Enhancing Listening Skills in Language Teaching: Strategies and Challenges

Teaching Active Listening Skills
Across Proficiency Levels
Karen Evans-Romaine
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Flagship Teacher Training Workshop
Indiana University
8 April 2021
What makes listening challenging?
Your thoughts?
Write them in the chat!
What makes listening challenging?
Brown & Lee, 
Teaching by Principles 
Decoding word and phrase borders (“clustering”)
Features characteristic of spontaneous speech:
Errors and error self-correction
Contractions (
щас, здрасте)
 and reduced forms ([
позвать к телефону
Hesitations, conversational additions (“you know,” “like”)
Speech rate
Acoustic interference
Memory: in real life we often can’t go back to what we heard 
Real-world knowledge of subject, genre (“top-down”
Redundancy in speech
Interpersonal mode: possibility to request repetition or
slower tempo
Recording: possibility of replay at micro level
Video: visual cues
All of these can be controlled in listening activities
What factors aid listening comprehension?
Learning to recognize word and phrase borders
Learning to recognize grammatical forms (from case
endings to syntactic cohesive devices) and use them to
aid comprehension
Learning to identify contractions (
щас, здрасте,
reduction in various forms)
Learning to listen for specific meaning (word, phrase,
number, fact, etc.)
Brown & Lee: Micro-skills
Applying background knowledge to the subject
Using visual cues to aid in comprehension
Outlining a narrative of events: one way to test this is to
have learners reorder items provided in jumbled order:
to reconstruct a narrative from parts, or to describe a
place from bits of information provided about it
Outlining: distinguishing major points (the main idea)
from supporting points
Brown & Lee: Macro-skills
Novice: words and phrases, lists
Intermediate: sentences, questions and answers, brief
factual information from everyday life
Advanced: paragraphs, narratives, descriptions in all
three time frames; includes short news reports,
“feature” items on the news
Superior: extended discourse, outlining (main idea vs.
supporting ideas), interpreting rhetorical stance or
implied meanings
Review of Listening Skills by ACTFL Level
What do you see on the video that surprises you?
What aspects of culture are evident in the video? (Silent
watching can be helpful here too.)
What aspects of culture are reflected in speech?
What cultural insights come from this video?
Culture through Listening
Pre-listening activities, schemata activation:
What do you expect to hear when someone gives you a tour of
their home? What do you expect to find in an apartment?
What is a dacha?
Vocabulary review: rooms, furniture, parts of building (floor,
corridor, entrance, etc.)
Cognates learners might expect to hear: corridor, divan,
electronics (television, computer, etc.)
Example 1. Golosa 1, Unit 6: Apartment
Golosa, Unit 6:
Minute 2 – 3.40: apartment in Arkhangelsk
Minute 3:40 – 4:30: apartment in Petersburg
Minute 4:30 – 7:56: dacha
Activities during listening (Brandl has an extensive list):
List rooms; furniture
Matching (Who is doing what with their housing? Who lives
where? What does this word mean?)
Check off from a list what words are said (furniture, rooms, etc.)
True/false, multiple-choice
Fill-ins; short-answer responses
Example 1. Golosa 1, Unit 6: Apartment
Post-listening extension activities:
Tell your partner about the apartments and dacha on the
Make a drawing/scheme of one or more of these living places
with your partner. One retells, the other makes a
Tell your partner about your house/apartment.
Write a composition about MM’s dacha, about the apartment
in Arkhangelsk, or about your house/apartment
Conduct a video tour of your apartment/house/neighborhood.
Read some apartment ads; write an ad for one of the
apartments or the dacha in the video.
Example 1. Golosa 1, Unit 6: Apartment
Intermediate-level activity
More complicated vocabulary, including ski words
and slang
Faster speech rate
Acoustic interference: background music and sounds
Video sped up, blurred, scrambled
Example 2. 
По домам. Тимати
. 2010
Спасибо Анне Нестерчук за видео!)
Pre-listening activities, schemata activation:
What might you expect to hear when someone gives you
celebrity a tour of a ski lodge in the Alps?
Vocabulary review: rooms, furniture, parts of building (floor
corridor, entrance, etc.); cleaning and housekeeping 
стирать, убирать
убрать, накрывать
накрыть стол)
New vocabulary:
House words: 
цокольный этаж
Ski words, equipment; slang they’ll hear
 (братва, хата,
любоваться (чем)
Example 2. 
По домам. Тимати
Activities during listening:
Novice to Intermediate comprehension guide:
Check off from a list what words are said (furniture, rooms,
Global listening: What did you catch? Talk with a partner.
What rooms did he mention?
How many floors?
What does he like to do in the house?
What do you want to learn more about?
Example 2. 
По домам. Тимати
Activities during listening:
True/false, multiple-choice
Fill-ins (
Гостей зовут...
; short-answer responses (
Сколько этажей?
Сколько спален?)
Как по-русски 
“Life is good!”? 
(3 варианта)
высоты гора?
Micro-activities on vocabulary building: 
Как по-русски 
inside/outside, up/down; plasma screen; protective
Как ещё можно сказать по-русски (девушки, молодые
