Impurities in Pharmaceuticals: Sources, Classification, and Impact

PHCH 402: Analytical Quality
Limit tests (10 hrs)
Presence of impurities in pharmaceuticals and
their sources.
Limit tests and factors considered in their design,
negative and comparison tests.
Classification of limit tests: limits of soluble and
insoluble matter; moisture; volatile matter;
residual solvents; nonvolatile matter. Residue on
ignition, loss on ignition, loss on drying, ash
values, limit tests for metallic and non-metallic
impurities, other specific limit tests
Is there any
difference between
Definition of Impurities:
Impurities in a pharmaceutical product may be
defined as unwanted chemicals in the product
that are not the active pharmaceutical ingredient
(API) itself (or the excipients used to manufacture
it), or which develop during formulation or upon
aging of both API and formulation.
They are unwanted chemicals that remain within
the formulation or API in small amounts and
which can influence quality, safety and efficacy
(QSE), thereby causing serious health hazard.
In general….
 are undesirable elements or
substances that occur commonly or naturally
in a substance, thereby lowering its quality or
value. Depending on its quantity, the impurity
may or may not make the substance unfit for
its intended use.
On the contrary, a 
 is an external
agent that is (or gets) added to something and
usually renders it unfit for its intended use.
Sources of Impurities
Major sources of impurities 
may be classified
broadly into two:
     i) Synthesis related impurities
Raw materials employed
the manufacturing process
reaction vessel
stability of the final product which can be predicted
from its chemistry i.e. degradation
Sources of Impurities….
 ii) Formulation related impurities
Physical contamination
Improper storage conditions
Atmospheric contaminant
Microbial contamination
Particulate contamination
Types of Impurities
According to the International Conference on
Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for
Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use
impurities can be classified broadly into
     a) Organic impurities
     b) Inorganic impurities and
     c)  Residual Solvents
I. Synthesis related impurities:
Organic Impurities
The composition of impurities allows one to draw
conclusions regarding the manufacturing of the
products and its adulteration. Majority of the
impurities are characteristics of the synthetic route
of the manufacturing process.
Since there are several possibilities of synthesizing a
     drug, it is possible that the same product of different
sources may give rise to different impurities
Synthesis related impurities:
In the case of drugs prepared by multi-step
synthesis, the number and the variety of
structures of organic impurities are almost
unlimited and highly dependent on the route
and reaction conditions of the syntheses and
several other factors such as the purity of the
starting material, method of isolation,
purification, conditions of storage etc.
1. Starting Materials and Intermediates:
Starting materials and intermediates are the
chemical building blocks used to construct the
final form of a drug substance molecule.
Unreacted starting materials and intermediates,
particularly those involved in the last a few steps
of the synthesis, can potentially survive the
synthetic and purification process and appear in
the final product as impurities
For example, in the synthesis of paracetamol, p-
aminophenol  could be a starting material or an
intermediate and may appear in the final
product. There is a limit test for it in bulk
Production of paracetamol from
intermediate p-amino phenol:
Impurities in the Starting
Impurities present in the starting materials could
be present in the final product, or follow the same
reaction pathways as the starting 
material itself,
and the reaction products could carry over to the
final product as process impurities.
Knowledge of the impurities in starting materials
helps to identify related impurities in the final
product, and to understand the formation
mechanisms of these related process impurities
Effect of trace impurity in starting material:
trace impurity
Starting material
trace impurity
ii. Degradation products during
During manufacturing of bulk drugs
degradation of end products results in the
formation of impurities. For example
Hydrochlorothiazide has a known degradation
pathway through which it degrades to the
starting material as 1,3- disulfonamide in its
Dihydrochlorothiazide degradation
          Dihydrochloro thiazide
degradation product
By – products:
In synthetic organic chemistry, getting a single end –
product with 100% yield is seldom. There is always a
chance of having by-products.
 can be formed through variety of side reactions, such
as incomplete reaction, over-reaction, isomerization,
    dimerization, rearrangement or unwanted reactions
     between starting materials or intermediate with
chemical reagents or catalysts . For example, in the
case of paracetamol bulk production, diacetylated
paracetamol may form as a by-product :
Formation of diacetylated paracetamol
as a by-product:
iv. Organic Reagents, Ligands and
Chemical reagents, ligands, and catalysts used in
the synthesis of a drug substance can be carried
over to the final products as trace level
impurities. For example, carbonic acid
chloromethyl tetrahydro-pyran-4-yl ester
CCMTHP), which is used as an alkylating agent
in the synthesis of a beta-lactam drug substance,
was observed in the final product as an impurity
Pyridine, a catalyst used in the course of synthesis
of mazipredone, reacts with an intermediate to
form a pyridinium impurity
v. Organic Impurities originating from
reaction solvents:
Impurities in the solvents can also be source
of impurities.
For e.g. 2-hydroxytetrahydrofuran is an
impurity in tetrahydrofuran, which is often
used as the solvent of Grignard reagents
B: Inorganic impurities
Inorganic impurities derive from the
manufacturing process for the bulk drug, and
excipients. They include the following:
Reagents, ligands, and catalysts
 The chances of having these impurities are rare:
however, in some processes, these could
create a problem unless the manufacturers
take proper care during production.
Heavy metals
The main sources of heavy metals are:
a)  the water used in the processes and the
reactors (if stainless steel reactors are used),
where acidification or acid hydrolysis takes
place. These heavy metal  impurities  can
easily be avoided using demineralized water
and glass-lined reactors.
b) Excipients: Generally, excipients may contain high
levels of heavy metals such as arsenic, bismuth,
cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, mercury,
nickel and sodium.
Sometimes they might present in the product during
processing or may leach from packing material. For
example, excipients such as hydrogenated oils and fats,
which are produced using metal catalysts, are found to
contain high concentrations of metals (platinum and
palladium). This may be due to leaching from process
equipment or storage container.
Other materials (e.g., filter aids,
charcoal etc.)
filters or filtering aids such as centrifuge bags
are routinely used in the bulk drugs
manufacturing plants and in many cases,
activated carbon is also used. The regular
monitoring of fibers and black particles in the
bulk drugs is essential to avoid these
Residual solvents
Residual solvents are volatile organic
chemicals used during the manufacturing
process or generated during production
Residual solvents are potentially undesirable
either modify the properties of certain
compounds or may be hazardous to human
Also affect physicochemical properties of the
bulk drug substances such as crystallinity,
