Evidence for Hydrometeor Storage and Advection Effects in DYNAMO Budget Analyses of the MJO

Evidence for hydrometeor storage and
advection effects in DYNAMO budget
analyses of the MJO
Paul E. Ciesielski, Richard H. Johnson and
Wayne H. Schubert
Colorado State University
July 2018
Variational constraint analyses (VCA)
were produced for DYNAMO for two
regions – one covering the radar
domain of Gan (VCA-Gan) and a
second one roughly covering the
The VCA-Gan product was
constrained using SPOL radar
The VCA-NSA product was
constrained using  TRMM data since
radar rainfall data were not available
over this larger domain.
This study will consider differences
between the observed SPOL radar
rainfall to that computed by the
conventional budget method (CM)
averaged over the the VCA-Gan
The CM method used here
employed finite differences of the
budget equations using an
objectively analyzed gridded
Input for  Gridded Product
 Level 4 sounding data (uniform 5-hPa resolution) augmented with:
      -    CIMSS cloud-drift satellite winds, ASCAT surface winds, and COSMIC
            thermodynamic profiles (
 not used below 850 hPa)
Enhancements to sounding data set:
       1. To better resolve the diurnal cycle, the 4/day soundings at Malé and Colombo
            were interpolated to a 3-h time resolution.
       2.  An adjustment procedure was developed, making use of low-level  ECMWF
            OA, to mitigate the Sri-Lanka island effects on Colombo soundings
 Details for Objectively Analyzed Gridded Product (1 October to 31 December 2011)
Multiquadric interpolation to produce gridded analyses of basic fields
      - 3-hr, 1° horizontal res. (35-155°E, 20°S-20°N), 25-hPa vertical res. (sfc to 50 hPa)
      - ECMWF Operational Analyses (OA) used in data sparse regions 
 of core
sounding network.
(Top) Time series of SPOL radar
rainfall based on the DYNAMO
legacy radar rainfall dataset.
Radar, which measure rainfall
within 150km radius of Gan,
captured 3 MJO events in
October to December period.
(Bottom) Time series of budget-
derived rainfall averaged over
the VCA-Gan domain.
Red line shows low-pass filtered
rainfall time series with thin
vertical lines denoting time of
peak rainfall for each MJO
event. This time was used to
define an index to composite
the three MJO events together.
Comparison of diagnosed fields
from CM (left) and CVA (middle)
based on 3-MJO composite.
Right panels show composite
cloud parameters (area-top,
optical depth – middle).
High clouds show rapid increase
in area coverage and optical
depth during MJO build-up
High cloud area begins to
decrease after day +3.
High cloud shadow lower cloud
fields rendering them less
Lower-right panel show budget-
derived (CM) and SPOL
composite rainfall.
Magnitude of derived fields is larger in CM in the MJO build-up stage (prior to day 0)
consistent with rainfall differences.
Slightly more pronounced vertical tilt to vertical motion and 
 fields in build-up stage in
3-MJO Composite Analyses
Time series of cloud liquid water tendency over
the Gan VCA domain from ECMWF analysis. This
was used in the VCA to include the effects of
cloud water storage.
Composite  tendency of cloud liquid water shows
positive tendency in MJO buildup stage and
negative tendency in decay stage consistent with
changes seen in CERES cloud fields.
Cloud water tendencies are 2 orders of magnitude
less than differences in budget-derived and
observed SPOL composite rainfall (seen below).
CM overestimates rainfall by ~15% during build-up
stage of MJO and underestimates rainfall by ~11%
during decay stage of MJO
Cloud liquid water tendency from
ECMWF analysis used in VCA method.
Cloud liquid water tendency deduced from 2-
channel MWR observations on Gan.
Poor correspondence in time series of two
analyses but composite plots are consistent in
showing positive tendencies in MJO build-up
stage and negative tendencies in decay stage.
Both composites suggest that cloud storage
tendencies account for only a small percentage
(maybe 5%) of rainfall difference noted above
(~0.05 mm/day out ~1 mm/day).
Improved Moist Physics  (IMP)
                         Some conclusions and recommendations:
Diagnosed fields computed from the conventional budget method are
susceptible to a variety of errors (e.g., insufficient sampling, instrument
and measurement errors). Here we considered errors due to using an
approximate form of moist thermodynamics (specifically, errors due to
hydrometeor storage and advection effects).
These effects may appear in conventional budgets as a poor match
between observed and derived rainfall.
For a 3-MJO composite during the DYNAMO period, these effects
resulted in rainfall errors on the order of 10%.
Cloud water storage accounted for only about 5% of this rainfall
difference. Therefore precipitation storage and hydrometeor advective
effects likely account the majority of rainfall difference.
Models should allow us to estimate the magnitude of these effects
since observations of these effects are not available.
Small networks are likely more prone to hydrometer advection/storage
CSU analyses over VCA-Gan domain
VCA-Gan constrained by TRMM rainfall
SMART-R adjusted TRMM rainfall
VCA-Gan constrained by adjusted SMART-R rainfall 
TRMM rainfall
budget rainfall
CSU budget analysis does reasonable of  job capturing MJO signal near Gan despite lack of budget array there.
Using SMART-R adjusted rainfall increases amplitude in low-level 
 in build-up stage and decreases their
amplitude during active and decaying phases (day -5 to +10)
Using ground-based SMART-R radar estimates appears to have  produced improved vertical structure of heating and
moistening fields during course of MJO
CSU NSA analysis
VCA-NSA constrained by TRMM rainfall
Slightly more prominent vertical tilt in 
 in CSU analysis (thin black line shows
max heating and moistening line)
Amplitudes of 
 fields are larger in VCA consistent with TRMM rainfall being
larger than budget rainfall 
 underestimates TRMM rainfall at low rates and over estimates at high rates similar
to SMART-R comparison with TRMM at Gan
Negative rain rates at times in budget rainfall due to sampling errors
DYNAMO NSA 3-MJO composite
Evidence for cloud water storage effects 
Plots show composite
evolution of cloud fields
during passage of 3 MJOs
during DYNAMO.
In general, cloud fields
increase approaching day 0
(rainfall peak), then decreases.
High clouds (cirrus) peak a few
days following rainfall peak.
Lower cloud features are
shielded by upper-level clouds
rendering their evolution
Over Gan region, P
 > P as
cloud field increases, P
 < P as
cloud field decreases
consistent with cloud storage
This signal was not clear over
VCA-NSA. (Note, P here is from
TRMM 3B42 product not
ground based radar).
VCA-Gan domain
VCA-NSA domain 
Slide Note

