Hierarchy Change Processes in Tatmeen

Tatmeen Users Training
Hierarchy Change
March 7, 2022
Unpack All – 
Critical to
1. Hierarchy Change – General
2. Pack – Portal
3. Pack –  Mobile
4. Unpack – Portal
5. Unpack – Mobile
6. Unpack All – Portal
1. Hierarchy Change - General
Execution: 3PL
FTZ/HUB (Only for imports)
Authorized Wholesaler
unpack, pack, sampling,
verification, shipment
Inside UAE
Receive Goods
Change of
Change of
refers to capturing
 and maintaining parent-child relationships
between different packaging levels of product.
 at the saleable unit level, then associating those units to the
next level of the packaging hierarchy (e.g. cases).
enable this, the 
cases are also serialized with their own 
serialized GTINs 
SSCC numbers
 and these are then associated with pallets.
The pallet will
typically have a unique SSCC number assigned.
Hierarchy Change indicates a change in packaging as the goods move through
the distribution process.
Hierarchy Change - General
 – we add one or more child unit into a parent unit
 – we disaggregate/subtract from the parent unit one or more child unit
Unpack all 
–  we disaggregate/subtract all child units from the parent unit
There are three modes of hierarchy change in
Select Hierarchy Change in the navigation menu in the Portal or Mobile to
access Hierarchy Change documents.
Portal Hierarchy Change navigation menu
Mobile Hierarchy Change navigation menu
Hierarchy Change
Pack - Portal
Packing is 
product hierarchy update where we add one or more unpacked child 
 into an existing or new
parent item
The main
 for packing
 is the following
Unique Serialized Number (SGTIN or SSCC) of a child item
Unique Serialized Number (SSCC) of a parent item
 packaging process 
comprises of
 3 steps:
Step 1 – Adding child items
Step 2 – Adding of a parent item
Step 3 – Packing confirmation
To pack an item select Hierarchy Change->Pack from the menu
Pack - Portal
Scan/Add SSCC or SGTIN of child items that should
be packed.
Scan/Add parent item in which child item will be
Confirm aggregation.
Pack Data Flow
This step covers the adding
 of one or more items which
 to be packed.
 defined as
, usually when
 cases are packed into a pallet
To continue to the next step at least one SSCC or SGTIN
item must be added.
Pack – Step 1
Once the focus is on the application,
the application is ready to scan the
barcode with a scanner.
If the application doesn’t have  focus,
scanning is not possible.
For manual data entry press Enter
 where new
screen opens.
 = (00)
Serial Shipping Container Code
To add
an SSCC 
Item to the packing list, enter 
SSCC value in the field SSCC-(00) and press 
To return to the previous step press Cancel
The SSCC Item is then added to the packing list and has an icon        (see table below)
Pack – Step 1 – Adding SSCC
 = (01)
Global Trade Item Number
To add the
 SGTIN Item to the packing list, enter 
the GTIN
of the product in the field GTIN(01), 
and the associated serial
number value in the field SERIAL-(21) and press 
To return to the previous step press Cancel
The SGTIN Item is then added to the packing list and has an icon
(see table below)
Pack – Step 1 – Adding SGTIN
shows the total of all items on the list
is possible to filter the list 
 scanned items using
Select Delete mode to remove added items.
In Delete mode a delete icon will appear on each row.
Press Delete             to remove an item. Deletion will require confirmation.
The Message column on this page provides guidance for issues with listed items.
To return to the previous screen press Back
When all issues with added items are solved and
there is no error message, press Validate            to
re-check all added items again and to proceed to
the next step
The progress bar shows advancement through the process
Filter options:
- shows all items
- filter to only successfully added items
- filter to items with error
- filter to items with a warning
Pack – Step 1
On this step, 
 parent SSCC code is added
items from the previous step will be packed
 with this
parent code
Once the focus is on the application, the application is
ready to scan the barcode with a scanner.
If the application doesn’t have  focus, scanning is not
If you would prefer to enter data without scanning,
select Enter manually to open a data entry page.
For returning to previous step for adding/removal of
items press Back
Pack – Step 2 – Parent Unit
 = (00)
Serial Shipping Container Code
To add
an SSCC parent 
Item, enter 
SSCC value in
the field SSCC-(00) and press 
To return to the previous step press Cancel
If there are no issues with entered SSCC data you will
progress straight through to the next step.
If there are any issues with entered SSCC data,
an error is shown. Continuation to the next step is
not possible until the error is corrected.
Pack – Step 2 – Adding SSCC
This page provides confirmation
the packing
contains all
items which 
 to be added into
parent SSCC
The number of items (SSCC, SGTINs) contained in the
pack list is shown as
for changing of 
 SSCC item press Back
A warning prompt will appear if any other pages are
selected before this information is confirmed.
For final confirmation of packing press Confirm
Pack – Step 2 - Confirmation
This page indicates you 
successfully added child items to a parent item.
If you want to pack new child items to a different parent item, press 
Pack another container
Pack – Pack new item
Pack - Mobile
Packing is 
product hierarchy update where we add one or
more unpacked child 
 into an existing or new parent
The main
 for packing
 is the following
Unique Serialized Number (SGTIN or SSCC) of a child item
Unique Serialized Number (SSCC) of a parent item
 packaging process 
comprises of
 3 steps:
Step 1 – Adding child 
Step 2 – Adding a parent item
Step 3 – Packing confirmation
To pack an item select Hierarchy Change->Pack from the menu.
Pack – Mobile
Scan/Add SSCC or SGTIN of child items that should
be packed.
Scan/Add parent item in which child item will be
Confirm aggregation.
Pack Data Flow
This step covers the adding
 of one or more items which 
 to be packed.
 defined as
, usually when cases are packed into a pallet
To continue to the next step at least one SSCC or SGTIN item must be added.