which in turn may affect the dissolution
properties, odor and colour changes in
finished products
In addition, solvents used in synthesis may
contain a number of impurities which can
react with chemicals used in the synthesis to
produce impurities
Most commonly used solvent
Not considered as an impurity most of the time
However moisture content can be very important after
packaging as moisture content may be sufficient to cause
Drug products may also be affected by water from
Hydrolysis due to presence of water causes chemical
instability problems
Water can be present even in non-aqueous formulations in
enough quantities to cause degradation
It can also be a major source of microbial contamination
APIs are formulated with excipients (pharmaceutical aids) into
solutions, tablets, capsules, semi-solids, aerosols and Novel
Drug Delivery Systems.
 During formulation, excipients are added to API to render the
product elegant. They can be sometimes heterogeneous
i. Excipients can be a source impurities and microbial
ii. drug – excipient incompatibility may lead to undesirable
products which can affect the therapeutic efficacy of the
product eg:  See table below
Effect of Pharmaceutical Aids on
Stability of Active Ingredients
In general…
Liquid dosage forms may undergo both
degradation as well as microbial
Water content, pH of formulation,
compatibility of cations and anions, mutual
interaction of ingredients and the primary
container are the critical factors
Eg. In production of parenteral dosage form of
diclofenac Na, 1-(2,6 dichlorophenyl) indoline-
2 –one is formed as an impurity when it is
terminally sterilised by autoclaving. The
formation of this derivative and NaOH occurs
due to intramolecular cyclic reaction of
diclofenac Na by autoclave conditions (123
Diclofenac Na
Indolinone derivative
 Environmental related impurity
1. Temperature: 
during formulation of
vitamins and antibiotics, extreme care should
be exercised to prevent them from
degradation because these classes of
compounds are heat liable. When subjected
to extreme temperature, loss of potency takes
place (for instance drying under heat)
2. Light - UV light:
Light is one of the means by which the
formulation degrades because of photolytic
reaction. Exposure to light is known to be
deleterious on a number of pharmaceutical
compounds. For eg. Ergometrine injection has
been reported to be unstable under tropical
conditions of light and heat. Some other drugs
that are affected are:
Drugs Affected By Light or Catalyst
3. Humidity
Humidity is one of the important key factors
incase of hygroscopic compounds. It is
detrimental to both bulk powder and
formulated solid dosage form. The classic
examples are ranitidine and aspirin
Impurities on Aging (storage and
Mutual interaction amongst ingredients
Because of the labile nature of vitamins, they undergo
degradation in different dosage forms, especially liquid
 degradation of vitamins such as folic acid, thiamine and
cyanocobalamines does not yield toxic impurities but they
lose their potency well below compendial specifications
An example of mutual interaction : presence of
nicotinamide in formulation containing four vitamins
(nicotinamide, pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine) causes
the degradation of thiamine to a substandard level within a
one year shelf life of vitamin–B complex  injection .
2. Instability of the Product
Chemical instability
Impurities can also arise during storage because of chemical instability of
the pharmaceutical substance. Many pharmaceutically important
substances undergo chemical decomposition when storage conditions are
 often catalyzed by light, traces of acid or alkali, traces of metallic
impurities, air oxidation, carbon dioxide and water vapours (humidity)
The nature of the decomposition can easily be predicted from the
knowledge of chemical properties of the substance(s)
All such decompositions can be minimized or avoided by using proper
storage procedures and conditions
The photosensitive substances should be protected from light by storing
them in darkened glass or metal containers thereby inhibiting
photochemical decomposition.
 Materials susceptible to oxidation by air or attack by moisture should be
stored in sealed containers
if necessary the air from the containers can be displaced by an inert gas
such as Nitrogen. Oxidation can also be prevented by adding suitable
Types of degradation
Drugs which are prone to oxidation are those that
contain OH groups directly bonded to aromatic rings
eg. catechols, conjugated-dienes, heterocyclic aromatic
rings, nitroso and nitrite derivatives e.g.
Hydrocortisone, methotrexate, adinazolam,
catecholamine, (Vitamin–A) etc.
In pharmaceuticals, the most common form of oxidative
decomposition is auto oxidation through a free radical
chain process commonly catalysed by metals.
 For example, auto-oxidation of ascorbic acid studies
reveals that cupric ion  oxidises ascorbic acid rapidly to
dehydroascorbic acid and potassium cyanide. As a result,
there is a cleavage of chain due to the formation of
copper complexes.
ii. Hydrolysis
A reaction in which water is the reactant causing
Most well-known examples of such reactions in
pharmaceutical compounds are esters and
Many drugs are derivatives of carboxylic acids or
contain functional groups based on that moiety
example esters, amides, lactones, lactams, imides
and carbamates, others which are susceptible to
acid-base hydrolysis include aspirin, atropine,
chloramphenicol,   barbiturates,
chlordiazepoxide, oxazepam and lincomycin etc.
iii. Decarboxylation
Some of the carboxylic acids such as 
salicylic acid have shown loss of carbon dioxide
from carboxyl group when heated
For instance, photo reaction of rufloxacin tablet
enteric coated with cellulose acetate phthalate
(CAP) and sub-coating with calcium carbonate
cause hydrolysis of CAP liberating acetic acid,
which on reacting with calcium carbonate
produced carbon dioxide, a by-product that blew
off the cap from the bottle after cap was
loosened .
iv.  Photolysis
Photolytic cleavage on aging includes examples of
pharmaceutical drugs or products that are prone to
degradation on exposure to UV-light
During manufacturing process as solid or solution,
packaging or on storage, drugs like ergometrine,
nifedipine, nitroprusside, riboflavin and phenothiazines
are liable to photo oxidation
 involves generation of free radical intermediate, which
will degrade the products
For example, exposure of ciprofloxacin eye drop 0.3%
to UV light induces photolysis thereby resulting in the
formation of ethylene 
di-amine analogue of
b. Physical instability
Pharmaceuticals may undergo changes in physical
properties during storage. There can be changes in crystal
size and shape, sedimentation, agglomeration and caking of
the suspended particles.
These physical changes are not always avoidable and may
result in significant changes in the physical appearance,
pharmaceutical and therapeutic effects of the product.
Particle size and consequently surface area is a critical
factor in determining the bioavailability of the low solubility
drug such as griseofulvin.
Physical changes such as sedimentation and caking in case
of multidose suspension may constitute hazard leading to
the possibility of under dosage and later to overdosage of
the drugs.
Similarly increase in the globule size of the injectable
emulsions on storage may lead to fat embolism.
E) Packaging material
Impurities result also from packaging materials i.e., containers
and closures
For most drugs the reactive species for impurities consists of:
      Water – hydrolysis of active ingredient.
      Small electrophiles – Aldehydes and carboxylic acid derivatives.
Peroxides – oxidize some drugs.
