Hamilton Huskies Track & Field Program Guidelines
The Hamilton Huskies Track & Field program, led by Coach E.J. Martin, focuses on instilling character, dedication, discipline, honor, and integrity in student-athletes. Emphasizing positive behavior, commitment, academic success, and pride in individual and team performances, the program sets clear expectations and practice guidelines to ensure a holistic development for its members.
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Hamilton Track & Field Philosophy & Goals Hamilton Track & Field Philosophy & Goals The goal of the Hamilton Track and Field program is to provide student athletes with a positive experience based upon character, dedication, discipline, honor, and integrity. Hamilton track and field athletes will represent themselves, their families, their school, their community and the Hamilton Track and Field program by being model citizens and students on the track, in school, and in the community. Commitment Your membership on this track team indicates your commitment to abide by the rules and regulations of the Hamilton Athletic Department and its coaching staff. Your continued participation on this team will be determined by following these rules and regulations. Expectations Positive behavior at all times. In other words, no profanity, fighting, or disrespect towards officials, teammates, coaches, or opponents. During a race, practice good sportsmanship and professionalism. Responsible and reliable (be at practice and be on time!). Arrange your other activities around track (doctor s appts, work, clubs, etc). Pride in individual and team performances Listen to coaches at all times Conduct yourself in a mature manner at all track and field activities. Be part of the solution, not part of the problem All student athletes are required to follow the rules and regulations set forth by the Hamilton Athletic Department. Failure to follow them will result in the consequences as outlined in the guidelines. Academic Success Equally important to your athletic success is your academic achievement. Remember that you are a student athlete. The coaching staff is here to help you excel in both athletic and academic areas. It is important that academics come first! The coaching staff will closely monitor your achievement in the classroom as well as on the athletic field. If you are struggling in a class, ask the staff for assistance. It is also important that you understand that the coaching staff will not tolerate using either academics or athletics as an excuse for procrastination or failure to complete your classroom assignments
Practice Guidelines 1. Daily practice is from 3:15 5:30pm. Plan accordingly and be on time. Do not expect to be able to leave before 5:30pm. If you work, let your boss know! 2. Spring Break or other special practices times TBA. 3. Pay attention to the weather forecast. The weather in Arizona is very HOT. We will be outside! Make sure you are drinking water throughout the day! (not just when practice starts!) 4. Shirts must be worn at all times, no matter what the weather is like. We are a co-ed team. 5. Treatment: see Lance and the medical staff by 3:15pm. If you are not in the training room by then they may not be able to treat you that day. 6. If you are at school, you are expected to be at practice. 7. Excused absences inform your head coach before the absence (note or email from parent) if possible. Dr. s appointments must be documented with a note from the doctor to be excused. 8. Excused Tardiness must have signed note from teacher. DO NOT TELL ANOTHER ATHLETE TO TELL A COACH THAT YOU ARE GOING TO BE LATE OR NOT GOING TO BE AT PRACTICE. This is YOUR responsibility. (The athlete is expected to complete that day s workout upon arrival.) 