Pack – Step 1
When the first screen opens,  the application is already ready to scan the
barcode with a scanner.
Or press Camera            to use the camera for scanning.
For manual data entry press Edit
 = (00)
Serial Shipping Container Code
To add an SSCC Item to the packing list, enter the SSCC value in
the field SSCC-(00) and press OK
If no value is entered OK          will be disabled and  it will not be
possible to continue to the next step.
To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel
The SSCC Item is then added to the packing list and has an icon
  (see list below)
Pack – Step 1 – Adding SSCC
 = (01)
Global Trade Item Number
To add the
 SGTIN Item to the packing list, enter 
the GTIN
 value of
the product in the field GTIN(01), 
and the associated serial
number value in the field SERIAL-(21) and press 
If no value is entered OK          will be disabled and  it will not be
possible to continue to the next step.
To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel
The SGTIN Item is then added to the packing list and has an icon
(see list below)
Pack – Step 1 – Adding SGTIN
This page provides guidance for issues with listed items.
shows the total number of all items on the list
is possible to filter the list 
 scanned items using
Select Delete mode to remove added items.
In Delete mode a delete icon will appear on each row.
Press Delete             to remove an item. Deletion will require confirmation.
messages under items provide
 guidance for issues with listed items.
When all issues with added items are solved and there is no error message,
press Continue 
                to proceed to the next step
Filter options:
- shows all items
- filter to only successfully added items
- filter to items with error
- filter to items with a warning
If you want to suspend work and enter a new
shipping document press Restart
A query message will appear requiring
confirmation for a new start
Pack – Step 1
On this step, the parent SSCC code is added. Child items from the previous step
will be packed with this parent code.
Pack – Step 2 – Parent Unit
When the first screen opens,  the application is already ready to scan the
barcode with a scanner.
Or press Camera            to use the camera for scanning.
For manual data entry press Edit
If there are no issues with entered data you will progress straight through to
 confirmation page.
 = (00)
Serial Shipping Container Code
To add an SSCC Item to the packing list, enter SSCC value in the
field SSCC-(00) and press OK
If no value is entered OK          will be disabled and  it will not be
possible to continue to the next step.
To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel
Pack – Step 2 – Adding SSCC
If there are any issues with entered/scanned item, an
error is shown. Continuation to the next step is not
possible until the error is corrected.
This page provides confirmation
the packing
 list contains all
items which 
 to be added into parent item
The number of items (SSCC, SGTINs) contained in pack list is shown as
page to change
the parent
 SSCC item press
For final confirmation of  this packing process packing press Confirm
Pack – Step 2 - Confirmation
This page indicates you 
successfully added child items to a parent item.
If you want to pack new child items to a different parent item, press Do
Pack – Pack new item
4. Unpack
 - Portal
parent unit remains with the rest of the unpacked children.
unpacked items 
 the same, except they no longer have
a parent unit.
Main data needed for unpacking:
Unique Serialized Number (SSCC) of a parent item
Unique Serialized Number (SGTIN or SSCC) of a child item
For unpackaging process you will need 3 steps:
Step 1 – 
Select a
 parent item
Step 2 – 
 child items
Step 3 – Unpacking confirmation
For unpacking an item in navigation menu select Hierarchy Change->Unpack
Unpacking is an update to the product hierarchy where we
disaggregate/subtract one or more child units from the parent
Unpack - Portal
Scan/Add parent item from which child item will
be unpacked.
Scan/Add SSCC or SGTIN of child items
that need to be unpacked from the parent item.
Confirm unpacking.
Unpack Data Flow
On this step, 
parent SSCC item is 
which child items will be 
Once the focus is on the application, the application is
ready to scan the barcode with a scanner.
If the application doesn’t have  focus, scanning is not
If you would prefer to enter data without scanning,
select Enter manually to open a data entry page.
Unpack – Step 1 – Parent Unit
Unpack – Step 1 – Adding SSCC
 = (00)
Serial Shipping Container Code
To add
an SSCC parent 
Item, enter 
SSCC value in
the field SSCC-(00) and press 
To return to the previous step press Cancel
If there are no issues with entered SSCC data you will
progress straight through to the next step.
If there are any issues with entered SSCC data,
an error is shown. Continuation to the next step is
not possible until the error is corrected.
This page allows you to define 
one or more items
to be
Items can be:
SSCC, usually when cases are packed into a pallet
Once the focus is on the application, the application is
ready to scan the barcode with a scanner.
If the application doesn’t have  focus, scanning is not
If you would prefer to enter data without scanning,
select Enter manually to open a data entry page.
Unpack – Step 2
For returning to previous step for adding/removal
of items press Back
 = (00)
Serial Shipping Container Code
To add an
 SSCC Item to the unpacking list, enter 
value in the field SSCC-(00) and press OK
To return to the previous step press Cancel
The SSCC Item is then added to the unpacking list and has an icon          (see table below)
Unpack – Step 2 – Adding SSCC
 = (01)
Global Trade Item Number
To add
Item to the unpacking list, enter GTIN value
of the product in the field GTIN(01), serial number value in the
field SERIAL-(21) and press 
To return to the previous step press Cancel
The SGTIN Item is then added to the unpacking list and has an icon
    (see table below)
Unpack – Step 2 – Adding SGTIN
To return to the previous screen press Back
When all issues with added items are solved and
there is no error message, press Validate
to recheck all added items again and to proceed to