Metals – catalyze oxidation of drugs and their degradation pathway.
Extractable or leachables – Emerge from glass, rubber stoppers and
plastic materials, in which oxides like NO, SiO, CaO, MgO are major
components leached or extracted from glass.
Some examples of synthetic materials include styrene from
polystyrene, diethylhexylpthalate (DEHP) plasticizer in PVC, dioctyltin
iso octyl mercaptoacetate stabilizer for PVC, zinc stearate stabilizer in
PVC and polypropylene, bisphenol A from plastics etc.
Enantiomeric Impurities:
The majority of therapeutic chiral drugs used as pure
enantiomers are natural products. The high level of
enantioselectivity of their biosyntheses excludes the
possibility of the presence of enantiomeric impurities
In the case of synthetic chiral drugs, the racemate of
which is usually marketed, if the pure enantiomer is
administered, the antipode is considered to be an
impurity. The reason for its presence can be either
        a) the incomplete enantioselectivity of the syntheses
or b)  incomplete resolution of the enantiomers of the
 Although the ICH guideline excludes enantiomeric
impurities, pharmacopoeias consider them as ordinary
A single enantiomeric form of chiral drug is now considered as an
improved chemical entity that may offer a better pharmacological
profile and an increased therapeutic index with a more favourable
adverse reaction profile than the racemic mixture; and a lower dose
However, the pharmacokinetic profile of levofloxacin (S- Isomeric
form) and ofloxacin (R-isomeric form) are comparable, suggesting
the lack of advantages of single isomer in this regard
Typical examples of drugs containing enantiomeric impurities:
      a) Dexchlorophenarmine maleate (R enantiomer impurity allowed
NMT 0.5%)
      b) Timolol maleate (R enantiomer impurity allowed NMT 1%)
       c) Clopidogrel sulphate (R enantiomer impurity allowed NMT 1%)
In general, an individual API may contain all of the above-
mentioned types of organic impurities at levels varying from
negligible to significant
Pharmacopoeial Norms for the
Enantiomeric Impurities:
Many medicinal substances that contain one or more
chiral centres and that are already in the market have
been made available for pharmaceutical use as racemic
mixtures with little known about the biological
activities of the separate isomers and this is reflected
in the monograph in the pharmacopoeia.
Nevertheless, with increasing concern by regulatory
authorities for substances to be made available as
single isomers, tests for enantiomeric composition will
become more common
As a result the following recommendations have been
made by the BP 2001:
Chemical definition in monographs
    1) -In the case of substances containing a single chiral
centre, the descriptor ‘(RS)’ should be included at
the appropriate position in the chemical definition
of the substances to indicate a racemic mixture.
     2) - For substances containing multiple chiral centres
and comprising mixture of all possible stereomers the
term ‘all-rec’ should be used, for example Iso-aminile.
In those few substances existing as diastereomeric
mixtures, that is where in one or more centres the
stereochemistry is explicit but in other centres it is not,
each centre is defined either as the specific (R)- or (S) –
configuration , or as racemic (RS)-, respectively.
In future…
       1) - when a monograph describes an
enantiomer, it will include both a test for specific
optical rotation under identification and a test
using methods such as chiral chromatography, to
control enantiomeric purity.
      2) - When only the racemic mixture is available,
the monograph for the racemic mixture will
simply specify a test for angle of rotation.
Limit tests and factors considered in their
design, negative and comparison tests.
Classification of limit tests: limits of soluble
and insoluble matter; moisture; volatile
matter; residual solvents; nonvolatile matter.
Residue on ignition, loss on ignition, loss on
drying, ash values, limit tests for metallic and
non-metallic impurities, other specific limit
Limit Tests
Limit tests are quantitative or semi-quantitative tests
designed to identify and control small amount of impurities
that are most likely to be present in a pharmaceutical
substance i.e. they assume no gross contamination, that
GMP has been followed.
They involve simple comparisons of opalescence, turbidity
or colour produced in test with that of fixed standards.
Since the amount of any single impurity present in an
official substance is usually small, the normal visible-
reaction-response to any test for that impurity is also quite
it is therefore necessary and important to design the
individual test in such a manner as to avoid possible errors
in the hands of various analysts. It may be achieved by
taking into consideration the following 
Factors considered in the design of Limit Tests:
Specificity of the Tests :
A test employed as a limit test should imply some
sort of selective reaction with the trace impurity.
(However, it has been observed that a less
specific test which limits a 
number of possible
rather instantly has a positive edge
over the highly specific tests which limits only
one impurity.
Example : Contamination with Pb2+ and other
heavy metal impurities in Alum: these are
precipitated by 
thioacetamide as their respective
sulphides at pH 3.5.
Sensitivity : 
The extent of sensitivity stipulated in a
limit test varies widely as per the standard laid down
by a pharmacopoeia. The sensitivity is governed by a
number of variable factors having a common objective
to yield reproducible results, for instance :
Gravimetric Analysis : 
The precipitation is guided by
the concentration of the solute and of the precipitating
reagent, reaction time, reaction temperature and the
nature and amount of other substance(s) present in
Colour Tests : 
The production of visible and distinct
colouration may be achieved by ascertaining the
requisite quantities of reagents and reactants, time
period and above all the stability of the colour
Personal Errors :  
personal errors must be
avoided as far as possible such as
Physical Impairment : 
A person suffering from
colour blindness may not be in a position to
assess colour-changes precisely ; or if he uses
bifocals he may not take the burette readings
Learning-Curve Syndrome : 
An analyst must
practise a new assay method employing ‘known’
    samples before making an attempt to tackle an
unknown sample, thereby minimising the scope
of personal errors.
For Known Impurities:
For known impurities, several aspects are
taken into account in designing the test. These
include the nature of the impurity, its toxicity
and the levels likely to be found in routine
production. Analytical considerations such as
the response factor for the impurity and
practical issues such as availability of the
impurity as a reference material or reagent
also influence the test design
If a major and/or toxic impurity in a material is known
to have a significantly different response (more than
±20%) from that of the substance being examined in
the conditions of the test, the preferred manner of
limiting this impurity is to use a reference substance of
the impurity.
 If this is not possible, a reference solution of the
substance being examined containing a known amount
of the impurity may be used.  When neither of these
approaches is possible, a dilution of the solution of the
substance being examined may be used as a reference
solution. This approach is also commonly used in tests
where an impurity that is known (but not named
within the test) has a response within ±20% of that of
the substance being examined.
The response factor (
k) is a relative term, being the
response of equal weights of one substance 
relative to that
