Guidelines for General Cleaning and Prohibitions in Zamboanga City

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The document outlines regulations for general cleaning on Sundays in Zamboanga City, with specific disinfection protocols using bleach and chlorine. It also prohibits social gatherings and non-essential entry of people to and from the Enhanced Community Quarantine zone, except for essential workers and specified individuals. Border controls, exceptions for certain activities like medical travel, and requirements for inbound persons are detailed.

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  1. Repubhca de F,hpinas Ciudad de Zamboanga OFICINA DEL ALCALDE Section 6.-GENERAL CLEANING A. All government offices, private offices, business establishments, banks, restaurants and other food establishments, groceries, supermarket. wet market, public markets shall close on Sundays nnd conduct a gencrol cleaning of their entire area. Cleaning shall include all floors, walls, doors, windows and nll movable property, e.g. tables and chairs. The standard disinfection solution must be used in the general cleaning such as: o. Theuseof commercially available household bleach at 5% active chlorine, dilute one ( 1) part ofbleach to nine (9) ports ofclean water; or tablespoon ofchlorine (equivalent to 10 grams) to 2 liters ofclean water. Mix the solution thoroughly using a stick. b. The use ofchlorine powdcrlgrnnules/tablet at 60%-70% active chlorine, dissolve I B. Excluded from the closure on Sundays, but subject to strict sanitation protocols, are the following: 2. Hospitals 3. Funeral parlors 4. Pharmacies todispense medicine only S. TheManufacturingIndustries producingveryessential food such assardines, eggs. hogs and chicken 6. Establishments, suchasIcePlant, GasolineStation, Tin Can Factory, thatareessential in the Manufacturing Industries in the production ofvery essential food. 7. Government Activity such as implementation ofgovernment services and PPAs. Section 7. - PROlilBITION ON SOCIAL GATHERINGS I. Emergency services Moss gatherings ofmore than ten (10) persons, to include religious ceremonies, shall remain prohibited. Section 8. - BORDER CONTROL A.Non-essential entryof people toand from the ECQzoneis prohibited except: I. 2. 3. 4. S. abroad; Workers in permitted establishments and persons providing essential goods and services and public utilities; Essential skeleton workforce; Repatriated OFWs or returning non-OFWs returning to their residences; and Other persons transported through the efforts ofthe national government. Health workers; Government officials and personnel; Those traveling for medical or humanitarian reasons; Persons transiting to the airport for travel 6. 7. 8. T t l I ( 0 6 2 ) 9 9 1 . 2 l 9 S / ( 0 6 2 ) 9 9 1 . 6 7 0 ) - : : : : : - - : - : - : - : - - : - : - - T = : : : 0 < . 0 6 ) 9 9 . 0 0 6 2 9 9 . 8 8 9 < I IIAJI, I \A. f <:,V'i! rt lt"I !l'.\!BOANGA CITY 7000. PijlUPPltm V1\"1v1. z.l ph

