Enhancing Education Profession and Curriculum Development in Schools
Explore the high-quality education profession through the strategic leadership of individuals like Louise Muteham and Kath Lewis. Discover initiatives such as Quality Improvement Groups, Curriculum Design, and Professional Learning Pioneers. Dive into subjects like Expressive Arts, Health and Wellbeing, Humanities, Science and Technology, Mathematics, and Literacy. Engage in supporting curriculum enactment and advancing student well-being in various schools.
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Datblygu proffesiwn addysg ansawdd uchel Developing a high quality education profession Louise Muteham Uwch Arweinydd Strategol ar gyfer Dysgu Proffesiynol Cwricwlwm Kath Lewis Ymgynghorydd Strategol ar gyfer Diwygio d Simon Thompson Dirprwy Bennaeth, Ysgol Uwchradd Caerdydd Deputy Headteacher, Cardiff High School Senior Strategic Lead for Professional Learning Strategic Adviser for Curriculum Reform
Grwpiau Gwella Ansawdd (GA) Quality Improvement (QI) Groups Cynllunio r Cwricwlwm Curriculum Design
Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts Cadoxton Primary School Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing Cadoxton Primary School Y Dyniaethau / Humanities Bishop Hedley High School Maesteg Comprehensive School Mynydd Cynffig Primary School Ysgol Cynwyd Sant Heronsbridge Special School Romilly Primary School The Hollies Rhydypenau Primary School St Joseph s RC Primary School Pencoed Comprehensive School Whitchurch Primary School Y Pant Comprehensive School Ysgol Gyfun Plasmawr Ysgol Gyfun Gartholwg
Ieithoedd, Llythrenned a Chyfathrebu / Languages, Literacy and Communication Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology Mathemateg a Rhifedd / Mathematics and Numeracy Abercynon Community Primary Cardiff High School Cardinal Newman RC High School Albert Primary School Mount Stuart Primary School Barry Island Primary School Llanishen Fach Primary School Llysfaen Primary School Fitzalan High School Radyr Comprehensive School Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bro Edern Romilly Primary School St Mary s RC Primary School Ysgol Nantgwyn
Arloeswyr Dysgu Proffesiynol (DP) Professional Learning (PL) Pioneers Cefnogi gweithrediad y cwricwlwm Supporting the enactment of the curriculum
Iechyd Lles / Health and Wellbeing Mathemateg a Rhifedd / Mathematics and Numeracy Ieithoedd, Llythrennedd a Chyfathrebu / Languages, Literacy and Communication Cadoxton Primary School Cardiff High School Barry Island Primary School Llanishen Fach Primary Porthcawl Comprehensive Heronsbridge Special School Y Pant School Ysgol Gyfun Bro Morgannwg Cardinal Newman RC School Ysgol Cynwyd Sant Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology Oldcastle Primary School Y Dyniaethau / Humanities Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts Herbert Thompson Primary Rhws Primary School Ysgolion Arbennig / Special Schools Tai Federation Cardiff High School Stanwell Comprehensive Maesteg Comprehensive Romilly Primary School Rhydypenau Primary School Treorchy Comprehensive Ty Gwyn Special School
Ysgolion Arloesi Innovation Schools Profi a threialu fframwaith Cwricwlwm i Gymru 2022 Testing and trialling the Curriculum for Wales 2022 framework
Ysgolion Arloesi CCD / CSC Innovation Schools Bishop Hedley High School Fitzalan High School St Joseph s RC Primary School Ty Gwyn Special School
Arweinwyr MDPh Rhanbarthol Regional AoLE Leads Cefnogi datblygiad cwricwlwm MDPh ar draws y rhanbarth Supporting AoLE curriculum development across the region
Iechyd a Lles / Health and Wellbeing Mathemateg a Rhifedd / Mathematics and Numeracy Cadoxton Primary School Cardiff High School Llanishen Fach Primary School Ysgol Plasmawr Gwyddoniaeth a Thechnoleg / Science and Technology Celfyddydau Mynegiannol / Expressive Arts Brynnau Primary School Rhydypenau Primary School Cardiff High School Pencoed Comprehensive Y Dyniaethau / Humanities Ysgolion Arbennig / Special Schools St Joseph s RC Primary School Tai Federation Maesteg Comprehensive Ty Gwyn Special School
Some key questions to consider Rhai cwestiynau i w hystyried... Beth yw diwygio cwricwlwm effeithiol? Sut byddwn yn gwybod a yw hyn wedi llwyddo ai peidio? Sut gallwn gefnogi datblygiad diwylliant hunangynhaliol? Cyfrifolaeth... Sut rydym yn galluogi tegwch o ran mynediad i ddysgwyr ar draws ein hysgolion? Sut rydym yn diffinio a rheoli r goblygiadau ar gyfer y proffesiwn yn yr ysgol? What does effective curriculum reform look like? How will we know if this has succeeded? How do we support the development of a self-sustaining culture? Subsidiarity how do we enable equity of access for learners across our schools? How do we define and manage the implications for the profession in school?