of another in the conditions described in the test.
In the context of a related substances test where a
response factor is quoted for an impurity, unless otherwise
stated, this is the expected response for that impurity in
relation to a response of unity for the substance being
examined. The way in which a response factor is to be used
in any subsequent calculation is stated in the monograph.
 Response factors of less than 0.2 or more than 5 are not
used. If the difference between the response of an impurity
and that of the substance being examined is outside these
limits, a different method of determination, such as a
different detection wavelength (λ) or a different method of
visualisation, is used.
For Unknown Impurities:
Unknown impurities may be limited by
reference to a dilution of the solution of the
substance being 
examined used as a reference
solution together with an open design of
statement limiting 'any' or 'any other' 
peak or spot. Such a reference solution may be
used in addition to those containing 
impurities (any other secondary peak/spot) or, in
some simple tests, control of unknown and
known (but unnamed) impurities may be exerted
by means of a comparison between the sample
solution and a dilution of this solution (any
secondary peak/spot).
For Formulated Preparations
 Many monographs for formulated preparations in the British
Pharmacopoeia also include tests for impurities. In general,
wherever possible a test for impurities based on that in the
monograph for the active ingredient is included with any necessary
Wider limits and/or additional controls may be required for
impurities arising on manufacture or  storage of the dosage form.
Tests for impurities in monographs for formulated preparation are
used to control not only degradation products but also by-products
of the synthetic route used for manufacture of the active
ingredient. It has been argued, for example in the ICH guideline
Q3B, that by-products of synthesis have been controlled already
during examination of the substance before formulation and that
further testing for these impurities is unnecessary. Clearly it would
be repetitious and wasteful of resources for tests, often complex in
nature, to be repeated routinely simply to demonstrate acceptably
low levels of impurities that could arise only during synthesis (as
opposed to degradation) of the active ingredient.
However, this information is available only to
those who know the detailed attributes of the
active raw material that has been used. For an
analyst who has access only to the dosage form,
the profile of synthesis-related impurities offers
one means of establishing whether or not the
dosage form has been prepared from an active
ingredient of pharmacopoeial quality. It is for this
reason that such tests are included in British
Pharmacopoeia monographs for formulated
    i) Acetylsalicylic acid: Limit tests for salicylic
acid (degradation product) are specified in
both the active ingredient and the tablets
salicylic acid
    ii) Chloramphenicol:
degradation product
Limit test for the degradation product is specified only
for the capsules
  iii) for metronidazole:
     limit test for the degradation product is only
specified for the tablets but not the active
        Metronidazole                                                      2-methyl-5-nitroimidazole
Limit tests involve either “negative” or
“comparison” tests:
Negative test: refers to absence of spot
Comparison test: comparison with the
response due to a known
concentration/quantity of reference impurity
Limit Tests for Related Substances
 It is usual to include a test for related substances in a monograph for a
medicinal substance. These may be manufacturing impurities
(intermediates or by-products) or degradation products or both.
When preparation of a monograph is initiated the manufacturer is
asked to provide information concerning:
      a)  the nature of such impurities,
      b) the reason for their presence,
      c)  the amounts that may be encountered in material prepared under
conditions of good pharmaceutical manufacturing practice
      d)  the manner in which proportions may vary on storage,
      e) an indication of the toxicity of any impurities in relation to that of
the substance itself.
    This is called an IMPURITY PROFILE which  involves detection  of  the
impurities using chromatography  -  either TLC, HPLC or GC (MS)
Where there is only one manufacturer of a
substance, pharmacopoeia limits are set in the
knowledge that the level of impurities in
production batches of the substance will have
been accepted by the registration authority
based on the toxicity studies and clinical trials
carried out before the granting of a licence.
Such studies and trials will have been carried out
on material with an impurity profile that is
qualitatively and quantitatively similar to that of
subsequent production batches.
Any subsequent changes to the manufacturing process
by the original manufacturer or the introduction of
material from another manufacturer utilising a
different route of synthesis will be subject to the need
to demonstrate essential similarity or to provide
equivalent data to the relevant registration authority.
In some cases a change in production or source may
give rise to impurities that are not adequately
controlled by the published pharmacopoeial
monograph. Appropriate revision of the monograph
will be carried out provided that the pharmacopoeial
authority is notified of the need and that it is supplied
with the relevant information
In actual practice, it has been observed that
official compendia 
describe a
number of detailed types of tests with a view
to obtain a constant and regular check that
might be possible to maintain the desired
degree of optimum purity both in the pure
pharmaceutical substances and the respective
dosage-forms made therefrom.
A number of such tests include
Limits of soluble matters
Limits of insoluble matters
Limit of moisture, volatile matter and residual
Limit of non-volatile matter, residue on ignition
and loss of ignition
Limit of ash values e.g acid insoluble ash, water
soluble ash, water soluble extractives and
sulphated ash
Limit test for acid radical impurities
Limit test for metallic impurities etc.
Limits of soluble matter
In order to detect the presence of some very specific
impurities normally present in the official substances, the
limits of soluble impurities have been laid down in different
It is applied to limit soluble impurities which are completely
insoluble in a particular solvent .
Some typical examples include
Water soluble barium salts are highly toxic and therefore,
strictly excluded from barium sulphate used for X-ray
Limit of matter soluble in dilute HCl is applied to both
light and heavy kaolin by refluxing with dilute HCl,
filtering and evaporating the filtrate. NMT 0.5%
Limits of insoluble matter
The tests for clarity of solution offer a means of
limiting insoluble impurities in an official preparation.
Clarity of solutions for injection is important to ensure
complete freedom from particulate matter.
A special requirement for all injections and water for
injection is that the solution must be free from
insoluble matter on viewing against a black background
in upward, horizontal and inverted position.
Another example of limit test of insoluble matter is the
control of phenylbarbituric acid in phenobarbitone by
the requirement that 1 g shall be completely soluble in
5 ml of boiling ethanol (90 %) within 3 minutes.
Limits of Moisture, Volatile Matter and Residual
A good number of pharmaceutical substances usually
absorb moisture on storage thereby causing deterioration.
Such an anomaly can be safely restricted and limited by
imposing an essential requirement for the loss in weight
