Federal Whistleblower Laws Overview

Behren Law Firm
, 2893 Executive Park Drive-Suite 110, Weston, FL
(954) 636-38802  -scott@behrenlaw.com
Federal WB Causes of
Give summary of Federal WB Causes of Action that
Might be Available, the Remedies Available and
Damages Available
Purpose is to see in each instance what are upsides
or downsides of bringing Federal or State Causes of
action and what remedies might be available to
prospective clients
Clean Air Act (CAA)
Protection to those who commence or participate in
proceedings under the CAA
EE must file complaint with Sec of Labor within 30
days of violation
Within 30 days Sec of Labor Must Notify of Results
of Investigation
Within 90 days of Complaint Sec of Labor shall
issue order affording relief or denying Complaint
Clean Air Act (CAA)
Sec of Labor can order ER to take action to abate the
violation; reinstate the EE to former position along
with back pay, etc.; order compensatory damages;
award of costs and expenses to prevailing party
Aggrieved Party my seek review of Sec of Labor
Order by Circuit Court of Appeals in 60 days
Parties and Sec of Labor may enforce its Order in
U.S. District Court.
42 U.S.C Section 7622
Commercial Motor Vehicle
Safety Act (CMVSA)
Prohibits discharge or termination or adverse
actions based upon participation or complaints
about commercial motor vehicle safety or refuses to
operate vehicle in violation of law or has
apprehension of injury because of unsafe conditions
EE may file complaint with Sec of Labor within 180
days after violation
Within 60 days Secretary will conduct investigation
and notify parties of findings
Commercial Motor Vehicle
Safety Act (CMVSA)
If Secretary believes violation occurred, will issue
order of relief
Within 30 days of Secretary’s findings parties may
object and request a hearing
Within 120 days after hearing, Secretary will issue
final order
Secretary can order relief to abate actions, reinstate
the EE, compensatory damages and back pay,
attorneys fees and costs
Commercial Motor Vehicle
Safety Act (CMVSA)
Within 60 days after Order, party may review with
U.S. Court of Appeals
Secretary may bring civil action in U.S. District
Court to enforce Orders
49 U.S.C. Section 31105
Environmental Response
Compensation and Liability
Superfund Act
Prohibits Actions against employees for providing
information to state or federal government  or
instituting proceedings or participating in
EE may within 30 days apply to Sec of Labor for
review of termination or discrimination
Environmental Response
Compensation and
Liability Act (CERCLA)
Secretary will conduct investigation and reach
findings of fact
If Secretary finds violation occurred, order will be
issued requiring violation to be abated and
reinstatement of EE and fees and costs
Order issued by Secretary is subject to judicial
42 U.S.C 9610
Department of Defenses
Authorization Act
Prohibits defense contractors from discharging,
demoting or discriminating against employees  for
disclosing violation of law related to contract or
negotiation of contract
EE may submit complaint to Inspector General
IG will issue report with findings of fact
May order to abate violation; order reinstatement of
EE with back pay, benefits, etc. order fees and costs
Department of Defenses
Authorization Act
Orders may be enforced in U.S. District Court
Court may grant injunctive relief, compensatory
and exemplary damages
Within 60 days of Order may review by U.S. Court
of Appeals
10 U.S.C Section 2409
Dodd-Frank Act
Section 748 prohibits ER from discharge or
discriminating against employees relating to
violations of the Commodity Exchange Act;
Section 922 prohibits ER from discharge or
discriminating against EE for providing information
relevant to violation of securities laws to the SEC or
making disclosures required by SOX or any other
law subject to SEC jurisdiction.  Under 21F EE who
prevails gets reinstatement, costs and fees 
and two
times the back pay owed
Dodd-Frank Act
Section 1057 prohibits employers engaged in
providing consumer financial products or services
from terminating or discriminating against
employee because provided information or testified
in matter pertaining to Dodd Frank or the
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or instituted
any proceeding under consumer financial law etc.