the next step
shows the total of all items on the list
It is possible to filter the list of scanned items using
Select Delete mode to remove added items.
In Delete mode a delete icon will appear on each row.
Press Delete             to remove an item. Deletion will require confirmation.
The Message column on this page provides guidance for issues with listed items.
The progress bar shows advancement through the process
Filter options:
- shows all items
- filter to only successfully added items
- filter to items with error
- filter to items with a warning
Unpack – Step 2
This page provides confirmation that the packing
list contains all the items which need to be added into
the parent SSCC.
The number of items (SSCC, SGTINs) contained in pack
list is shown as
To return to the previous step to change a parent SSCC
item press Back
For final confirmation 
of the unpacking
when child
 items will be
disaggregated/subtracted from a parent item press Confirm
A warning prompt will appear if any other pages
are selected before this information is confirmed
Unpack – Step 2 – Confirmation
You successfully disaggregated/subtracted/removed child items from a parent item.
If you want to unpack new child items from a different parent item, press Unpack another container
Unpack – Unpack new item
5. Unpack
 - Mobile
parent unit remains with the rest of the unpacked children.
The unpacked items remain the same, except they no longer
have a parent unit.
Main data needed for unpacking:
Unique Serialized Number (SSCC) of a parent item
Unique Serialized Number (SGTIN or SSCC) of a child item
For unpackaging process you will need 3 steps:
Step 1 – 
 a parent item
Step 2 – 
 child items
Step 3 – Unpacking confirmation
To unpacking an item in navigation menu select Hierarchy Change->Unpack
Unpacking is the update to the product hierarchy where we
disaggregate/subtract one or more child unit from the parent
Unpack – Mobile
Scan/Add the parent item from which the child
item will be unpacked.
Scan/Add SSCC or SGTIN of the child items that
need  to be unpacked from the parent item.
Confirm unpacking.
Unpack Data Flow
On this step, the parent SSCC item is selected from which child items will be
Unpack – Step 1 – Parent Unit
When the first screen opens,  the application is already ready to scan the
barcode with a scanner.
Or press Camera            to use the camera for scanning.
For manual data entry press Edit
Unpack – Step 1 – Adding SSCC
 = (00)
Serial Shipping Container Code
To add an SSCC Item, enter SSCC value in the field SSCC-(00) and
press OK
If no value is entered OK          will be disabled and  it will not be
possible to continue to the next step.
To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel
If there are any issues with entered/scanned item, an
error is shown. Continuation to the next step is not
possible until the error is corrected.
This page allows you to define 
one or more items
to be unpacked.
Items can be:
SSCC, usually when cases are packed into a pallet
To continue to the next step at least one SSCC or SGTIN item must be entered.
Unpack – Step 2
When the first screen opens,  the application is already ready to scan the
barcode with a scanner.
Or press Camera            to use the camera for scanning.
For manual data entry press Edit
 = (00)
Serial Shipping Container Code
select an 
SSCC Item 
the unpacking list, enter SSCC value in
the field SSCC-(00) and press OK
If no value is entered OK          will be disabled and  it will not be
possible to continue to the next step.
To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel
The SSCC Item is then selected for the unpacking list and has an icon       (see
list below)
Unpack – Step 2 – Adding SSCC
 = (01)
Global Trade Item Number
To select
for the
 unpacking list, enter 
the GTIN
value of the product in the field GTIN(01), 
and the serial
value in the field SERIAL-(21) and press OK
If no value is entered OK          will be disabled and  it will not be
possible to continue to the next step
To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel
The SGTIN Item is then added to the unpacking list and has an icon
(see list below)
Unpack – Step 2 – Adding SGTIN
Unpack – Step 2
This page provides guidance for issues with listed items.
shows the total number of all items on the list
is possible to filter the list 
 scanned items using
Select Delete mode to remove added items.
In Delete mode a delete icon will appear on each row.
Press Delete             to remove an item. Deletion will require confirmation.
messages under items provide
 guidance for issues with listed items.
When all issues with added items are solved and there is no error message,
press Continue 
                to proceed to the next step
Filter options:
- shows all items
- filter to only successfully added items
- filter to items with error
- filter to items with a warning
If you want to suspend work and enter a new
shipping document press Restart
A query message will appear requiring
confirmation for a new start
This page provides confirmation that the packing list contains all the items which need
to be included in the parent SSCC.
The number of items (SSCC, SGTINs) prepared for unpacking is shown as
To return to the previous step for changing of parent SSCC item press Back
For final confirmation for unpacking, where 
the child 
items will be
disaggregated/subtracted from a parent item press Confirm
Unpack – Step 2 – Confirmation
You successfully disaggregated/subtracted/removed child items from a
parent item.
If you want to unpack new child items from a different parent item, press
Do Another
Unpack – Unpack new item
Unpack All - Portal
Unpack All is 
the update to the product
 hierarchy where we
disaggregate/subtract all child units from the parent unit
After this update the 
parent unit 
will no
 longer have
The child items remain unchanged, except they no longer have a
parent unit.
Main data needed for packing:
Unique Serialized Number (SGTIN or SSCC) of a parent item
The unpacking
all process
has two steps
Step 1 –
 a parent item
Step 2 – Unpacking confirmation
To unpack all from parent item in navigation menu select Hierarchy Change->Unpack All
Unpack All - Portal
