system All parts of the system are interdependent and are subject to influence by any other part. Everything is related to everything else.

  23. 6.Mutuality of interest Organizations Need People and Vice versa. Organizations have human purpose, they have formed some mutuality of interest among their participants. People see organizations as means to help them reach organizational objectives. Result of Mutuality is, people are encouraged to attack Organizational Problems rather than each other.

  24. 7. Holistic approach When the Six Fundamental Concepts of OB are placed together a holistic concept emerges. This concept interprets people-organization relationship in terms of the Whole Person, Whole Group, Whole Organization and Whole Social System.

  25. Key Elements of OB Influenced Behavior People OB Environment Structure Technology

  26. Nature of OB A separate field of Study not Discipline An Interdisciplinary approach (Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology) An applied Science A Normative Science A Humanistic and optimistic approach Cause and Effect Relationship Science as well as Art Rational Thinking (Logical Thinking)

  27. INPUTS + PROCESS= OUTPUT Rationality Experience Opinions Data Facts Sound Conclusion Rational Thinking Logical Conclusion People

  28. Scope of OB OB is the study of human behavior in organizations. The subject encompasses, 1. The Study of Individual Behavior 2. Inter-individual Behavior 3. Behavior Organizations themselves.

  29. Intrapersonal Behavior covers such aspects as personality, attitude, perception, learning, opinion, motivation and job satisfaction. Interpersonal Behavior includes group dynamics, intergroup conflict, leadership, communication, transactional analysis Organizations the study covers such aspects as their formation, structures, and formal and informal organizations.

  30. Significance of OB Helps in Understanding Employees Helps in Motivating Employees Improving Superior - Subordinate Relationship Controlling and predicting human behavior Helps in Proper Utilization of Human Resource Helps in achieving Individual, Group and Organizational goal as well as efficiency and effectiveness Helps to know employees strengths and weaknesses

  31. Historical and Emerging Perspectives of OB Concern for the welfare of workers in management of Business enterprises has been in existence since ages. Systematic management of Human Resources as early as the 4thBC (Kautilya s Arthashastra) The government then took an active interest in the operation of Public and Private sector enterprises and provided systematic procedures for regulating employee-employer relationships.

  32. Elsewhere HR in organizations received managements attention much earlier; as early as 1800 B.C. itself minimum wage rate and incentive wage plan was included in the Babylonian code of Hammurabi.

  33. Robert Owen 1800 Robert Owen a young Welsh factory owner about 1800, was one of the first to emphasize the Human needs of employees. He refused to employ young children Taught employees cleanliness and temperance and improved their working conditions Vital Machines as to inanimate Machines Father of Personnel Management This could hardly called modern organizational behavior, but the beginning in that direction was made.

  34. Andrew Ure 1835 Andrew Ure published The Philosophy of Manufacturers in which he included Human Factor as one of the factors of Production, besides the commercial and mechanical parts. Believing in the importance of the Human Factor, Ure provided workers with hot Tea, medical treatment and sickness payments.

  35. J.N.Tata He took special interest in the welfare of his workers. He installed first humidifier and fire sprinklers in his factories. He was decade ahead of his time and miles ahead of his competitors. The Empress mills experiments showed that not only profits but people mattered for him. Innovations at Empress Mill weren t restricted to technology adoption. In fact, lack of skilled and semi-skilled labor was perhaps a bigger challenge. Workers would be absent for sixty days a year due to festivals and for several days during harvest times. Absenteeism was 10 to 20 percent a day. Jamsetji & team set about to make workers life easier. A Provident Fund Scheme was introduced in 1886 and pension fund was introduced in 1887. Accident compensation scheme was introduced in 1895. Most of these came before Factory Act of England making certain measures compulsory. Empress held an annual prize day were workers turned up in colorful holiday attire for performance recognition. As many as 1000 workers were called to the platform to collect prizes of gold and silver watches and chains, armlets, medals and bundles of cloth.

  36. In Jamsetjis words at the opening of the extension of Empress Mills in 1895, We do not claim to be more unselfish, more generous, or more philanthropic than other people. But, we think, we started on sound and straightforward business principles, considering the interests of our shareholders our own, and the health and welfare of our employees the sure foundation of our prosperity .

  37. Scientific Management Taylor the Father of Scientific Management as he converted broad generalizations into practical tools. He was also responsible for awakening interest in workers in the 1900s. Taylor advocated the selection of Right Person for Right Jobs. Training them adequately, placing them in jobs for which they were best suited and remunerating them handsomely. Taylor s Goal was technical efficiency, but at least management was awakened to the importance of HR which was hitherto neglected.

  38. Taylor Published his major work Principles of Scientific Management in 1911. Taylors ideas were criticized particularly his belief in rationalizing everything and holding the assumption that human behavior is based on Rabble Hypothesis


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