May file Complaint with Sec of Labor in 180 days.
Within 60 days, Sec will commence investigation.
Parties may file objections to Secretary’s findings
and request a hearing within 30 days
Dodd-Frank Act
If hearing conducted, Secretary must issue final
order or deny complaint within 120 days after
Secretary may order abatement of action,
reinstatement of EE, back pay, compensatory
damages, fees and costs
May seek review of Sec Order with U.S. Court of
If Sec fails to issue timely order, complainant may
seek de novo review in US DC.
Energy Reorganization Act
of 1974 (ERA)
Prohibits discharge or discrimination of employees
for allege violations of ERA or Atomic Energy Act,
EE may file Complaint the Sec of Labor within 180
days of violation
Sec of Labor will complete investigation within 30
Within 90 days of Complaint Secretary will issue
Energy Reorganization Act
of 1974 (ERA)
Secretary may order to abate violation, reinstate the
EE with back pay and benefits, order compensatory
damages, award attorneys fees and costs
Secretary will dismiss a complaint and not conduct
an investigation unless complainant has made a
prima facie showing that the protected action was a
contributing factor in the alleged unfavorable
personnel action
Energy Reorganization Act
of 1974 (ERA)
May seek review of Secretary Order in U.S Court of
Appeals within 60 days of Order
Secretary may enforce Order in U.S. District Court
Fair Labor Standards Act
Prohibits discharge or discrimination because
employee complained or participated in proceeding
alleging violation of statute
EE may file private suit in Federal or State court and
seek, legal and equitable relief, reinstatement, lost
wages, liquidated damages, fees and costs
FDA Food Safety
Modernization Act
Applies to employers involved in manufacture,
processing, packing, transport, distribution and
importation of foods
No actions against EE due to complaints or refusal
to participate in violations of FDA Act
EE may file Complaint with Secretary of Labor
within 180 days after violation
Within 60 days of Complaint Secretary will initiate
FDA Food Safety
Modernization Act
If Secretary finds reasonable causes, will issue
findings and Order for abatement of violation,
reinstatement and compensatory damages
May file Objections to findings and Order and
request a hearing
Final Order must by issued by Secretary within 120
days after hearing’s conclusion
If Secretary fails to issue timely decision, may seek
de novo review of U.S. District Court
21 U.S.C. Section 1021
Federal Mine Safety and
Health Act (FMSHA)
Protects employees for violations of FMSHA
EE may file complaint with Secretary of Labor
within 60 days of violation
Within 15 days, Secretary will start investigation
If Secretary does not believe Complaint was
frivolous, will order immediate reinstatement of
miner pending final order
Within 90 days of Complaint, Secretary will notify
miner of whether a violation occurred
Federal Mine Safety and
Health Act (FMSHA)
If Secretary believes the miners rights were violated,
miner shall have immediate right to file action
before the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review
Commission will have hearing and issue order and
granting relief as appropriate including fees and
Order may be reviewed by U.S. Court of Appeals
30 U.S.C. Section 815 and 816
Federal Water Pollution Control
Act of 1972 (FWPCA)
Protects employees from violations of FWPCA
EE may apply with Sec of Labor within 30 days after
violation occurs
Secretary will conduct investigation and make
findings of fact
Secretary can order abatement of violation, rehiring
or reinstatement of employee with compensation
and fees and costs
Federal Water Pollution Control
Act of 1972 (FWPCA)
Orders shall be subject to judicial review
33 U.S.C. Section 1367
Longshore and Harbor Workers
Compensation At (LHWCA)
Protects employees from adverse actions if
employee claims or attempts to claim compensation
from employer
ER liable for violations from $1,000 to $5,000
If penalties not paid, may be recovered in U.S.
District Court
EE shall be resorted to employment and
compensated for loss of wages
Longshore and Harbor Workers
Compensation At (LHWCA)
Employer and insurance carrier shall be jointly
liable for penalties and payments
33 U.S.C. Section 948
