Fuels and Their Classification

Fuels are naturally occurring(fossil fuel) or
artificially manufactured combustible organic
substances which is a source of heat or raw
material for industry. Fuel is a substance that
undergoes combination with O
 in air to
liberate heat. They can be solids, liquids or
They have carbon and hydrogen. The chief
fuels are coal and mineral oil. Fuels can be
either of vegetable (organic- coal etc) or
mineral (inorganic – sulphur, iron pyrites etc)
origin, can be also nuclear, like enriched
uranium oxide.
1. Defined as any source of heat energy.
2. It is a combustible substance containing carbon
as main constituent which on proper
     burning gives large amount of heat that can be
used economically for domestic and
      industrial purposes.
3. It is any chemical or any reactant which produces
energy in a form that can be used for
    producing power.
Fuels are classified as follows
Solid, liquid and gases
              II: i) 
Natural or raw fuels or primary
                         Ex: Wood Peat, coal, petroleum
Manufactured or processed or
artificial or secondary fuels
                  Ex: Coke, charcoal, kerosene, petrol
III : i) 
Primary fuels
Secondary fuels
                               Primary fuels are directly used
for the function of heat and its technical
utilization as such. They may be solids, liquids
or gases. Ex: Coal, wood, petroleum.
 Secondary fuels are one from which other
fuels are manufactured, which is then utilized
as fuel. These are obtained from primary
fuels. Ex Coal gas, water gas, producer gas etc
are obtained from primary fuel coal.
Natural fuels:
Solid Fuels
                Ex; Wood, peat, lignite, bituminous,
anthracite coal
              Ex: petroleum
          Natural gas from petroleum wells.
Manufactured fuels
 Charcoal, high and low temperature coke.
 Petrol or gasoline, kerosene, diesel,
ethanol, methanol
 Coal gas, coke oven gas, producer gas,
water gas.
Industrial fuels:
I : Power generating fuels :
            These are burned in power plants for
generating energy.
II : Process fuels:
            These are used in industrial furnaces and
driers to produce heat which is needed in
various industrial processes.
Calorific value :
The amount of heat given out by different
fuels will be different. This difference is
compared based on calorific value. Calorific
value is defined as the amount of heat
produced in calories during the combustion of
one gram of a substance in oxygen. Its unit is
Calorific value is measured by the number of
British thermal units (BTU) liberated by the
combustion of one lb of a solid fuel or one
cubic feet of a gaseous fuel. 1 BTU is the
amount o heat required to raise the
temperature of one lb of water through 1
Calorific value can be measured using bomb
Flash point:
For a liquid fuel it is the temperature at which
it emits vapour which is kindled by a flame.
The lowest temperature, at which oil
continues to burn after a flame has been
applied to it, is its ignition point. Flash point of
gasoline is 45
C, for kerosene it is 73
Ignition temperature:
It is the temperature below which a solid fuel
will not catch fire and burn.
Essential requirements of fuels:
A good fuel should have high calorific value and
low moisture content.
It should be of low cost and readily available.
It should be easily transportable.
It should not give any undesirable by products
during burning.
It should leave only little ash or non- combustible
material. If they have large percentage of non-
combustible material left as ash then the calorific
value decreases.
The combustion product of the fuel must not
be harmful.
It should burn in air with efficiency without
producing much smoke.
Its combustion should take place
spontaneously and should be controllable.
Particle size of solid fuels should be uniform.
It should produce high temperature, called as
pyrometric burning effect. This highest
temperature obtained by combustion depends
upon   i) calorific value     ii) Velocity of
combustion   iii) space in which it is burnt iv)
physical state of fuel.
      If same quantity of solid, liquid and gaseous
fuels is burnt in same amount of air, gaseous fuel
gives the highest pyrometric effect, liquid less
effect and solid the least.
Fuels should have proper ignition point. If
have low ignition temperature then fire
hazards can happen. But high ignition
temperature makes fuel safe for