  2. Repubhca de Filipinas C ludad de Zamboanga OfI CINA DEL ALCALDE 8. Vehicles carrying fn nn inputs nod food commodities such os crops, fishery ond oquotic resources, live poultry nod livestock, os well as meat and meat products ore allowed, provided its travel complies with the provisions of duly ond legally imposed procedures, laws rules and rcguleuons protocols, such as, the Food Resiliency Protocol promulgated by the Department of Agriculture through Memorandum Circular No. 7 dated Mnrch 1 , 2020, ore adheredlo. C. Land, oir or sco travelbyuniformed personneland governmentofficial and employees for official business, with corresponding travel authority, especially those transpiring medical supplies nnd laboratory specimens related to COVID-19, ond other reliefand humanitarian nssistance. D. Repatriated OFWs or returning non-Of'Ws whohave been issued a DOHor LOUcertificate of completion of fourteen (14)-day facility-based quorontinc, or those who moy be required to undergo a mandatory fourteen (14)-day home quarantine unhampered transit acrosszoneenroutetotheir final destination. shall be granted E. Returning residents ofthe City, who have been completed their 14-day facility based quarantine, or those who may be required to undergo a mandatory 14-day home quarantine shall be granted provided that they shall present proof of residence in the City. They shall register at the first checkpoints located at their entry to the City ofZamboanga. F . All inbound andoutbound persons and drivers of passenger vehicles, cargoandother vehicle shall present their current and valid government issued identification cards or papers, register their complete ond legal names, complete address, contact number, nationality, civil status, plate number oftheir vehicle, history oftravel and a Health Certificate issued within fourteen (14) days by a duly licensed, registered and accredited physician that he/she hns no signsorsymptoms ofCOVID-19. lI! )I ,I. G. All persons entering the City shall be subjected to body temperature scan and those with body temperature of 38 Degree Celsius temporarily at the checkpoint which shall be reported to the City Health OfficeJEmergcncy Operations Center for appropriate action. or above upon screening shall be held H. All persons entering the City shall have with them a current, valid and pertinent governmentissued identification card. I. Drivers and passengers shall wear face mask or appropriate coverings of mouth and nose and bring along hygiene kits such as 70% alcohol or hand sanitizer. J. No aircraft, passenger or cargo vessel shall land, dock, anchor, slay or come in the City for the purpose of disembarking or loading passengers or traveling to or out of the City without the previous written permission ofthe City Mayor or his duly authorized representative in writing; K.Cargovesselsandaircraftloadingorunloadingessentialcommoditiessuchasfood, medicines,medicalsupplies,essentialbuildingmaterials, neededsparepartsetc., may land, dockoranchorinthesuitablelandingarea,wharforpierorstayinananchorageofthePort ofZamboangaforthe ... ' r ltfax No,. (061) 991.04201 (062) 991.188') Td llo,. (061) 991.2295 I (062) 991.6703 ifHAU.II S.'/..WER()SA \IRf[l lAMBOANGA CITY 7000, PHIIIPPlll!S ,.,.,, .f(rrlft n9 ......-

  3. Republica de Filipinas Ciudad de Zamboanga OFICINA DELALC ALDE purpose of londing ond or unloading the soid moteriols without previous written pcrrnissicn ofthe City Mayor or his duly authorized representative in writing; L. For neighboring municipnlitics, cities and provinces, only LGU designated officials can enter the City for purposes ofpurchnsing/pick-up/loading commodities for their constituents; M. For the purposes of number the above, entries shall be once a week, either on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays only and they shall have withthemand present to the checkpoint ofentry thefo llowing: I. Theircorresponding LGUissued IdentificationCardorcurrent, valid andpertinent written proofof employmentwiththeLGUconcerned; 2. Written Travel Order/Permit issued by the Local Chief Executive of the LGU concerned; 3. Certification or Sworn Statement oftravel history; 4. Health Certificate issued by a duly licensed, registered and accredited physician that he/she has no signs or symptoms ofCOVlD-19; Certification that the vehicle is officially designated, in writing, by the Loco! Chief Executive; 5. 6. Maximum ofone passenger and one driver per vehicle; 7. The Travel Permit/order shall indicate their destination and/or business establishments for purposes ofpurchasing basic commodities; 8. The Travel Permit/Order shall only be valid only until five (5) PM of the date issued; 9. Maximum oftwo (2) LGU official vehicles are allowed per city/municipality; l 0. Driver and passenger shall undergo the usual procedure and health protocols followed and/or enforced at checkpoints; 11. Driver and passengers shall wear face mask or appropriate coverings ofmouth and nose and bring along hygiene kits such as 70% alcohol or hand sanitizer; and 12. The driver and passenger(s) shall deposit their ID at the checkpoints. In return the receiving officer/personnel shall give them the appropriate receipt for the said deposit. The ID's shall be upon departure from Zamboanga City or continued stay herein, returned to its rightful owner who claims the same by presenting and returning the receipt previously given to him; N. A Task Force Border Control shall be constituted to supervise the entry and exit of people, cargoes and products from neighboring provinces with the following composition: T tl Nos.(061)991.2295I (062) 991.6703 T l fa, Nos.(0621992.0420I(062) 991.1889 ,-- f lfl llf>.l.l ( l'Au'IRO}.' \'1)j ; .!IJ180A tlGACllY7000, PHIUPPINES - - "'--l l l l i l l l l l l l l l l l\ l w w m ol . g o . p ..l l l 1 1 1 1 1 liii:: : _ : : ; : ;;;----:;":"t"" ':""'.'" -- 4

