Horizon Europe: Partnership Implementation Overview

25 april 2023
Horizon Europe - cofund partnerships
Cluster 6: 
Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources,
Agriculture and Environment
Horizon Europe – What are partnerships?
European Partnerships - definition
“European Partnerships are initiatives where the EU together
with private and/or public partners commit to jointly support
the development and implementation of a programme of
research and innovation activities. The partners could represent
industry, universities, research organisations, bodies with a
public service remit at local, regional, national or international
level or civil society organisations including foundations and
Horizon Europe – What are partnerships?
‘co-funding partnerships’ - definition
“An action to provide multi-annual co-funding to a programme of
activities established and/or implemented by entities managing
and/or funding research and innovation programmes, other than
Union funding bodies. Such a programme of activities may
support networking and coordination, research, innovation, pilot
actions, and innovation and market deployment actions, training
and mobility actions, awareness raising and communication,
dissemination and exploitation, any relevant financial support,
such as grants, prizes, procurement, as well as Horizon Europe
blended finance or a combination thereof. The programme co-
fund action may be implemented by those entities directly or by
third parties on their behalf.”
Horizon Europe – Overview
Horizon Europe – Implementation of partnerships
Pillar 2: Global Challenges and Industrial competitiveness
Six thematic Clusters of which 4 encompass partnerships at this stage;
Partnership Implementation in 2 ‘waves’ (49  partnerships in total):
 wave: Discussion on new potential partnerships for 2025/2027 ongoing
in new strategic plan.
Potential FWO participation in 12 cofund partnerships up to date, of
which six within 
Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources,
Agriculture and Environment 
Including the  ‘Sustainable Food
Systems’ (SuperFoodS) and ‘Agriculture of data’ COFUND
Horizon Europe – Implementation of partnerships
Horizon Europe – FWO partnership selection and participation
Need to prioritize certain partnerships/domains, regionally wise, through broad
consultation intra-Flanders (e.g. research institutes, WG12 (EWI Europaplatform),
specific national/regional partnership ‘hubs’/mirror groups, policy), on the basis of -
regional - priorities (if present) and research capacities.
Being a non-thematic funder, no priorities exist in the calls itself, topic wise, if they
fit the FWO funding channel modalities (hybrid model: transnational cooperation vs.
national/regional regulations). As such, the FWO offers researchers  from Flanders a
broad ‘topical’ participation in the external open calls for research projects.
Emphasis lies on the funding of researchers at 
public research institutions from
(eligibility according to FWO regulations!).
Use EU funding, next to our national/regional commitment, to maximize the amount
of research projects from Flanders in the annual calls.
Horizon Europe – FWO call participation
Partnerships have a seven year duration (+3).
Generally 700.000 EUR per call, in total.
2 projects at 350.000 EUR (overhead included). Available EC
contribution can lead to more projects in total.
Structural participation with 2 ‘national/regional’ funding channels:
(junior/senior) FWO research projects (emphasis lies on basic research);
Strategic Basic Research Projects (emphasis lies on economical/societal
valorisation potential) 
 Need for valorisation plan!
Important that requested FWO funding is in line with the specific FWO
funding channel regulations.
The FWO funds basic research 
 TRL range 1-4/5
Horizon Europe – FWO call participation
Transnational and multilateral programme: minimally 3
partners from 3 different countries (Belgium is seen as 1
Hybrid upset: Next to the more general partnership call
regulations, also national/regional regulations for the
different researchers participating in the call 
2 step submisison procedure (even though deviations migh
Two examples of potentially interesting  upcoming
partnerships for 
 Agrolink Vlaanderen
Our shared vision as the Sustainable Food Systems Partnership is that the coordinated European R&I that
we will put in place will create an environmentally-friendly, socially secure, fair and economically viable
healthy and safe Food System for Europe by 2030 and beyond. We will mobilise research and innovation
(R&I) to accelerate the transition to sustainable food systems with a wide range of stakeholders joining
forces in this Partnership. We will collectively achieve the goals of the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy, in line
with the global ambitions of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Food Summit 2021.”
Food Systems = complex interactions between multitude of
System Thinking (holistic approach)
As flexible and as inclusive as possible
Sustainable Food Systems partnership (FutureFoodS)
87 partners from 22 EU Member States, 6 Associated Countries and 1 third Country.
Budget of approximately 525 m. EUR (incl. 30% EC cofund).
Preparation within the ‘FoodPath’ CSA, usefull information available about the upcoming partnership
Translation of SRIA, which constitutes the strategic direction and ‘backbone’ of the Partnership (directionality), into
concrete actions (e.g. strategic and operational objectives) through a long term commitment (additionality).