9. If you are unexcused the day before the meet you will not compete. An excused absence must be approved by the head coach and may affect your participation in the meet. Excused absences/tardiness: Family commitment / School related activity / Doctor appointment / Other commitment APPROVED by coaches Spring Break (WE DO HAVE MEETS DURING SPRING BREAK!) We will have practice over spring break. Time TBA! Family vacations are excused absences. We will distribute a Spring Break form to track these absences. Parents will be expected to sign and return these forms. Athletes, please discuss training options to help maintain conditioning. Even though absences are excused, if athletes are unable to participate in the practices before the meet, they will not compete in that meet. If you return prior to the meet after spring break, you will be able to participate but in a reduced way for your own safety. Discipline for Unexcused Absences: 1stunexcused absence = loss of 1 meet / 2ndunexcused absence = loss of 2 meets / 3rdunexcused absence = removal from the team Late to practice (unexcused): 1stunexcused tardy = warning / 2ndand 3rdunexcused tardy = extra conditioning; extra meet responsibility / 4thunexcused tardy = loss of 1 meet / 5thunexcused tardy = loss of minimum of 2 meets with possible removal from team / The amount of time the athlete is late may in a greater disciplinary step
Transportation You must travel to the meet and from the meet on the team bus! In case of an emergency, you CAN NOT ride home with anyone under 18 years of age, regardless of permission. It has to be a parent or an adult with the parents consent (verification of parent giving permission needs to be signed off by me). Athletes may not leave a meet! PERIOD!!!! Meets Meet days are long days, come prepared. Attire: Hamilton High School issued uniform and warm-up jacket. Always wear something over your uniform when you are not competing. Warming up is not the same as competing. Food and beverage Food will be provided by the Hamilton Booster Club. Avoid pop, energy drinks, and other sugary, caffeinated beverages. Water is best, small amounts of Gatorade / Powerade is ok. Weather Pay attention to the forecast and come over prepared. Plan on staying till the end of the meet to support your teammates. If you have to leave early it must be approved ahead of time (note from parents explaining the reason). Athletes will travel with the team. Athletes must be signed out by their parents at away meets in order to go home with them (after the meet has concluded). Dual Meets All members of the team may participate in up to 4 events in a dual meet. At times, some individuals may train through a dual meet and may not compete in all of their regular events. Our goal is to peak in May when it matters most (state meet). This will influence how many times each individual will compete. Giving our athletes the best chance to qualify for the state meet is more important than trying to win a dual meet. Invitational and Relay Meets These are varsity only meets. We will try to involve as many as possible in these types of meets, but many athletes may not be able to compete. Entries are limited. For most invitational meets we are only allowed 2-5 entries per open event and 1-2 relay teams per relay event. Relay style meets we are usually only allowed to enter 1 relay team per event.
Varsity Letter Requirement A varsity letter can be earned in any of the following manners: Earn a total of 23 varsity points in all meets. Scored points can be in invitationals, relays, and state meet. Relay members each earn half the total amount earned by relay team. Example: relay team wins event at an invitational and wins 10 team points, each member will receive 5 points. 2 points is earned by competing in a Invitational or Relay Meet. 5 points is earned by competing in the State Championship Meet. Obtain an automatic qualifying mark listed below a minimum of two times over the season. These are based on open events; relay splits will not count. Event 100m 200m Boys 11.3 22.75 Girls 12.8 26.3 Event Shot Disc Boys 42 2 140 Girls 34 100 400m 51.0 58.9 Pole Vault 12 3 10 800m 2:00 2:24 Long Jump 20 16 5 1600m 4:28 5:30 Triple Jump 40 2 34 1 3200m 9:52 11:54 High Jump 5 10 4 10 110/100H 14.85 15.85 Javelin 130 89 300H 39.5 47.2 The above possibilities are based on the fact that the athlete remains part of the team the entire season. An athlete will not letter if they do not finish the entire season. In the situation of an injury, the athlete will be evaluated on an individual basis by their event coach and the head coach. Special circumstances will be evaluated on an individual basis.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION AND UPDATES! Website http://www.mychandlerschools. org/Domain/2325 Facebook Page Hamilton Track Booster https://www.facebook.com/group s/366393773485316/?fref=nf Instagram Hamilton Track and Field StackTeam App Hamilton Huskies T/F Twitter/X Hamilton Track & Field Boosters @HHSTFBoosters