Migrant and Seasonal
Agricultural Worker Protection
Protects EE from discrimination, coercing,
threatening, blacklisting, discharging for complaints
under the MSAWPA.
EE may file Complaint with Sec of Labor within 180
days of violation
Secretary will investigate if if deems appropriate will
bring action in U.S. District Court
U.S. District Court will be able to enjoin violation,
order reinstatement with back pay and damages
29 U.S.C. Section 1855
Occupational Safety and
Health Act of 1970
No discharge or discrimination against employee
complaining to OSHA
EE may file Complaint with Secretary of Labor
within 30 days
Secretary will conduct investigation and deemed
If Secretary deems violation has occurred, will bring
action in U.S. District Court, and Court can restrain
violation, and order relief such as reinstatement and
back pay
Occupational Safety and
Health Act of 1970
29 U.S.C. Section 660
Safe Drinking Water Act
No firing or discrimination and employee for
violations of SDWA
EE may file with Secretary of Labor for review
within 30 days after violation
Secretary of Labor will conduct investigation as
deemed appropriate
Secretary will will issue order within findings of fact
Safe Drinking Water Act
Secretary Order may seek abatement of violation,
rehiring or reinstatement of employee,  award of
fees and costs
Order may be reviewed by U.S. Court of Appeals
within 60 days
Secretary may enforce Order in U.S. District Court
42 U.S.C. Section 300
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Applies to publicly traded companies and
subsidiaries and affiliates
No actions against employee for complaining of any
violation that employee reasonably believed was
violation of SOX or any SEC rule or regulation
EE may file complaint with Secretary of Labor
IF Secretary has not issued final decision within 180
days, employee may seek de novo review in U.S.
District Court
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
Action must be commenced within 180 days after
date on which the violation occurs
Prevailing employee may be awarded
reinstatement, back pay, compensation for special
damages, fees and costs
Fees only to prevailing employee
McDonald Douglas 
18 U.S.C. Section 1514A
Solid Waste Disposal Act
Protects Employees for Complaints about violations
EE may apply to Secretary of Labor within 30 days
after violation for review
Secretary will investigate and will issue findings of
fact and may order abatement of conduct, rehiring
or reinstatement, compensation fees and costs
Solid Waste Disposal Act
Secretary Order subject to judicial review
42 U.S.C. Section 6971
Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act (SMCRA)
Protects employees for complaints about violations
EE may may make complaint with Secretary of
Labor within 30 days of violation
Secretary will make investigation and may order
abatement of action, rehiring or reinstatement with
compensation and fees and costs
Surface Mining Control and
Reclamation Act (SMCRA)
Secretary Orders subject to judicial review
30 U.S.C. 1293
Toxic Substances Control
Act (TSCA)
Protections to employees for violations of TSCA
EE may file Complaint with Sec of Labor within 30
days of violation
Secretary will complete investigation within 30 days
Within 90 days Secretary will issue Order which can
include seeking abatement of action, reinstatement,
compensatory damages, exemplary damages fees
and costs
Toxic Substances Control
Act (TSCA)
May seek review of Order in U.S. Court of Appeals
within 60 days of Order
Secretary can file civil action in U.S. District Court
to enforce its orders
District Courts shall have jurisdiction to grant
injunctive relief, compensatory and exemplary
15 U.S.C. Section 2622
Whistleblower Protection
Act (WPA)
Generally provides protection to federal employees
who make disclosures evidencing illegal or
improper government activities
Need to look at statute since some employees are
not covered by its provisions
Employees may raise protections in an employee
appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board
(MSPB) or an action instituted by the Office of
Special Counsel (OSC) or through an individual
Florida WB Causes of
Florida Private Whistleblower Act (Fla. Stat.
Florida Public Whistleblower Act (Fla. Stat.
Florida Workers Compensation Retaliation Act (Fla.
