Golden Rule 2020: A Call for Dignity and Respect in Politics

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Explore the timeless wisdom of the Golden Rule as applied to political discourse, emphasizing dignity, respect, and love for all. Reflect on bridging divides, respectful conversations, and applying principles for positive interactions. Encouragement to act with mindfulness and empathy in political discussions for unity and understanding.

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  1. GOLDEN RULE 2020: A call for dignity and respect in politics November 3, 2019

  2. GOLDEN RULE - NEW TESTAMENT: (Revised standard version) So whatever you wish that men would do to you, do so to them; Matthew 7:12 for this is the law and the prophets. And as you wish that men would do to you, do so to them. Luke 6:31 The second (commandment) is this, 'You shall love your Mark 12:8-31 neighbor as yourself.' There is no other commandment greater than these. You have heard that it was said, You shall love your neighbor Matthew 5:43-44 and hate your enemy. But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you. For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, "You shall love your Galatians 5:14 neighbor as yourself." Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but Ephesians 4:29 only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.

  3. REFLECTIONS Reflect on the bitterness, anger and hostility we see between people of different political views and think about how these divisions make you feel as an American and as a Christian. Reflect on your own actions and thoughts and ask yourself if there are ways you may contribute to these divisions. For example, are there ways you demonize or dehumanize those you see to be on "the other side?"


  5. REFLECTIONS What would it mean to apply the Golden Rule in your interactions with those who have very different views than you. What would be different? Identify specific ways that you want to apply the Golden Rule as a way of helping to bridge divides in our country.

  6. Minnesota Council of Churches Tips for Respectful Conversation: Speak for Yourself Practice Respect Be Brief Listen Carefully Respect Confidentiality Allow People to Pass 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

  7. TO APPLY THE GOLDEN RULE IN POLITICAL DISCUSSIONS I Will Always show respect for the other person Listen patiently especially when there is disagreement Use precise and truthful language that communicates my views without exaggerating Try to understand the experience out of which the other person arrived at his/her views Look for areas of mutual agreement Pray for the other person and our political leaders I Won t Use inflammatory words, or derogatory names Make broad generalizations about individuals or groups Assault the character of others or falsely impugn their motives Question another person s faith or patriotism Demonize or describe as enemies, those who hold political beliefs different from my own.

  8. OUR FAITH OUR VOTE CIVILITY PLEDGE UCC.ORG I believe our communities, our country and our world are stronger and safer and when we treat each other with respect. I believe that my voice is important, and I believe that listening to the voices of others is important for a healthy, vibrant democratic process. I believe that insulting, attacking or demonizing people with whom we disagree is unproductive and unacceptable. As individuals and as community, we can and should do better. As a person of faith, I pledge to participate responsibly and faithfully in the electoral process. I recognize my responsibility for supporting a free, fair and respectful democratic process, and I pledge to do my part. I commit to honoring my own voice and the voice of others. I commit to educating myself and others about the issues at stake in these elections. I commit to expressing myself responsibly, to seek to learn from different perspectives, to always offer respect to others, and to challenge hurtful, disrespectful behavior when I can

  9. Responsive Reading: Leader: We acknowledge that god calls us to show respect to everyone-- regardless of their views on difficult issues that divide our country. All: In response to god's commandment, we will strive to treat those who have different views, as we want to be treated by them. Leader: As we advocate for what we believe, help us to remember that the bible tells us to be "quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to get angry." All: In response, we will seek to do more listening so that we might learn from others.

  10. Leader: We remember that jesus said we should forgive the sins against us not just seven times, but "seventy times seven" All: things about us and resist the temptation to respond in kind when we are attacked. Leader: We know that, as Christians, we are committed to work for increased understanding, justice and peace for all people. All: In response, we will do what we can during the year ahead to stay mindful of the sacredness of each person and to apply the Golden Rule in our personal lives and in our political activity. In response, we will remember to forgive those who say harsh

  11. PRAYER Today we pray for our country and also for ourselves. We are thankful for the blessings of living in the United States, and fear for our future because of the hostility and bitterness we see between our fellow citizens. Help us to act in love to help heal the deep divisions in our country. Keep us mindful of your command to "treat others as we want to be treated" and help us find ways to apply that principle in our daily lives. We believe that the way of love and kindness can transform our country and ask your assistance as we seek to show that love to others--especially those who hold views very different than our own. Amen


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