Variational constraint analyses (VCA) were conducted for DYNAMO in two regions to compare observed radar rainfall data with conventional budget method results, examining differences and composite analyses of MJO events. The study utilized input data including Gridded Product Level 4 sounding data and legacy radar rainfall datasets. Insights were drawn regarding hydrometeor storage and advection effects on MJO behaviors.

  • Hydrometeor Storage
  • Advection Effects
  • MJO
  • Radar Data

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Evidence for hydrometeor storage and advection effects in DYNAMO budget analyses of the MJO Paul E. Ciesielski, Richard H. Johnson and Wayne H. Schubert Colorado State University July 2018

  2. Variational constraint analyses (VCA) were produced for DYNAMO for two regions one covering the radar domain of Gan (VCA-Gan) and a second one roughly covering the NSA (VCA-NSA). The VCA-Gan product was constrained using SPOL radar rainfall. The VCA-NSA product was constrained using TRMM data since radar rainfall data were not available over this larger domain. This study will consider differences between the observed SPOL radar rainfall to that computed by the conventional budget method (CM) averaged over the the VCA-Gan domain. The CM method used here employed finite differences of the budget equations using an objectively analyzed gridded product. NSA SSA

  3. Input for Gridded Product Level 4 sounding data (uniform 5-hPa resolution) augmented with: - CIMSS cloud-drift satellite winds, ASCAT surface winds, and COSMIC thermodynamic profiles (Td not used below 850 hPa) Enhancements to sounding data set: 1. To better resolve the diurnal cycle, the 4/day soundings at Mal and Colombo were interpolated to a 3-h time resolution. 2. An adjustment procedure was developed, making use of low-level ECMWF OA, to mitigate the Sri-Lanka island effects on Colombo soundings Details for Objectively Analyzed Gridded Product (1 October to 31 December 2011) Multiquadric interpolation to produce gridded analyses of basic fields - 3-hr, 1 horizontal res. (35-155 E, 20 S-20 N), 25-hPa vertical res. (sfc to 50 hPa) - ECMWF Operational Analyses (OA) used in data sparse regions outside of core sounding network.

  4. (Top) Time series of SPOL radar rainfall based on the DYNAMO legacy radar rainfall dataset. Radar, which measure rainfall within 150km radius of Gan, captured 3 MJO events in October to December period. (Bottom) Time series of budget- derived rainfall averaged over the VCA-Gan domain. Red line shows low-pass filtered rainfall time series with thin vertical lines denoting time of peak rainfall for each MJO event. This time was used to define an index to composite the three MJO events together.

  5. 3-MJO Composite Analyses Comparison of diagnosed fields from CM (left) and CVA (middle) based on 3-MJO composite. Right panels show composite cloud parameters (area-top, optical depth middle). High clouds show rapid increase in area coverage and optical depth during MJO build-up stage. High cloud area begins to decrease after day +3. High cloud shadow lower cloud fields rendering them less reliable. Lower-right panel show budget- derived (CM) and SPOL composite rainfall. Magnitude of derived fields is larger in CM in the MJO build-up stage (prior to day 0) consistent with rainfall differences. Slightly more pronounced vertical tilt to vertical motion and Q1 fields in build-up stage in CVA.

