Examiner and Proctor Training for Standards of Learning Tests

Developed by the Virginia Department of Education
Office of Student Assessment
Division Level Information Added by Montgomery County Schools
Assessment Office
April 2023
Standards of Learning Tests:
Examiner and Proctor Training
Testing Memo No. 
dated December 16, 2020
, restated
the requirement that School Test Coordinators (STC) are to
address all content within this presentation at some point in
their Examiner and Proctor training.
This presentation is not meant to be the only document
School Test Coordinators use in preparing for your school’s
Examiner’s Manual 
should be read in its entirety prior to
Virginia Department of Education
Expectations for Individuals in These Roles
Examiners and Proctors
Definition of an Examiner
As defined in the Examiner’s Manual:
An “Examiner” is responsible for administering the Standards of
Learning (SOL) tests according to the procedures outlined in the
Examiner’s Manual and for maintaining security of test materials.
It is best that you supervise the testing of no more than 25
students on your own. If your group is larger, one Proctor is
needed for every 25 additional students in the testing room.
In Montgomery County, we do not do large-group testing.
At the elementary level, students will test in their own classroom
except for one-on-one and small-group test administrations.
Definition of a Proctor
As defined in the Examiner’s Manual:
A “Proctor” works with the Examiner in administering the
SOL tests and assists in maintaining an appropriate
testing environment.
A proctor may be called upon to verify that:
the test was administered according to the procedures
outlined in the Examiner’s Manual,
the security of test materials was maintained, and
students did not receive inappropriate assistance on the
Examiner and Proctor Training
Regardless of the role, the training
expectations for SOL Test Examiners and
Proctors are the same.
New for 2022-2023
New for 2022-2023
Grades 5 and 8 Science SOLs and Biology SOL
Will assess 2018 Standards of Learning (SOL).
Online tests will be available in audio format using
must have practice
 using the online audio tools
in the Practice Item Sets available through the TestNav
New for 2022-2023
Grades 5 and 8 Science SOLs and Biology SOL
For the Grade 8 Science SOL, the Periodic Table
of Elements will be provided to students in both
the online and paper forms
New for 2022-2023
Grades 4-8 and EOC Mathematics SOLs &
Grades 5 and 8 Science & EOC Science SOLs
Students will be required to use the Desmos
Virginia calculator provided on the test’s tool
New for 2022-2023
Grades 4-8 and EOC Mathematics SOLs & Grades
5 and 8 Science & EOC Science SOLs
Students taking the online test may not be issued a
hand-held calculator  unless the student requires a
hand-held calculator as part of an accommodation in
the student’s IEP/504 plan and using the 
Accommodation Criteria Form
 to determine the need
for a hand-held calculator.
New for 2022-2023
Grades 4-8 and EOC Mathematics SOLs & Grades
5 and 8 Science & EOC Science SOLs
Students taking a paper test will be required to
access the appropriate Desmos Virginia calculator
using the Desmos Virginia Calculator Tests available
using a device.
New for 2022-2023
Grades 4-8 and EOC Mathematics SOLs & Grades
5 and 8 Science & EOC Science SOLs
Students taking a paper test may not be issued a hand-
held calculator unless the student requires a hand-held
calculator as part of an accommodation as documented on
the student’s IEP/504 Plan and using the 
Accommodation Criteria Form
 to determine the need for a
hand-held calculator.
New for 2022-2023
Grades 6-8 Mathematics SOLs
Students taking the paper SOL tests will be instructed
to remove the formula sheet included in their test
booklets and 
return them to the Test Examiner
The Test Examiner will provide
 the new Middle School
Mathematics Formula Sheet.
New for 2022-2023
Text-to-Speech Updates
Students taking the following SOLs that use text-to-
speech to deliver the audio format, the audio reader
will provide the testing directions for the sample
items, the samples, and the answers to the samples.
Grades 3-8 
, EOC 
 (2017 SOL), Grades 3-8
, all EOC 
Virginia Studies
& Economics
VA & US History
 (2015 SOL), and Grades 5 &
, and EOC 
 (2018 SOL).
New for 2022-2023
Audio Feature on the Virginia Desmos Graphic
For student assigned an audio online EOC
Mathematics and/or EOC Biology (2018 SOL) test, an
audio feature is available that emits tones for the
graph construction.
New for 2022-2023
TestNav Update
Enable Magnifier
:  When Enable Magnifier is selected
a square box appears on the student’s screen that can
be moved anywhere on the screen to magnify the
text/art within the box.
This tool needs to be selected for each test item as needed.
 on Growth & SOL Mathematics and SOL
Science Assessments.
New for 2022-2023
TestNav Update
Zoom In/Out
:  Selecting “+” increases the zoom.
Selecting “-” decreases the zoom.
Other methods can activate Zoom depending on the device
used (i.e., keyboard shortcuts, pinch to zoom, etc.).
Once zoom is set, it applies to all test items until changed.
 on Growth & SOL Mathematics and SOL
Science Assessments.
Important Reminders
Important Reminders for 2022-2023
Examiner’s Resource Guides for Non-Writing SOL Tests