(Loss on Drying) when the pharmaceutical chemical is
subjected to drying under specified conditions.
The quantum of heat that may be applied to the substance
varies widely as per the following norms :
a) Nature of the substance
b) Decomposition characteristics of the substance.
official compendia recommended different
temperatures and duration of drying either at atmospheric
or reduced pressure (vacuum). A few typical examples are
stated below :
There are 
four types of hydrates which may be
observed amongst the pharmaceutical chemicals,
namely :
Inorganic Salt Hydrates e.g., Magnesium
Sulphate (MgSO4.7H2O) ; Sodium Sulphate
10 H2O).
Salts of Inorganic Cations and Organic Acids e.g.,
Calcium Lactate, Ferrous Gluconate.
Organic Hyrates e.g., Caffeine Hydrate,
Theophylline Hydrate.
Organic Substances e.g., Acacia, Hydroxymethyl
It refers to the determination of water
content titrimetrically with 
Karl Fischer Reagent
technique has been used exclusively for
the determination of water content in a number of
pharmaceutical substances listed below:
Since the introduction of Gas-Liquid-Chromatography (GLC)
as an essential analytical tool, it has been judiciously exploited
as an useful alternative to KFR for not only determining water
content in pharmaceutical chemicals but also limiting specific
volatile substances present in them: eg:
For Determination of Water Content for  
Gonadorelin : (Limit
NMT : 7.0 % w/v)
For Limiting Specific Volatile Substance for Orciprenaline
Sulphate : (Limit of Water and Methanol : 6.0% w/w)
Limits of Non-Volatile Matter
Pharmaceutical chemicals belonging to the domain of
inorganic as well as organic substances contain readily
volatile matter for which the various 
official compendia
prescribe limits of non-volatile matter. It is 
pertinent to
mention here that the Pharmacopoeia usually makes a
clear distinction between substances that are readily
volatile and substances that are volatile upon strong
ignition, for instance :
Readily Volatile : e.g., Organic 
—alcohol (95%
v/v), isopropyl alcohol, chloroform,
halothane, anaesthetic
ether, chlorocresol and trichloroethylene ; and 
ammonia solution, hydrogen peroxide
solution, water for injection.
Volatile Upon Strong Ignition : e.g., hydrous wool fat
Limits of Residue on Ignition
the limits of residue on ignition are basically applicable
to the following two categories of pharmaceutical
substances, namely :
a) Those which are completely volatile when ignited
e.g., Hg.
b) Those which undergo total decomposition thereby
leaving a residue with a definite composition e.g.,
calamine—a basic zinc carbonate that gives rise to ZnO
as the residue.
According to BP, 68.0 to 74.0% when ignited at a
temperature not lower than 900°C until, after further
ignition, two successive weighings do not differ, by
more than 0.2% of the weight of the residue.
Limits of Loss on Ignition
Limits on Ash Value
The ash values usually represent the inorganic
residue present in official herbal drugs and
pharmaceutical substances. These values are
categorized into 
four heads, namely :
a) Ash Value (Total Ash),
b) Acid-Insoluble Ash,
c) Sulphated Ash, and
d) Water-Soluble Ash.
Ash Value (Total Ash)
    Ash value normally designates the presence of inorganic
e.g., calcium oxalate found naturally in the 
drug, as
well as inorganic matter derived from external sources. The
official ash values are of prime importance in examination
of the purity of powdered drugs as enumerated below :
i) To detect and check adulteration with exhausted drugs e.g.,
ii) To detect and check absence of other parts of the plant
e.g., cardamom fruit.
iii) To detect and check adulteration with material containing
either starch or stone cells that would 
modify the ash
iv) To ensure the absence of an abnormal proportion of
extraneous mineral matter incorporated accidentally 
or due
to follow up treatment or due to 
modus operandi at the
time of collection e.g., soil, floor 
sweepings and sand.
The most common procedure recommended for 
drugs is described below :
Procedure : Incinerate 2 to 3 g of the ground drug in a
tared platinum or silica dish at a temperature not
exceeding 450°C until free from carbon. Cool and
weigh. If a carbon-free ash cannot be obtained in this
way, exhaust the charred mass with hot water (DW),
collect the residue on an ashless filter paper, incinerate
the residue and filter paper, add the filtrate, evaporate
to dryness and ignite at a temperature not exceeding
Calculate the percentage of ash with reference to the
air-dried drug.
Acid-Insoluble Ash
    The method described above for ‘
total ash’ present in
crude drugs containing calcium oxalate has certain
serious anomalies, namely :
• Offers variable results upon ashing based on the
conditions of ignition.
• Does not detect soil present in the drug efficaciously.
• The limits of excess of soil in the drug are not quite
    Hence, the treatment of the ‘
total ash’ with acid
virtually leaves silica exclusively and thus
forms a better test to detect and limit
excess of soil in the drug than does the ash. The
common procedure usually adopted for the
determination of ‘acid insoluble ash’ is given below :
Procedure : Place the ash, as described earlier, in
a crucible, add 15 ml DW and l0 ml hydrochloric
(~–11.5 N), cover with a watch-glass, boil for
10 minutes and allow to cool. Collect the
insoluble matter on an ashless filtre paper, wash
with hot DW until the filtrate is neutral, dry, ignite
to dull redness, allow to cool in a desiccator and
weigh. Repeat until the difference between two
successive weighings is not more than l mg.
Calculate the percentage of acid-insoluble ash
with reference to the air-dried drug.
A few typical examples are listed below 
Sulphated Ash
The estimation of ‘
sulphated ash’ is broadly employed in
the case of :
a) Unorganized drugs e.g., colophony, podophyllum resin,
wool alcohols, wool fat and hydrous wool 
b) Pharmaceutical substances containing inorganic impurities
Natural Origin : 
Spray-dried acacia, Frangula Bark,
Activated Charcoal
Organic Substances : 
Cephalexin, Lignocaine hydrochloride,
Griseofulvin, Diazoxide, Medazapam
Inorganic Substances : 
Ammonium chloride, Hydroxy urea.
Procedure : 
Heat a silica or platimum crucible to
redness for 30 minutes, allow to cool in a desiccator
and weigh. Place a suitable quantity of the substance
being examined, accurately weighed in the crucible,
add 2 ml of 1 M sulphuric acid and heat, first on a
waterbath and then cautiously over a flame to about
600°C. Continue heating until all black particles have
disappeared and then allow to cool. 
Add a few drops
of 1 M sulphuric acid, heat to ignition as before and
allow to cool.
 Add a few drops of a 16% solution of
ammonium carbonate, evaporate to dryness and
cautiously ignite. Cool, weigh, ignite for 15 minutes and
repeat the procedure to constant weight.
Water-Soluble Ash
Water-soluble ash is specifically useful in detecting such samples
which have been extracted with water.
A detailed procedure as per the official compendium is enumerated
below :
Procedure : The ash as described earlier, is boiled for 5 minutes
with 25 ml DW, collect the insoluble 
matter in a sintered-glass
crucible or on an ashless filter paper, wash with hot DW and ignite
for 15 minutes at a temperature not exceeding 450°. Subtract the
weight of the residue thus obtained from the weight of the ash.The
difference in weight represents the water-soluble ash. Now,
calculate the percentage of water-soluble ash with reference to the
air-dried drug.
A typical example of an official drug is that of ‘Ginger’, the water-
soluble ash of which is found to be not more than 6.0%.
Limit test for acid radical impurities
Limit test for metallic impurities
Slide Note