Stat. 440.205)
Anti-Retaliation Provisions of Florida Civil Rights
Act (Fla. Stat. 760.10(7))
Florida Workers Compensation
Retaliation Act
Fla. Stat. 440.205 provides “No employer shall
discharge, threaten to discharge, intimidate or
coerce any employee by reason of such employee’s
valid claim for compensation under the Workers
Compensation Law.”
Florida Civil Rights Act
Fla. Stat. 760.10(7) “It is an unlawful employment
practice for an employer, an employment agency, a
joint labor management committee, or a labor
organization to discriminate against any person
because that person has opposed any practice which
is an unlawful employment practice under this
section or because that person has made a charge,
testified, assisted or participated in any manner in
an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this
Florida Public
Whistleblowers Act
Contained in Fla. Stat. Section 112.3187.
Florida Private
Whistleblowers Act
Contained in Fla. Stat. 448.101 through 448.105.
No condition precedent to filing with any state of
federal agency
Arbitration of WB Claims
Hospicecare of Southeast Florida, Inc. v. Major
968 So.2d (Fla. 4
 DCA 2007)
Appeal Court Reversed trial court and held that
whistleblower claims were arbitrable where there
was contractual arbitration provision  stating “any
controversy or claim arising out of or related to this
Agreement, or any breach thereof shall be settled by
Cited to 448.105 that the WB Act preserves the
rights of parties to an employment contract
Removal of WB Issues
Paula Bonnafant v. Chico’s Fas Inc.
, Case No: 2:13-
cv-893-FtM-29CM (M.D. Fla. 4/25/14)
EE complained about being forced to make knock
offs in violation of intellectual property laws in
violation of Fla. WB Act
ER claimed that action was removable under federal
question jurisdiction since it arises under federal
patent and trademark laws
Removal of WB Issues
“The mere presence of a federal issue in a state
cause of action does not automatically confer federal
question jurisdiction.”
The federal question is not substantial and
resolution in a federal court would cause significant
disruption to the federal state balance, the claim
does not “arise under” federal law and this Court
does not have jurisdiction
Removal of WB Issues
Isidoro Hernandez v Publix Super Markets, Inc.
, Case
No: 14-20491-CIV-Altonaga
EE complained about food safety violations and Publix
removed based upon federal question jurisdiction
“…to determine whether there is a federal subject matter
jurisdiction, the Court must evaluate whether the state
law claims necessarily raise a stated federal issue,
actually disputed and substantial, which a federal forum
may entertain without disturbing any congressionally
approved balance of federal and state judicial
Removal of WB Issues
Cites to 
 case for proposition that EE must only
establish a “good faith objectively reasonable belief
that his activity was protected by the statute.”
Disapproves of “actual violation of law” standard
previously used by federal courts
Federal court’s applying state law are bound to
adhere to decisions of the state’s intermediate
appellate courts absent some persuasive indication
that the state’s highest court would decide the issue
Removal of WB Issues
Federal law is not so implicated that subject matter
jurisdiction exists
Removal of WB Issues
Kanfer v. Wellcare of Florida, Inc
, Case No: 09-
81587-CIV-Zloch (3/6/10)
Remand to state court where the matter involves
primarily construction of state law, not federal law.
Number of Employees for
WB Act Claim
Ashley Seijo v. Casa Salsa, Inc
., Case No: 12-60892-
CIV-SCOLA (S.D. Fla. 11/25/13)
Used WB Act claiming violation of Broward County
Human Rights Act
Issues of Fact as to Number of Employees where
Employer misclassified employees as 1099
Number of Employees For
WB Act Claim
Luis Diaz v. Impex of Doral, Inc.
, 7 So.3d 591 (Fla. 3
DCA 2009)
Attempted to use “single employer” or “joint employer”
doctrine to get around ten employee requirement of WB
Was error for trial court to enter directed verdict and not
let issue of joint employer go to jury
Cited to 
Martinolich v. Golden Leaf Management, Inc
786 So.2d 613 (Fla. 3d DCA 2001) for proposition that
“joint employer” doctrine is applicable to Florida WB
Good Faith v Actual
