Network Management Processes in Computer Networks

ITEC 275
ITEC 275
 Computer Networks – Switching, Routing, and
 Computer Networks – Switching, Routing, and
Week 9
Week 9
Robert D’Andrea
Robert D’Andrea
Winter 2018
Winter 2018
Learning Activities
Network Management Processes
Network Management Architectures
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Campus Cabling
Campus Network Design Example
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
International Organization for Standardization
(ISO) defines five types of network processes
Fault management
Configuration management
Accounting management
Performance management
Security management
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Fault management refers to detecting, isolating,
diagnosing, and correcting problems.
- Develop a workaround(s)
- Test the workaround(s)
- Document the workaround(s) in a problem-
 tracking database
- Utilize monitoring tools to alert managers,
protocol analyzers and Wire Shark for fault
- Syslog network contains timestamp, level,
and facility. Syslog severity levels are
Syslog is a standard for computer message logging.
Syslog can be used for computer system
management and security auditing as well as
generalized informational, analysis, and debugging
messages. It is supported by a wide variety of
devices (like printers and routers) and receivers
across multiple platforms. Because of this, syslog
can be used to integrate log data from many
different types of systems into a central repository.
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Syslog is a standard for computer message logging.
anaconda.log                        messages-20151004
anaconda.program.log         messages-20151011           messages-20151018
anaconda.syslog                  messages-20151025
anaconda.xlog                     mysqld.log
anaconda.yum.log               ntpstats
audit                                    ppp
boot.log                               prelink
boot.log-20151004             RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL
boot.log-20151018             sa
boot.log-20151025             salt
btmp                                   secure
btmp-20151001                 secure-20150809.gz
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Syslog is a standard for computer message logging.
client-config-overrides.txt   secure-20150816.gz      secure-20150823.gz
ConsoleKit                           secure-20150830.gz
cron                                      secure-20151004
cron-20140921.gz                secure-20151011
cron-20140928.gz                secure-20151018
cron-20141005.gz                secure-20151025
cron-20141012.gz                spooler
cron-20151004                    spooler-20151004
cron-20151011                    spooler-20151011
cron-20151018                    spooler-20151018
cron-20151025                    spooler-20151025
cups                                     sssd
dmesg                                  tallylog
dmesg.old                            up2date
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Syslog is a standard for computer message logging.
maillog-20150816.gz       vmware-tools-guestd
maillog-20150823.gz       wtmp
maillog-20150830.gz        wtmp-20150901
maillog-20151004             yum.log
maillog-20151011             yum.log-20120101
maillog-20151018             yum.log-20130101
maillog-20151025             yum.log-20140101
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Most syslog messages are found on Unix-
like operating systems under the /var/log
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Anaconda is the installation program used by
Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
During an installation, a target computer's hardware
is identified and configured and the appropriate file systems
for the system's architecture are created. Finally, Anaconda
allows the user to install the operating system software on
the target computer.
Anaconda can also upgrade existing installations of
earlier versions of the same distribution. After the
installation is complete, you can reboot into your installed
system and continue doing customization using the initial
setup program.
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
- Emergency (level 0)
- Alert (level 1)
- Critical (level 2)
- Error (level 3)
- Warning (level 4)
- Notice (level 5)
- Information (level 6)
- Debugging (level 7)
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Syslog Messages
- Sent to Cisco router or switch consoles
- Sent to Network Management Station
- Sent to a remote network host where a
syslog analyzer is installed.  A syslog
analyzer distributes these messages
appropriately to the network node
manager, and management.
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Configuration Management helps the network
manager maintain a list of devices and
information installed on those devices.
- Version-logging refers to keeping track of
the version of operating systems or
applications running on network
- Change management includes DHCP and
VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP)
automatically updates switches with
VLAN information.
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP) allows for manual and automatic
assignment of IP addresses (see IETF RFC 2131
& 2132). DHCP is enacted when a new machine
joins a network or an existing machine attempts to
renew its IP address. DHCP is an extension of an
older protocol known as the "bootstrap protocol"
(BOOTP) and is backwards compatible with
BOOTP. There are three methods of IP address