  4. Republic.:, de Filipinas Ciudad de Zamboanga OFICINA DEL ALCALDE I. Chairperson:City V eterinarian 2. Members: City Assessor City Health Officer City Agriculturist Section 9. -IMPLEMENTATION A. City Government The City Government shall establish a structure that will look into the various aspects ofthis Order to ensure its successful implementation. The City Administrator shnll be the overall Chairperson of the structure and the members arc the following: I. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. City Legal Officer City Licensing Officer City Health Officer City Treasurer City Planning and Development Coordinator City Director, Zamboanga City Police Office Commander,JointTaskForceZamboanga B. Barangay Local Governments Barangay Officials shall strictly implement the General Community Quarantine in their respective barangays. Bamngay Officials who, upon investigation ore found to have foiled in implementing this Executive Order, shall be administratively liable. C. Law Enforcement Agencies The Philippine National Police (PNP) shall apprehend nil violators ofthe provisions of this Order. Section 10. -Sanctions and Procedures. A.Allpersonswhowill violatethisExecutiveOrdermaybesubjectedtocriminalprosecution underSection 10ofOrdinnncc532,seriesof2020,otherwiseknownas"COVLD-19Emergency OrdinanceoftheCityofZamboanga"orifwarrantedunderexistinglaws, Tel 1/os. (062) 991.2295 / (062) 991.6703 ' .. Ttlelax llos. (062) 992.0420 I (062) 991.1889 :ny ltllU. ,::.v.;:._nr:; 1;. !7 rc :;1:aoANGA CITY 7000, PH1UPPlNES WW\V.lJ mbo.:ang

  5. Republica de Filipinas Cludad de Zamboanga OFICINA DEL ALCALDE B. In the interest of justice, violations of this Executive Order mny instead be settled through payment of the administrative Finesasprovided for in Section 1 1 of Ordinance No. 532, seriesof 2020, to the City Treasurer, such as the following: I. Violation under Section S (c)- mandatory wearing of face masks "(e) Mandatorywearing of facemask whenever allowed togooutside of residencesshallbestrictly complied. For this purpose, a face mask shall mean a protective gear used to cover the nose and mouth and usually even onto the chin. Due to prevailing shonagc of fa ce mask supplies, wearing of improvised masks and other protective equipment, such as indigenous, reusable, homemade or do-it yourself masks, face shields is allowed. Further, frontline service workers including but not limited to food service providers, grocery attendants, pharmacists, market stall attendants, farmers market (taboh), shall, in addition, wear faceshieldsand gloves;" Penalty: PhpS00.00 for first offense Php2,000.00 for second offense; PhpS,000.00 for third and succeeding offenses; PROVIDED, THAT, if the offender is a juridical entity, the officer/s responsible shall be penalized accordingly. 2. Violation under Section 5 (f)- mandatory physical or social distancing of one (I) meter or more from another individual "(f) Mandatoryphysical or social distancingof one (I) meter or more fromanotherindividual shnll be strictly required, unless otherwise a new distancing requirement of more than one (I) meter is mandated by competent authority. As such, establishments allowed to operate during the enhanced community quarantine (ECQ) shall ensure faithful compliance of their customers and clients of such regulation. Failure of any establishment to require their customers and clients to follow the mandatory physical or social distancing policy shall make them jointly and severally liable with suchcustomers and clients;" Penalty: Php500.00 for firstoffense Php2,000.00 for secondoffense; PhpS,000.00 forthirdandsucceeding offenses; PROVIDED, THAT, if the offender is ajuridical entity, the officer/sresponsible shall be penalized accordingly. 3. Violation under Section S (q)- Disregarding checkpoints "(q) Disregarding checkpoints or non-adherence to lawful directives of law enforcers manning checkpoints shall be prohibited;" Tel (062) 991.1295 / (061) 991.6703 Ttlefax Nos. (062) 992.ll420 I (062) 991.1889 CIT'(IIAU.N.S.VA iOEROSAST R EET;Z A M BOANGA CITY7000, PHIUPPINES 1 1 w :. :an <