This guide is in addition to the Examiner’s Manual
This guide contains the following information
Table of State-approved calculators and guidelines
Hand-held calculator and/or Desmos calculator guidance
Test accommodations for students with a plan
Guidance on health management devices and hearing aids with internet-
connected devices
Testing condition adjustments available to all students
Navigating in TestNav8
Test Irregularity Form
Important Reminders—TestNav
Screen in TestNav
On the password box in an image of an eye.
Selecting this icon will turn on/off the ability to view a
student’s password.
Examiners/Proctors assisting students who are having
difficulties signing in may have the student select the “eye”
icon to display the password in order to verify the student
is entering it correctly.
Important Reminders
Enhanced Scratch Paper is prohibited
All scratch paper 
 come from the STC.
Examples of enhanced scratch paper include but are not
limited to:
Paper with added raised lines (puffy lines)
Paper with some lines darker than others
Important Reminders
Student Batty Indicator
A battery indicator for the student’s workstation is located on the
top right of the screen just under the user dropdown.
Warning—1 hour, 59 minutes, 30 seconds
If the student does not respond, TestNav will exit, and the STC will
need to resume the test before the student can continue testing.
Preparing For SOL Testing
SOL Test Security – Virginia Code
All Examiners and Proctors must read the
Virginia law regarding consequences for
violating test security procedures (included in
Examiner’s Manual
, including:
Action for violations related to secure mandatory
tests (§
), and
Violations related to secure mandatory tests (§
Test Security Agreement
All Examiners and Proctors must read, understand,
and sign the School Division Personnel Test Security
Ask all questions before signing.
Questions should be directed to the School Test
Coordinator (STC).
You are agreeing to exercise necessary precautions
and to follow established procedures that will help
ensure the security of the content of all test
Accessing Manuals
All manuals are available for download on the
Virginia Department of Education (VDOE)
Supplements to the Examiner’s Manuals for
paper testing are only available for download
from the 
SOL Test Administration &
 page on the VDOE website.
Manuals for Test Administration
Examiners and Proctors are expected to read each manual
that pertains to the test being administered prior to the day
of testing.
Read each manual early so that ample time is available to ask
the STC all questions that arise.
Examiners and Proctors are encouraged to highlight their
manuals in order to deliver accurate and specific directions
to the students.
Regardless of an Examiner’s or Proctor’s previous experience
with SOL testing, there is no substitute for reading the
Resources for Test Preparation
Each Examiner’s Manual contains a table titled,
Resources for Test Preparation
The table identifies available resources, where to find
them, and the purpose of their use in preparing for
SOL testing.
Use these resources to familiarize yourself and
students with the SOL test:
Become comfortable with the exhibit windows and tools
Recognize the different transition and review screens
Familiarity With Practice Tests
Utilize the practice tests on
the VDOE website to
become familiar with test
question delivery and
question types.
The day of the test should
not be the first time a
student uses TestNav.
Testing Materials
Become familiar with the materials needed for
the specific test being administered.
The Examiner’s Manual contains a section,
Materials Needed for Online Testing
, which
identifies what is available by test.
The Supplement to the Examiner’s Manual
contains a section with this same information for
paper SOL tests.
Electronic Devices
Please make arrangements to discuss with students
prior to testing
the consequences of students having
unauthorized use of electronic devices, including ANY
smart watch, earbuds, etc.
Two days of ISS
Parents pick up device
 take an alternate form of test—
 it is
determined the student 
did not
Send a “robo” call the night before testing begins
Electronic Devices
MCPS procedures for limiting students’ access to
all electronic devices during SOL testing:
Students should leave electronic devices in their locker
Surrender them prior to testing—placed in a baggie
and kept at the front of the room
If an electronic is discovered on/with the student
during testing, the 
STC should immediately be
, and 
the student should exit the test
Electronic Devices
Students may not access any electronic devices
during SOL testing, including but not limited to
cell phones
, ear buds, etc.
The division does not make a distinction with
smart watches.  For example, any student with a
Fitbit Flex must turn it in just as a student will
need to turn in an Apple watch.
Prior to the day of testing
, school staff should discuss with
students the consequences of cheating. Specifically, students
should be informed that if they are found to be cheating, they will
receive a score of zero on the test.
Any incident in which a student is suspected of cheating must be
reported immediately to your STC.
Consequences are as follows:
Two days of ISS