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
 An administrator manually assigns the
IP address; tedious but most secure
DHCP server assigns permanent IP
address to requesting client.
DHCP server "leases" IP address to
requesting client. The IP address is only
valid for a limited period of time; after
which the client must request a renewal or
ask for a new IP address.
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Accounting management
- Facilitates usage-based billing. If
money is not exchanged, it identifies
consumption and possibly “abuse” of
network resources.
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Performance management
- Facilitates measurement of network
behavior and effectiveness.
-Examine network applications
- Protocol behavior
- End-to-end performance across an
- Component performance of individual
links or devices.
Network Management Processes
Network Management Processes
Security Management allows the network
management to maintain and distribute passwords
and other authentication information. Security
management should also include generating,
distributing, and storing encryption keys.
 Audit logs should document logins and logouts
Attempts by individuals to change their level of
Compressing data rather than storing less data
Network Management Architectures
Network Management Architectures
Managed device: 
Routers, servers, switches,
bridges, hubs, end systems, or printers.
Network management software that
resides in a managed device.
Network management system (NMS): 
Is a
terminal with software that displays
management data, monitor and controls
managed devices, and communicates with
agents. Typically located in a network
operations center (NOC).
Network Management Architectures
Network Management Architectures
In-band monitoring is network management
data that travels across an internetwork using
the same paths as user traffic.
- Impacts ability to trouble shoot problems
Out-of-band monitoring
- More complex and expensive
- Analog lines are used for backup
- Security risks with analog links need a
callback mechanisms
Network Management Architectures
Network Management Architectures
Centralized monitoring architecture all
NMSs reside in one place of the network
Distributed monitoring means the NMSs and
agents are spread out across the entire
internetwork. Distributed monitoring involves a
more complex network configuration and tends to
be harder to manage.
Manage-of-managers (MoM) is a distributed
arrangement with a central NMS. The central
NMS manages the distributed locations.
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Network Management Tools and Protocols
A network management solution should include
tools to isolate, diagnose, and report problems and to
expedite recovery and quick repair.
Interfaces can be CLI, GUI, and different browsers
SMNPv3 should gradually replace versions 1 and 2
because it offers better security, authentication to
protect against modification of information, and
secure set operations for the remote configuration
of SNMP managed devices.
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Management Information Bases (MIB) stores
information from local management agent on a
managed device.
- Each object in a MIB has a unique
- Network management applications use the
identifier to retrieve a specific object.
- A MIB is a structured tree and
hierarchical structure.
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Network Management Tools and Protocols
The MIB structure is logically represented
by a tree hierarchy. The root of the tree is
unnamed and splits into three main branches:
1. Consultative Committee for International
Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT),
2. International Organization for
Standardization (ISO),
3. Joint ISO/CCITT.
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Network Management Tools and Protocols
These branches and those that fall below
each category have short text strings and integers
to identify them. Text strings describe object
names, while integers allow computer software to
create compact, encoded representations of the
names. For example, the Cisco MIB variable
authAddr is an object name and is denoted by
number 5, which is listed at the end of its object
identifier number
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Network Management Tools and Protocols
The object identifier in the Internet MIB
hierarchy is the sequence of numeric labels on the
nodes along a path from the root to the object. The
Internet standard MIB is represented by the object
identifier It also can be expressed as
Internet MIB Hierarchy
Internet MIB Hierarchy
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Network Management Tools and Protocols
RMON Monitoring (RMON) developed to
close the gap in the standard MIBs which lacked
the capability to provide statistics on the data link
and physical layer parameters. The IETF
developed RMON MIB to provide Ethernet traffic
statistics and fault diagnosis.
- RMON collects CRC errors
- Packet-size distribution
- Number of packets in and out
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Network Management Tools and Protocols
What does RMON support?
llows the network manager set
thresholds for network parameters
onfigures agents to automatically
alerts to NMS.
apturing packets and sending the captured
packets to the MNS for 
protocol analysis.
rovides information about the
health and performance of the network
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)
- Specifies a method for Cisco routers and