Scan/Add parent item from which all child items
will be unpacked.
Confirm unpacking.
Unpack All Data Flow
This page allows
 one or more parent items
 to be selected
from which child items 
will be
Items can be:
, usually when cases are packed into a pallet
To continue to the next step at least one SSCC or
SGTIN item must be selected.
Unpack All – Step 1 – Parent Unit
Once the focus is on the application,
the application is ready to scan the
barcode with a scanner.
If the application doesn’t have  focus,
scanning is not possible.
If you would prefer to enter data
without scanning, select Enter
manually to open a data entry page.
 = (00)
Serial Shipping Container Code
To select an 
 the unpacking list, enter SSCC
value in the field SSCC-(00) and press 
To return to the previous step press Cancel
The SSCC Item is then selected for the unpacking list and has an icon          (see table below)
Unpack All – Step 1 – Adding SSCC
 = (01)
Global Trade Item Number
To select an 
 the unpacking list, enter 
the GTIN
value of the product in the field GTIN-(01),
 and the
 serial number
value in the field SERIAL-(21) and press 
To return to the previous step press Cancel
The SGTIN Item is then added to the unpacking list and has an icon
(see table below)
Unpack All – Step 1 – Adding SGTIN
shows the total of all items on the list
It is possible to filter the list of scanned items using
Select Delete mode to remove added items.
In Delete mode a delete icon will appear on each row.
Press Delete             to remove an item. Deletion will require confirmation.
The Message column on this page provides guidance for issues with listed items.
The progress bar shows advancement through the process
To return to the previous screen press Back
When all issues with added items are solved and
there is no error message, press Validate
recheck all added items again and to proceed to the
next step
Filter options:
- shows all items
- filter to only successfully added items
- filter to items with error
- filter to items with a warning
Unpack All – Step 1
Before confirmation check if 
the unpacking
 list contains
all parent items from which 
the child
 to be
The number
 of items (SSCC, SGTINs) prepared
unpacking is shown as
previous step for changing of parent
items press Back
For final confirmation for unpacking, where child items will be
disaggregated/subtracted from a parent item press Confirm
If you select any other page before confirmation
of unpacking, an alert will be shown. If you select
Leave all entered data on this page will be lost.
Unpack All – Step 2 - Confirmation
have successfully 
disaggregated/subtracted/removed child items from a parent items.
If you want to unpack new child items from a different parent items, press Unpack another item
Unpack All – Unpack new item
Unpack All - 
Unpack All is 
the update to the product
 hierarchy where
disaggregate/subtract all 
the child
 units from the parent unit
After this update the parent unit will no longer have any child
The child items remain unchanged, except they no longer have
a parent unit.
Main data needed for packing:
Unique Serialized Number (SGTIN or SSCC) of a parent item
For unpacking process you will need 2 steps:
Step 1 –
 a parent item
Step 2 – Unpacking confirmation
For unpacking all from parent item in navigation menu select Hierarchy Change->Unpack All
Unpack All – Mobile
Scan/Add parent item from which all child items
will be unpacked.
Confirm unpacking.
Unpack All Data Flow
This page allows the selection 
of one or more parent items from which 
the child
 to be disaggregated.
Items can be:
, usually when cases are packed into a pallet
To continue to the next step at least one SSCC or SGTIN item must be selected.
Unpack All – Step 1 –  Parent Unit
When the first screen opens,  the application is already ready to scan the
barcode with a scanner.
Or press Camera            to use the camera for scanning.
For manual data entry press Edit
 = (00)
Serial Shipping Container Code
To select an 
SSCC Item 
 the unpacking list, enter SSCC value in
the field SSCC-(00) and press OK
If no value is entered OK          will be disabled and  it will not be
possible to continue to the next step.
To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel
The SSCC Item is then added to the unpacking list and has an icon       (see list below)
Unpack All – Step 1 – Adding SSCC
 = (01)
Global Trade Item Number
To select an 
the unpacking list, enter 
value of the product in the field GTIN(01), 
and the serial
value in the field SERIAL-(21) and press OK
If no value is entered OK          will be disabled and  it will not be
possible to continue to the next step.
To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel
The SGTIN Item is added to the unpacking list and has an icon
(see list below)
Unpack All – Step 1 – Adding SGTIN
Unpack All – Step 1
This page provides guidance for issues with listed items.
shows the total number of all items on the list
is possible to filter the list 
 scanned items using
Select Delete mode to remove added items.
In Delete mode a delete icon will appear on each row.
Press Delete             to remove an item. Deletion will require confirmation.
messages under items provide
 guidance for issues with listed items.
When all issues with added items are solved and there is no error message,
press Continue 
                to proceed to the next step
Filter options:
- shows all items
- filter to only successfully added items
- filter to items with error
- filter to items with a warning
If you want to suspend work and enter a new
shipping document press Restart
A query message will appear requiring
confirmation for a new start
 unpacking list contains all 
the parent
 items from which 
 to be
The Number
 of items (SSCC, SGTINs) prepared
for unpacking is
shown as
 return to the 
previous step 
to change
 parent items press Back
For final confirmation for unpacking, where child items will be
disaggregated/subtracted from a parent item press Confirm
Unpack All – Step 2 - Confirmation
have successfully 
disaggregated/subtracted/removed child items
from a parent items.
If you want to unpack new child items from a different parent items,
press Do Another
Unpack All – Unpack new item
Slide Note