transportation and storage, but not favorable
for starting fire. So moderate ignition
temperature and moderate velocity of
combustion is favored for a good fuel.
Energy characteristics of a fuel:
Energy characteristics of a fuel depends on
Heat of combustion
: It is the amount of heat
obtained by burning a unit mass or volume of a
Energy content
 : It is the amount of potential
heat energy contained in a unit volume of a fuel
and measured as the volume of fuel in m
corresponding to one ton of reference fuel,
whose heat of combustion is
Solid and liquid fuels contain organic
combustible part(C,H,O) and a mineral in
combustible part which is moisture and
inorganic compounds like silicates,
phosphates, sulphates, sulphites of metals like
Ca, Al, Fe, K and Na. These mineral substances
are converted into metal oxides on burning of
solid fuel and remaining ash.
Sulphur as sulphides is oxidized to SO
Moisture and minerals lower the energy
ratings of fuels, raise the cost of
transportation and complicates processing
technology. When fuel is heated without
access of air (pyrolysis) gaseous and liquid
products from that are contained as vapours
in the pyrolysis products. This vapour and gas
mixture also containing the fuel water is called
volatile matter.
Water Gas:
Water gas is often called as blue gas since the
flame formed will be blue in colour when
burnt. Water gas is a mixture of CO and H
. It
is produced by passing steam over red hot bed
of coke at 1400 to 1000 
O + C → CO + H
     -29 kcal.
This is an endothermic reaction, so
temperature falls from 1400 to 1000
C. At this
temperature CO
 is also formed.
O  +  C  →  2H
  +  CO
    -19 kcal
This CO
 has no calorific value. Formation of
water gas depends on the decomposition of
steam by coke at 758
C, at this temperature
25.3% steam is decomposed so the
composition will be 56.2% of H
, 7.8% CO and
. At 1000
C 93% stem is decomposed
so the composition will be 50.7% H
, 48%CO
and 1.3% CO
And at 1125
C 99.4% of steam is decomposed
so the composition will be50.9%H
, 48.5% CO
and 0.6%CO
. To maintain the percentage of
decomposition ie at 1000
C or above, blast of
steam is stopped and air blast is passed to
raise the temperature to 1400
Then pass stem blast and then pass air blast
and so on. Since air forms explosion with
water gas, water gas is removed by passing
steam for one minute, this steam is called
purge steam. The average composition of
water gas is 48% of H
, 1% of CH
, 42% of CO,
3% of CO
 and6% of N
. The calorific value of
water gas is about 300 Btu/cu ft.
Used as a source of H
 and as a reducing agent in
It is added to coal gas for street lighting.
Used to synthesis chemicals like alcohols and
oxygenated compounds.
Producer Gas:
Producer gas is a mixture of CO and N
. This a
cheap individual fuel obtained from low grade
coal. This is prepared by passing air over a bed
of white hot coke or solid carbonaceous fuel
at 1000 – 1400
           C  + ½ O
  + 2N
(air)  → CO  + 2N
                                                          ΔH  = -27.06kcal
 During preparation, actually CO
 is first
produced; it then reacts with coke to give CO.
Instead of coke and coal, peat, wood waste,
spent tar can be used. But largely used raw
material is coke and coal. Coke or anthrasite
or charcoal is used if producer gas is used in
gas engines for power production. It is
manufactured in a plant known as “ gas
The fuel is stacked in a grate in the cylindrical
furnace, made of fire clay refractory bricks.
The blast of air is blown through the grate.
The fuel is fed from the top. Gas produced
leaves the furnace through the gas outlet.
2C  + O
 →2CO        + 58000 cal
C  + O
  →  CO
        +97000 cal
 + C →  2CO       -39000 cal
The CO
 formed is reduced to CO by heated
coke and as the reaction is endothermic, the
temperature of the bed is kept high at above
C. The proportion of CO increases with
increase in temperature.
Producer gas has lower calorific (1300kcal/m
value of any gaseous fuel and the temperature
of its flame is the lower of any fuel. Its calorific
value is 150Btu per cubic feet. Its average
composition is 10% H
, 8% CH
,20% CO,
 and 64% N
 It is used for heating coal gas retorts, in
furnace and gas engines.
Oil Gas:
This oil is used in labs. It is obtained by
cracking heavy oil like kerosene, during which
a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons are
  +  2C
  +  C
  +  4C
The average composition of oil gas is 25-30%