switches to send configuration
information to each other on a regular basis.
- CDP runs on the data link layer
- Utilizes Sub Network Access Protocol (SNAP)
SNAP is the data-link address used in IS-IS protocol to
reach the neighbor on a broadcast media. This is
comparable to Ethernet links using the Mac Address of
the neighbor.
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Network Management Tools and Protocols
By default, CDP announcements are sent every
60 seconds on interfaces that support Sub Network
Access Protocol (SNAP) headers,
including Ethernet, Frame
Relay and Asynchronous
Transfer Mode (ATM). Each Cisco device that
supports CDP stores the information received from
other devices in a table that can be viewed using
the show CDP neighbors command. This table is also
accessible via SNMP. CDP frames are sent every 60
seconds. Switches and routers do not forward CDP
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Network Management Tools and Protocols
 View: Cisco CPD configuration video
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Network Management Tools and Protocols
Cisco NetFlow Accounting
Collects and measures data as it enters router or
switch interfaces. The information enables a
network manager to characterize utilization of
network and application resources.
Helps network manager visualize traffic patterns so
that proactive problems can be detection is
NetFlow allows a network manager to gain a
detailed, time-based view of application usage.
Selecting Technologies and Devices
Selecting Technologies and Devices
We now know what the network will look like.
We also know what capabilities the network
will need.
We are now ready to start picking out
technologies and devices.
Chapter 10 has guidelines for campus networks.
Campus Network Design Steps
Campus Network Design Steps
Develop a cabling plant
Select the types of cabling
Select the data-link-layer
Select internetworking devices
Meet with vendors
Cabling Plant Design Considerations
Cabling Plant Design Considerations
Campus and building cabling topologies
The types and lengths of cables between buildings
Within buildings
The location of telecommunications closets and cross-
connect rooms
The types and lengths of cables for vertical cabling
between floors
The types and lengths of cables for horizontal cabling
within floors
The types and lengths of cables for work-area cabling
going from telecommunications closets to workstations
Centralized Versus Distributed Cabling
Centralized Versus Distributed Cabling
A centralized cabling scheme terminates
most or all of the cable runs in one area of
the design environment. A star topology is an
example of a centralized system.
A distributed cabling scheme terminates
cable runs throughout the design
environment. Ring, bus, and tree topologies
are examples of distributed systems.
Centralized Campus Cabling
Centralized Campus Cabling
Cable Bundle
Building B
Building C
Building D
Centralized Campus Cabling
Centralized Campus Cabling
Distributed Campus Cabling
Distributed Campus Cabling
Types of Media Used in Campus Networks
Types of Media Used in Campus Networks
Copper media
Optical media
Wireless media
Copper Media Advantages
Copper Media Advantages
Conducts electric current well
Does not rust
Can be drawn into thin wires
Easy to shape
Hard to break
Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP)
Coaxial Cable
Coaxial Cable
Solid copper conductor, surrounded by:
Flexible plastic insulation
Braided copper shielding
Outer jacket
Can be run without as many boosts from
repeaters, for longer distances between
network nodes, than either STP or UTP
Nonetheless, it’s no longer widely used
Twisted-Pair Cabling
Twisted-Pair Cabling
A “twisted pair” consists of two copper
conductors twisted together
Each conductor has plastic insulation
Shielded Twisted Pair (STP)
Has metal foil or braided-mesh covering that
encases each pair
Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP)
No metal foil or braided-mesh covering around
pairs, so it’s less expensive
UTP Categories
UTP Categories
Category 1. 
Used for voice communication
Category 2.
 Used for voice and data, up to 4 Mbps
Category 3.
 Used for data, up to 10 Mbps
Required to have at least 3 twists per foot
Standard cable for most telephone systems
Also used in 10-Mbps Ethernet (10Base-T Ethernet)
Category 4.
 Used for data, up to 16 Mbps
Must also have at least 3 twists per foot as well as other
Category 5.
 Used for data, up to 100 Mbps
Must have 3 twists per 
Category 5e.
 Used in Gigabit Ethernet
Category 6.
 Used in Gigabit Ethernet and future technologies
Types of Cables
Types of Cables
Mode is an allowable path for light to travel
down a fiber.
Multimode fiber has multiple modes or paths
that light can follow. All paths are not equal.
some are longer, and the time it takes to travel
down each path more time consuming.
Single mode contains a small core diameter, has
one path, supports higher bandwi
th rate over
longer distances.
Multimode Fiber (MMF)
Single-mode Fiber (SMF)
Copper Vs Fiber-Optic Cabling
Copper Vs Fiber-Optic Cabling
Twisted-pair and coax cable transmit network signals
in the form of current
Fiber-optic cable transmits network signals in the
form of light
Fiber-optic cable is made of glass
Not susceptible to electromagnetic force (EMF) or radio
frequency interference
Not as susceptible to attenuation, which means longer
cables are possible
Supports very high bandwidth (10 Gbps or greater)
For long distances, fiber costs less than copper
Multimode        Single-mode
Multimode        Single-mode
