Final Project Demonstration: Replace Background Image & Add Personal Touch

Title of Project
First Name M. Last Name
First Name M. Last Name
First Name M. Last Name
First Name M. Last Name
 – G
Replace the background
image with your own
project’s image
Add your own name and
pictures in the title slide,
adjust fonts if necessary
Analysis and Evaluation
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Feel free to change titles of
the individual slides. Also,
feel free to use smart art
here to make it more
Make sure to change the footer below
Remove these blue texts
Presented by: 1706XXX
1. Summary / Abstract
your project briefly
dd pictures 
of your final project 
in the slide
to help explain better.
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
2. Introduction
Explain what the problem is in here. 
dd generic pictures in the slide to
help explain better.
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
3.1 Design: 
Problem Formulation (PO(b))
Write here…
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(b).
Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section
Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of
) If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT
Change the title of this section.
3.1 Design: 
Problem Formulation (PO(b))
Write here…
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(b).
Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section
Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of
) If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT
Change the title of this section.
3.1 Design: 
Problem Formulation (PO(b))
Write here…
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(b).
Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section
Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of
) If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT
Change the title of this section.
3.1 Design: 
Problem Formulation (PO(b))
Write here…
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(b).
Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section
Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of
) If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT
Change the title of this section.
3.2 Design M
What components used, what microcontroller etc, which algorithm
ive reference if you took help from any website for
implementing the project here. 
dd pictures if necessary
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(a).Write in details, how you applied knowledge of
mathematics, science, and engineering to solve the problem.
Give necessary mathematical derivations, equations etc.  If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section.
3.3 Design: Circuit Diagram
Circuit diagram of your project
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
If appropriate for your project. Otherwise, remove this section
3.4 Design: 
If you did simulation, add screenshots / screen captured video in the
slide to show key features. For screen captures, you can remove this
slide for the video and directly explain in the software. 
dd screenshots
for the PPT file that you will submit
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
If appropriate for your project. Otherwise, remove this section
3.5 CAD/Hardware Design
If you did simulation, add screenshots / screen captured video in the
slide to show key features. For screen captures, you can remove this
slide for the video and directly explain in the software. 
dd screenshots
for the PPT file that you will submit
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
If appropriate for your project. Otherwise, remove this section
3.5 CAD/Hardware Design
Write here, add pictures
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
If appropriate for your project. Otherwise, remove this section
3.6 Design: 
PCB Layout and 3d rendering
PCB layout design of your project (add picture and briefly show it in
video), and 3d rendering.
(in proteus, it is possible to do the 3d render, just take a screen shot of
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
4 Implementation: Demonstration
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
If you could implement the
project in hardware
in a breadboard)
, add 
it in
the slide. You may also add
a short (no more than 20
second) video
Presented by: 1706XXX
4.1 Implementation: Photo Gallary
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Add photos that
demonstrate the key
features of your project
Presented by: 1706XXX
5. Design Analysis and Evaluation
5.1 Novelty
5.2 Design Considerations (PO(c))
5.3 Investigations (PO(d))
5.4 Limitations of Tools (PO(e))
5.5 Impact Assessment (PO(f))
5.6 Sustainability and Envaronmental Impact
Evaluation (PO(g))
Ethical Issues (PO(h))
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
5.1 Novelty
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
Explain why your design is
5.2 Design Considerations (PO(c))
Considerations to public health and safety
Considerations to environment
Considerations to cultural and societal needs
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(c) Read the PO Statement in the website first,
before writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
) If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section. Write short bullet points / summaries
Make multiple slides if needed, keeping the large title
5.3 Investigations (PO(d))
Considerations to public health and safety
Considerations to environment
Considerations to cultural and societal needs
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(d) Read the PO Statement in the website first,
before writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
) If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section. Write short bullet points / summaries
Make multiple slides if needed, keeping the large title
Limitations of Tools (PO(e))
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(e) Read the PO Statement in the website first,
before writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section.  You need to write the technological
limitations of your tools used, maximum limit, tolerances,
probable errors
Write short bullet points / summaries
Impact Assessment (PO(f))
Assessment of Societal and Cultural Issues
Assessment of Health and Safety Issues
Assessment of Legal Issues
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(f) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before
writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section.
Write short bullet points / summaries
Make multiple slides if needed, keeping the large title
Sustainability Evaluation (PO(g))
Assessment of Societal and Cultural Issues
Assessment of Health and Safety Issues
Assessment of Legal Issues
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(g) Read the PO Statement in the website first,
before writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section.
Write short bullet points / summaries
Sustainability Evaluation (PO(g))
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(h) Read the PO Statement in the website first,
before writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section.
Write in details, how you applied ethical principles to solve this
project. Write any issues where you faced ethical challenges and
how you mitigated them.
6. Reflection on Individual and Team work
6.1  Individual Contribution of Each Member
6.2  Mode of TeamWork
6.3  Diversity Statement of Team
6.4  Log Book of Project Impelementation
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(h) Read the PO Statement in the website first,
before writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section.
6.1 Individual Contribution of Each Member
Explain what each member of the team did
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(h) Read the PO Statement in the website first,
before writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section.
6.2 Mode of TeamWork and Diversity
Explain how your team is a diverse representation
Also explain how you completed the project as a team. Add
pictures if necessary (even funny pictures are okay here).
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(h) Read the PO Statement in the website first,
before writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section.
6.3 Logbook of Project
Briefly show the logbook of your project here (screenshot)
In presentation, just show this slide, no need to explain.
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(h) Read the PO Statement in the website first,
before writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section.
7 Communication to External Stakeholders (PO(j))
Github Link
YouTube Link
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(j) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before
writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
). .
If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section. Also, communication marks would
consist writing this report properly with correct formatting.
If you could implement the project in hardware
 (even in a breadboard)
, add 
it in the slide. You may also
add a short (no more than 20 second) video. The link to the presentation needs to be added.
The video title should be Project title | Section .Group | EEE 416(2022) Final Project | Dept of EEE, BUET
Example: Smart EVM | A1.1 |  EEE 416(2022) Final Project| Dept of EEE, BUET
8. Project Management and Cost Analysis (PO(k))
Bill of Materials
 Calculation of Per Unit Cost of Prototype
 Calculation of Per Unit Cost of Mass-Produced Unit
 Timeline of Project Implementation
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(k) Read the PO Statement in the website first,
before writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
) .
If not
needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change
the title of this section.
Use multiple slides for bill of materials if needed
Show costs in a single slide
9. Future Work (PO(l))
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes
address PO(l) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before
writing this section (
Program Outcomes and Program
Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET
Add any and all references here, for websites, give URL. Include any
research articles, datasheets, handbooks, reference manuals used in
the project.
 In presentation, just show this slide, no need to explain.
EEE 416 (2022) – Final Project Group A.XY
Title of the Project
Presented by: 1706XXX
Slide Note