Variety of stakeholder types (e.g. research community, Food and Health community, policy makers, citizens and local
stakeholders, economic sectors, etc.), each playing their ‘natural’ role.
Participatory Flemish ‘core’ group: FLANDERS FOOD 
(WP6: FS Knowledge Hub and Living Labs), 
(W7: communication, dissemination,
), VLAIO and FWO 
(WP3: R&I support/external calls)
 (& EWI for coordination intra-Flanders).
For information, in French speaking Belgium the FRS-FNRS and SPW are
Sustainable Food Systems partnership (FutureFoodS)
FutureFoodS – Key Challenges
Four thematic fields in R&I areas have been identified in the SRIA:
 R&I 1 ‘Change the way we eat’
 R&I 2 ‘Change the way we process and supply food’
 R&I 3 ‘Change the way we connect with food systems’
 R&I 4 ‘Change the way we govern food systems’
Four inter-connected activity areas were developed to get insight in the 4 R&I areas:
Pooling R&I resources and programming
Launching a food systems observatory
Establishing a food systems knowledge hub
Knowledge sharing and scaling, adapting knowledge
systems, innovation platforms and science-policy
FutureFoodS – organisation
Different types of activities will be implemented through 8 work packages:
FWO involvement in FutureFoodS
Two types of funding instruments will be implemented:
external competitive calls  corresponding to the 4 R&I of the SRIA (WP3)
Internal support instruments
FWO (and VLAIO) participation in WP3 as ‘cash funder’ for external
6 external calls are envisaged, FWO has secured budget for 5 calls
at this point (or 3,5 m. EUR in total).
Theme’s and topics of the calls is not yet determined: call scoping
beginning of 2024.
Theoretical timeline:
 call opening July 2024
Final Decisions on funding June 2025
Project Start October -December 2025
Agriculture of Data partnership (AgData)
Unlocking the potential of data for sustainable agriculture.
A European agricultural sector: environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable
and competitive, with improved capacity for policy monitoring and evaluation.
Fundamental to AgData is the combined use of EO, environmental and other relevant
data, such as agricultural production and sensor data through data and digital
technologies. This will be achieved by co-designing common approaches and systems as
well as sustainable structures to capitalise the combination of various data for both the
private and public domain. The partnership will target, farmers/agricultural producers
and their advisors as well as policy-makers and public administrations.
In short: the ambition of a more data-driven agricultural sector, with the goal of
increased resource efficiency, sustainability and reduced emissions.
Agriculture of Data partnership
Unlocking the potential of data for sustainable agriculture.
62 members from 24 countries.
Budget of approximately 333 m. EUR (incl. 30% EC cofund) for partnership as a whole.
For the research call approximately 39 m. EUR per call.
Strong link with H2020 ERA-NET ‘ICT AGRI FOOD’.
Variety in consortium members (e.g. ministries, (funding) agencies, RPO´s) and stakeholders
(importance of farmers/practicioners). Again, different entities each play their ‘natural’ role in the
partnerships’ governance structure and different work packages.
The SRIA offers the strategic direction of the Partnership (as in all cofund partnerships).
Participatory Flemish ‘core’ group: ILVO 
(WP2: communication)
, FWO 
(WP4: research funding) (
& EWI 
coordination intra-Flanders).
For information, in French speaking Belgium the SPW is participating.
AgData – governance structure
AgData - objectives
Specific objectives of this partnership:
Improve agri-environmental monitoring solutions and strengthen capacities.
Boost the uptake of digital & data technologies in agriculture.
Enhance the use of Earth Observation (EO), environmental and other data.
Achieve synergies in the development and utilisation of data-based solutions
for both the agriculture sector and policy-making, in particular monitoring
and evaluation.
Facilitate the usability of EO, environmental and other data to create and
deploy services.
Develop and produce Europe wide data-based solutions
Support the development of a harmonised European governance structure.
 Translation to operational objectives, in SRIA.
FWO involvement in AgData
FWO Participation in WP4 as ‘cash funder’ for external open
Goal is to develop a series of 5 calls to address the specific
objectives of the partnership  
 based on SRIA priorities
(chapter 3):
Data technologies and data management
Data-based solutions for sustainable agriculture
Data-based solutions for policy-making
Theme’s and specific topics of the calls are not yet determined.
FWO plans to participate in all of them 
 1 m. per
call (instead of ‘standard’ 0,7 m. EUR).
FWO involvement in AgData
Theoretical timeline:
 call opening December 2023
 call opening December 2024
Contact @ FWO
In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!
oon Monbaliu: +32 (0)2 550 15 70
ristien Peeters: +32 (0)2 550 15 95
ore information available on 
FWO website
Slide Note

European Partnerships in Horizon Europe involve joint support for research and innovation programs by the EU and private/public partners. Cofunding partnerships provide multi-annual funding for various activities. The implementation of these partnerships spans across thematic clusters, with ongoing discussions for new partnerships in the future. Participation in cofund partnerships, particularly in Cluster 6, involves prioritizing certain domains through consultations in Flanders.