Designing our curricula what does this look like? Cynllunio ein cwricwla... sut mae mynd ati? Gweledigaeth glir: beth ddylem ei addysgu a pham? Methodoleg a phroses; Tystiolaeth: ymholi; adnabod anghenion dysgwyr; ymchwil a data Cynllunio: ystyried y pedwar diben, Datganiad o r Hyn sy n Bwysig mewn dysgu, Disgrifiadau Dysgu; dewis cynnwys; cynllunio ar draws Meysydd Dysgu a Phrofiad; cyd- gynhyrchu (dysgwyr, rhieni, arbenigwyr a phartneriaid cyflwyno) Addysgu, dysgu ac asesu Monitro, myfyrio ac adolygu Clear vision: what should we teach and why? Methodology and process; Evidence: inquiry; identifying learners needs; research and data Design: consideration of four purposes, Statements of What Matters in learning, Descriptions of Learning; selection of content; design across Areas of Learning and Experience; co-production (learners, parents, experts & delivery partners) Teaching, learning and assessment Monitor, reflect and revise
Datblygu proffesiwn addysg ansawdd uchel Developing a high quality education profession Louise Muteham Uwch Arweinydd Strategol ar gyfer Dysgu Proffesiynol Cwricwlwm Kath Lewis Ymgynghorydd Strategol ar gyfer Diwygio d Simon Thompson Dirprwy Bennaeth, Ysgol Uwchradd Caerdydd Deputy Headteacher, Cardiff High School Senior Strategic Lead for Professional Learning Strategic Adviser for Curriculum Reform
Ysgolion fel Sefydliadau sy n Dysgu Schools as Learning Organisations
Professional Standards for Teaching and Leadership Safonau Proffesiynol ar gyfer Addysgu ac Arweinyddiaeth
National Approach to Professional Learning Dull Cenedlaethol ar gyfer Dysgu Proffesiynol
Central South Wales Challenge (CSWC) Her Canol De Cymru (HCDC)
Datblygu proffesiwn addysg ansawdd uchel Developing a high quality education profession Louise Muteham Uwch Arweinydd Strategol ar gyfer Dysgu Proffesiynol Cwricwlwm Kath Lewis Ymgynghorydd Strategol ar gyfer Diwygio d Simon Thompson Dirprwy Bennaeth, Ysgol Uwchradd Caerdydd Deputy Headteacher, Cardiff High School Senior Strategic Lead for Professional Learning Strategic Adviser for Curriculum Reform
Ysgol Uwchradd Caerdydd fel Sefydliad sy n Dysgu Cardiff High School as a Learning Organisation Mr Simon Thompson Dirprwy Bennaeth Deputy Headteacher
The SLO model Y model YSD
Alinio gydar agenda diwygio llawn yng Nghymru AGAA / NAEL SPAA / PTLS YSD / SLO Cenhadaeth Genedlaethol / National Mission DCDP / NAPL Estyn Alignment with the full reform agenda in Wales Diwygio Cwricwlwm / Curriculum Reform 4 Diben / Purposes 12 EA / PP
The 7 dimensions Y 7 Dimensiwn DIMENSIYNAU YSD SLO DIMENSIONS Datblygu gweledigaeth a rennir sy n rhoi sylw i r hyn y mae pob dysgwr yn ei ddysgu Developing a shared vision centred on the learning of all learners Creating and supporting continuous learning opportunities for all staff Promoting team learning and collaboration among all staff Creu a chefnogi cyfleoedd dysgu parhaus i bob aelod o r staff Hyrwyddo dysgu mewn t m a chydweithio ymhlith pob aelod o r staff
The 7 dimensions Y 7 Dimensiwn Sefydlu diwylliant o ymchwilio, arloesi ac archwilio Establishing a culture of enquiry, innovation and exploration Embedding systems for collecting and exchanging knowledge for learning Ehangu defnydd o systemau ar gyfer casglu a chyfnewid gwybodaeth at ddibenion dysgu Learning with and from the external environment and wider learning system Dysgu drwy r amgylchedd allanol a r system ddysgu ehangach Modelling and growing learning leadership Modelu a datblygu arweinyddiaeth ym maes dysgu