In this final project presentation, the group from Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology showcases their innovative solution. The slides cover the summary, introduction, design, implementation, analysis & evaluation, and references of their project, with a focus on problem formulation and literature review. The team adds a personal touch by customizing the slides with their own images and names, making the presentation more engaging and professional.

  • Final Project
  • Presentation
  • University
  • Innovation
  • Customization

Uploaded on Aug 05, 2024 | 0 Views

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EEE xxx Course Title Laboratory Jan 202x Level-x Term-I Section Z Final Project Demonstration Title of Project Replace the background image with your own project s image Add your own name and pictures in the title slide, adjust fonts if necessary SUBMITTEDBY GROUP A.XY First Name M. Last Name 1606XYZ First Name M. Last Name 1606XYZ First Name M. Last Name 1606XYZ First Name M. Last Name 1606XYZ 1 BANGLADESH UNIVERSITY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONIC ENGINEERING

  2. Outline Remove these blue texts 1. Summary 2. Introduction 3. Design 4. Implementation 5. Analysis and Evaluation 6. References Feel free to change titles of the individual slides. Also, feel free to use smart art here to make it more attractive Make sure to change the footer below EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 2

  3. 1. Summary / Abstract Explain your project briefly. Add pictures of your final project in the slide to help explain better. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 3

  4. 2. Introduction Explain what the problem is in here. Add generic pictures in the slide to help explain better. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 4

  5. 3.1 Design: Problem Formulation (PO(b)) 3.1.1 Identification of Scope Write here This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(b). Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET) If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 5

  6. 3.1 Design: Problem Formulation (PO(b)) 3.1.2 Literature Review Write here This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(b). Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET) If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 6

  7. 3.1 Design: Problem Formulation (PO(b)) 3.1.3 Formulation of Problem Write here This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(b). Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET) If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 7

  8. 3.1 Design: Problem Formulation (PO(b)) 3.1.4 Analysis Write here This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(b). Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET) If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 8

  9. 3.2 Design Methods (PO(a)) What components used, what microcontroller etc, which algorithm used. Give reference if you took help from any website for implementing the project here. Add pictures if necessary This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(a).Write in details, how you applied knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering to solve the problem. Give necessary mathematical derivations, equations etc. If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 9

  10. 3.3 Design: Circuit Diagram Circuit diagram of your project If appropriate for your project. Otherwise, remove this section EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 10

  11. 3.4 Design: Simulation If you did simulation, add screenshots / screen captured video in the slide to show key features. For screen captures, you can remove this slide for the video and directly explain in the software. Add screenshots for the PPT file that you will submit If appropriate for your project. Otherwise, remove this section EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 11

  12. 3.5 CAD/Hardware Design If you did simulation, add screenshots / screen captured video in the slide to show key features. For screen captures, you can remove this slide for the video and directly explain in the software. Add screenshots for the PPT file that you will submit If appropriate for your project. Otherwise, remove this section EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 12