  • Horizon Europe
  • Partnerships
  • Cofunding
  • Research
  • Innovation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Horizon Europe - cofund partnerships Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment 25 april 2023

  2. Horizon Europe What are partnerships? European Partnerships - definition European Partnerships are initiatives where the EU together with private and/or public partners commit to jointly support the development and implementation of a programme of research and innovation activities. The partners could represent industry, universities, research organisations, bodies with a public service remit at local, regional, national or international level or civil society organisations including foundations and NGOs.

  3. Horizon Europe What are partnerships? co-funding partnerships - definition An action to provide multi-annual co-funding to a programme of activities established and/or implemented by entities managing and/or funding research and innovation programmes, other than Union funding bodies. Such a programme of activities may support networking and coordination, research, innovation, pilot actions, and innovation and market deployment actions, training and mobility actions, awareness raising and communication, dissemination and exploitation, any relevant financial support, such as grants, prizes, procurement, as well as Horizon Europe blended finance or a combination thereof. The programme co- fund action may be implemented by those entities directly or by third parties on their behalf.

  4. Horizon Europe Overview

  5. Horizon Europe Implementation of partnerships Pillar 2: Global Challenges and Industrial competitiveness Six thematic Clusters of which 4 encompass partnerships at this stage; Partnership Implementation in 2 waves (49 partnerships in total): WP2021/2022 WP2023/2024 3rdwave: Discussion on new potential partnerships for 2025/2027 ongoing in new strategic plan. Potential FWO participation in 12 cofund partnerships up to date, of which six within Cluster 6: Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment Including the Sustainable Food Systems (SuperFoodS) and Agriculture of data COFUND PARTNERSHIPS

  6. Horizon Europe Implementation of partnerships

  7. Horizon Europe FWO partnership selection and participation Need to prioritize certain partnerships/domains, regionally wise, through broad consultation intra-Flanders (e.g. research institutes, WG12 (EWI Europaplatform), specific national/regional partnership hubs /mirror groups, policy), on the basis of - regional - priorities (if present) and research capacities. Being a non-thematic funder, no priorities exist in the calls itself, topic wise, if they fit the FWO funding channel modalities (hybrid model: transnational cooperation vs. national/regional regulations). As such, the FWO offers researchers from Flanders a broad topical participation in the external open calls for research projects. Emphasis lies on the funding of researchers at public research institutions from Flanders (eligibility according to FWO regulations!). Use EU funding, next to our national/regional commitment, to maximize the amount of research projects from Flanders in the annual calls.

  8. Horizon Europe FWO call participation Partnerships have a seven year duration (+3). Generally 700.000 EUR per call, in total. 2 projects at 350.000 EUR (overhead included). Available EC contribution can lead to more projects in total. Structural participation with 2 national/regional funding channels: (junior/senior) FWO research projects (emphasis lies on basic research); Strategic Basic Research Projects (emphasis lies on economical/societal valorisation potential) Need for valorisation plan! Important that requested FWO funding is in line with the specific FWO funding channel regulations. The FWO funds basic research TRL range 1-4/5

  9. Horizon Europe FWO call participation Transnational and multilateral programme: minimally 3 partners from 3 different countries (Belgium is seen as 1 country). Hybrid upset: Next to the more general partnership call regulations, also national/regional regulations for the different researchers participating in the call eligibility! 2 step submisison procedure (even though deviations migh exist).

  10. Two examples of potentially interesting upcoming partnerships for Agrolink Vlaanderen

  11. FutureFoodS Our shared vision as the Sustainable Food Systems Partnership is that the coordinated European R&I that we will put in place will create an environmentally-friendly, socially secure, fair and economically viable healthy and safe Food System for Europe by 2030 and beyond. We will mobilise research and innovation (R&I) to accelerate the transition to sustainable food systems with a wide range of stakeholders joining forces in this Partnership. We will collectively achieve the goals of the Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy, in line with the global ambitions of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Food Summit 2021. Food Systems = complex interactions between multitude of actors: System Thinking (holistic approach) As flexible and as inclusive as possible

  12. Sustainable Food Systems partnership (FutureFoodS) 87 partners from 22 EU Member States, 6 Associated Countries and 1 third Country. Budget of approximately 525 m. EUR (incl. 30% EC cofund). Preparation (www.foodpaths.eu). within the FoodPath CSA, usefull information available about the upcoming partnership Translation of SRIA, which constitutes the strategic direction and backbone of the Partnership (directionality), into concrete actions (e.g. strategic and operational objectives) through a long term commitment (additionality). Variety of stakeholder types (e.g. research community, Food and Health community, policy makers, citizens and local stakeholders, economic sectors, etc.), each playing their natural role. Participatory Flemish core group: FLANDERS FOOD (WP6: FS Knowledge Hub and Living Labs), ILVO (W7: communication, dissemination, exploitation), VLAIO and FWO (WP3: R&I support/external calls) (& EWI for coordination intra-Flanders). For information, in French speaking Belgium the FRS-FNRS and SPW are participating.