Preparing for Meets Students need to be proactive with grades, assignments, teachers, nutrition, etc. CUSD board policy Failing grade you do not compete (Checked every week) Most Track Invitationals last all day Be Proactive! Students will be given time for bus pick-up and drop off Student s responsibility to remember please do not text the coach As soon as possible, times will be posted on website and Facebook page (Always subject to change CHECK OFTEN!) All heat sheets are always TENTATIVE and subject to change
TENTATIVE SCHEDULE (THIS WILL CHANGE) Feb. 5, 2024 Regular season begins Feb. 21, 2024 Dual meet at Queen Creek Feb. 28, 2024 Dual meet at HHS with Casteel Mar. 1, 2024 Saunders Montague Desert Classic Invite Mar. 7, 2024 Brophy Prep Devon Allen Invite Mar. 15, 2024 Red Mountain Rampage Invite Mar. 22-23, 2024 82nd Nike Chandler Rotary Invite Mar. 27, 2024 Dual meet at HHS with Chandler Mar. 30, 2024 Becky Matthews Invite April 3, 2024 Dual meet at Basha April 5-6, 2024 Arcadia Invitational (CA) *April 9, 2024 Top of the Mtn Invite 21stAnnual Hohokam Invite April 12, 2024 April 17, 2024 Chandler City Meet (ACP) April 23, 2024 Seton Catholic Last Chance Qualifier May 2, 4, 10, 11, 2024 AIA Division I & Open State Championships May 17, 18, 2024 Arizona Multis State Championships *To Be Determined
TYPICAL RUNNING ORDER OF EVENTS FIELD EVENTS BOYS 4x800-meter Relay 110-meter HH 100-meter Dash 4x200-meter Relay 1600-meter Run 4x100-meter Relay 400-meter Dash 300-meter IH 800-meter Run 200-meter Dash 3200-meter Run 4x400-meter Relay GIRLS 4x800-meter Relay Discus Throw 100-meter HH 100-meter Dash High Jump 4x200-meter Relay Long Jump 1600-meter Run Triple Jump 4x100-meter Relay Pole Vault 400-meter Dash Javelin 300-meter LH 800-meter Run 200-meter Dash 3200-meter Run 4x400-meter Relay Shot Put
SCORING Number of Teams Competing in the Meet 2...........................................................5-3-1 3...........................................................5-3-2-1 4...........................................................6-4-3-2-1 5...........................................................8-6-4-2-1 6..........................................................10-8-6-4-2-1 7 or more (6 scoring)..........................10-8-6-4-2-1 7 or more (7 scoring)..........................10-8-6-4-3-2-1 7 or more (8 scoring)..........................10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1 Individual Scoring Relay Scoring 5 5-3 6-4-2 8-6-4-2 10-8-6-4-2 10-8-6-4-2-1 10-8-6-4-3-2-1 10-8-6-5-4-3-2-1
WHAT WE NEED/WISH LIST Costco Gift Cards for Water & Team Meals during Invitationals Pole Vault tips Workout Equipment (plyo boxes) Equipment to host our own Invitational 2 Pole Vault Mats Portable Pole Vault Runway Shot Puts / Discus / Javelin Hurdle Carts
Fees Fees ECA Fee (Pay to Play) $100 Team Shirt $20, required for all athletes, due by 2/20/24 Optional Willie Williams Meet If your athlete will be traveling to this overnight meet in Tucson, there will be a fee. Estimated fee is $50. More information will be provided as the date nears.
BOOSTER CLUB OFFICERS President Shannon Martinson Vice President Tiffany Martin Secretary Jenny Hartle Treasurer Tabitha Spivey Team e-mail: hamiltontf@icloud.com Booster Club e-mail: hamiltontrackbooster@gmail.com Purpose: Assist, Communicate, Raise Funds, Provide Volunteers
Husky Team & Fan Gear All Athletes that would like to purchase their own race day shorts, can purchase them online at BSN Team Sports. Store Closes 2/5/24, so get your orders in now! https://bsnteamsports.com/shop/z5LmsV9xkF Access code is z5LmsV9xkF for team apparel Fan Gear & Athlete Apparel Hamilton Track Boosters will also be selling team shirts for $25 all season long!
