Modal Verbs for Ability, Obligation, Prohibition, and Advice

Modal verbs
expressing ability, obligation, prohibition and advice
*SLO:z modalnimi glagoli (modal verbs) izražamo zmožnosti, dolžnosti, prepovedi in nasvete
Modal verbs expressing ability
Modalni glagoli za izražanje zmožnosti/sposobnosti
Ability can be both 
l or 
. Do you see the difference in sentences below?
A) I 
 dance and swim. – 
fizično zmorem
B) My sister 
 speak French perfectly. – 
mentalno zmorem
lahko uporabimo tudi kakšno drugo besedo. Razmisli, kako bi lahko drugače
rekli: I can run faster than my sister. Rešitev:
am able to 
run faster than my sister. – namesto CAN smo uporabili BE ABLE TO
TASK: Make the sentence negative and put it in the past tense.
I am able to run faster than my sister 
 I am not able to run faster than my
 past tense 
was not 
able to run faster than my sister.
CAN/COULD poleg izražanja zmožnosti
uporabljamo tudi za izražanje:
Prošenj (requests):
Can I go to the toilet, please?
Could you tell me where Tom lives?
 je bolj vljudno kot 
Možnosti (chance):
It could snow tomorrow…
…but I don‘t think so. = Možno je, da
bo jutri snežilo (če se jaz s tem
strinjam ali ne je popolnoma vseeno).
NALOGA: poskusi dopolniti vajo na
sliki. To smo že delali – U, str. 56
Modal verbs
obligation and
Modalni glagoli za izražanje dolžnosti in prepovedi
EXPRESSING OBLIGATION (izražanje dolžnosti):
Do you remember the difference between 
? Take a look at the examples:
Oh, my sister has a birthday party next
weekend. I 
 buy her something.
has to 
wear slippers at school.
TASK: put both sentences in the past tense.
had to 
buy her  something.
had to 
wear slippers at school.
TASK 2: put both past tense sentences in the
negative. Rešitvi:
didn‘t have to 
buy her anything.
had to 
wear slippers last year, but…
…now we 
don‘t have 
to anymore.
Poglej povedi in poišči napake:
TASK: make questions from the sentences
I must do my HW every day.
 Must I do my HW every day?
I have to do my homework every day.
 Do I have to do my homework every day?
TASK 2: make the sentences negative as well:
I mustn‘t do my homework every day. =I‘m 
not allowed 
to do it. I 
don‘t have
 to do it. (=
ni mi dovoljeno 
delati naloge vsak dan! – lahko, da gre za
prepoved, četudi zveni smešno).
don‘t have to 
do my homework every day. = takšnemu primeru rečemo 
of obligation
 (=tega ni obvezno narediti)
You mustn‘t shout at school.
Kako bi lahko to poved povedali še
drugače / z drugimi besedami? Začni z
It is not…
It is not 
 to shout at
TASK: Make some examples with the
help of the photos on the right
Modal verbs expressing
advice or suggestion
Modalni glagoli za izražanje nasvetov ali predlogov
 = advice   
 = obligation
‘‘You must be fit if you go on the
Desert Challenge.‘‘
‘‘You should take a map if you go
on the Desert Challenge.‘‘
TASK: GIVE your own example:
A: I am always tired in the morning.
What should I do?
B: (I think) You 
 go to bed
earlier. OR …
 play video games till
late at night.
USE should / shouldn‘t OR must /
mustn‘t in the exercise on the right:
must, mustn‘t, can, should, don‘t have to,
I can hear you quite well. You
  ride her bike at night without lights.
It's not allowed
 not eat so much chocolate because
it's bad for her figure.
Talk to Ann about your problems. I'm sure
 help you.
vacuum the carpets because Carol has
already done it.
Smoking is very unhealthy. You 
 stop it.
You _____________ use a mobile phone in class.
I ____________ ride a bike until I was 8!
We _______________ learn about modal verbs in
autumn again! We ________ learn all about them in
ZOOM meetings?!
Modal verbs are useful …
Slide Note

Modal verbs play a crucial role in expressing ability, obligation, prohibition, and advice in English. They help convey various nuances in meaning such as capability, necessity, restrictions, and suggestions. By exploring modal verbs like "can", "could", "must", and others, you can develop a deeper understanding of how these verbs shape communication patterns.