  6. Republica de Filipinas Ciudad de Zamboanga OFICINA DEL ALCALDE Penalty: PhpS00.00 for first offense; Php3,000.00 for secondoffense; PhpS,000.00 for thirdandsucceeding offenses. 4. Violntion under Section S (t)- other regulations and prohibitions issued by the City Mayor relative to the war against the COVID-19 "(t) Other rcgulotions andprohibitionsrelative tothe waragainsttheCOVlD-1 9 asmay beissued or promulgated by the President, the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Philippines (IATF), the Department of Health Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG), the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), the Department of Agriculture (DA), the Department of Social W elfa re and Development (DSWD), other concerned national government agencies and the City Mayor. in implementing a notional policy or directives from higher authority shall be implemented and shall form integral part/sof thisordinance." Penalty: FromPhpS00.00 to PhpS,000.00 tokingintoconsiderationthe natureand gravityoftheoffense,and as recommended by the City Legal Officer (DOH), the Section 11. - Separability Clouse. Should any provision of this Order be declared unconstitutional or inconsistent with any existing laws, ordinances, or presidential issuances, the same shall not affect the validity and effectivityof the other provisions hereof. Section 12. - Effectivity. This Executive Order shall take effect on May 16, 2020, and shall remain in force until otherwise lifted. For purposes of allowing other business entities to operate within the General Community Quarantine period, the City Mayor shall issue an Advisory for any other business under other categories. LetcopiesofthisOrderbefurnishedtotheZamboangaCityTaskForceCOVID-19,the PunongBarangaysandtoalltheconcernedheadsofficesfortheirinformationtoincludeallprivate andgovernment instrumentalities, institutions andagencies. ' I J Tel- 991.6703 (062)991.2295I (062) Mein No,.t062) 992.04201(062)991.ISS'J O!'! HAU.llS. '.'I.DUOSASTRE f!. lAMBOANGACIY7000, PH IUl'Plll[S w.,.-r.i:" hu1-n9

  7. of ZN.t110 't u . ' , H I ! Republica de Fillplnas Ciudad de Zamboanga OFICINA DEL ALCALDE The City Public Information Officer, Office ofthe City Mayor, is directed to sec the widest dissemination ofthis Executive Order to all media outlets in the City. SO ORDERED. Done in the City of Zamboanga, Philippines, this Lord, 2020. 15th day of May, 2020, in the Year ofour . M < i c 2 c ; City Mayor . Tel N (062) 991.22<JS I (062) 991.6703 T...rax No (06ll 992.04201 (062) 991.1889 01" i:'\llj 11 \.VfU:EROS Slll .1'\M OANGACITY7000, PHIL IPPINES \ 'YI\ "- fan1 b, :.'\ ,-............_

  8. Republrca de F,l,pmas Ciudad de Zamboanga OFICINA DEL ALCALDE EXECUTIVE ORDF.R NO. IJC567- 2020 ,\N ACT DECLARING A GENERAL COMJ\fUNJTYQUARANTINJ: IN ZAJ\IDOANGA CIT\' AND PROVIDING GUIDELINES FOR ITS 1 1\IPLEI\IENTATION \VIIEREAS, the World Health Organization (WHO) has characterized the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak a pandemic due to alarming levels of its spread and severity; \VIIEREAS, Republic Act No. 1 1469, otherwise known as the "Bnyanihan to Heal As One Act" was enacted by Congress providing certain emergency powers to the President to address the war ogoinst COVID-19, among others, to ensure that all Local Government Units arc ncung within the letter and spirit of all the rules, regulations and directives issued by the National Government pursuant to this act; \VllEREAS, Section 16 of Republic Act 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991, provides that Local Government Units shall ensure and promote health nnd safety and preserve the comfort and convenience of their inhabitants within respective territorial jurisdictions ;\VIIEREAS, In order to regulate the movement of individuals, to implement stringent social or physical distancing, to allow Frontlincrs or Authorized persons Outside of Residence (APOR) to pass through LGU/Barangny Established Checkpoints per DILG Advisory, Executive Order No. BC-563-2020 and a Supplementary Guidelines were issued to strictly implement Enhanced Community Quarantine in the City's barangays by issuing Quarantine Passes; \VII EREAS, Section 4 Ordinance 532, series of 2020, otherwise known as "COVJD- 19 Emergency Ordinance of theCityof'Zarnboanga",provides, among others, that theCity Mayor is empowered to perform all powers and may issue executive order in pursuit ofcombatting COVJD- 19; Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) issued "RECOMMENDATION RELATIVE TO THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CORONA VIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19) SITUATION, where Zamboanga City was not among those LGUs that shall impose or extend Enhanced CommunityQuarantine (ECQ), andas such, shall implement starting May I, 2020, a General Community Quarantine; \VUEREAS, on April 27, 2020, the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) issued Resolution "RECOMMENDATION RELATIVE TO THE MANAGEMENT OF THE CORONA VIRUS DISEASE 2019 (COVID-19) SITUATION, where Zamboanga City again was not among those LG Us that shall impose or extend Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ); \\IJfEREAS, on April 29, 2020, the Sangguniang Panlungsod, adopted Resolution No. 628, resolved to hereby earnestly requests the Inter-Agency Task force on Emerging Infectious their \VIIEREAS, on April 23, 2020, the Inter-Agency Task Force for the Management of Resolution No. 28, Series of 2020, No. 29, Series of 2020, PPIN(S - - Ttl II (061) 991.229SI (062) 991.6703 IN IIA' l.11 \A- ij'l- l\11 10- ; O; A: I: IOm A - (11Y 700- 0, PHIII- :r, ,._ U:( 1B \'l\v, ,.zambo.ang.t 9ov.r1h