,10-12%CO and 3%CO
. Its
calorific value is 4500-5400kcal/m
Natural gas:
This is a mixture of methane (80- 98 %),
ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes, CO
, N
etc.  Its calorific value is 1200-1400kcal/m3.
This is found in vicinity of coal mines or oil
It is used in domestic, industrial and as a
chemical raw material for various syntheses. It
accumulates in underground reservoirs either
with or with out petroleum oil. Natural oils
obtained from oil wells may be either wet or
i) Dry Variety
This type contains mainly of methane and
does not contain either gasoline vapour or
crude petroleum. Its composition will be
, 0.8%C
 and 3.2%N
ii) Wet variety
This type consists of a mixture of methane
and higher HC, like n-propane, n-butane.
Isobutene, isopentane etc. It is obtained from
oil producing wells along with petroleum.
Calorific value of this variety is higher than dry
variety because of its high percentage of
heavier unsaturated molecules.
By products from natural gases:
The products formed like methane, ethane,
propane, butane, natural gasoline and LPG are
of industrial importance. These are separated
from crude gas as liquids by the absorption of
higher HC in petroleum or catalytically
polymerizing higher HC into liquid HC. Natural
gas is transported in the form of liquid.
The gas contains undesirable compounds like
O, H
S, which should be removed before
usage. The gas obtained by fermentation of
organic matter in sewage is also called sewage
natural gas. The sewage is collected and
subjected to anaerobic fermentation, were by
the nitrogenous matter in it is converted into
nitrates and a part of the carbonaceous
matter is converted into sewage natural gas
consisting mainly of methane and CO
This gas contains 70% methane and 30%CO
The calorific value of the gas is 62.5Btu/Cu ft.
Cow dung is the main source of natural gas.
Cow dung on fermentation gives gas with
composition as in sewage gas. The residue
formed in this process is used as manure.
Natural gas burns with smoky flame in
ordinary burners. So use special appliances.
Natural gas can be liquefied under pressure
and cooling to -121
C. This can be mixed with
other fuels to increase their calorific value.
This gas is used for the manufacture of carbon
 natural gas used for the
manufacture of formaldehyde and methanol
by controlled oxidation. Helium is also
recovered from natural gas.
Coal gas:
Coal gas is obtained from the destruction of
coal ie when coal is heated in the absence of
air. One ton of coal gives12000cubic feet of
coal gas at 1000
C and the yield is 18%.The
yield can be increased to 22% by increasing
the temperature to 1400 -1500
Coal gas produced by this process is a mixture
of gases and about 95% of it is combustible.
The compounds present in the mixture
depend on the temperature of carbonization.
The average composition of the gas is 49% of
, 32% of CH
, 8% of CO,4-5% acetylene and
ethylene, 4% of N
, 1% of O
and 1% of CO
, CH
 and CO are non-illuminating but heat
producing, N
, O
 and CO
 are inert or
diluents. H
, NH
, cyanogens etc are
present as impurities. Its calorific value is
about 4900kcal/m
This gas is used to provide inert atmosphere in
number of preparations, used to provide
reducing atmosphere in metallurgical
operations, in smelting of metals and alloys,
used as fuel and illuminanent, used in
producing fuel gases and in making graphite,
and does not condense on cooling.
Gobar or bio gas:
This is a mixture of methane, CO
, H
 and H
The average composition is 55% CH
, 7.4% H
, 2.6%N
 and traces of water. This is
produced by the anaerobic fermentation of
animal waste in the absence of O
 and in the
presence of H
The carbohydrates, proteins and fats in animal
waste are broken down by bacteria to form
. The residue formed during the process
can be used as manure since the essential
nutrients like N
 and phosphorous remains
The gas is highly flammable and is used as
fuel. Natural gas is also biogas, which results
from long time decay of animal and vegetable
matters brought about by bacteria’s at high
temperature, high pressure etc. The average
calorific value is 5300kcal/m
The limitation of this gas is that its formation
depends on cattle dung and the burner or
lamp should be with in ten meters of the
LPG (Liquid petroleum gas):
This is a petroleum gas obtained by the
fractional distillation of petroleum, which
catches fire readily. It is a mixture of butane as