Parents pick up device
Student will receive a zero on the assessment
Student will not be able to take the SOL assessment until the next
test administration
Unauthorized Materials
During testing, students should have access only to those
materials permitted for the test they are taking.
Students may not access any unauthorized materials during
Examiners and Proctors must be aware of both the state
and local policy regarding unauthorized materials during
Having access to unauthorized materials is considered
cheating in Montgomery County.
The student must immediately stop testing.
The STC must be contacted.
Student Breaks During Testing
It is permissible for students to take breaks
during testing.
Breaks are 
 based and are not to be
planned or scheduled for all students in the
testing group.
Breaks must be supervised and test security
must be maintained at all times.
The student should have someone walk them to and
from the restroom and water fountain.
Test Site Preparation – Environment
Remove or cover all curricular materials related to
test content and test-taking strategies 
that might
influence student performance or provide an unfair
advantage to students. These materials include but
are not limited to:
Class notes, study guides, maps, timelines, graphic
organizers, charts, posters, projections, computer
programs, textbooks, dry-erase board displays, chalk-
board displays, bulletin-board displays, word walls, etc.
Test Site Preparation – Environment
Testing rooms should be quiet, well lighted,
set to an appropriate temperature, and well
ventilated. Report problems to the STC.
Test Site Preparation – Seating
Plan appropriately to avoid overcrowding.
Each student’s work space should be clear of books and
other materials not required for the test and large enough
to accommodate required testing materials.
Seating should be arranged to discourage students from
viewing or copying one another’s work and from
communicating with one another during testing.
Placing physical barriers, free of any writing or graphics,
between workstations is helpful in preventing students
from viewing each other’s computer monitors.
Test Site Preparation – Re-check
To help prevent irregularities, 
carefully check the test
room on the day of testing before distributing any
test materials to students
Do not assume the test sites are ready, including rooms
used for extended testing.
Ensure the test site is ready for testing, even if the room
was used previously to administer tests to students.
It may be helpful to place a “Testing: DO NOT
DISTURB” sign on the door.
Accommodations for Students – Preparation
Examiners and Proctors should be familiar with
any special testing accommodations required for
each student in the testing group 
 to the
day of testing.
Special testing accommodations often vary by
It is important to provide accommodations
needed for the specific test being administered
each day.
Accommodations for Students – Preparation
Coordinate with the STC how special test accommodations
will be provided to students in the testing group.
Special education teachers
504 coordinators
ESL teachers
Use the Accommodations Matrix—
 for MCPS
Attach the student’s SOL 
accommodations page
 from the plan to
the matrix
Descriptions of special test accommodations are included
in the Examiner’s Resource Guide.
Accommodations for Students – Familiarity
If, on the day of testing, an Examiner or Proctor is
unsure about a student’s special testing
s/he should seek clarification from
the STC 
 the student begins testing
Examiners administering read-aloud tests must
consult the 
Guidelines for Administering the Read-
Aloud Accommodation for Standards of Learning
 listen to the appropriate audio
practice test in TestNav.
Accommodations for Students – Familiarity
Accommodations must be listed in the student’s 
IEP/504/ESL plan
must be used on a regular basis in the
Specific Verbal Prompts to keep the student focused 
must be
specific in the plan
“Please continue with your test.”
“Keep working.”
“Keep going.”
“Stay focused.”
Any other verbal prompts must be pre-approved by the VDOE
Assessment Office.
School Testing Schedule
Examiners and Proctors should be aware of
the overall testing schedule in their building.
Based on the schedule in their school,
examiners should review the procedures
outlined in the 
Examiner’s Manual
Student Testing Tickets
Student Authorization Tickets for online Audio and
Read-Aloud tests will have an icon indicating the test
indicates the student should receive a read-aloud test
indicates the student should receive an audio test
Prior to the test starting
, Examiners and/or Proctors
need to check that the appropriate icon appears on
Student Authorization Tickets for students who should
be assigned a read-aloud or audio test form.
Procedures for Contacting the STC
Know the procedure for contacting the STC during testing.
If a situation occurs in which you must contact the STC
during testing, the integrity of the testing environment
must be maintained in order for testing to continue.
If you are unsure of how to handle a situation that arises
during testing, stop and ask the STC for guidance rather
than allowing students to continue testing
Read all manuals/materials issued to you.
Ask questions 
 the morning of testing.