  13. Sustainable Food Systems partnership (FutureFoodS)

  14. FutureFoodS Key Challenges Four thematic fields in R&I areas have been identified in the SRIA: R&I 1 Change the way we eat R&I 2 Change the way we process and supply food R&I 3 Change the way we connect with food systems R&I 4 Change the way we govern food systems Four inter-connected activity areas were developed to get insight in the 4 R&I areas: Pooling R&I resources and programming Launching a food systems observatory Establishing a food systems knowledge hub Knowledge sharing and scaling, adapting knowledge systems, innovation platforms and science-policy interfaces

  15. FutureFoodS organisation Different types of activities will be implemented through 8 work packages:

  16. FWO involvement in FutureFoodS Two types of funding instruments will be implemented: 1. external competitive calls corresponding to the 4 R&I of the SRIA (WP3) 2. Internal support instruments FWO (and VLAIO) participation in WP3 as cash funder for external calls. 6 external calls are envisaged, FWO has secured budget for 5 calls at this point (or 3,5 m. EUR in total). Theme s and topics of the calls is not yet determined: call scoping beginning of 2024. Theoretical timeline: 1stcall opening July 2024 Final Decisions on funding June 2025 Project Start October -December 2025

  17. Agriculture of Data partnership (AgData) Unlocking the potential of data for sustainable agriculture. A European agricultural sector: environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable and competitive, with improved capacity for policy monitoring and evaluation. Fundamental to AgData is the combined use of EO, environmental and other relevant data, such as agricultural production and sensor data through data and digital technologies. This will be achieved by co-designing common approaches and systems as well as sustainable structures to capitalise the combination of various data for both the private and public domain. The partnership will target, farmers/agricultural producers and their advisors as well as policy-makers and public administrations. In short: the ambition of a more data-driven agricultural sector, with the goal of increased resource efficiency, sustainability and reduced emissions. 17

  18. Agriculture of Data partnership Unlocking the potential of data for sustainable agriculture. 62 members from 24 countries. Budget of approximately 333 m. EUR (incl. 30% EC cofund) for partnership as a whole. For the research call approximately 39 m. EUR per call. Strong link with H2020 ERA-NET ICT AGRI FOOD . Variety in consortium members (e.g. ministries, (funding) agencies, RPO s) and stakeholders (importance of farmers/practicioners). Again, different entities each play their natural role in the partnerships governance structure and different work packages. The SRIA offers the strategic direction of the Partnership (as in all cofund partnerships). Participatory Flemish core group: ILVO (WP2: communication), FWO (WP4: research funding) (& EWI for coordination intra-Flanders). For information, in French speaking Belgium the SPW is participating.

  19. AgData governance structure 19

  20. AgData - objectives Specific objectives of this partnership: Improve agri-environmental monitoring solutions and strengthen capacities. Boost the uptake of digital & data technologies in agriculture. Enhance the use of Earth Observation (EO), environmental and other data. Achieve synergies in the development and utilisation of data-based solutions for both the agriculture sector and policy-making, in particular monitoring and evaluation. Facilitate the usability of EO, environmental and other data to create and deploy services. Develop and produce Europe wide data-based solutions Support the development of a harmonised European governance structure. Translation to operational objectives, in SRIA.

  21. FWO involvement in AgData FWO Participation in WP4 as cash funder for external open calls. Goal is to develop a series of 5 calls to address the specific objectives of the partnership (chapter 3): Data technologies and data management Data-based solutions for sustainable agriculture Data-based solutions for policy-making Theme s and specific topics of the calls are not yet determined. FWO plans to participate in all of them 1 m. per call (instead of standard 0,7 m. EUR). based on SRIA priorities

  22. FWO involvement in AgData Theoretical timeline: 1stcall opening December 2023 2ndcall opening December 2024

  23. Contact @ FWO In case of any questions, do not hesitate to contact us! europe@fwo.be Toon Monbaliu: +32 (0)2 550 15 70 Kristien Peeters: +32 (0)2 550 15 95 More information available on FWO website.


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