major part along with propane, ethane and
The high alkene variety of LPG contains 27% of
n-butane, 25%2-butane, 435 of butane, 2.5%
of propene and2.5% of propane. The low
alkene variety contains 70% of butane, 18.3%
of 2-butane, 1.2% of butane.11.3% of propane
and 0.2% of ethane.
This is prepared from natural gas or gas from
the cracking units of petroleum refineries.
This can be liquefied under pressure. For
house hold use 14kg of it is liquefied and
The pressure of the gas at room temperature
within the cooking cylinder is about 3kg/cm
in closed condition. The pressure decreases
 by the operation of the
cylinder regulator.
The mixture of gas has no smell so to detect
leakage a strong smelling substance
ethylmercaptan is added. Its calorific value is
Coal products:
Besides being used as a fuel coal is converted
into     a) coal gas and coke by destructive
distillation   b) gaseous fuels like water,
producer gases etc and c) liquid fuels by
hydrogenation. The destructive distillation of
coal is known ad carbonization.
Coal is carbonized at high temperature ie
C or at low temperature ie
C. In either case the main products
are coal gas, coal tar and coke. The products
formed vary in quality.
Low temperature carbonization
At low temperature process, less gas is
obtained but with high calorific value. This
process gives high yield of fluid tar of low
viscosity with high percentage of phenol and
Nitrogen compounds, high percentage of tar
acids, motor spirit and fuel oil. High
temperature tar is the principal source of
aromatic compounds like benzene, toluene,
naphthalene, anthrascene and phenol.
Low temperature tar is converted into motor
spirit and diesel oil by hydrogenation. Low
temperature coke is soft and fireable, burns
without smoke and contains 5 to 10 % of
volatile matter. High temperature coke is hard,
suitable in metallurgy and burns with smoke.
Low temperature  carbonization  is done when
i) low temperature semi coke as a domestic
fuel is needed  ii) complete gasification of coal
is required  iii) smoke less, free burning coke is
required   iv) to obtain coal tar suitable for
conversion in to liquid fuels for use as motor
In this process the yield of gas is low, quantity
of tar is more and has high percentage of
paraffin substance, yield of ammonia is low,
aromatic content of tar is low and tar acid
content is high.
High temperature carbonization
The need of this process is to manufacture
coal gas and coke and several valuable by-
products like coal tar, ammoniacal liquor, gas
carbon and coke. Coal gas is used for heating
and lighting. Coal tar on fractional distillation
gives benzene, toluene, naphthalene, carbolic
acid, creosote oil( used for preparing dyes,
drugs, perfumes and explosives).
Coal tar pitch is used for road making, directly
used for preserving timber and for water
proofing gunny bags. Ammoniacal liquor on
boiling with milk of lime yields ammonia,
which is fixed by H
 as ammonium
sulphate,  which is used as fertilizer. Gas
carbon is hard and is a good conductor of heat
and electricity. It is used in making electrodes.
Liquid fuel from coal:
 Coal is pyrolysed in the presence of   sulphur
resisting catalyst like molybdenum, in the
atmosphere of H
 at 300-500
C. At 200-250
 combines with N
 of coal to produce
ammonia and with O
 of coal to produce
During this process three fractions are
obtained  i) crude spirit, the top fraction   ii)
middle oil, the middle fraction and   iii) heavy
oil , which is the residue. Middle oil can be
converted to spirit and can be used in motors.
Using different catalyst different hydrocarbons
can be separated. The liquid fuel obtained is
fractionally separated into gasoline and the
higher boiling fraction is an excellent diesel
fuel. Using cobalt as catalyst olefin’s and
paraffin’s are produced.
Petroleum products:
Petroleum, a liquid fuel, is also called as rock
oil which is obtained from the ground either
by natural seepage or by drilling wells. It
consists of liquid oils, hydrocarbons, natural
gas, waxes, sulphur, nitrogen, and oxygen.
 Formation of petroleum:
Inorganic theory - F
ormed by the action of
steam or water on heavy metal carbides
existing in the interior of the earth.
Organic theory
 - Formed by the
decomposition of marine organic matter
deposit by bacterial action in the absence of
      It can be formed by the decomposition of
organic matter deposit by the catalytic action