If you are unsure of any policies and procedures, ask the
STC for guidance.
If you are unsure how to handle a situation that arises
during testing, stop and ask the STC for guidance rather
than allowing students to continue testing.
There is no substitute for
reading the manuals.
Administering SOL Tests
Contacting the STC
The STC is the liaison between your school and
the Division Director of Testing.
When testing, do 
 bypass your STC.  Something
you think might be minor could actually be an
If a situation occurs in which you must contact the
STC during testing, the integrity of the testing
environment must be maintained in order for testing
Secure Testing Materials
Examiners must count all secure testing materials
issued (test booklets, prompts, test tickets, scratch
before leaving
 the STC’s presence.
Examiners must sign a transmittal form after verifying
the amount of secure materials received.
If there is a discrepancy between what is listed on the
transmittal form and what the Examiner counts,
adjustments must be made prior to signing the
transmittal form.
Getting Started
Read the directions for students (in bold type) from the Examiner’s Manual
exactly as written.
If a mistake is made in reading a direction, use the verbiage provided in the
Examiner’s Manual, then read the direction again.
Unless otherwise noted in the Troubleshooting section of the Examiner’s
Manual, Examiners and Proctors must not touch a student’s mouse or
keyboard or take a picture of the computer screen. 
Problems with
technology should be reported to the STC, who will then report it to the
Give the STC the error code number
No one, besides the student, must ever use a student’s test ticket to log in
to TestNav for any reason.
Distributing Test Materials
Be sure students receive their own test ticket.
Watch for students with similar names or siblings.
Students should sign their name on the test
Students should check to be sure that it is their
name on the screen after they log into TestNav.
Distributing Test Materials
Distribute the test materials exactly as prescribed in the
Examiner’s Manual.
All materials must be distributed directly by the Examiner
and/or Proctor to each individual student.
Examiners and Proctors must never have students pass
testing materials, scratch paper, etc., to each other.
Keep track of the amount of scratch paper distributed to
each student in order to know exactly how much scratch
paper to collect from each student.
Students should write their name on each piece of
scratch paper.
Absent Students
Report absent students to the STC.
Put a diagonal slash through the test tickets
and write “Absent” at the top.
Irregularities – Identification
A testing irregularity is anything that occurs while a student is
testing that:
inappropriately influences student performance;
inappropriately influences the reporting of student
constitutes a breach in test security; or
results in the improper implementation of mandatory
student testing.
ALL testing irregularities must be reported 
the STC.
Irregularities – Procedures
Examiners and Proctors must know the school and division’s
protocol for reporting testing irregularities.
The STC will report 
 irregularities to the DDOT.
All testing irregularities must be documented and forwarded
to the DDOT the same day the irregularity occurred.
The Test Irregularity Form in the Examiner’s Manual 
must be
used to document the irregularity
 initially for your STC.
Please provide 
 appropriate information:
STI (101… or 102…)—
Located in PowerSchool 
(Not the student lunch number
Correct form of the test
Struggling English Learners
If a student identified as an English Learner (EL) is struggling
with completing the test, the student may be directed to
discontinue the Reading test (after at least five (5)
consecutive questions are answered).
Become familiar with the directions in the Examiner’s Manual
if it is necessary to address this situation with an EL student.
: Students who do not complete five live test items will
require a testing irregularity be submitted since they will not
meet the minimum number of questions necessary to score a
test attempt.
Monitoring Test Sessions – Procedures
Once students and the Test Examiner and
Proctor enter the testing room, all instruction
and/or review of the content covered by the test
or discussion of testing strategies must stop.
Monitor test sessions by moving as unobtrusively
as possible about the room and ensure that
students are working independently.
Monitoring Test Sessions – Actions to Avoid
Examiners and Proctors must not engage in any
activities that interfere with monitoring testing. Such
activities include but are not limited to reading,
grading papers, using electronic devices, etc.
Examiners and Proctors must not read test items,
copy test items, take notes about the test, record
student responses to test items, or discuss test items
or test content with anyone during or after the test
Help must not be given on any test item.
Monitoring Test Sessions – More Actions to Avoid
Examiners and Proctors must 
monitor two rooms at the same time (i.e., connected rooms)
and must be in the same room as the students—not in a room
separated by glass;
leave students or test materials unattended for any length of
Test Examiners must be in the room at all times
—not in the hallway,