  6. Time series of cloud liquid water tendency over the Gan VCA domain from ECMWF analysis. This was used in the VCA to include the effects of cloud water storage. Composite tendency of cloud liquid water shows positive tendency in MJO buildup stage and negative tendency in decay stage consistent with changes seen in CERES cloud fields. Cloud water tendencies are 2 orders of magnitude less than differences in budget-derived and observed SPOL composite rainfall (seen below). days MJO stage CM rain (mm/day) SPOL rain (mm/day) CM-SPOL (mm/day) -12 to -1 build-up 11.9 10.3 +1.6 CM SPOL 4 to 12 decay 6.6 7.4 -0.8 CM overestimates rainfall by ~15% during build-up stage of MJO and underestimates rainfall by ~11% during decay stage of MJO

  7. Cloud liquid water tendency from ECMWF analysis used in VCA method. Cloud liquid water tendency deduced from 2- channel MWR observations on Gan. Poor correspondence in time series of two analyses but composite plots are consistent in showing positive tendencies in MJO build-up stage and negative tendencies in decay stage. Both composites suggest that cloud storage tendencies account for only a small percentage (maybe 5%) of rainfall difference noted above (~0.05 mm/day out ~1 mm/day).

  8. ? ?? ??+ ?? ?? ??+ ?? ?? ? ?? ?? ????? ?? ?? = ?0+ 0 ?0 ??+ ? ?? ? ??+ ??+ ?? ?? + ?? ??+ ??+ ?? + ?? ??+ ??+ ?? ? ??+ ??+ ?? ?? Improved Moist Physics (IMP) ?? ??? = ?0+ 0 ?0 + ? ????? ?? ?? ? ???: ?? , is water vapor mixing ratio ?? , is the airbone condensed water mixing ratio ?? , is the precipitating water mixing ratio ?? = ??+ ??+ ?? The conventional budget method (CM) computes precipitation using the only storage and advection of the water vapor ( ??). Such a method is well suited for used with radiosonde observations which provide all needed fields. Computing precipitation using improved moist physics considers storage and advection of ?? (i.e., water vapor and hydrometeors). The VCA method considers the effects of ? ?? ??(cloud water storage) which we have noted account for only about 5% of the rainfall difference ????? between observed and budget- derived estimates (?0 hydrometeor advective effects likely account the majority of ?????. To estimate these effects will require a model as these quantities are not available from observations. ??) seen in the composite MJO. Therefore precipitation storage and

  9. Some conclusions and recommendations: Diagnosed fields computed from the conventional budget method are susceptible to a variety of errors (e.g., insufficient sampling, instrument and measurement errors). Here we considered errors due to using an approximate form of moist thermodynamics (specifically, errors due to hydrometeor storage and advection effects). These effects may appear in conventional budgets as a poor match between observed and derived rainfall. For a 3-MJO composite during the DYNAMO period, these effects resulted in rainfall errors on the order of 10%. Cloud water storage accounted for only about 5% of this rainfall difference. Therefore precipitation storage and hydrometeor advective effects likely account the majority of rainfall difference. - Models should allow us to estimate the magnitude of these effects since observations of these effects are not available. - Small networks are likely more prone to hydrometer advection/storage effects


  11. CSU analyses over VCA-Gan domain budget rainfall Pb TRMM VCA-Gan constrained by TRMM rainfall TRMM rainfall VCA-Gan constrained by adjusted SMART-R rainfall SMART-R adjusted TRMM rainfall CSU budget analysis does reasonable of job capturing MJO signal near Gan despite lack of budget array there. Using SMART-R adjusted rainfall increases amplitude in low-level Q1andQ2 in build-up stage and decreases their amplitude during active and decaying phases (day -5 to +10) Using ground-based SMART-R radar estimates appears to have produced improved vertical structure of heating and moistening fields during course of MJO

  12. DYNAMO NSA 3-MJO composite CSU NSA analysis TRMM Pb VCA-NSA constrained by TRMM rainfall Slightly more prominent vertical tilt in Q1 and Q2 in CSU analysis (thin black line shows max heating and moistening line) Amplitudes of Q1 and Q2 fields are larger in VCA consistent with TRMM rainfall being larger than budget rainfall Pb. Pb underestimates TRMM rainfall at low rates and over estimates at high rates similar to SMART-R comparison with TRMM at Gan Negative rain rates at times in budget rainfall due to sampling errors

  13. Evidence for cloud water storage effects ??? VCA-NSA domain VCA-Gan domain Plots show composite evolution of cloud fields during passage of 3 MJOs during DYNAMO. In general, cloud fields increase approaching day 0 (rainfall peak), then decreases. High clouds (cirrus) peak a few days following rainfall peak. Lower cloud features are shielded by upper-level clouds rendering their evolution unreliable. Over Gan region, Pb > P as cloud field increases, Pb < P as cloud field decreases consistent with cloud storage effects. This signal was not clear over VCA-NSA. (Note, P here is from TRMM 3B42 product not ground based radar). P Pb P Pb

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