Larger core diameter
Beams of light bounce
off cladding in multiple
Usually uses LED source
Shorter distances
Less expensive
Smaller core diameter
Less bouncing around;
single, focused beam of
Usually uses LASER
More expensive
Very long distances
Definition: A light-emitting diode
(LED) is a two-
lead semiconductor light source. It resembles a
basic pn-junction diode, which emits light when
Single/Multi-Mode Fiber
Single/Multi-Mode Fiber
Multi-Mode Fiber
Multi-Mode Fiber
STP is shielded twisted pair cabling.
UTP is unshielded twisted pair cabling.
Typically found in buildings. Generally , least
expensive, lowest transmission capabilities
because it is subject to crosstalk, noise, and
EMI (Electromagnetic Interference).
Coax cabling was popular in the 1980s and
1990s. Not used or installed as it was in the
recent past.
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Electromagnetic Interference (EMI)
Internet Cables
Internet Cables
Internet Cables
Internet Cables
Just when you thought it was safe to run
internet cables in the water, it appears sharks have
developed the taste for data.
Video of shark biting under water cable
Ethernet is a physical and data link layer
standard for the transmission of frames on a
- IEEE802.3 has evolved to support UTP and
fiber-optic cabling, and fast
transmission speeds.
- Gigabit Ethernet is targeted for the core
layer on enterprise systems.
Wireless Media
Wireless Media
IEEE 802.11a, b, g, n
Cabling Guidelines
Cabling Guidelines
At the access layer use
Copper UTP rated for Category 5 or 5e, unless
there is a good reason not to
To future proof the network
Use 5e instead of 5
Install UTP Category 6 rated cable and terminate the
cable with Cat 5 or 5e connectors
Then only the connectors need to be changed to
move up in speed
In special cases
Use MMF (Multimode Fiber) for bandwidth
intensive applications
Or install fiber along with the copper
Cabling Guidelines
Cabling Guidelines
At the distribution layer use
MMF (Multi mode fiber) if distance allows
SMF (Single mode fiber) otherwise
Unless unusual circumstances occur and cable
cannot be run, then use a wireless method
To future proof the network
Run both MMF and SMF
LAN Technologies
LAN Technologies
Half-duplex Ethernet (becoming obsolete)
Full-duplex Ethernet
10-Mbps Ethernet (becoming obsolete)
100-Mbps Ethernet
1000-Mbps (1-Gbps or Gigabit) Ethernet
10-Gbps Ethernet
Metro Ethernet
Long Range Ethernet (LRE)
Cisco’s EtherChannel
10 Mbps Ethernet
Thick coax cable
500 meters
Thin coax cable
185 meters
2 pairs Category-
3 or better UTP
100 meters
 IEEE 802.3 10-Mbps Ethernet
2 multimode
optical fibers
3 channels of a private
CATV system 3600
2 pairs Category-5 or
better UTP            100
2 multimode optical fibers
2000 meters (full duplex)
4 pairs Category-
3 or better UTP
100 meters
 IEEE 802.3 100-Mbps Ethernet
2 pairs Category-
3 or better UTP
100 meters
2 multimode optical fibers
using shortwave laser optics
550 meters
2 multimode or single-mode
optical fibers using longwave
laser optics
550 meters multimode, 5000
meters single-mode
4 pairs Category-5 UTP
100 meters
2 pairs STP    25
 IEEE 802.3 Gigabit Ethernet
10GBase with Fiber Cabling
Multimode or single-mode
optical fibers
 300 meters multimode,       10
km single-mode
Multimode optical
fibers                   300
optical fibers 40
optical fibers
10 km
 IEEE 802.3 10-Gbps Ethernet
10GBase with Copper Cabling
SFP+ Direct
XAUI 4-lane PCS
15 meters
10 meters
 IEEE 802.3 10-Gbps Ethernet
100 meters
Metro Ethernet (MAN)
Metro Ethernet (MAN)
Service offered by providers and carriers that
traditionally had only classic WAN offerings.
The customer can use a standard Ethernet
interface to reach a MAN or WAN.
The customer can add bandwidth as needed
with a simple configuration change.
Long-Reach Ethernet
Long-Reach Ethernet
Enables the use of Ethernet over existing,
unconditioned, voice-grade copper twisted-pair
Used to connect buildings and rooms within
Rural areas
Old cities where upgrading cabling is impractical
Multi-unit structures such as hotels, apartment
complexes, business complexes, and government
Cisco’s EtherChannel
Cisco’s EtherChannel
Cisco’s EtherChannel
Cisco’s EtherChannel
EtherChannel provides incremental trunk
speeds between Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet,
and 10 Gigabit Ethernet. EtherChannel combines
multiple Fast Ethernet up to 800Mbps, Gigabit
Ethernet up to 8Gbps , and 10 Gigabit Ethernet up
to 80Gbps.
Internetworking Devices for Campus
Internetworking Devices for Campus
Wireless access points
Wireless bridges
Selection Criteria for Internetworking Devices
Selection Criteria for Internetworking Devices
The number of ports
Processing speed
The amount of memory
Latency when device relays data
Throughput when device relays data
LAN and WAN technologies supported
Media supported
More Selection Criteria for Internetworking
More Selection Criteria for Internetworking
Ease of configuration and management
Support for hot-swappable components
Support for redundant power supplies
Quality of technical support, documentation,
and training
Once the logical design is completed, the physical
design can start
A major task during physical design is selecting
technologies and devices for campus networks
Data-link layer technology
Internetworking devices
Also, at this point, the logical topology design can
be developed further by specifying cabling
This Week’s Outcomes
This Week’s Outcomes
Network Management Processes
Campus Cabling
Selection Criteria for Internetworking Devices
Q & A
Q & A
Questions, comments, concerns?
Slide Note