of inorganic matter.
Composition of petroleum:
 It is a mixture of major part of hydrocarbons,
minor amount of naphthenic acids, Sulphur,
nitrogen and oxygen derivatives of
hydrocarbons.  It contains 83-87% of carbon,
11-14 % of hydrogen and 0-4% of S,N and O
The composition will be constant since only
eight or nine homologous series of
compounds are present.
The hydrocarbons present are n- paraffin’s,
iso-paraffin’s, olefins, napthenes, and
aromatics. Next to paraffin’s napthenes  are
abundant and then aromatics and olefin’s.
Sulphur present is a pollutant so it should be
Classification of Petroleum:
The classification is based on composition of
i) Paraffin base which contains hydrocarbons
of paraffin series.
 ii) Asphaltic base which contains hydrocarbons
of naphthalene ring or naphthalene product.
iii) Mixed base which contains both paraffin
and asphaltic base.
Products obtained from petroleum
Petroleum ether  -    20-60
C   -     solvent
Benzene  -               70-90
C   -      dry cleaning
Ligroin   -                80-120
C   -    solvent
Rubber solvent   -   100-160
C   -    rubber
White spirit   -        150-200
C    -     solvent
Solvent naphtha -  >200but < 300
C    -
Kerosene    -        >200 -  <300
C    -   fuel
Lubricating oil  -   >300
Vaseline/grease    -                     lubricant,
medicine, cosmetics
Diesel oil (gas oil)        -            used in diesel
Heavy fuel oil              -             fuel for generating heat.
Paraffin wax                -              candles, waxed paper,
petroleum wax             -             water proofing coating
on metals
Petroleum jelly            -              cosmetics, coating
Bitumen                      -               road making, roofing,
paints, coating pipes
Liquid paraffin or white oil     - medicine.
Octane number of a fuel:
It is the percentage of iso-octane which must
be added to n- heptanes in order to obtain a
mixture which matches the knocking
characteristics of the fuel under examination,
in a one cylinder motor engine under standard
conditions. The octane number of isooctane is
100 and for n-heptanes it is zero.
Isooctane and other branched paraffin’s under
high compression have less knocking
tendency, so better fuel for modern vehicles
and aero plane. Aviation gasoline has an
octane number 100 and ordinary gasoline,
which is a mixture of large amount of straight
chain paraffin’s and small amounts of olefins,
naphthenes and aromatics, has an octane
number ranging from 73 to20.
Cetane number:
The suitability of a fuel for diesel engine is
expressed as cetane number. It is defined as
the percentage of cetane which is to be mixed
with methyl naphthalene in order to obtain a
fuel which matches the performance of the
fuel under examination. For diesel engines
cetane is normal hexadecane.
Knocking is a sharp metallic sound produced
in the internal combustion engine. This results
in huge loss of energy in the engine.
Antiknock compounds:
These are compounds used to prevent
knocking in engines. Compounds used
tetraethyl lead (largely used in gasoline and
petrol) and iron penta carbonyl.
Industrial gases:
Following are the gases commonly used for
industrial purposes.
   1) H
   2) O
  3) N
   4) CO
   5) acetylene   6)
ethylene   7) helium.
1) Hydrogen:
This is prepared by the electrolysis of water.
In the synthesis of ammonia and then
converting ammonia into fertilizers.
For hydrogenating oils to make fats or in the
hardening of fatty oils.
As a fuel for rockets.
For the hydrogenation of coal.
For hydrogenating water gas to produce
For producing HCl.
In filling meteorological balloons.
As a cooling gas  for alternators in place of air
In producing an inert atmosphere in making
tungsten filaments for electric lambs.
Carbon dioxide:
This is obtained as a by product in the
production of hydrogen by steam-water gas or
during fermentation of glucose.
Solid CO2 is for refrigerating ice creams, meat
and other foods.
Liquid CO2 is used for blasting coal.
The gas is used for preparing aerated water.
This is prepared by the reaction of calcium
carbide with water.
As an illuminant for marine and air ships, light
house etc
For welding, cutting of steel, mixed with oxygen it
produces heat of 3500
For preparing neoprene rubber and vinyl resins.
As a fuel gas.
This is obtained from petroleum refinery
It is used for producing polythene and styrene,
for preparing large number of organic
Slide Note