Discover the hierarchy change processes within Tatmeen's distribution system involving packaging, serialization, and association of products at different levels. Learn about the modes of hierarchy change - Pack, Unpack, and Unpack All - and how they impact the distribution process to ensure efficient handling of goods. Explore the step-by-step activities and ownership transitions at various stages in the hierarchy change process to streamline operations and enhance product traceability and accountability.

  • Tatmeen
  • Hierarchy Change
  • Distribution Process
  • Serialization
  • Packaging

Uploaded on Jul 20, 2024 | 1 Views

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Tatmeen Users Training Hierarchy Change March 7, 2022

  2. Agenda 1. Hierarchy Change General Focused 2. Pack Portal Participate 3. Pack Mobile Attention Probe Clarify 4. Unpack Portal Interactive Breaks Ask 5. Unpack Mobile Questions Engage 6. Unpack All Portal Discover Critical to Program s Success 7. Unpack All Mobile 2

  3. 1. Hierarchy Change - General 3

  4. Hierarchy Change - General Ship Goods (Wholesaler) Receive Goods (Wholesaler) Ship Goods at FTZ/HUB (3PL) Receive Goods at Distributor Sell Goods at Point of Dispense Change of hierarchy Change of hierarchy Ship Goods at Distributor Receive Goods at Point of Dispense Ownership: Point of Dispense Location: Inside UAE Activities: unpack, pack, sampling, verification, shipment, dispense Ownership: Distributor Location: Inside UAE Activities: Receive Goods Ownership: Point of Dispense Location: Inside UAE Activities: Receive Goods Ownership: MAH Execution: 3PL Location: FTZ/HUB (Only for imports) Destination: Authorized Wholesaler Activities: unpack, pack, sampling, verification, shipment Ownership: Authorized Wholesaler Location: Inside UAE Destination: Distributor Activities: unpack, pack, sampling, verification, shipment Ownership: Distributor Location: Inside UAE Destination: Point of Dispense Activities: unpack, pack, sampling, verification, shipment Ownership: Authorized Wholesaler Location: Inside UAE Activities: Receive Goods Hierarchy Change indicates a change in packaging as the goods move through the distribution process. "Aggregation" refers to capturing and maintaining parent-child relationships between different packaging levels of product. The Aggregation process involves serializing products at the saleable unit level, then associating those units to the next level of the packaging hierarchy (e.g. cases). To enable this, the cases are also serialized with their own serialized GTINs or SSCC numbers, and these are then associated with pallets. The pallet will typically have a unique SSCC number assigned. 4

  5. Hierarchy Change There are three modes of hierarchy change in Tatmeen: Pack we add one or more child unit into a parent unit Unpack we disaggregate/subtract from the parent unit one or more child unit Unpack all we disaggregate/subtract all child units from the parent unit Select Hierarchy Change in the navigation menu in the Portal or Mobile to access Hierarchy Change documents. Portal Hierarchy Change navigation menu 5 Mobile Hierarchy Change navigation menu

  6. 2. Pack - Portal 6

  7. Pack - Portal Packing is a product hierarchy update where we add one or more unpacked child items into an existing or new parent item. The main data required for packing is the following: Unique Serialized Number (SGTIN or SSCC) of a child item Unique Serialized Number (SSCC) of a parent item The packaging process comprises of 3 steps: Step 1 Adding child items Step 2 Adding of a parent item Step 3 Packing confirmation To pack an item select Hierarchy Change->Pack from the menu 7

  8. Pack Pack Data Flow Mobile Tatmeen Start 10.1 Scan items to pack in a new parent Display: None Entry: Multiple SGTINs/ SSCCs Enter: Confirm / Cancel 10.2 Process cancelled no updates Cancel End Confirm Scan/Add SSCC or SGTIN of child items that should be packed. Scan another item 10.4 Validate Item Status 10.3 Validate items status Not OK 10.5 ERROR/WARNING (Status of the Items) Scan/Add parent item in which child item will be packed. Status OK 10.6 10.7 Item packed in parent? Yes WARNING Confirm aggregation. 10.9 Update hierarchy structure Unpacking scanned item from parent No 10.8 Unpack Item from parent 10.10 Scan parent to pack scanned items into Display: None Entry: SSCC Scan another Container 10.12 Validate parent status 10.13 ERROR (No updates) 10.11 Not OK Validate parent status Status OK 10.14 Confirm new aggregation Display: scanned items and parent SSCC Enter: Confirm / Cancel 10.15 Process cancelled no updates Cancel End Confirm 10.17 update hierarchy structure Packing items into parent 10.16 New aggregation in place Display: Confirmation message End 8

  9. Pack Step 1 This step covers the adding of one or more items which need to be packed. Items must be defined as: SSCC, usually when cases are packed into a pallet SGTIN To continue to the next step at least one SSCC or SGTIN item must be added. Once the focus is on the application, the application is ready to scan the barcode with a scanner. Field Name Description SSCC-(00) Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) is an 18-digit number used to identify pallets; e.g. (00)062950000410005187 If the application doesn t have focus, scanning is not possible. GTIN-(01) Global Trade Item Number is a fixed number (14 digit), which is globally unique for a product; e.g. (01)05675000041565 SERIAL-(21) Unique number (SN, SERIAL) assigned to each individual product; e.g. (01)05675000041565(21)01SD0000035 For manual data entry press Enter Manual screen opens. where new 9

  10. Pack Step 1 Adding SSCC SSCC = (00)SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code To add an SSCC Item to the packing list, enter the SSCC value in the field SSCC-(00) and press OK To return to the previous step press Cancel The SSCC Item is then added to the packing list and has an icon (see table below) 10

  11. Pack Step 1 Adding SGTIN SGTIN = (01)GTIN(21)SERIAL Global Trade Item Number To add the SGTIN Item to the packing list, enter the GTIN value of the product in the field GTIN(01), and the associated serial number value in the field SERIAL-(21) and press OK To return to the previous step press Cancel The SGTIN Item is then added to the packing list and has an icon (see table below) 11

  12. Pack Step 1 The progress bar shows advancement through the process shows the total of all items on the list Filter options: All - shows all items Success - filter to only successfully added items Errors - filter to items with error Warning - filter to items with a warning It is possible to filter the list of scanned items using Select Delete mode to remove added items. In Delete mode a delete icon will appear on each row. Press Delete to remove an item. Deletion will require confirmation. The Message column on this page provides guidance for issues with listed items. To return to the previous screen press Back When all issues with added items are solved and there is no error message, press Validate re-check all added items again and to proceed to the next step to 12