John Aery v. Wallace Lincoln Mercury, LLC
, 118 So.3d
904 (Fla. 4
 DCA 2013)
To satisfy WB Act employee must only have a good faith
objectively reasonable belief that his activity is protected
by the statute
Allowed recovery of emotional distress damages under
Florida WB Act
Also reversed summary judgment on mitigation of
damages where  emotional distress caused by
termination kept him from finding other employment
Only appellate court in Florida to have ruled on issue
Actions of Fellow Employees
Under the WB Act
Norman v. Bright Horizons Family Solutions, LLC
Case No: 8:12-cv-1301-T-17TBM (M.D. Fla. 1/23/14)
Court agrees that 448.102(2) applies to reporting a
fellow employee’s violation of law, rule or
regulation conducted in the course and scope of
Court found sufficient evidence in the record where
a jury could find that ER ratified behavior of fellow
employee through inaction
Actions of Fellow Employees
Under the WB Act
In FN 1, Court refused to apply “but for” analysis of
Nassar to WB Act.  These state statutes such as the
Florida WB Act, are written in a much broader
manner than Title VII.  The Court declined to apply
the “but for” analysis to Florida WB claims.
Actions of Fellow Employees
Under the WB Act
Pinder v Bahamasair Holdings Ltd. Inc.
, 661
F.Supp.2d 1348, 1349 (S.D. Fla. 2009)
Employee’s activity of reporting a fellow employee
could fall within the protected activity under the
WB Act.
Actions of Fellow Employees
Under the WB Act
Nidia Juarez v. New Branch Corp
., 67 So.3d 1159 (Fla.
 DCA 2011)
SJ entered in favor of employer
Employee complained of violence by co-worker, she filed
police report and obtained restraining order and that
workplace violence is prohibited by OSHA rules
Appellate Court upheld SJ  because Plaintiff did not
show that workplace violence was policy or practice of
employer and because there was no evidence that battery
was in course and scope of employer’s business
Punies Under WB Act
Kim Dunn v. TZ Insurance Solutions, LLC
, Case No:
Motion to Strike EE Punitive Damages Claim was
Granted because punitive damages are not available
under the WB Act.
Fees Under WB Act
Robert Barnhart v. The Lamar Company, LLC
, Case No:
4:11-cv450 (N.D. Fla. 2012)
EE loses public WB claim on SJ
Fee awards to prevailing parties are discretionary
Notes that 
 standard does not apply to this
An employer is not entitled to an award of fees simply
because it prevailed.  The relative merit of the
employee’s claims is surely a factor in the analysis
Fees Under WB Act
Robert Barnhart v. The Lamar Company, LLC
Case No: 4:11-cv450 (N.D. Fla. 2012)
“When an employee complains about an employer’s
illegal  conduct and has good grounds for doing so,
a court should not lightly award fees against the
employee or his attorney, even if the employee’s
whistleblower action ultimately fails.”
Fees Under WB Act
Edwin Hernandez v. Motorola Mobility, Inc.
, Case
No: 12-60930-CIV-Cohen/Seltzer
Awarding fees to ER is discretionary
Declined to award fees since litigation was fairly
extensive and involved.  “…the Court cannot say
that Plaintiff’s claims could have been easily
resolved, that it was frivolous or that it was brought
in bad faith.”
Fees Under WB Act
Melissa Wigfall v. Saint Leo University
, 8:10-CV-
2232-T-24-TGW (9/5/12)
Case brought under the FCRA, WB, and FLSA
Court awarded fees to prevailing ER under WB Act
Fact that claims were brought under FLSA  did not
showing of bad faith under WB Act based upon
Federal Preemption
Fees Under WB Act
Smith v. Psychiatric Solutions, Inc
., 864 F.Supp.
1241 (N.D. Fla. 3/30/12)
Fees awarded to prevailing ER under WB Act
Argued based upon SOX claim brought that under
Supremacy Clause SOX fee provision preempts Fla
WB Act provision and that fees should not be
awarded under federal preemption
Court argued that SOX and WB claims were
different so that there was no preemption
Fees Under WB Act
Although Court used rationale that under WB Act
must show actual violation, possibly this decision
changes under 
Under WB Act award of fees is discretionary and
factors to be considered include whether case was
frivolous, scope and history of the litigation, parties
wealth disparity, whether an award of fees would
frustrate the WB Act remedial purposes whether the
party acted in good or bad faith
Slide Note