  13. 3.5 CAD/Hardware Design Write here, add pictures If appropriate for your project. Otherwise, remove this section EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 13

  14. 3.6 Design: PCB Layout and 3d rendering PCB layout design of your project (add picture and briefly show it in video), and 3d rendering. (in proteus, it is possible to do the 3d render, just take a screen shot of that) EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 14

  15. 4 Implementation: Demonstration If you could implement the project in hardware (even in a breadboard), add it in the slide. You may also add a short (no more than 20 second) video EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 15

  16. 4.1 Implementation: Photo Gallary Add photos that demonstrate the key features of your project EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 16

  17. 5. Design Analysis and Evaluation 5.1 Novelty 5.2 Design Considerations (PO(c)) 5.3 Investigations (PO(d)) 5.4 Limitations of Tools (PO(e)) 5.5 Impact Assessment (PO(f)) 5.6 Sustainability and Envaronmental Impact Evaluation (PO(g)) 5.7 Ethical Issues (PO(h)) EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 17

  18. 5.1 Novelty Explain why your design is novel EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 18

  19. 5.2 Design Considerations (PO(c)) 5.2.1 Considerations to public health and safety 5.2.2 Considerations to environment 5.2.3 Considerations to cultural and societal needs This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(c) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET) If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. Write short bullet points / summaries Make multiple slides if needed, keeping the large title unchanged EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 19

  20. 5.3 Investigations (PO(d)) 5.2.1 Considerations to public health and safety 5.2.2 Considerations to environment 5.2.3 Considerations to cultural and societal needs This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(d) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET) If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. Write short bullet points / summaries Make multiple slides if needed, keeping the large title unchanged EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 20

  21. 5.4 Limitations of Tools (PO(e)) This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(e) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET).If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. You need to write the technological limitations of your tools used, maximum limit, tolerances, probable errors Write short bullet points / summaries EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 21

  22. 5.5 Impact Assessment (PO(f)) 5.5.1 Assessment of Societal and Cultural Issues 5.5.2 Assessment of Health and Safety Issues 5.5.3 Assessment of Legal Issues This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(f) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET).If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. Write short bullet points / summaries Make multiple slides if needed, keeping the large title unchanged EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 22

  23. 5.6 Sustainability Evaluation (PO(g)) 5.5.1 Assessment of Societal and Cultural Issues 5.5.2 Assessment of Health and Safety Issues 5.5.3 Assessment of Legal Issues This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(g) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET).If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. Write short bullet points / summaries \ EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 23

  24. 5.7 Sustainability Evaluation (PO(g)) This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(h) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET).If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. Write in details, how you applied ethical principles to solve this project. Write any issues where you faced ethical challenges and how you mitigated them. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 24

  25. 6. Reflection on Individual and Team work 6.1 Individual Contribution of Each Member 6.2 Mode of TeamWork 6.3 Diversity Statement of Team 6.4 Log Book of Project Impelementation This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(h) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET).If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 25

  26. 6.1 Individual Contribution of Each Member Explain what each member of the team did This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(h) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET).If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 26

  27. 6.2 Mode of TeamWork and Diversity Explain how your team is a diverse representation Also explain how you completed the project as a team. Add pictures if necessary (even funny pictures are okay here). This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(h) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET).If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 27

  28. 6.3 Logbook of Project Briefly show the logbook of your project here (screenshot) In presentation, just show this slide, no need to explain. This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(h) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET).If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX Title of the Project 28

  29. 7 Communication to External Stakeholders (PO(j)) 1.Github Link 2.YouTube Link This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(j) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET). .If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. Also, communication marks would consist writing this report properly with correct formatting. If you could implement the project in hardware (even in a breadboard), add it in the slide. You may also add a short (no more than 20 second) video. The link to the presentation needs to be added. The video title should be Project title | Section .Group | EEE 416(2022) Final Project | Dept of EEE, BUET Example: Smart EVM | A1.1 | EEE 416(2022) Final Project| Dept of EEE, BUET EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY 29 Title of the Project

  30. 8. Project Management and Cost Analysis (PO(k)) 1. Bill of Materials 2. Calculation of Per Unit Cost of Prototype 3. Calculation of Per Unit Cost of Mass-Produced Unit This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(k) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET) .If not needed, remove this entire section. If needed, DO NOT Change the title of this section. 4. Timeline of Project Implementation Use multiple slides for bill of materials if needed Show costs in a single slide EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY 30 Title of the Project

  31. 9. Future Work (PO(l)) This section is mandatory to write if the course outcomes address PO(l) Read the PO Statement in the website first, before writing this section (Program Outcomes and Program Educational Objectives | Department of EEE, BUET) EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY 31 Title of the Project

  32. 10. References Add any and all references here, for websites, give URL. Include any research articles, datasheets, handbooks, reference manuals used in the project. In presentation, just show this slide, no need to explain. EEE 416 (2022) Final Project Group A.XY Presented by: 1706XXX 32 Title of the Project

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