  • Modal Verbs
  • Ability
  • Obligation
  • Prohibition
  • Advice

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Modal verbs expressing ability, obligation, prohibition and advice *SLO:z modalnimi glagoli (modal verbs) izra amo zmo nosti, dol nosti, prepovedi in nasvete

  2. Modal verbs expressing ability Modalni glagoli za izra anje zmo nosti/sposobnosti Ability can be both physical or mental. Do you see the difference in sentences below? A) I can dance and swim. fizi no zmorem B) My sister can speak French perfectly. mentalno zmorem Namesto can lahko uporabimo tudi kak no drugo besedo. Razmisli, kako bi lahko druga e rekli: I can run faster than my sister. Re itev: I am able to run faster than my sister. namesto CAN smo uporabili BE ABLE TO TASK: Make the sentence negative and put it in the past tense. I am able to run faster than my sister negative I am not able to run faster than my sister. past tense I was not able to run faster than my sister.

  3. CAN/COULD poleg izraanja zmonosti uporabljamo tudi za izra anje: Pro enj (requests): Can I go to the toilet, please? Could you tell me where Tom lives? *could je bolj vljudno kot can Mo nosti (chance): It could snow tomorrow but I don t think so. = Mo no je, da bo jutri sne ilo ( e se jaz s tem strinjam ali ne je popolnoma vseeno). NALOGA: poskusi dopolniti vajo na sliki. To smo e delali U, str. 56

  4. Modal verbs expressing obligation and prohibition Modalni glagoli za izra anje dol nosti in prepovedi EXPRESSING OBLIGATION (izra anje dol nosti): Do you remember the difference between MUST and HAVE TO? Take a look at the examples: Oh, my sister has a birthday party next weekend. I must buy her something. Everyone has to wear slippers at school. TASK: put both sentences in the past tense. Re itvi: I had to buy her something. Poglej povedi in poi i napake: Everyone had to wear slippers at school. TASK 2: put both past tense sentences in the negative. Re itvi: I didn t have to buy her anything. Everyone had to wear slippers last year, but now we don t have to anymore.

  5. TASK: make questions from the sentences I must do my HW every day. Must I do my HW every day? I have to do my homework every day. Do I have to do my homework every day? TASK 2: make the sentences negative as well: I mustn t do my homework every day. =I m not allowed to do it. I don t have permission to do it. (=ni mi dovoljeno delati naloge vsak dan! lahko, da gre za prepoved, etudi zveni sme no). I don t have to do my homework every day. = tak nemu primeru re emo absence of obligation (=tega ni obvezno narediti)

  6. Prohibition Prepovedi You mustn t shout at school. Kako bi lahko to poved povedali e druga e / z drugimi besedami? Za ni z It is not Re itev: It is not allowed to shout at school. TASK: Make some examples with the help of the photos on the right:

  7. Modal verbs expressing advice or suggestion Modalni glagoli za izra anje nasvetov ali predlogov Should = advice Must = obligation You must be fit if you go on the Desert Challenge. You should take a map if you go on the Desert Challenge. TASK: GIVE your own example: A: I am always tired in the morning. What should I do? B: (I think) You should go to bed earlier. OR You shouldn t play video games till late at night. USE should / shouldn t OR must / mustn t in the exercise on the right:

  8. V ZVEZEK V CELIH POVEDIH: Podnaslov: EXERCISE: must, mustn t, can, should, don t have to, can t I can hear you quite well. You ___________ not shout. She__________ ride her bike at night without lights. It's not allowed. She __________ not eat so much chocolate because it's bad for her figure. Talk to Ann about your problems. I'm sure she ________ help you. You ______ vacuum the carpets because Carol has already done it. Smoking is very unhealthy. You _________ stop it. You _____________ use a mobile phone in class. I ____________ ride a bike until I was 8! We _______________ learn about modal verbs in autumn again! We ________ learn all about them in ZOOM meetings?!

  9. Modal verbs are useful

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