Fuels are combustible substances that serve as a source of heat or raw material for various industries. They can be classified as natural or artificial, solid, liquid, or gaseous, and primary or secondary fuels. Primary fuels like coal and wood are directly used for heat, while secondary fuels are manufactured from primary fuels. Fuels can be of organic (vegetable) or inorganic (mineral) origin and are essential for energy production in domestic and industrial settings.

  • Fuels
  • Combustible
  • Classification
  • Energy source
  • Industry

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  2. Fuels are naturally occurring(fossil fuel) or artificially manufactured combustible organic substances which is a source of heat or raw material for industry. Fuel is a substance that undergoes combination with O2in air to liberate heat. They can be solids, liquids or gases.

  3. They have carbon and hydrogen. The chief fuels are coal and mineral oil. Fuels can be either of vegetable (organic- coal etc) or mineral (inorganic sulphur, iron pyrites etc) origin, can be also nuclear, like enriched uranium oxide.

  4. Definition 1. Defined as any source of heat energy. 2. It is a combustible substance containing carbon as main constituent which on proper burning gives large amount of heat that can be used economically for domestic and industrial purposes. 3. It is any chemical or any reactant which produces energy in a form that can be used for producing power.

  5. Classification Fuels are classified as follows I: Solid, liquid and gases II: i) Natural or raw fuels or primary fuels. Ex: Wood Peat, coal, petroleum ii) Manufactured or processed or artificial or secondary fuels Ex: Coke, charcoal, kerosene, petrol

  6. III : i) Primary fuels ii) Secondary fuels Primary fuels are directly used for the function of heat and its technical utilization as such. They may be solids, liquids or gases. Ex: Coal, wood, petroleum.

  7. Secondary fuels are one from which other fuels are manufactured, which is then utilized as fuel. These are obtained from primary fuels. Ex Coal gas, water gas, producer gas etc are obtained from primary fuel coal.

  8. Natural fuels: Solid Fuels Ex; Wood, peat, lignite, bituminous, anthracite coal Liquid Ex: petroleum Gaseous Natural gas from petroleum wells.

  9. Manufactured fuels Solid: Charcoal, high and low temperature coke. Liquid Petrol or gasoline, kerosene, diesel, ethanol, methanol Gaseous: Coal gas, coke oven gas, producer gas, water gas.

  10. Industrial fuels: I : Power generating fuels : These are burned in power plants for generating energy. II : Process fuels: These are used in industrial furnaces and driers to produce heat which is needed in various industrial processes.

  11. Calorific value : The amount of heat given out by different fuels will be different. This difference is compared based on calorific value. Calorific value is defined as the amount of heat produced in calories during the combustion of one gram of a substance in oxygen. Its unit is kcalg-1.

  12. Calorific value is measured by the number of British thermal units (BTU) liberated by the combustion of one lb of a solid fuel or one cubic feet of a gaseous fuel. 1 BTU is the amount o heat required to raise the temperature of one lb of water through 1oF. Calorific value can be measured using bomb calorimeter.

  13. Flash point: For a liquid fuel it is the temperature at which it emits vapour which is kindled by a flame. The lowest temperature, at which oil continues to burn after a flame has been applied to it, is its ignition point. Flash point of gasoline is 45oC, for kerosene it is 73oF.

  14. Ignition temperature: It is the temperature below which a solid fuel will not catch fire and burn.

  15. Essential requirements of fuels: A good fuel should have high calorific value and low moisture content. It should be of low cost and readily available. It should be easily transportable. It should not give any undesirable by products during burning. It should leave only little ash or non- combustible material. If they have large percentage of non- combustible material left as ash then the calorific value decreases.

  16. The combustion product of the fuel must not be harmful. It should burn in air with efficiency without producing much smoke. Its combustion should take place spontaneously and should be controllable. Particle size of solid fuels should be uniform.

  17. It should produce high temperature, called as pyrometric burning effect. This highest temperature obtained by combustion depends upon i) calorific value ii) Velocity of combustion iii) space in which it is burnt iv) physical state of fuel. If same quantity of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels is burnt in same amount of air, gaseous fuel gives the highest pyrometric effect, liquid less effect and solid the least.

  18. Fuels should have proper ignition point. If have low ignition temperature then fire hazards can happen. But high ignition temperature makes fuel safe for transportation and storage, but not favorable for starting fire. So moderate ignition temperature and moderate velocity of combustion is favored for a good fuel.