Summary of available Federal Whistleblower Causes of Action, Remedies, and Damages under laws such as the Clean Air Act and Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act. Protections, filing requirements, investigation processes, and potential outcomes outlined for individuals considering whistleblower claims.

  • Whistleblower
  • Federal Laws
  • Clean Air Act
  • Remedies
  • Claims

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Presentation Transcript

  1. INDIVIDUAL WHISTLEBLOWER CLAIMS Behren Law Firm, 2893 Executive Park Drive-Suite 110, Weston, FL 33331 (954) 636-38802 -scott@behrenlaw.com

  2. Federal WB Causes of Action Give summary of Federal WB Causes of Action that Might be Available, the Remedies Available and Damages Available Purpose is to see in each instance what are upsides or downsides of bringing Federal or State Causes of action and what remedies might be available to prospective clients

  3. Clean Air Act (CAA) Protection to those who commence or participate in proceedings under the CAA EE must file complaint with Sec of Labor within 30 days of violation Within 30 days Sec of Labor Must Notify of Results of Investigation Within 90 days of Complaint Sec of Labor shall issue order affording relief or denying Complaint

  4. Clean Air Act (CAA) Sec of Labor can order ER to take action to abate the violation; reinstate the EE to former position along with back pay, etc.; order compensatory damages; award of costs and expenses to prevailing party Aggrieved Party my seek review of Sec of Labor Order by Circuit Court of Appeals in 60 days Parties and Sec of Labor may enforce its Order in U.S. District Court. 42 U.S.C Section 7622

  5. Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act (CMVSA) Prohibits discharge or termination or adverse actions based upon participation or complaints about commercial motor vehicle safety or refuses to operate vehicle in violation of law or has apprehension of injury because of unsafe conditions EE may file complaint with Sec of Labor within 180 days after violation Within 60 days Secretary will conduct investigation and notify parties of findings

  6. Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act (CMVSA) If Secretary believes violation occurred, will issue order of relief Within 30 days of Secretary s findings parties may object and request a hearing Within 120 days after hearing, Secretary will issue final order Secretary can order relief to abate actions, reinstate the EE, compensatory damages and back pay, attorneys fees and costs

  7. Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act (CMVSA) Within 60 days after Order, party may review with U.S. Court of Appeals Secretary may bring civil action in U.S. District Court to enforce Orders 49 U.S.C. Section 31105

  8. Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Superfund Act Prohibits Actions against employees for providing information to state or federal government or instituting proceedings or participating in proceedings EE may within 30 days apply to Sec of Labor for review of termination or discrimination

  9. Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) Secretary will conduct investigation and reach findings of fact If Secretary finds violation occurred, order will be issued requiring violation to be abated and reinstatement of EE and fees and costs Order issued by Secretary is subject to judicial review 42 U.S.C 9610

  10. Department of Defenses Authorization Act Prohibits defense contractors from discharging, demoting or discriminating against employees for disclosing violation of law related to contract or negotiation of contract EE may submit complaint to Inspector General IG will issue report with findings of fact May order to abate violation; order reinstatement of EE with back pay, benefits, etc. order fees and costs

  11. Department of Defenses Authorization Act Orders may be enforced in U.S. District Court Court may grant injunctive relief, compensatory and exemplary damages Within 60 days of Order may review by U.S. Court of Appeals 10 U.S.C Section 2409

  12. Dodd-Frank Act Section 748 prohibits ER from discharge or discriminating against employees relating to violations of the Commodity Exchange Act; Section 922 prohibits ER from discharge or discriminating against EE for providing information relevant to violation of securities laws to the SEC or making disclosures required by SOX or any other law subject to SEC jurisdiction. Under 21F EE who prevails gets reinstatement, costs and fees and two times the back pay owed

  13. Dodd-Frank Act Section 1057 prohibits employers engaged in providing consumer financial products or services from terminating or discriminating against employee because provided information or testified in matter pertaining to Dodd Frank or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau or instituted any proceeding under consumer financial law etc. May file Complaint with Sec of Labor in 180 days. Within 60 days, Sec will commence investigation. Parties may file objections to Secretary s findings and request a hearing within 30 days

  14. Dodd-Frank Act If hearing conducted, Secretary must issue final order or deny complaint within 120 days after hearing. Secretary may order abatement of action, reinstatement of EE, back pay, compensatory damages, fees and costs May seek review of Sec Order with U.S. Court of Appeals If Sec fails to issue timely order, complainant may seek de novo review in US DC.

  15. Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (ERA) Prohibits discharge or discrimination of employees for allege violations of ERA or Atomic Energy Act, etc. EE may file Complaint the Sec of Labor within 180 days of violation Sec of Labor will complete investigation within 30 days Within 90 days of Complaint Secretary will issue Order

  16. Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (ERA) Secretary may order to abate violation, reinstate the EE with back pay and benefits, order compensatory damages, award attorneys fees and costs Secretary will dismiss a complaint and not conduct an investigation unless complainant has made a prima facie showing that the protected action was a contributing factor in the alleged unfavorable personnel action

  17. Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (ERA) May seek review of Secretary Order in U.S Court of Appeals within 60 days of Order Secretary may enforce Order in U.S. District Court

  18. Fair Labor Standards Act Prohibits discharge or discrimination because employee complained or participated in proceeding alleging violation of statute EE may file private suit in Federal or State court and seek, legal and equitable relief, reinstatement, lost wages, liquidated damages, fees and costs