  13. Pack Step 2 Parent Unit On this step, the parent SSCC code is added. Child items from the previous step will be packed with this parent code. Once the focus is on the application, the application is ready to scan the barcode with a scanner. If the application doesn t have focus, scanning is not possible. If you would prefer to enter data without scanning, select Enter manually to open a data entry page. For returning to previous step for adding/removal of items press Back 13

  14. Pack Step 2 Adding SSCC SSCC = (00)SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code To add an SSCC parent Item, enter the SSCC value in the field SSCC-(00) and press OK To return to the previous step press Cancel If there are no issues with entered SSCC data you will progress straight through to the next step. If there are any issues with entered SSCC data, an error is shown. Continuation to the next step is not possible until the error is corrected. 14

  15. Pack Step 2 - Confirmation This page provides confirmation that the packing list contains all the items which need to be added into parent SSCC. The number of items (SSCC, SGTINs) contained in the pack list is shown as To return to the previous page for changing of the parent SSCC item press Back A warning prompt will appear if any other pages are selected before this information is confirmed. For final confirmation of packing press Confirm 15

  16. Pack Pack new item This page indicates you successfully added child items to a parent item. If you want to pack new child items to a different parent item, press Pack another container 16

  17. 3. Pack - Mobile 17

  18. Pack Mobile Packing is a product hierarchy update where we add one or more unpacked child items into an existing or new parent item. The main data required for packing is the following: Unique Serialized Number (SGTIN or SSCC) of a child item Unique Serialized Number (SSCC) of a parent item The packaging process comprises of 3 steps: Step 1 Adding child items Step 2 Adding a parent item Step 3 Packing confirmation To pack an item select Hierarchy Change->Pack from the menu. 18

  19. Pack Pack Data Flow Mobile Tatmeen Start 10.1 Scan items to pack in a new parent Display: None Entry: Multiple SGTINs/ SSCCs Enter: Confirm / Cancel 10.2 Process cancelled no updates Cancel End Scan/Add SSCC or SGTIN of child items that should be packed. Confirm Scan another item 10.4 Validate Item Status 10.3 Validate items status Not OK Scan/Add parent item in which child item will be packed. 10.5 ERROR/WARNING (Status of the Items) Status OK 10.6 10.7 Item packed in parent? Yes WARNING Confirm aggregation. 10.9 Update hierarchy structure Unpacking scanned item from parent No 10.8 Unpack Item from parent 10.10 Scan parent to pack scanned items into Display: None Entry: SSCC Scan another Container 10.12 Validate parent status 10.13 ERROR (No updates) 10.11 Not OK Validate parent status Status OK 10.14 Confirm new aggregation Display: scanned items and parent SSCC Enter: Confirm / Cancel 10.15 Process cancelled no updates Cancel End Confirm 10.17 update hierarchy structure Packing items into parent 10.16 New aggregation in place Display: Confirmation message 19 End

  20. Pack Step 1 This step covers the adding of one or more items which need to be packed. Items must be defined as: SSCC, usually when cases are packed into a pallet SGTIN To continue to the next step at least one SSCC or SGTIN item must be added. When the first screen opens, the application is already ready to scan the barcode with a scanner. Or press Camera to use the camera for scanning. For manual data entry press Edit Field Name Description SSCC-(00) Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) is an 18-digit number used to identify pallets; e.g. (00)062950000410005187 GTIN-(01) Global Trade Item Number is a fixed number (14 digit), which is globally unique for a product; e.g. (01)05675000041565 SERIAL-(21) Unique number (SN, SERIAL) assigned to each individual product; e.g. (01)05675000041565(21)01SD0000035 20

  21. Pack Step 1 Adding SSCC SSCC = (00)SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code To add an SSCC Item to the packing list, enter the SSCC value in the field SSCC-(00) and press OK If no value is entered OK possible to continue to the next step. will be disabled and it will not be To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel The SSCC Item is then added to the packing list and has an icon (see list below) 21

  22. Pack Step 1 Adding SGTIN SGTIN = (01)GTIN(21)SERIAL Global Trade Item Number To add the SGTIN Item to the packing list, enter the GTIN value of the product in the field GTIN(01), and the associated serial number value in the field SERIAL-(21) and press OK If no value is entered OK possible to continue to the next step. will be disabled and it will not be To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel The SGTIN Item is then added to the packing list and has an icon (see list below) 22

  23. Pack Step 1 This page provides guidance for issues with listed items. Filter options: All - shows all items Success - filter to only successfully added items Errors - filter to items with error Warnings - filter to items with a warning shows the total number of all items on the list It is possible to filter the list of scanned items using Select Delete mode to remove added items. In Delete mode a delete icon will appear on each row. Press Delete to remove an item. Deletion will require confirmation. Red messages under items provide guidance for issues with listed items. When all issues with added items are solved and there is no error message, press Continue to proceed to the next step If you want to suspend work and enter a new shipping document press Restart A query message will confirmation for a new start appear requiring 23

  24. Pack Step 2 Parent Unit On this step, the parent SSCC code is added. Child items from the previous step will be packed with this parent code. When the first screen opens, the application is already ready to scan the barcode with a scanner. Or press Camera to use the camera for scanning. For manual data entry press Edit If there are no issues with entered data you will progress straight through to the confirmation page. 24

  25. Pack Step 2 Adding SSCC SSCC = (00)SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code To add an SSCC Item to the packing list, enter SSCC value in the field SSCC-(00) and press OK If no value is entered OK possible to continue to the next step. will be disabled and it will not be To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel If there are any issues with entered/scanned item, an error is shown. Continuation to the next step is not possible until the error is corrected. 25