Impurities in pharmaceutical products are unwanted chemicals that can affect quality, safety, and efficacy. This article discusses the definition of impurities, their distinction from contaminants, major sources, and types. It covers organic, inorganic, and other impurities, as well as limit tests for assessing impurity levels in pharmaceuticals.

  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Impurities
  • Quality Control
  • Contaminants
  • Pharmaceutical Industry

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PHCH 402: Analytical Quality Control 05: Limit tests (10 hrs)

  2. OUTLINE Presence of impurities in pharmaceuticals and their sources. Limit tests and factors considered in their design, negative and comparison tests. Classification of limit tests: limits of soluble and insoluble matter; moisture; volatile matter; residual solvents; nonvolatile matter. Residue on ignition, loss on ignition, loss on drying, ash values, limit tests for metallic and non-metallic impurities, other specific limit tests

  3. Is there any difference between IMPURITY and CONTAMINANT ?

  4. Definition of Impurities: Impurities in a pharmaceutical product may be defined as unwanted chemicals in the product that are not the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) itself (or the excipients used to manufacture it), or which develop during formulation or upon aging of both API and formulation. They are unwanted chemicals that remain within the formulation or API in small amounts and which can influence quality, safety and efficacy (QSE), thereby causing serious health hazard.

  5. In general. Impurities substances that occur commonly or naturally in a substance, thereby lowering its quality or value. Depending on its quantity, the impurity may or may not make the substance unfit for its intended use. On the contrary, a contaminant is an external agent that is (or gets) added to something and usually renders it unfit for its intended use. are undesirable elements or

  6. Sources of Impurities Major sources of impurities may be classified broadly into two: i) Synthesis related impurities Raw materials employed the manufacturing process solvent reaction vessel stability of the final product which can be predicted from its chemistry i.e. degradation

  7. Sources of Impurities. ii) Formulation related impurities Physical contamination Improper storage conditions Atmospheric contaminant Microbial contamination Particulate contamination Filth

  8. Types of Impurities According to the International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH), impurities can be classified broadly into: a) Organic impurities b) Inorganic impurities and c) Residual Solvents

  9. I. Synthesis related impurities: A. Organic Impurities: The composition of impurities allows one to draw conclusions regarding the manufacturing of the products and its adulteration. Majority of the impurities are characteristics of the synthetic route of the manufacturing process. Since there are several possibilities of synthesizing a drug, it is possible that the same product of different sources may give rise to different impurities

  10. Synthesis related impurities: In the case of drugs prepared by multi-step synthesis, the number and the variety of structures of organic impurities are almost unlimited and highly dependent on the route and reaction conditions of the syntheses and several other factors such as the purity of the starting material, method of isolation, purification, conditions of storage etc.

  11. 1. Starting Materials and Intermediates: Starting materials and intermediates are the chemical building blocks used to construct the final form of a drug substance molecule. Unreacted starting materials and intermediates, particularly those involved in the last a few steps of the synthesis, can potentially survive the synthetic and purification process and appear in the final product as impurities For example, in the synthesis of paracetamol, p- aminophenol could be a starting material or an intermediate and may appear in the final product. There is a limit test for it in bulk paracetamol:

  12. Production of paracetamol from intermediate p-amino phenol:

  13. Impurities in the Starting Materials: Impurities present in the starting materials could be present in the final product, or follow the same reaction pathways as the starting material itself, and the reaction products could carry over to the final product as process impurities. Knowledge of the impurities in starting materials helps to identify related impurities in the final product, and to understand the formation mechanisms of these related process impurities e.g i.

  14. Effect of trace impurity in starting material: Tolperisone trace impurity Starting material trace impurity

  15. ii. Degradation products during manufacturing During manufacturing of bulk drugs degradation of end products results in the formation of impurities. For example Hydrochlorothiazide has a known degradation pathway through which it degrades to the starting material as 1,3- disulfonamide in its synthesis:

  16. Dihydrochlorothiazide degradation: Dihydrochloro thiazide degradation product

  17. iii. By products: In synthetic organic chemistry, getting a single end product with 100% yield is seldom. There is always a chance of having by-products. can be formed through variety of side reactions, such as incomplete reaction, over-reaction, isomerization, dimerization, rearrangement or unwanted reactions between starting materials or intermediate with chemical reagents or catalysts . For example, in the case of paracetamol bulk production, diacetylated paracetamol may form as a by-product :

  18. Formation of diacetylated paracetamol as a by-product:

  19. iv. Organic Reagents, Ligands and Catalysts: Chemical reagents, ligands, and catalysts used in the synthesis of a drug substance can be carried over to the final products as trace level impurities. For example, carbonic acid chloromethyl tetrahydro-pyran-4-yl ester (CCMTHP), which is used as an alkylating agent in the synthesis of a beta-lactam drug substance, was observed in the final product as an impurity Pyridine, a catalyst used in the course of synthesis of mazipredone, reacts with an intermediate to form a pyridinium impurity

  20. v. Organic Impurities originating from reaction solvents: Impurities in the solvents can also be source of impurities. For e.g. 2-hydroxytetrahydrofuran is an impurity in tetrahydrofuran, which is often used as the solvent of Grignard reagents furan: 2-hydroxytetrahydrofuran:

  21. B: Inorganic impurities Inorganic impurities derive from the manufacturing process for the bulk drug, and excipients. They include the following: 1. Reagents, ligands, and catalysts The chances of having these impurities are rare: however, in some processes, these could create a problem unless the manufacturers take proper care during production.