CHS: L&T model and Action Enquiry YUC: Model D ac A ac Ymholi Gweithredol DIMENSIYNAU YSD SLO DIMENSIONS Datblygu gweledigaeth a rennir sy n rhoi sylw i r hyn y mae pob dysgwr yn ei ddysgu Developing a shared vision centred on the learning of all learners Creating and supporting continuous learning opportunities for all staff Creu a chefnogi cyfleoedd dysgu parhaus i bob aelod o r staff Promoting team learning and collaboration among all staff Hyrwyddo dysgu mewn t m a chydweithio ymhlith pob aelod o r staff
CHS: L&T model and Action Enquiry YUC: Model D ac A ac Ymholi Gweithredol Sefydlu diwylliant o ymchwilio, arloesi ac archwilio Establishing a culture of enquiry, innovation and exploration Embedding systems for collecting and exchanging knowledge for learning Ehangu defnydd o systemau ar gyfer casglu a chyfnewid gwybodaeth at ddibenion dysgu Learning with and from the external environment and wider learning system Dysgu drwy r amgylchedd allanol a r system ddysgu ehangach Modelling and growing learning leadership Modelu a datblygu arweinyddiaeth ym maes dysgu
Model D ac A YUC CHS L&T Model Ymddiriedaeth Proffesiynoldeb Trust Professionalism Hyblygrwydd Eglurder Flexibility Clarity Cyfath Newid Allanol Congruent with External Change Symlrwydd Simplicity
Dysgu ac Addysgu Ysgol Uwchradd Caerdydd Cardiff High School Learning & Teaching
Ymholi gweithredol u trwy Systemau RhP Action enquiry through PM Systems
Action Enquiry Ymholi Gweithredol Cael ei hysbysu gan ymchwil Research informed Read Darllen Collaboration Observation Sharing practice Cydweithredu Arsylwi Rhannu arfer See Gweld Act Innovation Gwneud Arloesi Impact PLP Teach- meet Effaith PDP Dysgwr dd Review Adolygu
Alinio gydar agenda diwygio llawn yng Nghymru Alignment with the full reform agenda in Wales
Alinio gydar agenda diwygio llawn yng Nghymru Alignment with the full reform agenda in Wales
Revised Vision Gweledigaeth Ddiwygiedig BETH Dysgwyr ar gyfer yr 21ain Ganrif Pob plentyn yn bwysig Cau r bwlch rhwng potensial a pherfformiad Disgwyliadau a dyheadau uchel i bawb Ymestyn a herio pawb, gan gynnwys y rhai uchaf eu cyflawniad WHAT Learners for the 21st Century Every child matters Closing the gap between potential and performance High expectations and aspirations for all Stretch and challenge for all including the high achievers
Revised Vision Gweledigaeth Ddiwygiedig SUT Addysgeg Effeithiol wrth wraidd gwers effeithiol iawn DRICE yw ein hofferyn cynllunio a myfyrio addysgegol Gellir defnyddio cymysgedd o strategaethau i gyflawni addysgeg effeithiol Disgyblion wrth wraidd strategaeth yr ysgol: y pedwar diben Mewn ethos cefnogol gyda chysylltiadau cadarnhaol Mewn diwylliant o fyfyrfio beirniadol a dysgu proffesiynol parhaus HOW Effective Pedagogy is at the heart of a high impact lesson DRICE is our pedagogical planning and reflection tool A blend of strategies can be used to achieve effective pedagogy Pupils at the heart of school strategy : the four purposes In a supportive ethos with positive relationships In a culture of critical reflection and ongoing professional learning
Ystyriwch y cylch gwella ysgol: Pa feysydd sy n gweithio n dda? Pwy sy n cymryd rhan ym mhob agwedd ar y cylch? Beth sydd ei angen arnoch gan y rhanbarth?
Consider the school improvement cycle: What areas are working well? Who is involved in each aspect of the cycle? What do you need from the region?