  19. FDA Food Safety Modernization Act Applies to employers involved in manufacture, processing, packing, transport, distribution and importation of foods No actions against EE due to complaints or refusal to participate in violations of FDA Act EE may file Complaint with Secretary of Labor within 180 days after violation Within 60 days of Complaint Secretary will initiate investigation

  20. FDA Food Safety Modernization Act If Secretary finds reasonable causes, will issue findings and Order for abatement of violation, reinstatement and compensatory damages May file Objections to findings and Order and request a hearing Final Order must by issued by Secretary within 120 days after hearing s conclusion If Secretary fails to issue timely decision, may seek de novo review of U.S. District Court 21 U.S.C. Section 1021

  21. Federal Mine Safety and Health Act (FMSHA) Protects employees for violations of FMSHA EE may file complaint with Secretary of Labor within 60 days of violation Within 15 days, Secretary will start investigation If Secretary does not believe Complaint was frivolous, will order immediate reinstatement of miner pending final order Within 90 days of Complaint, Secretary will notify miner of whether a violation occurred

  22. Federal Mine Safety and Health Act (FMSHA) If Secretary believes the miners rights were violated, miner shall have immediate right to file action before the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Commission will have hearing and issue order and granting relief as appropriate including fees and costs Order may be reviewed by U.S. Court of Appeals 30 U.S.C. Section 815 and 816

  23. Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 (FWPCA) Protects employees from violations of FWPCA EE may apply with Sec of Labor within 30 days after violation occurs Secretary will conduct investigation and make findings of fact Secretary can order abatement of violation, rehiring or reinstatement of employee with compensation and fees and costs

  24. Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972 (FWPCA) Orders shall be subject to judicial review 33 U.S.C. Section 1367

  25. Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation At (LHWCA) Protects employees from adverse actions if employee claims or attempts to claim compensation from employer ER liable for violations from $1,000 to $5,000 If penalties not paid, may be recovered in U.S. District Court EE shall be resorted to employment and compensated for loss of wages

  26. Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation At (LHWCA) Employer and insurance carrier shall be jointly liable for penalties and payments 33 U.S.C. Section 948

  27. Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSAWPA) Protects EE from discrimination, coercing, threatening, blacklisting, discharging for complaints under the MSAWPA. EE may file Complaint with Sec of Labor within 180 days of violation Secretary will investigate if if deems appropriate will bring action in U.S. District Court U.S. District Court will be able to enjoin violation, order reinstatement with back pay and damages 29 U.S.C. Section 1855

  28. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 No discharge or discrimination against employee complaining to OSHA EE may file Complaint with Secretary of Labor within 30 days Secretary will conduct investigation and deemed appropriate If Secretary deems violation has occurred, will bring action in U.S. District Court, and Court can restrain violation, and order relief such as reinstatement and back pay

  29. Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 29 U.S.C. Section 660

  30. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) No firing or discrimination and employee for violations of SDWA EE may file with Secretary of Labor for review within 30 days after violation Secretary of Labor will conduct investigation as deemed appropriate Secretary will will issue order within findings of fact

  31. Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Secretary Order may seek abatement of violation, rehiring or reinstatement of employee, award of fees and costs Order may be reviewed by U.S. Court of Appeals within 60 days Secretary may enforce Order in U.S. District Court 42 U.S.C. Section 300

  32. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) Applies to publicly traded companies and subsidiaries and affiliates No actions against employee for complaining of any violation that employee reasonably believed was violation of SOX or any SEC rule or regulation EE may file complaint with Secretary of Labor IF Secretary has not issued final decision within 180 days, employee may seek de novo review in U.S. District Court

  33. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) Action must be commenced within 180 days after date on which the violation occurs Prevailing employee may be awarded reinstatement, back pay, compensation for special damages, fees and costs Fees only to prevailing employee No McDonald Douglas test 18 U.S.C. Section 1514A

  34. Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA) Protects Employees for Complaints about violations of SWDA EE may apply to Secretary of Labor within 30 days after violation for review Secretary will investigate and will issue findings of fact and may order abatement of conduct, rehiring or reinstatement, compensation fees and costs