  22. 2. Heavy metals The main sources of heavy metals are: a) the water used in the processes and the reactors (if stainless steel reactors are used), where acidification or acid hydrolysis takes place. These heavy metal impurities can easily be avoided using demineralized water and glass-lined reactors.

  23. b) Excipients: Generally, excipients may contain high levels of heavy metals such as arsenic, bismuth, cadmium, chromium, copper, iron, lead, mercury, nickel and sodium. Sometimes they might present in the product during processing or may leach from packing material. For example, excipients such as hydrogenated oils and fats, which are produced using metal catalysts, are found to contain high concentrations of metals (platinum and palladium). This may be due to leaching from process equipment or storage container.

  24. 3. Other materials (e.g., filter aids, charcoal etc.) filters or filtering aids such as centrifuge bags are routinely used in the bulk drugs manufacturing plants and in many cases, activated carbon is also used. The regular monitoring of fibers and black particles in the bulk drugs is essential to avoid these contaminations.

  25. C. Residual solvents Residual solvents are volatile organic chemicals used during the manufacturing process or generated during production Residual solvents are potentially undesirable substances. either modify the properties of certain compounds or may be hazardous to human health.

  26. Also affect physicochemical properties of the bulk drug substances such as crystallinity, which in turn may affect the dissolution properties, odor and colour changes in finished products In addition, solvents used in synthesis may contain a number of impurities which can react with chemicals used in the synthesis to produce impurities

  27. Water: Most commonly used solvent Not considered as an impurity most of the time However moisture content can be very important after packaging as moisture content may be sufficient to cause hydrolysis Drug products may also be affected by water from environment Hydrolysis due to presence of water causes chemical instability problems Water can be present even in non-aqueous formulations in enough quantities to cause degradation It can also be a major source of microbial contamination

  28. II. FORMULATION RELATED IMPURITIES A. DOSAGE FORM RELATED (EXCIPIENTS): APIs are formulated with excipients (pharmaceutical aids) into solutions, tablets, capsules, semi-solids, aerosols and Novel Drug Delivery Systems. During formulation, excipients are added to API to render the product elegant. They can be sometimes heterogeneous mixtures. i. Excipients can be a source impurities and microbial contamination ii. drug excipient incompatibility may lead to undesirable products which can affect the therapeutic efficacy of the product eg: See table below

  29. Effect of Pharmaceutical Aids on Stability of Active Ingredients Active ingredient Pharamaceutical aid Effect Kanamycin Honey, sugar syrup Loss of activity at room temperature (RT) Cholecalciferol 2%polyoxy ethylene ester surfactant, polysorbate Change in pH resulted, degradation of active ingredient Tetracyclines Calcium or magnesium or metal ions Complexation Thiomersal Bromine, chloride, iodide Form different soluble halides of cationic mercury compounds. Adrenaline Boric acid, povidone Stabilization Tryptophan Sodium pyrosulfite, oxygen Discoloration, precipitation.

  30. In general Liquid dosage forms may undergo both degradation as well as microbial contamination Water content, pH of formulation, compatibility of cations and anions, mutual interaction of ingredients and the primary container are the critical factors

  31. B. METHOD RELATED IMPURITY Eg. In production of parenteral dosage form of diclofenac Na, 1-(2,6 dichlorophenyl) indoline- 2 one is formed as an impurity when it is terminally sterilised by autoclaving. The formation of this derivative and NaOH occurs due to intramolecular cyclic reaction of diclofenac Na by autoclave conditions (1230C).

  32. Diclofenac Na Indolinone derivative

  33. C. Environmental related impurity 1. Temperature: Especially during formulation of vitamins and antibiotics, extreme care should be exercised to prevent them from degradation because these classes of compounds are heat liable. When subjected to extreme temperature, loss of potency takes place (for instance drying under heat)

  34. 2. Light - UV light: Light is one of the means by which the formulation degrades because of photolytic reaction. Exposure to light is known to be deleterious on a number of pharmaceutical compounds. For eg. Ergometrine injection has been reported to be unstable under tropical conditions of light and heat. Some other drugs that are affected are:

  35. Drugs Affected By Light or Catalyst

  36. 3. Humidity Humidity is one of the important key factors incase of hygroscopic compounds. It is detrimental to both bulk powder and formulated solid dosage form. The classic examples are ranitidine and aspirin

  37. D. Impurities on Aging (storage and transport) 1. Mutual interaction amongst ingredients Because of the labile nature of vitamins, they undergo degradation in different dosage forms, especially liquid degradation of vitamins such as folic acid, thiamine and cyanocobalamines does not yield toxic impurities but they lose their potency well below compendial specifications An example of mutual interaction : presence of nicotinamide in formulation containing four vitamins (nicotinamide, pyridoxine, riboflavin and thiamine) causes the degradation of thiamine to a substandard level within a one year shelf life of vitamin B complex injection .

  38. 2. Instability of the Product Chemical instability Impurities can also arise during storage because of chemical instability of the pharmaceutical substance. Many pharmaceutically important substances undergo chemical decomposition when storage conditions are inadequate. often catalyzed by light, traces of acid or alkali, traces of metallic impurities, air oxidation, carbon dioxide and water vapours (humidity) The nature of the decomposition can easily be predicted from the knowledge of chemical properties of the substance(s) All such decompositions can be minimized or avoided by using proper storage procedures and conditions The photosensitive substances should be protected from light by storing them in darkened glass or metal containers thereby inhibiting photochemical decomposition. Materials susceptible to oxidation by air or attack by moisture should be stored in sealed containers if necessary the air from the containers can be displaced by an inert gas such as Nitrogen. Oxidation can also be prevented by adding suitable antioxidants a.