парни, )
сокращения (Как расшифровывать и т.д. и т.п.?)
Micro-activities on motion and placement/positioning verbs: check off
verbs from list 
подняться, вставлять
вставить, пойти
, переходить
перейти к, ложиться,
Example 2. 
По домам. Тимати
Activities during listening – breakdown by room:
Что делает горничная?
Сколько спален?
 есть в каждой спальне? 
(either check off a list or open-ended)
Что есть в спа? Когда он туда ходит?
Если «защита» значит 
что такое «защитное стекло» на
Куда он советует зайти в каком порядке?
в душ
в баню
в бассейн
Как можно слушать музыку в доме?
Кто ходит в маленький спортзал? Почему он «бонус зал»?
(skip 5.30 – 5.45)
Как он смотрит кино? Что он пьёт?
 (skip 6.06 – 7.16)
Example 2. 
По домам. Тимати
Discussion post-listening:
Кто чем занимается? Что делает горничная? Кто
что готовит? Когда? Кто ему приносит чай?
Что едят на завтрак? На ужин? Какой
чай он пьёт? Как отдыхают? Во что играют
большой компанией в гостиной? Каким видом
спорта занимаются только девушки? Какие роли у
девушек по его описанию?
Example 2. 
По домам. Тимати
Micro-skills post-listening activities:
Exercises with motion verbs used in the clip
Mini-descriptions of rooms
Descriptions of still shots in pairs
Focus on language for speaking:
Нам всегда готовы
 Нам всегда рады.
Мы играем в мафию
Все пацаны в сборе
 (Все здесь.)
Готовятся завтраки, обеды, ужины
 Накрывается стол.
Здесь жарят шашлыки
Судя по всему, ты неплохо устроился.
Example 2. 
По домам. Тимати
Post-listening extension activities:
Tell your partner about the house.
Reconstruct the house tour: make a map.
Write an alternate narration for the video.
Timati wants to rent out his house off-season. Create a tourist
Conduct a video tour of your celebrity home / dream home.
Example 2. 
По домам. Тимати
Vocabulary preparation (for example, from Larisa
In the World of News 
В мире новостей
Movement back and forth from content, to micro-level
focus on language and content, to open discussion of
content (from top-down to bottom-up strategy
instruction and back again)
Exercises geared toward noticing and learning new
expressions in carefully guided contexts, use of
“islands” (Shekhtman)
Advanced-level listening course on media
Instructional Methods
Film assigned for homework with series of content questions
In class review of film and discussion of content questions:
Macro: play one scene or segment in full (examples from Gorbachev film:
opening on perestroika; introduction to Brezhnev), have students discuss
relevant content questions in small groups
Micro: play scene/segment again, pausing to focus on both responses to
questions and on specific phrases
Macro: play entire scene/segment again, have students discuss answers to
questions in small groups; go over responses together as a class
Micro: focus again on responses and to review specific linguistic features,
synonyms, reconstruct phrases for acquisition and adaptation
Macro: global discussion of scene/segment, storyline, featured figures,
historical context
Sample Class: Documentary Film or
Pre-listening activities, schemata activation:
Students will have read a brief online biography of Gorbachev.
Class discussion in small groups, then together: 
Что вы знаете
о Горбачёве? О чём вы думаете, когда вы слышите слова
«перестройка» и «гласность»? 
«Он пришёл дать нам волю»
Леонид Парфёнов о Горбачёве, 2011)
Activities during listening:
First playing of opening clip, 1.5 minutes (1.30).
to take notes on
and discuss in pairs 
Что? (Что начинается в этот день?)
Fill-ins/short answers:
На здании написано:
Какая новая должность у Горбачёва?
Что построили на площади
? В честь чего?
Генсек не _________________, а _____________________.
Это показывают __________________________________.
Такое происходит _________________________.
«Он пришёл дать нам волю»
Леонид Парфёнов о Горбачёве, 2011)
Micro-activities during listening:
Fill-ins/short answers, cont.:
Толпа какая-то _____________________.
У кого-то на руках __________________________________.
Женщина говорит ему: «Вы только ___________________ к
__________________________ поближе. Мы вас никогда не
Горбачёв отвечает: Да __________________________________?
ыв хохота. Всё. Лёд ______________________________.
А телевидение ___________________________ эффект в
_______________________________ раз.
Так здесь на ________________________ Невского проспека и
Лиговского ____________________________________.
«Он пришёл дать нам волю»
Леонид Парфёнов о Горбачёве, 2011)
Micro-activities after listening. 
Как по-русски:
This happened for the first time.
They built a monument for the 40
 anniversary of victory.
Be closer to us!
We won’t let you down!
General Secretary of the Communist Party
Ruler; all-powerful (omnipotent) ruler
He isn’t getting into the limousine!
He is going to speak to the people.
Someone is carrying a crying child.
They are showing this on television.
On the corner of … is where perestroika began.
«Он пришёл дать нам волю»
Леонид Парфёнов о Горбачёве, 2011)
Macro-activities after listening
Review answers to initial questions in small groups
In small groups: retell the story: 
Что? Где? Когда? Что здесь
случилось? Почему это важно? 
Extension activities
Write a summary of the opening scene.
Provide your own narration of this scene.
Write a mini-presentation about this scene and its importance.
«Он пришёл дать нам волю»