Network management processes play a vital role in maintaining the efficiency and security of computer networks. This includes fault management, configuration management, accounting management, performance management, and security management. Syslog, a standard for computer message logging, is utilized to detect, isolate, diagnose, and correct network issues. It aids in system management, security auditing, and centralized log data integration from various devices and platforms.

  • Computer Networks
  • Network Management
  • Syslog
  • Fault Management
  • Configuration Management

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ITEC 275 Computer Networks Switching, Routing, and WANs Week 9 Robert D Andrea Winter 2018

  2. Agenda Learning Activities Network Management Processes Syslog Network Management Architectures Network Management Tools and Protocols Campus Cabling Ethernet Campus Network Design Example

  3. Network Management Processes International Organization for Standardization (ISO) defines five types of network processes Fault management Configuration management Accounting management Performance management Security management

  4. Network Management Processes Fault management refers to detecting, isolating, diagnosing, and correcting problems. - Develop a workaround(s) - Test the workaround(s) - Document the workaround(s) in a problem- tracking database - Utilize monitoring tools to alert managers, protocol analyzers and Wire Shark for fault resolution - Syslog network contains timestamp, level, and facility. Syslog severity levels are provided

  5. Network Management Processes Syslog is a standard for computer message logging. Syslog can be used for computer system management and security auditing as well as generalized informational, analysis, and debugging messages. It is supported by a wide variety of devices (like printers and routers) and receivers across multiple platforms. Because of this, syslog can be used to integrate log data from many different types of systems into a central repository.