not standing in the doorway, not in the room next door;
allow students to have access to cell phones and other
electronic devices; or
allow students to have access to any unauthorized materials.
Answering Student Questions
Examiner’s Manuals
provide directions for
how to handle student questions that arise
during testing.
Follow the directions related to student
questions in the Examiner’s Manuals exactly as
Examiners must not read test questions/words.
Reading a test question is a violation of test
Reporting Errors – Procedures
If a student reports an error in a test question
and/or answer choices, the examiner must not
read the test question; instead:
Record the name of the student, subject area test
and level, question number, and a brief statement of
the student’s concern.
Tell the student that the concerns will be reported.
Notify the STC of the student’s concern, and the STC
will notify the Division Director of Testing (DDOT).
Reporting Errors – Test Security
Do not communicate information related to
the test questions and/or answer choices
through electronic mail or in any other
manner that will jeopardize the security of
the test item.
Directions for Submitting the Test
Examiners and Proctors must be familiar with
the directions for students submitting their
Reading and adhering to the directions in the
submission process ensures the test is
submitted properly for scoring and prevents
the appearance of any testing improprieties.
Troubleshooting During SOL Testing
Technical Issues During Testing
If a technical issue arises during testing, 
An incident you think is minor may in fact be an irregularity.
If a technical issue impacts a student’s test:
keep the student in the secure testing environment under testing conditions
while awaiting assistance;
refer to the Troubleshooting section of the Examiner’s Manual for directions
regarding frequently encountered online test scenarios;
do not take a picture of the student’s screen
record the error number/message; and
contact the STC immediately and indicate whether the student is currently
Extended Testing – Procedures
SOL tests are untimed but must be completed
within one school day.
Students who have not completed their tests at
the end of the allotted time should be given
additional time to finish and may be moved to
an alternate location.
Extended Testing – Moving Students
Students’ test materials (including all test tickets, test
booklets/prompts, scratch paper, test manipulatives) must
be carried by school personnel, trained in test security,
from the original test site to the alternate location.
When moving to an alternate location, students must be
constantly and carefully monitored. Students must not:
have access to any content materials or electronic
devices; or
interact with other students or discuss the test in any
Emergency Procedures
If an emergency occurs, 
the safety of the students,
examiner, and proctor is the first priority
. The second
priority is to secure test materials and student responses.
Stay calm and follow the safety procedures established by
your school and provided by your STC.
The Virginia Department of Education will determine the
next steps for testing after receiving information from the
DDOT regarding the emergency.
Students should remain quiet and may not resume testing
until instructed by the STC.
Emergency Procedures – Provide to STC
Examiners and Proctors should be prepared to provide the following
information to the STC—
Human safety is the primary concern
Were test rooms locked?
Did anyone access the room after evacuation?
Were tests exited and/or computers shut down?
Has examiner accounted for all test materials?
Were students directly supervised?
Did students interact?
Did students have access to electronic devices?
Did students have access to curricular materials?
Approximately how much time until the test is completed?
Wrapping Up SOL Testing
Collecting Test Materials
Collect test materials from each student as they complete
the test according to the directions in the 
Collecting and accounting for 
 materials distributed to
each student is imperative.
Once scratch paper has been distributed to students
during testing, it is considered secure test material. All
scratch paper, used and unused, that was distributed to
students must be collected individually from each student
and returned to the STC.
Returning Test Materials
The STC will count all test materials returned
by the examiner, verify the counts match the
transmittal form, and initial the transmittal
The Examiner and Proctor will sign the
Examiner’s/Proctor’s Affidavit.
Maintaining Test Security
Do not discuss the test at any time with
Discussing the test or any test content is a
violation of the 
School Division Personnel Test
Security Agreement
Testing Reminders
Read all applicable manuals prior to testing.
If at all possible, ask questions prior to the first day of testing.
If you are unsure of any policies and procedures, ask the STC.
Report situations which could be potential test irregularities to
your STC as soon as they occur.
If you are unsure of how to handle a situation, stop and ask the
STC for guidance rather than allow students to continue to test.
You may direct questions to your STC, the DDOT, or the Virginia
Department of Education.
Slide Note