  9. Rcpublica de Fillpinas Ciudad de Zamboanga OFICINA DEL ALCALDE Diseases (IATF-EID) to nllow the City of Zarnboanga to extend the Enhanced Community Quarantine until Moy 15, 2020 which was approved by the IATF-EID; \V HEREAS, on Mny 1 1, 2020,the Inter-AgencyTask Force for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases (IATF-EID) issued Resolution No. 35, Series of2020, where Zamboanga City was among those LGUs thnt shall impose General Community Quarnntine (GCQ) until 31 Mny 2020, without prejudice to the declaration of localized Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in critical areas; of temporary measures limiting movement and transportation, regulation ofoperating industries, and presence ofuniformed personnel to enforce community quarantine protocols; NO\VTHEREFORE, J , MARIAISABELLE G. CLT MACO, City Mayor of Zamboanga, by virtue ofthe powers vested in me by law, hereby order the following: SectionJ. GUIDELTNES \VHEREAS, under this Order, General Community Quarantine refers to the implementation A.Thefollowing businessestablishments shall be allowedtooperate within the General Community Quarantine period: I. 2. Manufacturing and its supply chains (e.g. ice plants, sardines, tin factory, storage facilities, slaughterhouses, wood products, furniture, Textiles, wearing apparels, paper, rubber, and plastic products ) Processing plants and the entire value chain ofbasic food products, essential products. medicine and medical supplies Retail establishments for food and essential products (e.g, supermarket, grocery store, department stores, public markets, bakery and bakeshop, hardware stores, pharmacies, drug stores, convenience store, sari-sari stores, animal food shops) Water refilling stations Food preparation and delivery (c.g, fast food stores, restaurants, eateries, food service deliveries) - takeout and delivery only Logistics and delivery service providers (Cargo handling, Warehouses. Trucking. Freight, Forwarding, and Shipping Linc) Banks. lending. money transfer centers and pawnshops Hospitals and clinics (non-aesthetics, c.g, dermatological, dental, optometric, and eye, car, nose, throat) IO. Power, energy, water, internet providers, telecommunication supplies, waste disposal 11. Electricity, gas, steam and air condition supply 12. Posto! and courier activities 13. Broadcast, print and other media services 14. Rental ond leasing activities (except for entertainment/mass gathering purposes) 15. Services to buildings and landscape 16. Laundry shops 17. Funeral services Agriculture and Fishery 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. Tri,tax Uos. (062) 992.0.120 I (062) 991.1889 Toi -(062) 991 l29S I !061) 991,6703 my IIAIJ., l"ti' l'l i) ,, ;rl'frr laOAtlGA CIIY 1000, PHILIPPINES --------&. \11\ V v.tambo;