Леонид Парфёнов о Горбачёве, 2011)
Choose a clip:
Novice: Golosa, Book 1, Unit 3:
Intermediate: Kirill Serebrennikov, 
Как сидеть дома:
Advanced Low: Vladimir Pozner on COVID-19 (to 10.52):
Draft pre-listening, listening, and post-listening discussion
and extension activities.
Your turn!
Slavic 555: Advanced Russian Listening & Speaking:
Course Structure
One example of an advanced-level
Lessons from Russian History (primarily Advanced)
Introduction to Russian-language Press (upper
Press and Politics (primarily Advanced)
Russian Economic and Foreign Policy
Healthcare: Covid-19 (2020); American Healthcare and
the American Dream (Advanced/Superior)
Culture and National Identity (Advanced/Superior)
Slavic 555: Advanced Russian Listening &
Speaking Course Topics
Soviet and Post-Soviet History
Svetlana Alexievich (Nobel Prize speech)
Mikhail Gorbachev (documentary film with interviews)
Politics and Foreign Affairs
Vladimir Putin (speeches, press conferences)
Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov (speech, talk show
Opposition Figures
Boris Nemtsov (documentary films, monologue)
Mikhail Khodorkovsky (interviews)
Alexei Navalny (interviews, documentary film appearance)
Pussy Riot (news segments, interviews)
Slavic 555: Course Featured Figures in 2020
Marina Goldovskaya (RAILS* interviews on making
documentary films)
Leonid Parfyonov (documentary film, interviews as both
interviewer and interviewee)
Vladimir Pozner (mini-series 
«Одноэтажная Америка»,
interviews as both interviewer and interviewee)
Iurii Dud’ (interviewer: Pozner, Khodorkovsky, Navalny)
Vladimir Kara-Murza (documentary film)
* Russian Advanced Interactive Listening System, UW-
Madison (currently being updated)
Slavic 555: Journalists and Documentary
Filmmakers featured in 2020
Domestic policy
Putin press conference (Dec. 2019)
Putin address to Federal Assembly (Jan. 2020)
Putin address to Russian citizens on Covid-19 (April 2020)
RBK news segment on Covid-19 in Europe (April 2019)
Foreign policy:
Sergei Lavrov UN speech (Sept. 2019)
Lavrov appearance on 
«Большая игра»
8, March
Slavic 555 Genres, 2020: Speeches and
Nemtsov monologue about Putin (following
documentary films about Nemtsov)
Parfenov and Pozner interview with Alexei Navalnyi
Al’bats interview with Mikhail Khodorkovsky
Dud’ interviews Pozner, Khodorkovsky, Navalny
Sindeeva (Dozhd’) interview with Parfyonov on life
during Covid-19
Slavic 555 Genres, 2020: Interviews and
«Он пришёл дать нам волю» 
Gorbachev, 2011)
«Немцов» (2016)
Fishman and Krichevskaya, 
свободный человек» 
(on Nemtsov, 2017)
Homework: website(s) for background, short-
answer content questions in Russian to be
discussed in class and submitted in writing
Slavic 555 Documentary Film Assignments,
«Он пришёл дать нам волю» 
(documentary film, 2011)
Footage of Moscow demonstrations, 2011-12
Interview with Pozner of Navalny (201
Interview with Parfyonov on life during Covid-19 (2020)
Article published in Moskvitina, 
Interview with Parfyonov of Navalny (2012)
Interview of him by Dud’
«Одноэтажная Америка» (2008)
Slavic 555 Spiraling Principle
Footage of Moscow demonstrations, 2011-12
«Немцов» (2016)
Fishman and Krichevskaya, 
«Слишком свободный
(on Nemtsov, 2017), including Navalny
, «Острый угол»
Interview with Pozner and Parfyonov
Appearance in documentary film on Nemtsov
Dud’ interview (2017)
Video on constitutional referendum (2020)
Slavic 555 Spiraling Principle
Kirill Serebryannikov on surviving isolation at home (with
thanks to Shannon Spasova, Michigan State University, and
the University of Arizona CERCLL)
RBK news segment on Covid-19 in Europe
Putin address
Parfyonov interview on 
Pozner interview on 
«Вечерний Ургант»
Slavic 555 Spiraling Principle
Questions, distributed in advance and chosen by lottery at the exam,
focus on Advanced-level functions: narration and description in past,
present, future; paragraph-length discourse. For example:
Расскажите о биографии Михаила Горбачёва.
Горбачёв говорит, что он проиграл как политик, но что выиграла
перестройка как политика. Что он имеет в виду? Вы согласны, что
выиграла перестройка? Почему, или почему нет?
Расскажите об истории освобождения Михаила Ходорковского.
 интервью с Леодином Парфёновым, Наталья Синдеева задаёт ему
вопрос: «С чем мы выйдем из этого кризиса, из этого карантина?» Как
вы думаете: какая будет жизнь после коронавируса, после карантина?
Что именится, а что останется тем же самым?
Assessment: Oral Exams
Thank you for your attention!
World-Readiness Standards for Learning
Mahmoud Al-Batal, University of Texas at Austin.
. Foreign Language Teaching Methods.
Klaus Brandl, 
Communicative Language Teaching in
(Pearson, 2008)
H. Douglas Brown and Heekyeong Lee, 
Teaching by
Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language
 (Pearson, 2015)
Selected Bibliography
Betty Lou Leaver & Boris Shekhtman, eds., 
Professional-Level Language Proficiency 
(Cambridge UP,
Cynthia Martin, “Moving from Intermediate to
Advanced in Russian,” ACTR webinar, 1 December 2016
Martin, “Strategies and Anti-Strategies for Reading ILR 2
/ Advanced Proficiency,” UCLA, 2 August 2017
Larisa Moskvitina, 
V mire novostei
, 3 vols. (St.
Petersburg: Zlatoust, 2005-2013)
Boris Shekhtman, 
Working with Advanced Foreign
Language Students
 (Salinas, CA: MSI Press, 2003)
Selected Bibliography, cont.
Slide Note