Volunteers Needed All Dates Tentative! Sign Up Genius Links will be sent out Booster Club Next Booster Club Meeting is ??? in Cafeteria, All Parents are welcome! Time trials: 2/21/24 Team photo & Uniform handout 2/ Car Wash/Weigh to Fundraise ??? Dual Meets at Hamilton: 2/28/2024, 3/27/2024 Lunches at Invitationals Willie Williams Tucson: TBD Chandler City Meet: 4-17-2024 @ ACP High School Fundraising
FUNDRAISING We will continue to have as many fundraisers as possible to help build this program with the proper and up to date equipment and tools needed to maximize every athletes potential on the field. Funds are raised to provide equipment, athlete meals at Invitationals, Travel for Out of Town Meets, Team Events, Uniforms, Senior Dinner, Awards, Banquet SNAP-RAISE FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN (2/21/24) HAMILTON TRACK POWER CARDS FUNDRAISER (2/27/24) FAN GEAR/APPAREL BUDDIES ALLSTARS (orders must be turned in by 2/5/24) CAR WASH/WEIGH TO FUNDRAISE (tentatively ???) DONATIONS CONCESSIONS CORPORATE SPONSORS
Snap-Raise Fundraiser http://raise.snap.app/join_code/448 068236 Join Code: 448068236
Easy ways to support our Track Program! Tax Credit & Frys Card Program TAX CREDIT Please earmark for Track and Field for funds to go to Track and Field Pay to Play $100 can be credited to athlete if earmarked Up to $200 / $400 each year http://www.cusd80.com/taxcredit FRYS CARD PROGRAM Go online to frysfood.com and under account summary choose community rewards. Add our number, 33335. The Hamilton Track Booster organization should come up and click on it and enroll. This will not affect your gas points.
Frequently Asked Questions & Answers What if my athlete is in a Winter sport or another Sport? We have several athletes that come over from Winter Sports once they end. Who runs in the relays and is it always the same team? Relays are put together based on running times. Coaches will decide who makes the relay teams. Does it cost to get into Dual Meets? No Do we practice over Spring Break? Yes, practice and meets are held during Spring Break. Does it cost to get into Invitationals? Yes, most are $5.00 entrance fee except Chandler Rotary which is $10.00 and Sun Angel classic adult $8.00 and child $5.00. What are Dual Meets and who participates? Dual Meets are for everyone and a great opportunity for the Non-Varsity Athletes to showcase their talent! Dual Meets are not State Qualifying Meets. Can I bring a cooler / Tent, etc.? Most meets allow you bring coolers, backpacks, tents, umbrellas. The Sun Angel Meet at ASU has a clear bag policy and limitations as to what you can bring in. What are Invitationals and who participates? Varsity athletes participate in the Invitationals, however, there are typically three Invitationals that non-Varsity has the opportunity to run (Willie Williams in Tucson, Becky Matthews (Open meet) and Chandler City Meet). All Invitationals are State Qualifying (FAT timed). Is food provided at all the meets? Food is provided by the boosters at invitational meets, lunch and snacks, drinks (water and Gatorade) We recommend athletes to pack additional items in case this doesn t work for your child. Why doesn't everyone run at the Invitationals? Limited entries per event What if they have a failing grade? Can they still compete? No, Student needs to attend Husky Room. What time do the Dual Meets start? Home meets start at 3:30/Away meets start at 4:15 to 4:30. Where do I find information about the Invitational Meets (start time, heat sheets, schedule of events, etc.) We will post on website, Facebook and twitter. When will my son/daughter know what event(s) they are running? Coaches will inform athletes at practice and by Team App. Will my son/daughter compete in more than 1 event? Dual meets yes, for other meets coaches will decide. What time do the Invitationals start? TBA we will communicate through twitter, Facebook page and website. Do we practice every day? Yes What time is practice? 3:15 - 5:30 What is FAT? Fully Automatic Timing system that captures digital race results/ only used at Invitational and State Qualifying Meets. What meets are State qualifying meets? All Invitationals are State Qualifying Meets (FAT timed).