  26. Pack Step 2 - Confirmation This page provides confirmation that the packing list contains all the items which need to be added into parent item. The number of items (SSCC, SGTINs) contained in pack list is shown as To return to the previous page to change the parent SSCC item press Back For final confirmation of this packing process packing press Confirm 26

  27. Pack Pack new item This page indicates you successfully added child items to a parent item. If you want to pack new child items to a different parent item, press Do Another 27

  28. 4. Unpack - Portal 28

  29. Unpack - Portal Unpacking is an update to the product hierarchy where we disaggregate/subtract one or more child units from the parent unit. The parent unit remains with the rest of the unpacked children. The unpacked items remain the same, except they no longer have a parent unit. Main data needed for unpacking: Unique Serialized Number (SSCC) of a parent item Unique Serialized Number (SGTIN or SSCC) of a child item For unpackaging process you will need 3 steps: Step 1 Select a parent item Step 2 Select child items Step 3 Unpacking confirmation For unpacking an item in navigation menu select Hierarchy Change->Unpack 29

  30. Unpack Unpack Data Flow Mobile Tatmeen 9.23 Start 9.1 Scan parent to unpack from Display: None Entry: Single parent scanned Enter: Confirm / Cancel 9.2 Cancel Process cancelled no updates End Confirm Scan/Add parent item from which child item will be unpacked. 9.4 Validate parent status 9.3 Validate parent status Scan another parent Not OK 9.5 ERROR/WARNING (parent STATUS) Scan/Add that need to be unpacked from the parent item. SSCC or SGTIN of child items Status Ok 9.24 9.6 Yes WARNING Parent packed? Continue 9.9 Update Hierarchy Structure Unpacking scanned parent 9.8 No Unpack parent Confirm unpacking. 9.10 Scan items to unpack from parent Display: scanned parent Entry: Multiple SGTINs Enter: Confirm / Cancel 9.11 Cancel Process cancelled no updates End Scan next item 9.14 Error loose item Item not part of the hierarchy Confirm No; loose 9.13 Validate Item Status 9.12 Item in existing hierarchy? 9.15 No; packed in another container WARNING Continue 9.17 Update Hierarchy Structure Unpacking scanned item from parent Yes 9.16 Unpack Item from parent 9.18 Confirm new aggregation Display: scanned items, sum of scanned items and container SSCC; Enter: Confirm / Cancel 9.19 Cancel Process cancelled no updates End Confirm 9.21 Update Hierarchy Structure (Unpack scanned items from scanned parent) 9.20 New aggregation in place Display: Confirmation message 30 End

  31. Unpack Step 1 Parent Unit On this step, the parent SSCC item is selected from which child items will be disaggregated/subtracted. Once the focus is on the application, the application is ready to scan the barcode with a scanner. If the application doesn t have focus, scanning is not possible. If you would prefer to enter data without scanning, select Enter manually to open a data entry page. Field Name Description SSCC-(00) Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) is an 18-digit number used to identify pallets; e.g. (00)062950000410005187 31

  32. Unpack Step 1 Adding SSCC SSCC = (00)SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code To add an SSCC parent Item, enter the SSCC value in the field SSCC-(00) and press OK To return to the previous step press Cancel If there are no issues with entered SSCC data you will progress straight through to the next step. If there are any issues with entered SSCC data, an error is shown. Continuation to the next step is not possible until the error is corrected. 32

  33. Unpack Step 2 This page allows you to define one or more items to be unpacked. Items can be: SSCC, usually when cases are packed into a pallet SGTIN Once the focus is on the application, the application is ready to scan the barcode with a scanner. If the application doesn t have focus, scanning is not possible. Field Name Description SSCC-(00) Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) is an 18-digit number used to identify pallets; e.g. (00)062950000410005187 If you would prefer to enter data without scanning, select Enter manually to open a data entry page. GTIN-(01) Global Trade Item Number is a fixed number (14 digit), which is globally unique for a product; e.g. (01)05675000041565 SERIAL-(21) Unique number (SN, SERIAL) assigned to each individual product; e.g. (01)05675000041565(21)01SD0000035 For returning to previous step for adding/removal of items press Back 33

  34. Unpack Step 2 Adding SSCC SSCC = (00)SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code To add an SSCC Item to the unpacking list, enter the SSCC value in the field SSCC-(00) and press OK To return to the previous step press Cancel The SSCC Item is then added to the unpacking list and has an icon (see table below) 34

  35. Unpack Step 2 Adding SGTIN SGTIN = (01)GTIN(21)SERIAL Global Trade Item Number To add an SGTIN Item to the unpacking list, enter GTIN value of the product in the field GTIN(01), serial number value in the field SERIAL-(21) and press OK To return to the previous step press Cancel The SGTIN Item is then added to the unpacking list and has an icon (see table below) 35

  36. Unpack Step 2 The progress bar shows advancement through the process Filter options: All - shows all items Success - filter to only successfully added items Error - filter to items with error Warning - filter to items with a warning shows the total of all items on the list It is possible to filter the list of scanned items using Select Delete mode to remove added items. In Delete mode a delete icon will appear on each row. Press Delete to remove an item. Deletion will require confirmation. The Message column on this page provides guidance for issues with listed items. To return to the previous screen press Back When all issues with added items are solved and there is no error message, press Validate to recheck all added items again and to proceed to the next step 36

  37. Unpack Step 2 Confirmation This page provides confirmation that the packing list contains all the items which need to be added into the parent SSCC. The number of items (SSCC, SGTINs) contained in pack list is shown as To return to the previous step to change a parent SSCC item press Back A warning prompt will appear if any other pages are selected before this information is confirmed For final confirmation of the unpacking, when child items will be disaggregated/subtracted from a parent item press Confirm 37