Explore the challenges and strategies for improving listening skills across proficiency levels in language teaching. From decoding word borders to applying background knowledge, discover ways to enhance listening comprehension for learners. Gain insights into micro and macro skills that contribute to effective listening practices in educational settings.

  • Listening skills
  • Language teaching
  • Proficiency levels
  • Strategies
  • Challenges

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Teaching Active Listening Skills Across Proficiency Levels Karen Evans-Romaine University of Wisconsin-Madison Flagship Teacher Training Workshop Indiana University 8 April 2021

  2. What makes listening challenging? Your thoughts? Write them in the chat!

  3. What makes listening challenging? Brown & Lee, Teaching by Principles (2015) Decoding word and phrase borders ( clustering ) Features characteristic of spontaneous speech: Redundancy Errors and error self-correction Contractions ( , ) and reduced forms ([ ] [ ]?) Hesitations, conversational additions ( you know, like ) Speech rate Acoustic interference Memory: in real life we often can t go back to what we heard

  4. What factors aid listening comprehension? Real-world knowledge of subject, genre ( top-down processing) Redundancy in speech Interpersonal mode: possibility to request repetition or slower tempo Recording: possibility of replay at micro level Video: visual cues All of these can be controlled in listening activities

  5. Brown & Lee: Micro-skills Learning to recognize word and phrase borders Learning to recognize grammatical forms (from case endings to syntactic cohesive devices) and use them to aid comprehension Learning to identify contractions ( , , reduction in various forms) Learning to listen for specific meaning (word, phrase, number, fact, etc.)