  19. Energy characteristics of a fuel: Energy characteristics of a fuel depends on Heat of combustion: It is the amount of heat obtained by burning a unit mass or volume of a fuel. Energy content : It is the amount of potential heat energy contained in a unit volume of a fuel and measured as the volume of fuel in m3 corresponding to one ton of reference fuel, whose heat of combustion is 292.4kj/kg(700kcal/kg)

  20. Solid and liquid fuels contain organic combustible part(C,H,O) and a mineral in combustible part which is moisture and inorganic compounds like silicates, phosphates, sulphates, sulphites of metals like Ca, Al, Fe, K and Na. These mineral substances are converted into metal oxides on burning of solid fuel and remaining ash.

  21. Sulphur as sulphides is oxidized to SO2. Moisture and minerals lower the energy ratings of fuels, raise the cost of transportation and complicates processing technology. When fuel is heated without access of air (pyrolysis) gaseous and liquid products from that are contained as vapours in the pyrolysis products. This vapour and gas mixture also containing the fuel water is called volatile matter.

  22. Water Gas: Water gas is often called as blue gas since the flame formed will be blue in colour when burnt. Water gas is a mixture of CO and H2. It is produced by passing steam over red hot bed of coke at 1400 to 1000 0C.

  23. H2O + C CO + H2 This is an endothermic reaction, so temperature falls from 1400 to 10000C. At this temperature CO2is also formed. 2H2O + C 2H2+ CO2 -29 kcal. -19 kcal

  24. This CO2has no calorific value. Formation of water gas depends on the decomposition of steam by coke at 758oC, at this temperature 25.3% steam is decomposed so the composition will be 56.2% of H2, 7.8% CO and 27%CO2. At 1000oC 93% stem is decomposed so the composition will be 50.7% H2, 48%CO and 1.3% CO2.

  25. And at 1125oC 99.4% of steam is decomposed so the composition will be50.9%H2, 48.5% CO and 0.6%CO2. To maintain the percentage of decomposition ie at 1000oC or above, blast of steam is stopped and air blast is passed to raise the temperature to 1400oC.

  26. Then pass stem blast and then pass air blast and so on. Since air forms explosion with water gas, water gas is removed by passing steam for one minute, this steam is called purge steam. The average composition of water gas is 48% of H2, 1% of CH4, 42% of CO, 3% of CO2and6% of N2. The calorific value of water gas is about 300 Btu/cu ft.

  27. Uses: Used as a source of H2and as a reducing agent in metallurgy. It is added to coal gas for street lighting. Used to synthesis chemicals like alcohols and oxygenated compounds.

  28. Producer Gas: Producer gas is a mixture of CO and N2. This a cheap individual fuel obtained from low grade coal. This is prepared by passing air over a bed of white hot coke or solid carbonaceous fuel at 1000 1400oC. C + O2+ 2N2 (air) CO + 2N2 H = -27.06kcal

  29. During preparation, actually CO2is first produced; it then reacts with coke to give CO. Instead of coke and coal, peat, wood waste, spent tar can be used. But largely used raw material is coke and coal. Coke or anthrasite or charcoal is used if producer gas is used in gas engines for power production. It is manufactured in a plant known as gas producer .

  30. The fuel is stacked in a grate in the cylindrical furnace, made of fire clay refractory bricks. The blast of air is blown through the grate. The fuel is fed from the top. Gas produced leaves the furnace through the gas outlet. 2C + O2 2CO + 58000 cal C + O2 CO2 +97000 cal CO2+ C 2CO -39000 cal

  31. The CO2formed is reduced to CO by heated coke and as the reaction is endothermic, the temperature of the bed is kept high at above 1000oC. The proportion of CO increases with increase in temperature.

  32. Producer gas has lower calorific (1300kcal/m3) value of any gaseous fuel and the temperature of its flame is the lower of any fuel. Its calorific value is 150Btu per cubic feet. Its average composition is 10% H2, 8% CH4,20% CO, 4%CO2and 64% N2.