  10. Republica de Filiplnas Ciudad de Zamboanga OFICINA DEL ALCALDE 18. Export companies 19. Veterinary services 20. Priority government construction/infrastructure projects 21. Repair, maintenance and installation ofmachinery and equipment, vehicles and car washes 22. Repair ofcomputers and personal and household goods (except computer shops/internet cares) 23. Services and landscape activities 24. Manpower services for essential activities 25. Quarrying (sand and gravel) 26. Legal and accounting services 27. Management and consultancy services 28. Architecture and engineering services 29. Wholesale and retail trade of motor vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles, including their parts and components 30. Repair ofmotor vehicles, motorcycles and bicycles (including vulcanizing shop, battery repair shops, auto repair shops) 31. Bookstores and school and office supplies 32. Flower,jewelry, novelty, antique, and perfume shops 33. Baby care supplies stores 34. Appliance stores and repair shops the following Department of Health (DOH) protocols: B. Business establishments listed above may start operation, but subject to compliance with I. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. 9. Mandatory disinfection/sanitation ofestablishments prior to opening; Sanitary station with alcohol for each establishment that will be allowed to open; Social distancing with diagrams or lines; No Facemask no entry policy; Mandatory no contact thermal sensors at entrances; Policy on employees not to report for work ifmanifesting symptoms; Mandatory Footbath at all entrances; Limit number ofemployees in a shin (up to 50%) Employees shouldwear facemasks,faceshields andequipped with sanitizers/alcohol at all times; Regular temperature check on employees 11. Regulate number of people indoor (al most 50% of the capacity ofthe area with large signages on the number ofpeople allowed inside) I 0. C.Curfewhoursshallstill beenforced from9pmto5 am. D. Movement ofpeople shall still be guided by the Quarantine Pass (QP) I. Only Letter A coded Quarantine Pass holder shall be authorized to get out from their houses to access basic necessities and provision for food and essential health services onMonday, WednesdayandFriday. Tel Nos. (062) 991.229S I (062) 991.6703 Teltfa< Nos. (062) 992.0420 I (062) 991.1889 Of\_H M .:..t ':4'1lt0. !:) !:'E!:: 7,W:IOANGACllY7000. PHIL IPPINES Yt,-.i\1.t fi bo..n g ph

  11. Republica de Filipinas Ciudad de Zamboanga OFICINA DEL ALCALDE OnlyLetter Bcoded QuarantinePossholdershall beauthorized togetout fromtheirhouses to accessbasic necessities and provision for food andessential health services onTuesday, Thursday and Saturday. All government offices, private offices, business establishments, banks, restaurants and other food establishments, groceries, supermarket, wet market, retail shops, public markets shall strictly enforce the"No Quarantine PassNo EntryPolicy" exceptfor Frontlincrs and Authorized Persons Outside Residence (APOR). During curfew hours, only Frontliners Authorized Persons Outside Residence (APOR) shall be allowed to leave their residence, but only when reporting to work on their respective stations No minor. senior citizen, pregnant women, sick, and immuno compromised individuals, shall beallowed to leave their residence ordwelling except to go to the hospital, medical, oralliedmedical institutions.Those wholivealonemayget aQuarantine Passorwhenever possible or appropriate, ask a neighborora friend to help them buy foodand medicines. For Sundays, except for medica l emergencies, Quarantine Pass shall not be honored. All individuals on the streets shall at all times enforcement orbarangay checkpoints, shall present theiremployee IDor Quarantine Pass with Valid ID, whichever is applicable; The issued Quarantine Pass is not transferable and shall be used only by the person to whom it was issued, or the named alternate person, in the event the authorized person is incapable to go out of their residence. No person or entity is authorized to reproduce the coded (letter with color and pre numbered) Quarantine Pass. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. carry and, whenever asked by law 8. 9. Section 2. - EXEMPTION ONTRE USE OF QUARANTINE PASS A. The following are exempted from the use of a Quarantine Pass with the condition that they present any proof of Identification and Certification issued by their respective offices. 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8. Other authorized persons i. Government Skeleton Force of the Executive Branch ii. LGU Officials iii. Capital Markets (based on skeletal work force) I. Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas 2. Securities and Exchange Commission 3. Philippine Stock Exchange 4. Philippine Dealing and Exchange Corporation S. Philippine Securities Settlement Corporation 6. Philippine Depository and Trust Corporation Medical services Funeral services Emergency responders Security services Daily essentials Essential goods Utilities oi 2: . - (0 ): . . 61) 99 9: . . 1.229S 8. : I(062 3- CI\Y il1,u. t, S. W!l),i,C,,\fi ,tl 7\' SOA!lGA CITY 7000. PHIUPPINU \'i\v\v.z;3 mb o; h T tl fax llos.(0 6l) 99 2.042 0I T- (06. . )991.- 6- 7- 0: 9: . . 1: .. 1: 8. 9=