  6. Network Management Processes Syslog is a standard for computer message logging. /var/log>ls anaconda.log messages-20151004 anaconda.program.log messages-20151011 messages-20151018 anaconda.syslog messages-20151025 anaconda.xlog mysqld.log anaconda.yum.log ntpstats audit ppp boot.log prelink boot.log-20151004 RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL boot.log-20151011 boot.log-20151018 sa boot.log-20151025 salt btmp secure btmp-20151001 secure-20150809.gz

  7. Network Management Processes Syslog is a standard for computer message logging. /var/log>ls client-config-overrides.txt secure-20150816.gz secure-20150823.gz ConsoleKit secure-20150830.gz cron secure-20151004 cron-20140921.gz secure-20151011 cron-20140928.gz secure-20151018 cron-20141005.gz secure-20151025 cron-20141012.gz spooler cron-20151004 spooler-20151004 cron-20151011 spooler-20151011 cron-20151018 spooler-20151018 cron-20151025 spooler-20151025 cups sssd dmesg tallylog dmesg.old up2date

  8. Network Management Processes Syslog is a standard for computer message logging. /var/log>ls httpd up2date-20151004 lastlog up2date-20151011 mail up2date-20151018 maillog up2date-20151025 maillog-20150809.gz maillog-20150816.gz vmware-tools-guestd maillog-20150823.gz wtmp maillog-20150830.gz wtmp-20150901 maillog-20151004 yum.log maillog-20151011 yum.log-20120101 maillog-20151018 yum.log-20130101 maillog-20151025 yum.log-20140101 messages yum.log-20150101

  9. Network Management Processes Most syslog messages are found on Unix- like operating systems under the /var/log directory. anaconda.log boot.log RPM-GPG-KEY-EPEL httpd ppp mysqld.log yum.log cups sssd dmesg spooler-20150208 cron-20140921.gz maillog audit

  10. Network Management Processes Anaconda is the installation program used by Fedora, Red Hat Enterprise Linux. During an installation, a target computer's hardware is identified and configured and the appropriate file systems for the system's architecture are created. Finally, Anaconda allows the user to install the operating system software on the target computer. Anaconda can also upgrade existing installations of earlier versions of the same distribution. After the installation is complete, you can reboot into your installed system and continue doing customization using the initial setup program.

  11. Network Management Processes Syslog Messaging Levels - Emergency (level 0) - Alert (level 1) - Critical (level 2) - Error (level 3) - Warning (level 4) - Notice (level 5) - Information (level 6) - Debugging (level 7)

  12. Network Management Processes Syslog Messages - Sent to Cisco router or switch consoles - Sent to Network Management Station - Sent to a remote network host where a syslog analyzer is installed. A syslog analyzer distributes these messages appropriately to the network node manager, and management.

  13. Network Management Processes Configuration Management helps the network manager maintain a list of devices and information installed on those devices. - Version-logging refers to keeping track of the version of operating systems or applications running on network devices. - Change management includes DHCP and VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP) automatically updates switches with VLAN information.

  14. Network Management Processes

  15. Network Management Processes Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) allows for manual and automatic assignment of IP addresses (see IETF RFC 2131 & 2132). DHCP is enacted when a new machine joins a network or an existing machine attempts to renew its IP address. DHCP is an extension of an older protocol known as the "bootstrap protocol" (BOOTP) and is backwards compatible with BOOTP. There are three methods of IP address allocation:

  16. Network Management Processes Manual: An administrator manually assigns the IP address; tedious but most secure method. Automatic: DHCP server assigns permanent IP address to requesting client. Dynamic: DHCP server "leases" IP address to requesting client. The IP address is only valid for a limited period of time; after which the client must request a renewal or ask for a new IP address.