  33. Uses: It is used for heating coal gas retorts, in furnace and gas engines.

  34. Oil Gas: This oil is used in labs. It is obtained by cracking heavy oil like kerosene, during which a mixture of gaseous hydrocarbons are produced. C16H34 6CH4+ 2C2H4+ C2H2+ 4C The average composition of oil gas is 25-30% CH4,50-55%H2,10-12%CO and 3%CO2 . Its calorific value is 4500-5400kcal/m3.

  35. Natural gas: This is a mixture of methane (80- 98 %), ethane, propane, butanes, pentanes, CO2, N2 etc. Its calorific value is 1200-1400kcal/m3. This is found in vicinity of coal mines or oil fields.

  36. It is used in domestic, industrial and as a chemical raw material for various syntheses. It accumulates in underground reservoirs either with or with out petroleum oil. Natural oils obtained from oil wells may be either wet or dry.

  37. i) Dry Variety This type contains mainly of methane and does not contain either gasoline vapour or crude petroleum. Its composition will be 96%CH4, 0.8%C2H4and 3.2%N2.

  38. ii) Wet variety This type consists of a mixture of methane and higher HC, like n-propane, n-butane. Isobutene, isopentane etc. It is obtained from oil producing wells along with petroleum. Calorific value of this variety is higher than dry variety because of its high percentage of heavier unsaturated molecules.

  39. By products from natural gases: The products formed like methane, ethane, propane, butane, natural gasoline and LPG are of industrial importance. These are separated from crude gas as liquids by the absorption of higher HC in petroleum or catalytically polymerizing higher HC into liquid HC. Natural gas is transported in the form of liquid.

  40. The gas contains undesirable compounds like H2O, H2S, which should be removed before usage. The gas obtained by fermentation of organic matter in sewage is also called sewage natural gas. The sewage is collected and subjected to anaerobic fermentation, were by the nitrogenous matter in it is converted into nitrates and a part of the carbonaceous matter is converted into sewage natural gas consisting mainly of methane and CO2.

  41. This gas contains 70% methane and 30%CO2. The calorific value of the gas is 62.5Btu/Cu ft.

  42. Cow dung is the main source of natural gas. Cow dung on fermentation gives gas with composition as in sewage gas. The residue formed in this process is used as manure. Natural gas burns with smoky flame in ordinary burners. So use special appliances.

  43. Natural gas can be liquefied under pressure and cooling to -121oC. This can be mixed with other fuels to increase their calorific value. This gas is used for the manufacture of carbon black.CH4natural gas used for the manufacture of formaldehyde and methanol by controlled oxidation. Helium is also recovered from natural gas.

  44. Coal gas: Coal gas is obtained from the destruction of coal ie when coal is heated in the absence of air. One ton of coal gives12000cubic feet of coal gas at 1000oC and the yield is 18%.The yield can be increased to 22% by increasing the temperature to 1400 -1500oC.

  45. Coal gas produced by this process is a mixture of gases and about 95% of it is combustible. The compounds present in the mixture depend on the temperature of carbonization. The average composition of the gas is 49% of H2, 32% of CH4, 8% of CO,4-5% acetylene and ethylene, 4% of N2, 1% of O2and 1% of CO2.

  46. H2, CH4and CO are non-illuminating but heat producing, N2, O2and CO2are inert or diluents. H2S, CS2, NH3, cyanogens etc are present as impurities. Its calorific value is about 4900kcal/m3.

  47. This gas is used to provide inert atmosphere in number of preparations, used to provide reducing atmosphere in metallurgical operations, in smelting of metals and alloys, used as fuel and illuminanent, used in producing fuel gases and in making graphite, and does not condense on cooling.

  48. Gobar or bio gas: This is a mixture of methane, CO2, H2and H2S. The average composition is 55% CH4, 7.4% H2, 35%CO2, 2.6%N2and traces of water. This is produced by the anaerobic fermentation of animal waste in the absence of O2and in the presence of H2O.

  49. The carbohydrates, proteins and fats in animal waste are broken down by bacteria to form CH4. The residue formed during the process can be used as manure since the essential nutrients like N2and phosphorous remains intact.

  50. The gas is highly flammable and is used as fuel. Natural gas is also biogas, which results from long time decay of animal and vegetable matters brought about by bacteria s at high temperature, high pressure etc. The average calorific value is 5300kcal/m3.

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