  35. Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA) Secretary Order subject to judicial review 42 U.S.C. Section 6971

  36. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) Protects employees for complaints about violations of SMCRA EE may may make complaint with Secretary of Labor within 30 days of violation Secretary will make investigation and may order abatement of action, rehiring or reinstatement with compensation and fees and costs

  37. Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) Secretary Orders subject to judicial review 30 U.S.C. 1293

  38. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Protections to employees for violations of TSCA EE may file Complaint with Sec of Labor within 30 days of violation Secretary will complete investigation within 30 days Within 90 days Secretary will issue Order which can include seeking abatement of action, reinstatement, compensatory damages, exemplary damages fees and costs

  39. Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) May seek review of Order in U.S. Court of Appeals within 60 days of Order Secretary can file civil action in U.S. District Court to enforce its orders District Courts shall have jurisdiction to grant injunctive relief, compensatory and exemplary damages 15 U.S.C. Section 2622

  40. Whistleblower Protection Act (WPA) Generally provides protection to federal employees who make disclosures evidencing illegal or improper government activities Need to look at statute since some employees are not covered by its provisions Employees may raise protections in an employee appeal to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB) or an action instituted by the Office of Special Counsel (OSC) or through an individual action

  41. Florida WB Causes of Action Florida Private Whistleblower Act (Fla. Stat. 448.101-448.105) Florida Public Whistleblower Act (Fla. Stat. 112.3187) Florida Workers Compensation Retaliation Act (Fla. Stat. 440.205) Anti-Retaliation Provisions of Florida Civil Rights Act (Fla. Stat. 760.10(7))

  42. Florida Workers Compensation Retaliation Act Fla. Stat. 440.205 provides No employer shall discharge, threaten to discharge, intimidate or coerce any employee by reason of such employee s valid claim for compensation under the Workers Compensation Law.

  43. Florida Civil Rights Act Fla. Stat. 760.10(7) It is an unlawful employment practice for an employer, an employment agency, a joint labor management committee, or a labor organization to discriminate against any person because that person has opposed any practice which is an unlawful employment practice under this section or because that person has made a charge, testified, assisted or participated in any manner in an investigation, proceeding, or hearing under this section.

  44. Florida Public Whistleblowers Act Contained in Fla. Stat. Section 112.3187.

  45. Florida Private Whistleblowers Act Contained in Fla. Stat. 448.101 through 448.105. No condition precedent to filing with any state of federal agency

  46. Arbitration of WB Claims Hospicecare of Southeast Florida, Inc. v. Major, 968 So.2d (Fla. 4thDCA 2007) Appeal Court Reversed trial court and held that whistleblower claims were arbitrable where there was contractual arbitration provision stating any controversy or claim arising out of or related to this Agreement, or any breach thereof shall be settled by arbitration Cited to 448.105 that the WB Act preserves the rights of parties to an employment contract

  47. Removal of WB Issues Paula Bonnafant v. Chico s Fas Inc., Case No: 2:13- cv-893-FtM-29CM (M.D. Fla. 4/25/14) EE complained about being forced to make knock offs in violation of intellectual property laws in violation of Fla. WB Act ER claimed that action was removable under federal question jurisdiction since it arises under federal patent and trademark laws

  48. Removal of WB Issues The mere presence of a federal issue in a state cause of action does not automatically confer federal question jurisdiction. The federal question is not substantial and resolution in a federal court would cause significant disruption to the federal state balance, the claim does not arise under federal law and this Court does not have jurisdiction

  49. Removal of WB Issues Isidoro Hernandez v Publix Super Markets, Inc., Case No: 14-20491-CIV-Altonaga EE complained about food safety violations and Publix removed based upon federal question jurisdiction to determine whether there is a federal subject matter jurisdiction, the Court must evaluate whether the state law claims necessarily raise a stated federal issue, actually disputed and substantial, which a federal forum may entertain without disturbing any congressionally approved balance of federal and state judicial responsibilities.

  50. Removal of WB Issues Cites to Aery case for proposition that EE must only establish a good faith objectively reasonable belief that his activity was protected by the statute. Disapproves of actual violation of law standard previously used by federal courts Federal court s applying state law are bound to adhere to decisions of the state s intermediate appellate courts absent some persuasive indication that the state s highest court would decide the issue otherwise

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