  17. Network Management Processes Accounting management - Facilitates usage-based billing. If money is not exchanged, it identifies consumption and possibly abuse of network resources.

  18. Network Management Processes Performance management - Facilitates measurement of network behavior and effectiveness. -Examine network applications - Protocol behavior - End-to-end performance across an internetwork - Component performance of individual links or devices.

  19. Network Management Processes Security Management allows the network management to maintain and distribute passwords and other authentication information. Security management should also include generating, distributing, and storing encryption keys. Audit logs should document logins and logouts Attempts by individuals to change their level of authorization. Compressing data rather than storing less data

  20. Network Management Architectures Managed device: Routers, servers, switches, bridges, hubs, end systems, or printers. Agent: Network management software that resides in a managed device. Network management system (NMS): Is a terminal with software that displays management data, monitor and controls managed devices, and communicates with agents. Typically located in a network operations center (NOC).

  21. Network Management Architectures In-band monitoring is network management data that travels across an internetwork using the same paths as user traffic. - Impacts ability to trouble shoot problems Out-of-band monitoring - More complex and expensive - Analog lines are used for backup - Security risks with analog links need a callback mechanisms

  22. Network Management Architectures Centralized monitoring architecture all NMSs reside in one place of the network. Distributed monitoring means the NMSs and agents are spread out across the entire internetwork. Distributed monitoring involves a more complex network configuration and tends to be harder to manage. Manage-of-managers (MoM) is a distributed arrangement with a central NMS. The central NMS manages the distributed locations.

  23. Network Management Tools and Protocols A network management solution should include tools to isolate, diagnose, and report problems and to expedite recovery and quick repair. Interfaces can be CLI, GUI, and different browsers SMNPv3 should gradually replace versions 1 and 2 because it offers better security, authentication to protect against modification of information, and secure set operations for the remote configuration of SNMP managed devices.

  24. Network Management Tools and Protocols Management Information Bases (MIB) stores information from local management agent on a managed device. - Each object in a MIB has a unique identifier. - Network management applications use the identifier to retrieve a specific object. - A MIB is a structured tree and hierarchical structure.

  25. Network Management Tools and Protocols The MIB structure is logically represented by a tree hierarchy. The root of the tree is unnamed and splits into three main branches: 1. Consultative Committee for International Telegraph and Telephone (CCITT), 2. International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 3. Joint ISO/CCITT.

  26. Network Management Tools and Protocols These branches and those that fall below each category have short text strings and integers to identify them. Text strings describe object names, while integers allow computer software to create compact, encoded representations of the names. For example, the Cisco MIB variable authAddr is an object name and is denoted by number 5, which is listed at the end of its object identifier number

  27. Network Management Tools and Protocols The object identifier in the Internet MIB hierarchy is the sequence of numeric labels on the nodes along a path from the root to the object. The Internet standard MIB is represented by the object identifier It also can be expressed as

  28. Internet MIB Hierarchy

  29. Network Management Tools and Protocols RMON Monitoring (RMON) developed to close the gap in the standard MIBs which lacked the capability to provide statistics on the data link and physical layer parameters. The IETF developed RMON MIB to provide Ethernet traffic statistics and fault diagnosis. - RMON collects CRC errors - Packet-size distribution - Number of packets in and out

  30. Network Management Tools and Protocols What does RMON support? - Allows the network manager set thresholds for network parameters - Configures agents to automatically deliver alerts to NMS. - Capturing packets and sending the captured packets to the MNS for protocol analysis. - Provides information about the health and performance of the network segment.

  31. Network Management Tools and Protocols Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP) - Specifies a method for Cisco routers and switches to send configuration information to each other on a regular basis. - CDP runs on the data link layer - Utilizes Sub Network Access Protocol (SNAP) SNAP is the data-link address used in IS-IS protocol to reach the neighbor on a broadcast media. This is comparable to Ethernet links using the Mac Address of the neighbor.