  6. Brown & Lee: Macro-skills Applying background knowledge to the subject Using visual cues to aid in comprehension Outlining a narrative of events: one way to test this is to have learners reorder items provided in jumbled order: to reconstruct a narrative from parts, or to describe a place from bits of information provided about it Outlining: distinguishing major points (the main idea) from supporting points

  7. Review of Listening Skills by ACTFL Level Novice: words and phrases, lists Intermediate: sentences, questions and answers, brief factual information from everyday life Advanced: paragraphs, narratives, descriptions in all three time frames; includes short news reports, feature items on the news Superior: extended discourse, outlining (main idea vs. supporting ideas), interpreting rhetorical stance or implied meanings

  8. Culture through Listening What do you see on the video that surprises you? What aspects of culture are evident in the video? (Silent watching can be helpful here too.) What aspects of culture are reflected in speech? What cultural insights come from this video?

  9. Example 1. Golosa 1, Unit 6: Apartment Pre-listening activities, schemata activation: What do you expect to hear when someone gives you a tour of their home? What do you expect to find in an apartment? What is a dacha? Vocabulary review: rooms, furniture, parts of building (floor, corridor, entrance, etc.) Cognates learners might expect to hear: corridor, divan, electronics (television, computer, etc.)

  10. Example 1. Golosa 1, Unit 6: Apartment Golosa, Unit 6: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AUma3zBo-hk Minute 2 3.40: apartment in Arkhangelsk Minute 3:40 4:30: apartment in Petersburg Minute 4:30 7:56: dacha Activities during listening (Brandl has an extensive list): o List rooms; furniture o Matching (Who is doing what with their housing? Who lives where? What does this word mean?) o Check off from a list what words are said (furniture, rooms, etc.) o True/false, multiple-choice o Fill-ins; short-answer responses

  11. Example 1. Golosa 1, Unit 6: Apartment Post-listening extension activities: Tell your partner about the apartments and dacha on the video. Make a drawing/scheme of one or more of these living places with your partner. One retells, the other makes a drawing/scheme. Tell your partner about your house/apartment. Write a composition about MM s dacha, about the apartment in Arkhangelsk, or about your house/apartment Conduct a video tour of your apartment/house/neighborhood. Read some apartment ads; write an ad for one of the apartments or the dacha in the video.

  12. Example 2. . . 2010 ( !) Intermediate-level activity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6sWt-xWZ6Y More complicated vocabulary, including ski words and slang Faster speech rate Acoustic interference: background music and sounds Video sped up, blurred, scrambled

  13. Example 2. . Pre-listening activities, schemata activation: What might you expect to hear when someone gives you celebrity a tour of a ski lodge in the Alps? Vocabulary review: rooms, furniture, parts of building (floor: corridor, entrance, etc.); cleaning and housekeeping ( , , / , / ) New vocabulary: House words: , Ski words, equipment; slang they ll hear ( , , ); / ( )

  14. Example 2. . Activities during listening: o Novice to Intermediate comprehension guide: o Check off from a list what words are said (furniture, rooms, etc.) o Global listening: What did you catch? Talk with a partner. o What rooms did he mention? o How many floors? o What does he like to do in the house? o What do you want to learn more about?

  15. Example 2. . Activities during listening: o True/false, multiple-choice o Fill-ins ( ...; short-answer responses ( ? ?); - Life is good! ? (3 ); ? o Micro-activities on vocabulary building: - (pearl, snowboard; : inside/outside, up/down; plasma screen; protective glass); - ( , / , ); ( . . . .?); o Micro-activities on motion and placement/positioning verbs: check off verbs from list ( / , / , [ ], / , , / )

  16. Example 2. . Activities during listening breakdown by room: o ? o ? o ? (either check off a list or open-ended) o ? ? o protection, ? o ? o o o o ? o ? ? o (skip 5.30 5.45) o ? ? (skip 6.06 7.16)

  17. Example 2. . Discussion post-listening: ? ? ? ? ? : ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

  18. Example 2. . Micro-skills post-listening activities: Exercises with motion verbs used in the clip Mini-descriptions of rooms Descriptions of still shots in pairs Focus on language for speaking: . . . . ( .) , , . . . , .