  38. Unpack Unpack new item You successfully disaggregated/subtracted/removed child items from a parent item. If you want to unpack new child items from a different parent item, press Unpack another container 38

  39. 5. Unpack - Mobile 39

  40. Unpack Mobile Unpacking is the update to the product hierarchy where we disaggregate/subtract one or more child unit from the parent unit. The parent unit remains with the rest of the unpacked children. The unpacked items remain the same, except they no longer have a parent unit. Main data needed for unpacking: Unique Serialized Number (SSCC) of a parent item Unique Serialized Number (SGTIN or SSCC) of a child item For unpackaging process you will need 3 steps: Step 1 Select a parent item Step 2 Select child items Step 3 Unpacking confirmation To unpacking an item in navigation menu select Hierarchy Change->Unpack 40

  41. Unpack Unpack Data Flow Mobile Tatmeen 9.23 Start 9.1 Scan parent to unpack from Display: None Entry: Single parent scanned Enter: Confirm / Cancel 9.2 Cancel Process cancelled no updates End Confirm Scan/Add the parent item from which the child item will be unpacked. 9.4 Validate parent status 9.3 Validate parent status Scan another parent Not OK 9.5 ERROR/WARNING (parent STATUS) Scan/Add SSCC or SGTIN of the child items that need to be unpacked from the parent item. Status Ok 9.24 9.6 Yes WARNING Parent packed? Continue 9.9 Update Hierarchy Structure Unpacking scanned parent 9.8 Confirm unpacking. No Unpack parent 9.10 Scan items to unpack from parent Display: scanned parent Entry: Multiple SGTINs Enter: Confirm / Cancel 9.11 Cancel Process cancelled no updates End Scan next item 9.14 Error loose item Item not part of the hierarchy Confirm No; loose 9.13 Validate Item Status 9.12 Item in existing hierarchy? 9.15 No; packed in another container WARNING Continue 9.17 Update Hierarchy Structure Unpacking scanned item from parent Yes 9.16 Unpack Item from parent 9.18 Confirm new aggregation Display: scanned items, sum of scanned items and container SSCC; Enter: Confirm / Cancel 9.19 Cancel Process cancelled no updates End Confirm 9.21 Update Hierarchy Structure (Unpack scanned items from scanned parent) 9.20 New aggregation in place Display: Confirmation message 41 End

  42. Unpack Step 1 Parent Unit On this step, the parent SSCC item is selected from which child items will be disaggregated/subtracted. When the first screen opens, the application is already ready to scan the barcode with a scanner. Or press Camera to use the camera for scanning. For manual data entry press Edit 42

  43. Unpack Step 1 Adding SSCC SSCC = (00)SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code To add an SSCC Item, enter SSCC value in the field SSCC-(00) and press OK If no value is entered OK possible to continue to the next step. will be disabled and it will not be To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel If there are any issues with entered/scanned item, an error is shown. Continuation to the next step is not possible until the error is corrected. 43

  44. Unpack Step 2 This page allows you to define one or more items to be unpacked. Items can be: SSCC, usually when cases are packed into a pallet SGTIN To continue to the next step at least one SSCC or SGTIN item must be entered. When the first screen opens, the application is already ready to scan the barcode with a scanner. Or press Camera to use the camera for scanning. For manual data entry press Edit Field Name Description SSCC-(00) Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) is an 18-digit number used to identify pallets; e.g. (00)062950000410005187 GTIN-(01) Global Trade Item Number is a fixed number (14 digit), which is globally unique for a product; e.g. (01)05675000041565 SERIAL-(21) Unique number (SN, SERIAL) assigned to each individual product; e.g. (01)05675000041565(21)01SD0000035 44

  45. Unpack Step 2 Adding SSCC SSCC = (00)SSCC Serial Shipping Container Code To select an SSCC Item for the unpacking list, enter SSCC value in the field SSCC-(00) and press OK If no value is entered OK possible to continue to the next step. will be disabled and it will not be To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel The SSCC Item is then selected for the unpacking list and has an icon list below) (see 45

  46. Unpack Step 2 Adding SGTIN SGTIN = (01)GTIN(21)SERIAL Global Trade Item Number To select an SGTIN Item for the unpacking list, enter the GTIN value of the product in the field GTIN(01), and the serial number value in the field SERIAL-(21) and press OK If no value is entered OK possible to continue to the next step To return to the previous step and cancel the entry press Cancel will be disabled and it will not be The SGTIN Item is then added to the unpacking list and has an icon (see list below) 46

  47. Unpack Step 2 This page provides guidance for issues with listed items. Filter options: All - shows all items Success - filter to only successfully added items Errors - filter to items with error Warnings - filter to items with a warning shows the total number of all items on the list It is possible to filter the list of scanned items using Select Delete mode to remove added items. In Delete mode a delete icon will appear on each row. Press Delete to remove an item. Deletion will require confirmation. Red messages under items provide guidance for issues with listed items. When all issues with added items are solved and there is no error message, press Continue to proceed to the next step If you want to suspend work and enter a new shipping document press Restart A query message will confirmation for a new start appear requiring 47

  48. Unpack Step 2 Confirmation This page provides confirmation that the packing list contains all the items which need to be included in the parent SSCC. The number of items (SSCC, SGTINs) prepared for unpacking is shown as To return to the previous step for changing of parent SSCC item press Back For disaggregated/subtracted from a parent item press Confirm final confirmation for unpacking, where the child items will be 48

  49. Unpack Unpack new item You successfully disaggregated/subtracted/removed child items from a parent item. If you want to unpack new child items from a different parent item, press Do Another 49

  50. 6. Unpack All - Portal 50

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