Developed by the Virginia Department of Education, this training covers the roles of Examiners and Proctors in administering Standards of Learning (SOL) tests. Key points include definitions, responsibilities, training expectations, and updates for the 2022-2023 academic year. The training emphasizes maintaining test security, following procedures outlined in the Examiner's Manual, and ensuring an appropriate testing environment. School Test Coordinators are required to address all content within the training. Online audio tests with text-to-speech features will be available for certain SOL assessments.

  • Examiner training
  • Proctor training
  • Standards of Learning tests
  • Virginia Department of Education
  • Test administration

Uploaded on Apr 03, 2024 | 4 Views

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Standards of Learning Tests: Examiner and Proctor Training Developed by the Virginia Department of Education Office of Student Assessment Division Level Information Added by Montgomery County Schools Assessment Office April 2023 1

  2. Disclaimer Testing Memo No. 1458, dated December 16, 2020, restated the requirement that School Test Coordinators (STC) are to address all content within this presentation at some point in their Examiner and Proctor training. This presentation is not meant to be the only document School Test Coordinators use in preparing for your school s testing. The Examiner s Manual should be read in its entirety prior to testing. 2

  3. Examiners and Proctors Virginia Department of Education Expectations for Individuals in These Roles 3

  4. Definition of an Examiner As defined in the Examiner s Manual: An Examiner is responsible for administering the Standards of Learning (SOL) tests according to the procedures outlined in the Examiner s Manual and for maintaining security of test materials. It is best that you supervise the testing of no more than 25 students on your own. If your group is larger, one Proctor is needed for every 25 additional students in the testing room. In Montgomery County, we do not do large-group testing. At the elementary level, students will test in their own classroom except for one-on-one and small-group test administrations. 4

  5. Definition of a Proctor As defined in the Examiner s Manual: A Proctor works with the Examiner in administering the SOL tests and assists in maintaining an appropriate testing environment. A proctor may be called upon to verify that: the test was administered according to the procedures outlined in the Examiner s Manual, the security of test materials was maintained, and students did not receive inappropriate assistance on the test. 5

  6. Examiner and Proctor Training Regardless of the role, the training expectations for SOL Test Examiners and Proctors are the same. 6

  7. New for 2022-2023 7

  8. New for 2022-2023 Grades 5 and 8 Science SOLs and Biology SOL Will assess 2018 Standards of Learning (SOL). Online tests will be available in audio format using text-to-speech. Students must have practice using the online audio tools in the Practice Item Sets available through the TestNav application 8

  9. New for 2022-2023 Grades 5 and 8 Science SOLs and Biology SOL For the Grade 8 Science SOL, the Periodic Table of Elements will be provided to students in both the online and paper forms 9

  10. New for 2022-2023 Grades 4-8 and EOC Mathematics SOLs & Grades 5 and 8 Science & EOC Science SOLs Students will be required to use the Desmos Virginia calculator provided on the test s tool bar. 10

  11. New for 2022-2023 Grades 4-8 and EOC Mathematics SOLs & Grades 5 and 8 Science & EOC Science SOLs Students taking the online test may not be issued a hand-held calculator unless the student requires a hand-held calculator as part of an accommodation in the student s IEP/504 plan and using the Calculator Accommodation Criteria Form to determine the need for a hand-held calculator. 11

  12. New for 2022-2023 Grades 4-8 and EOC Mathematics SOLs & Grades 5 and 8 Science & EOC Science SOLs Students taking a paper test will be required to access the appropriate Desmos Virginia calculator using the Desmos Virginia Calculator Tests available using a device. 12

  13. New for 2022-2023 Grades 4-8 and EOC Mathematics SOLs & Grades 5 and 8 Science & EOC Science SOLs Students taking a paper test may not be issued a hand- held calculator unless the student requires a hand-held calculator as part of an accommodation as documented on the student s IEP/504 Plan and using the Calculator Accommodation Criteria Form to determine the need for a hand-held calculator. 13

  14. New for 2022-2023 Grades 6-8 Mathematics SOLs Students taking the paper SOL tests will be instructed to remove the formula sheet included in their test booklets and return them to the Test Examiner. The Test Examiner will provide the new Middle School Mathematics Formula Sheet. 14

  15. New for 2022-2023 Text-to-Speech Updates Students taking the following SOLs that use text-to- speech to deliver the audio format, the audio reader will provide the testing directions for the sample items, the samples, and the answers to the samples. Grades 3-8 Reading, EOC Reading (2017 SOL), Grades 3-8 Mathematics, all EOC Mathematics, Virginia Studies, Civics & Economics, VA & US History (2015 SOL), and Grades 5 & 8 Science, and EOC Biology (2018 SOL). 15

  16. New for 2022-2023 Audio Feature on the Virginia Desmos Graphic Calculator For student assigned an audio online EOC Mathematics and/or EOC Biology (2018 SOL) test, an audio feature is available that emits tones for the graph construction. 16

  17. New for 2022-2023 TestNav Update Enable Magnifier: When Enable Magnifier is selected a square box appears on the student s screen that can be moved anywhere on the screen to magnify the text/art within the box. This tool needs to be selected for each test item as needed. Available only on Growth & SOL Mathematics and SOL Science Assessments. 17