  19. Example 2. . Post-listening extension activities: Tell your partner about the house. Reconstruct the house tour: make a map. Write an alternate narration for the video. Timati wants to rent out his house off-season. Create a tourist brochure. Conduct a video tour of your celebrity home / dream home.

  20. Advanced-level listening course on media Instructional Methods Vocabulary preparation (for example, from Larisa Moskvitina, In the World of News [ ]) Movement back and forth from content, to micro-level focus on language and content, to open discussion of content (from top-down to bottom-up strategy instruction and back again) Exercises geared toward noticing and learning new expressions in carefully guided contexts, use of islands (Shekhtman)

  21. Sample Class: Documentary Film or Interview Film assigned for homework with series of content questions In class review of film and discussion of content questions: Macro: play one scene or segment in full (examples from Gorbachev film: opening on perestroika; introduction to Brezhnev), have students discuss relevant content questions in small groups Micro: play scene/segment again, pausing to focus on both responses to questions and on specific phrases Macro: play entire scene/segment again, have students discuss answers to questions in small groups; go over responses together as a class Micro: focus again on responses and to review specific linguistic features, synonyms, reconstruct phrases for acquisition and adaptation Macro: global discussion of scene/segment, storyline, featured figures, historical context

  22. Example 3. ( , 2011) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TF_ignSFcd4&t=177s Pre-listening activities, schemata activation: Students will have read a brief online biography of Gorbachev. Class discussion in small groups, then together: ? , ?

  23. Example 3. ( , 2011) Activities during listening: First playing of opening clip, 1.5 minutes (1.30). Questions to take notes on and discuss in pairs (global comprehension): ? ( ?) ? ? Fill-ins/short answers: : ____________________________________ ? ? ? _________________, _____________________. __________________________________. _________________________.

  24. Example 3. ( , 2011) Micro-activities during listening: Fill-ins/short answers, cont.: - _____________________. - __________________________________. : ___________________ __________________________ . _____________________________. : __________________________________? . . ______________________________. ___________________________ _______________________________ . ________________________ ____________________________________.

  25. Example 3. ( , 2011) Micro-activities after listening. - : This happened for the first time. They built a monument for the 40thanniversary of victory. Be closer to us! We won t let you down! General Secretary of the Communist Party Ruler; all-powerful (omnipotent) ruler He isn t getting into the limousine! He is going to speak to the people. Someone is carrying a crying child. They are showing this on television. On the corner of is where perestroika began.

  26. Example 3. ( , 2011) Macro-activities after listening Review answers to initial questions in small groups In small groups: retell the story: ? ? ? ? ? Extension activities Write a summary of the opening scene. Provide your own narration of this scene. Write a mini-presentation about this scene and its importance.

  27. Questions?

  28. Your turn! Choose a clip: Novice: Golosa, Book 1, Unit 3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNovSnDi0HA Intermediate: Kirill Serebrennikov, : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bc4VwGeE4AM Advanced Low: Vladimir Pozner on COVID-19 (to 10.52): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wXuGhkJSKs&t=30 6s Draft pre-listening, listening, and post-listening discussion and extension activities.

  29. One example of an advanced-level course: Slavic 555: Advanced Russian Listening & Speaking: Course Structure

  30. Slavic 555: Advanced Russian Listening & Speaking Course Topics Lessons from Russian History (primarily Advanced) Introduction to Russian-language Press (upper Intermediate/Advanced) Press and Politics (primarily Advanced) Russian Economic and Foreign Policy (Advanced/Superior) Healthcare: Covid-19 (2020); American Healthcare and the American Dream (Advanced/Superior) Culture and National Identity (Advanced/Superior)

  31. Slavic 555: Course Featured Figures in 2020 ( ) Soviet and Post-Soviet History Svetlana Alexievich (Nobel Prize speech) Mikhail Gorbachev (documentary film with interviews) Politics and Foreign Affairs Vladimir Putin (speeches, press conferences) Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov (speech, talk show appearance) Opposition Figures Boris Nemtsov (documentary films, monologue) Mikhail Khodorkovsky (interviews) Alexei Navalny (interviews, documentary film appearance) Pussy Riot (news segments, interviews)