  32. Network Management Tools and Protocols By default, CDP announcements are sent every 60 seconds on interfaces that support Sub Network Access Protocol (SNAP) headers, including Ethernet, Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM). Each Cisco device that supports CDP stores the information received from other devices in a table that can be viewed using the show CDP neighbors command. This table is also accessible via SNMP. CDP frames are sent every 60 seconds. Switches and routers do not forward CDP frames.

  33. Network Management Tools and Protocols View: Cisco CPD configuration video

  34. Network Management Tools and Protocols Cisco NetFlow Accounting Collects and measures data as it enters router or switch interfaces. The information enables a network manager to characterize utilization of network and application resources. Helps network manager visualize traffic patterns so that proactive problems can be detection is possible. NetFlow allows a network manager to gain a detailed, time-based view of application usage.

  35. Selecting Technologies and Devices We now know what the network will look like. We also know what capabilities the network will need. We are now ready to start picking out technologies and devices. Chapter 10 has guidelines for campus networks.

  36. Campus Network Design Steps Develop a cabling plant design Select the types of cabling Select the data-link-layer technologies Select internetworking devices Meet with vendors

  37. Cabling Plant Design Considerations Campus and building cabling topologies The types and lengths of cables between buildings Within buildings The location of telecommunications closets and cross- connect rooms The types and lengths of cables for vertical cabling between floors The types and lengths of cables for horizontal cabling within floors The types and lengths of cables for work-area cabling going from telecommunications closets to workstations

  38. Centralized Versus Distributed Cabling Topologies A centralized cabling scheme terminates most or all of the cable runs in one area of the design environment. A star topology is an example of a centralized system. A distributed cabling scheme terminates cable runs throughout the design environment. Ring, bus, and tree topologies are examples of distributed systems.

  39. Centralized Campus Cabling Building B Building C Building D Cable Bundle Building A

  40. Centralized Campus Cabling

  41. Distributed Campus Cabling Building B Building C Building D Building A

  42. Types of Media Used in Campus Networks Copper media Optical media Wireless media

  43. Copper Media Advantages Conducts electric current well Does not rust Can be drawn into thin wires Easy to shape Hard to break

  44. Copper Media Coaxial Twisted-Pair Shielded Twisted-Pair (STP) Unshielded Twisted-Pair (UTP)

  45. Coaxial Cable Solid copper conductor, surrounded by: Flexible plastic insulation Braided copper shielding Outer jacket Can be run without as many boosts from repeaters, for longer distances between network nodes, than either STP or UTP cable Nonetheless, it s no longer widely used

  46. Twisted-Pair Cabling A twisted pair consists of two copper conductors twisted together Each conductor has plastic insulation Shielded Twisted Pair (STP) Has metal foil or braided-mesh covering that encases each pair Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) No metal foil or braided-mesh covering around pairs, so it s less expensive

  47. UTP Categories Category 1. Used for voice communication Category 2. Used for voice and data, up to 4 Mbps Category 3. Used for data, up to 10 Mbps Required to have at least 3 twists per foot Standard cable for most telephone systems Also used in 10-Mbps Ethernet (10Base-T Ethernet) Category 4. Used for data, up to 16 Mbps Must also have at least 3 twists per foot as well as other features Category 5. Used for data, up to 100 Mbps Must have 3 twists per inch! Category 5e. Used in Gigabit Ethernet Category 6. Used in Gigabit Ethernet and future technologies

  48. Types of Cables Mode is an allowable path for light to travel down a fiber. Multimode fiber has multiple modes or paths that light can follow. All paths are not equal. some are longer, and the time it takes to travel down each path more time consuming. Single mode contains a small core diameter, has one path, supports higher bandwidth rate over longer distances.

  49. Optical Media Multimode Fiber (MMF) Single-mode Fiber (SMF)

  50. Copper Vs Fiber-Optic Cabling Twisted-pair and coax cable transmit network signals in the form of current Fiber-optic cable transmits network signals in the form of light Fiber-optic cable is made of glass Not susceptible to electromagnetic force (EMF) or radio frequency interference Not as susceptible to attenuation, which means longer cables are possible Supports very high bandwidth (10 Gbps or greater) For long distances, fiber costs less than copper

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