  18. New for 2022-2023 TestNav Update Zoom In/Out: Selecting + increases the zoom. Selecting - decreases the zoom. Other methods can activate Zoom depending on the device used (i.e., keyboard shortcuts, pinch to zoom, etc.). Once zoom is set, it applies to all test items until changed. Available only on Growth & SOL Mathematics and SOL Science Assessments. 18

  19. Important Reminders 19

  20. Important Reminders for 2022-2023 Examiner s Resource Guides for Non-Writing SOL Tests This guide is in addition to the Examiner s Manual This guide contains the following information Table of State-approved calculators and guidelines Hand-held calculator and/or Desmos calculator guidance Test accommodations for students with a plan Guidance on health management devices and hearing aids with internet- connected devices Testing condition adjustments available to all students Navigating in TestNav8 Test Irregularity Form 20

  21. Important RemindersTestNav Sign-In Screen in TestNav On the password box in an image of an eye. Selecting this icon will turn on/off the ability to view a student s password. Examiners/Proctors assisting students who are having difficulties signing in may have the student select the eye icon to display the password in order to verify the student is entering it correctly. 21

  22. Important Reminders Enhanced Scratch Paper is prohibited All scratch paper must come from the STC. Examples of enhanced scratch paper include but are not limited to: Paper with added raised lines (puffy lines) Paper with some lines darker than others 22

  23. Important Reminders Student Batty Indicator A battery indicator for the student s workstation is located on the top right of the screen just under the user dropdown. Automatic Exit for Student Inactivity Warning 1 hour, 59 minutes, 30 seconds If the student does not respond, TestNav will exit, and the STC will need to resume the test before the student can continue testing. 23

  24. Preparing For SOL Testing 24

  25. SOL Test Security Virginia Code All Examiners and Proctors must read the Virginia law regarding consequences for violating test security procedures (included in your Examiner s Manual, including: Action for violations related to secure mandatory tests ( 22.1 19.1), and Violations related to secure mandatory tests ( 22.1 292.1). 25

  26. Test Security Agreement All Examiners and Proctors must read, understand, and sign the School Division Personnel Test Security Agreement. Ask all questions before signing. Questions should be directed to the School Test Coordinator (STC). You are agreeing to exercise necessary precautions and to follow established procedures that will help ensure the security of the content of all test materials. 26

  27. Accessing Manuals All manuals are available for download on the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) website. Supplements to the Examiner s Manuals for paper testing are only available for download from the SOL Test Administration & Development page on the VDOE website. 27

  28. Manuals for Test Administration Examiners and Proctors are expected to read each manual that pertains to the test being administered prior to the day of testing. Read each manual early so that ample time is available to ask the STC all questions that arise. Examiners and Proctors are encouraged to highlight their manuals in order to deliver accurate and specific directions to the students. Regardless of an Examiner s or Proctor s previous experience with SOL testing, there is no substitute for reading the manuals. 28

  29. Resources for Test Preparation Each Examiner s Manual contains a table titled, Resources for Test Preparation. The table identifies available resources, where to find them, and the purpose of their use in preparing for SOL testing. Use these resources to familiarize yourself and students with the SOL test: Become comfortable with the exhibit windows and tools Recognize the different transition and review screens 29

  30. Familiarity With Practice Tests Utilize the practice tests on the VDOE website to become familiar with test question delivery and question types. The day of the test should not be the first time a student uses TestNav. 30

  31. Testing Materials Become familiar with the materials needed for the specific test being administered. The Examiner s Manual contains a section, Materials Needed for Online Testing, which identifies what is available by test. The Supplement to the Examiner s Manual contains a section with this same information for paper SOL tests. 31

  32. Electronic Devices Please make arrangements to discuss with students prior to testing the consequences of students having unauthorized use of electronic devices, including ANY smart watch, earbuds, etc.: Two days of ISS Parents pick up device Student WILL take an alternate form of test if it is determined the student did not cheat Send a robo call the night before testing begins 32

  33. Electronic Devices MCPS procedures for limiting students access to all electronic devices during SOL testing: Students should leave electronic devices in their locker or Surrender them prior to testing placed in a baggie and kept at the front of the room If an electronic is discovered on/with the student during testing, the STC should immediately be contacted, and the student should exit the test. 33

  34. Electronic Devices Students may not access any electronic devices during SOL testing, including but not limited to cell phones, e-books, tablets, games, smart watches, ear buds, etc. The division does not make a distinction with smart watches. For example, any student with a Fitbit Flex must turn it in just as a student will need to turn in an Apple watch. 34