  32. Slavic 555: Journalists and Documentary Filmmakers featured in 2020 Marina Goldovskaya (RAILS* interviews on making documentary films) Leonid Parfyonov (documentary film, interviews as both interviewer and interviewee) Vladimir Pozner (mini-series , interviews as both interviewer and interviewee) Iurii Dud (interviewer: Pozner, Khodorkovsky, Navalny) Vladimir Kara-Murza (documentary film) * Russian Advanced Interactive Listening System, UW- Madison (currently being updated)

  33. Slavic 555 Genres, 2020: Speeches and Related Domestic policy Putin press conference (Dec. 2019) Putin address to Federal Assembly (Jan. 2020) Covid-19: Putin address to Russian citizens on Covid-19 (April 2020) RBK news segment on Covid-19 in Europe (April 2019) Foreign policy: Sergei Lavrov UN speech (Sept. 2019) Lavrov appearance on (Sept. 2018, March 2021)

  34. Slavic 555 Genres, 2020: Interviews and Related Nemtsov monologue about Putin (following documentary films about Nemtsov) Parfenov and Pozner interview with Alexei Navalnyi Al bats interview with Mikhail Khodorkovsky Dud interviews Pozner, Khodorkovsky, Navalny Sindeeva (Dozhd ) interview with Parfyonov on life during Covid-19

  35. Slavic 555 Documentary Film Assignments, 2020 Parfyonov, (on Gorbachev, 2011) Kara-Murza, (2016) Fishman and Krichevskaya, (on Nemtsov, 2017) Homework: website(s) for background, short- answer content questions in Russian to be discussed in class and submitted in writing

  36. Slavic 555 Spiraling Principle Parfyonov (documentary film, 2011) Footage of Moscow demonstrations, 2011-12 Interview with Pozner of Navalny (2012) Interview with Parfyonov on life during Covid-19 (2020) Pozner: Article published in Moskvitina, (2002) Interview with Parfyonov of Navalny (2012) Interview of him by Dud (2017) (2008)

  37. Slavic 555 Spiraling Principle Nemtsov: Footage of Moscow demonstrations, 2011-12 Kara-Murza, (2016) Fishman and Krichevskaya, (on Nemtsov, 2017), including Navalny Monologue, (2017) Navalny: Interview with Pozner and Parfyonov (2012) Appearance in documentary film on Nemtsov (2017) Dud interview (2017) Video on constitutional referendum (2020)

  38. Slavic 555 Spiraling Principle Covid-19 Kirill Serebryannikov on surviving isolation at home (with thanks to Shannon Spasova, Michigan State University, and the University of Arizona CERCLL) RBK news segment on Covid-19 in Europe Putin address Parfyonov interview on Pozner interview on

  39. Assessment: Oral Exams Questions, distributed in advance and chosen by lottery at the exam, focus on Advanced-level functions: narration and description in past, present, future; paragraph-length discourse. For example: 1. . 2. , , . ? , ? , ? 3. . 4. , : , ? : , ? , ?

  40. Thank you for your attention! Questions?

  41. Selected Bibliography ACTFL World-Readiness Standards for Learning Languages (https://www.actfl.org/publications/all/world- readiness-standards-learning-languages) Mahmoud Al-Batal, University of Texas at Austin. Listening. Foreign Language Teaching Methods. COERLL.utexas.edu/methods/modules/listening Klaus Brandl, Communicative Language Teaching in Action (Pearson, 2008) H. Douglas Brown and Heekyeong Lee, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Teaching (Pearson, 2015)

  42. Selected Bibliography, cont. Betty Lou Leaver & Boris Shekhtman, eds., Developing Professional-Level Language Proficiency (Cambridge UP, 2002) Cynthia Martin, Moving from Intermediate to Advanced in Russian, ACTR webinar, 1 December 2016 Martin, Strategies and Anti-Strategies for Reading ILR 2 / Advanced Proficiency, UCLA, 2 August 2017 Larisa Moskvitina, V mire novostei, 3 vols. (St. Petersburg: Zlatoust, 2005-2013) Boris Shekhtman, Working with Advanced Foreign Language Students (Salinas, CA: MSI Press, 2003)


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