  39. Types of degradation i. Oxidation Drugs which are prone to oxidation are those that contain OH groups directly bonded to aromatic rings eg. catechols, conjugated-dienes, heterocyclic aromatic rings, nitroso and nitrite derivatives e.g. Hydrocortisone, methotrexate, adinazolam, catecholamine, (Vitamin A) etc. In pharmaceuticals, the most common form of oxidative decomposition is auto oxidation through a free radical chain process commonly catalysed by metals. For example, auto-oxidation of ascorbic acid studies reveals that cupric ion oxidises ascorbic acid rapidly to dehydroascorbic acid and potassium cyanide. As a result, there is a cleavage of chain due to the formation of copper complexes.

  40. ii. Hydrolysis A reaction in which water is the reactant causing precipitation. Most well-known examples of such reactions in pharmaceutical compounds are esters and amides Many drugs are derivatives of carboxylic acids or contain functional groups based on that moiety example esters, amides, lactones, lactams, imides and carbamates, others which are susceptible to acid-base hydrolysis include aspirin, atropine, chloramphenicol, barbiturates, chlordiazepoxide, oxazepam and lincomycin etc.

  41. iii. Decarboxylation Some of the carboxylic acids such as p-amino salicylic acid have shown loss of carbon dioxide from carboxyl group when heated For instance, photo reaction of rufloxacin tablet enteric coated with cellulose acetate phthalate (CAP) and sub-coating with calcium carbonate cause hydrolysis of CAP liberating acetic acid, which on reacting with calcium carbonate produced carbon dioxide, a by-product that blew off the cap from the bottle after cap was loosened .

  42. iv. Photolysis Photolytic cleavage on aging includes examples of pharmaceutical drugs or products that are prone to degradation on exposure to UV-light During manufacturing process as solid or solution, packaging or on storage, drugs like ergometrine, nifedipine, nitroprusside, riboflavin and phenothiazines are liable to photo oxidation involves generation of free radical intermediate, which will degrade the products For example, exposure of ciprofloxacin eye drop 0.3% to UV light induces photolysis thereby resulting in the formation of ethylene di-amine analogue of ciprofloxacin

  43. b. Physical instability Pharmaceuticals may undergo changes in physical properties during storage. There can be changes in crystal size and shape, sedimentation, agglomeration and caking of the suspended particles. These physical changes are not always avoidable and may result in significant changes in the physical appearance, pharmaceutical and therapeutic effects of the product. Particle size and consequently surface area is a critical factor in determining the bioavailability of the low solubility drug such as griseofulvin. Physical changes such as sedimentation and caking in case of multidose suspension may constitute hazard leading to the possibility of under dosage and later to overdosage of the drugs. Similarly increase in the globule size of the injectable emulsions on storage may lead to fat embolism.

  44. E) Packaging material Impurities result also from packaging materials i.e., containers and closures For most drugs the reactive species for impurities consists of: Water hydrolysis of active ingredient. Small electrophiles Aldehydes and carboxylic acid derivatives. Peroxides oxidize some drugs. Metals catalyze oxidation of drugs and their degradation pathway. Extractable or leachables Emerge from glass, rubber stoppers and plastic materials, in which oxides like NO, SiO, CaO, MgO are major components leached or extracted from glass. Some examples of synthetic materials include styrene from polystyrene, diethylhexylpthalate (DEHP) plasticizer in PVC, dioctyltin iso octyl mercaptoacetate stabilizer for PVC, zinc stearate stabilizer in PVC and polypropylene, bisphenol A from plastics etc.

  45. Enantiomeric Impurities: The majority of therapeutic chiral drugs used as pure enantiomers are natural products. The high level of enantioselectivity of their biosyntheses excludes the possibility of the presence of enantiomeric impurities In the case of synthetic chiral drugs, the racemate of which is usually marketed, if the pure enantiomer is administered, the antipode is considered to be an impurity. The reason for its presence can be either a) the incomplete enantioselectivity of the syntheses or b) incomplete resolution of the enantiomers of the racemate Although the ICH guideline excludes enantiomeric impurities, pharmacopoeias consider them as ordinary impurities

  46. A single enantiomeric form of chiral drug is now considered as an improved chemical entity that may offer a better pharmacological profile and an increased therapeutic index with a more favourable adverse reaction profile than the racemic mixture; and a lower dose However, the pharmacokinetic profile of levofloxacin (S- Isomeric form) and ofloxacin (R-isomeric form) are comparable, suggesting the lack of advantages of single isomer in this regard Typical examples of drugs containing enantiomeric impurities: a) Dexchlorophenarmine maleate (R enantiomer impurity allowed NMT 0.5%) b) Timolol maleate (R enantiomer impurity allowed NMT 1%) c) Clopidogrel sulphate (R enantiomer impurity allowed NMT 1%) In general, an individual API may contain all of the above- mentioned types of organic impurities at levels varying from negligible to significant

  47. Pharmacopoeial Norms for the Enantiomeric Impurities: Many medicinal substances that contain one or more chiral centres and that are already in the market have been made available for pharmaceutical use as racemic mixtures with little known about the biological activities of the separate isomers and this is reflected in the monograph in the pharmacopoeia. Nevertheless, with increasing concern by regulatory authorities for substances to be made available as single isomers, tests for enantiomeric composition will become more common As a result the following recommendations have been made by the BP 2001:

  48. Chemical definition in monographs 1) -In the case of substances containing a single chiral centre, the descriptor (RS) should be included at the appropriate position in the chemical definition of the substances to indicate a racemic mixture. 2) - For substances containing multiple chiral centres and comprising mixture of all possible stereomers the term all-rec should be used, for example Iso-aminile. In those few substances existing as diastereomeric mixtures, that is where in one or more centres the stereochemistry is explicit but in other centres it is not, each centre is defined either as the specific (R)- or (S) configuration , or as racemic (RS)-, respectively.

  49. In future Tests: 1) - when a monograph describes an enantiomer, it will include both a test for specific optical rotation under identification and a test using methods such as chiral chromatography, to control enantiomeric purity. 2) - When only the racemic mixture is available, the monograph for the racemic mixture will simply specify a test for angle of rotation.



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