  35. Cheating Prior to the day of testing, school staff should discuss with students the consequences of cheating. Specifically, students should be informed that if they are found to be cheating, they will receive a score of zero on the test. Any incident in which a student is suspected of cheating must be reported immediately to your STC. Consequences are as follows: Two days of ISS Parents pick up device Student will receive a zero on the assessment Student will not be able to take the SOL assessment until the next test administration 35

  36. Unauthorized Materials During testing, students should have access only to those materials permitted for the test they are taking. Students may not access any unauthorized materials during testing. Examiners and Proctors must be aware of both the state and local policy regarding unauthorized materials during testing. Having access to unauthorized materials is considered cheating in Montgomery County. The student must immediately stop testing. The STC must be contacted. 36

  37. Student Breaks During Testing It is permissible for students to take breaks during testing. Breaks are individually based and are not to be planned or scheduled for all students in the testing group. Breaks must be supervised and test security must be maintained at all times. The student should have someone walk them to and from the restroom and water fountain. 37

  38. Test Site Preparation Environment Remove or cover all curricular materials related to test content and test-taking strategies that might influence student performance or provide an unfair advantage to students. These materials include but are not limited to: Class notes, study guides, maps, timelines, graphic organizers, charts, posters, projections, computer programs, textbooks, dry-erase board displays, chalk- board displays, bulletin-board displays, word walls, etc. 38

  39. Test Site Preparation Environment Testing rooms should be quiet, well lighted, set to an appropriate temperature, and well ventilated. Report problems to the STC. 39

  40. Test Site Preparation Seating Plan appropriately to avoid overcrowding. Each student s work space should be clear of books and other materials not required for the test and large enough to accommodate required testing materials. Seating should be arranged to discourage students from viewing or copying one another s work and from communicating with one another during testing. Placing physical barriers, free of any writing or graphics, between workstations is helpful in preventing students from viewing each other s computer monitors. 40

  41. Test Site Preparation Re-check To help prevent irregularities, carefully check the test room on the day of testing before distributing any test materials to students. Do not assume the test sites are ready, including rooms used for extended testing. Ensure the test site is ready for testing, even if the room was used previously to administer tests to students. It may be helpful to place a Testing: DO NOT DISTURB sign on the door. 41

  42. Accommodations for Students Preparation Examiners and Proctors should be familiar with any special testing accommodations required for each student in the testing group prior to the day of testing. Special testing accommodations often vary by test. It is important to provide accommodations needed for the specific test being administered each day. 42

  43. Accommodations for Students Preparation Coordinate with the STC how special test accommodations will be provided to students in the testing group. Special education teachers 504 coordinators ESL teachers Use the Accommodations Matrix Mandatory for MCPS Attach the student s SOL accommodations page from the plan to the matrix Descriptions of special test accommodations are included in the Examiner s Resource Guide. 43

  44. Accommodations for Students Familiarity If, on the day of testing, an Examiner or Proctor is unsure about a student s special testing accommodations, s/he should seek clarification from the STC before the student begins testing. Examiners administering read-aloud tests must consult the Guidelines for Administering the Read- Aloud Accommodation for Standards of Learning Assessments and listen to the appropriate audio practice test in TestNav. 44

  45. Accommodations for Students Familiarity Accommodations must be listed in the student s IEP/504/ESL plan. Accommodations must be used on a regular basis in the classroom. Specific Verbal Prompts to keep the student focused must be specific in the plan. Please continue with your test. Keep working. Keep going. Focus. Stay focused. Any other verbal prompts must be pre-approved by the VDOE Assessment Office. 45

  46. School Testing Schedule Examiners and Proctors should be aware of the overall testing schedule in their building. Based on the schedule in their school, examiners should review the procedures outlined in the Examiner s Manual. 46

  47. Student Testing Tickets Student Authorization Tickets for online Audio and Read-Aloud tests will have an icon indicating the test format: indicates the student should receive a read-aloud test indicates the student should receive an audio test Prior to the test starting, Examiners and/or Proctors need to check that the appropriate icon appears on Student Authorization Tickets for students who should be assigned a read-aloud or audio test form. 47

  48. Procedures for Contacting the STC Know the procedure for contacting the STC during testing. If a situation occurs in which you must contact the STC during testing, the integrity of the testing environment must be maintained in order for testing to continue. If you are unsure of how to handle a situation that arises during testing, stop and ask the STC for guidance rather than allowing students to continue testing. 48

  49. Remember.. Read all manuals/materials issued to you. Ask questions before the morning of testing. If you are unsure of any policies and procedures, ask the STC for guidance. If you are unsure how to handle a situation that arises during testing, stop and ask the STC for guidance rather than allowing students to continue testing. There is no substitute for reading the manuals. 49

  50. Administering SOL Tests 50

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