  12. Republica de Fillpinas Cludad de Zamboanga OFICINA DEL ALCALDE iv. DOLE Skeletal Staff for TUPAD (Tulong Hnnnpbuhny sa Ating Disadvantage I Displaced Workers) v. Senators and Congressmen with their Chiefs ofStaff vi. Department Secretaries, Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries vii. Bureau Directors viii. Ombudsman and Deputy Ombudsman ix. Justices ofSC, CA, CTA and Sandigan Bayan x. Judges ofthe Regional, Metropolitan, City and Municipal Trial Courts and Prosecutors xi. Media Personalities including PCOO and its attached agencies with unified ID Cards issued by PCOO xii. Business Processing, Outsourcing (BPO) and Export-Oriented Businesses Personnel and those facilitating for their Work From Home arrangements xiii. Critical Transportation Facilities Employees ofAirport xiv. Certified Public Accountants, External Auditors and purposesas provided forin BIR 2020) xv. Members of the Integrated Bar ofthe Philippines (upon presentation oftheir ffiP ID) 9. Employees/Workers of the establishments mentioned in Section 1, paragraph A. Bookkeepers (for the Revenue Regulation No. 7- Section 3. - CRECKPOJNTS A. Checkpoints shall be established toregulatethemovementof individuals,to implement socialor physical distancing, and to allow "Frontliners" orAuthorized Persons Outside of Residence (APOR) to pass through established checkpoints manned by PNP or Joint Task Force Zamboanga Personnel and shall: I. Ensure theunimpeded movement of all typesof cargo(foodandnon-food),andallow the passage of personnel of business establishments permitted to operate during the General CommunityQuarantine,subjecttothepresentationofproofofemployment,and residence 2. All "Frontlincrs" both in public and private sectors, upon presentation of any proof of Identification and certification issued by their respective Offices, shall not be required to present other types of ID card. 3. Established Checkpoints shall allow the driver of Frontliners, to ferry them to their respective workplace or stations and back home, but subject to presentation ofthe machine copyIDof the concerned Frontliner anddulyissued employment certification. 4. Established Checkpoints shall allow the employees of the Manufacturing Industries and exempted establishments as above-mentioned to report to work even on Sundays; and if applicable, employees of the Manufacturing establishments that operate on 24n , shall also be allowed to pass during the curfew hours. 5. Crew of restaurants delivering food orders shall bring with them machinecopyof their Business Permit, Company ID and Certificate ofEmployment Industry and exempted - 991.6703 Ttl- Telefax Nos. t062) 992.0420 I (062) 991.1889 HoS. (062) 991.2295 I (062) cry ,,.,.w.: ,,c, \oiFctT MB04NGACITY7000, PHILIPPINES \'I\Y\v,zamboanga. gov. ph

  13. Republica de Filfplnas Ciudad de Zamboanga OFICINA DEL ALCALDE 6. Fron1 1 incrs/Esscn1 inlworkers who nrcsenior citizens, pregnant women, sick, nnd immuno compromised, while exempt, orediscouraged fromrenderingservice; 7. All Frontlincrs, Authorized Persons Outside of Residence (APOR) and Individuals who were duly issued quarantine pnsscs shall wear face mask whenever they leave their residences; Section 4. -ALLO\VED NUMBER OF PASSENGERS PER VEHICLE To rcgutatc themovementof individuals and1 0 implement social orphysical distancing inthevehicles, thefollowingallowable number of passengersshall bestrictly observed, as follows: 1 . MotorcycleandBicyclcl&Scooter- One (l) person only 2. Personal Vehicle - Person/Workers in permitted sectors/ Activities (2 persons per row) subject 10 social distancing 3. Company Vehicle - Half of the maximumseating capacity subject tosocial distancing 4. Government Vehicles - Halfofthe maximum seating capacity subject 10 social distancing Section 5.- PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION A. Public Transportation shall be authorized 10 operate subject to the following guidelines: I. Fortricycle with MotorizedTricycle Franchiseto Operate a. Franchised Tricycles can ply the route from Monday, Wednesday and Friday for plate number ending in odd numbers, i.e. I, 3, 5... b. Franchised Tricycles can ply the route from Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday for plate number ending in even numbers, i.e. 0, 2, 4,... c. Onlyonepassenger isallowed inside thetricycle andnoback rider. Atransparent divider between thedriver andthe passenger shall be installed B. Public Utility Jeepneys (traditional) with Franchise to Operate shall be allowed 10 operate subject 10 LTFRB Memorandum Circular No. 2020-017. C.All passengers shall bestrictlyrequired towearface masksatall times. D.All forms of public transportationshall notoperate on Sundays. -- - Ttl -(062) 991.2195/(062)991.6703 Tt!ffix Nos. (062) 992.o.120 I (062) 991.1889 my IIAlt., 1 .w,:!'r !ll (i.1 r \180ANGA Cf!Y 7000. PIUUPPINES w,v,Y.Zolmbo.inga
