Differences in Maximum Oxygen Capacity Test Results: Bleep Test vs. Ergometer Rowing Test
Rowing and aerobic capacity testing are vital in sports science. This study compares VO.max results between the Bleep Test and Ergometer Rowing Test, highlighting the importance of maximal oxygen capacity in rowing athletes' performance and training programs.
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Differences In Maximum Oxygen Capacity Test Results (VO Max) Between Bleep Test and Ergometer Rowing Test Mohamad Ageng Krismanto1,Mulyana2andDede Rohmat Nurjaya3 Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Faculty of Sports and Health Education, Department of Sports Coaching education, Bandung, Indonesia
Introduction Rowing is one of the sports that is not widely found in Indonesian society, especially rowing, but abroad rowing is a famous sport, even in England, precisely on the River Thames London, rowing competitions between Cambridge University and Oxford University have often been held since 1829 until now. One element of physical fitness is cardiorespiratory endurance. According to Thomas (1989) from the journal (Putri Bastian et al., 2012) said that basically, there are two types of endurance, namely aerobic and anaerobic. Measurement of cardiorespiratory endurance for aerobic capacity can be done by measuring maximum oxygen consumption (VO max). VO max is the maximum amount of oxygen that can be consumed during intense physical activity until fatigue occurs. The VO max value depends on the cardiovascular, respiratory, hematological, and oxidative capacity of the muscles (Rodrigues et al., 2006). The first attempt to describe the physiology of rowing was made when Liljestrand & Lindhard (1920) measured oxygen uptake, heart rate, and cardiac output during rowing a regular boat. (Henderson & Haggard, 1925) estimated the energy expenditure in rowing an 8+ boat during a race by determining (a) the drag when the boat is pulled by the motorboat; (b) the work done during rowing on an ergometer; and (c) the volume of oxygen consumed from the air while the rower is breathing. In the journal The Physiology of Rowing (Secher, 1983) T rner stated At very low speeds determines oxygen uptake during rowing races. Since then experiments have focused mainly on determining the rower's maximal oxygen uptake and comparisons have been made with values obtained during other types of exercise. Of particular interest to the rower is the importance of hand work in the subject's maximal oxygen uptake (Secher, 1983).
Introduction Maximal oxygen capacity (VO max) is a more general term for aerobic endurance capacity. VO max is the volume of oxygen that muscles can use in one minute to produce aerobic energy reserves in milliliters of oxygen per kilogram of body weight (ml/kg/min). According to the same opinion, VO max is the ability of the heart and lungs to supply oxygen to the entire body for a long period of time, which means that VO max is very important for everyone to have (Indrayana & Yuliawan, 2019). In sports, VO max is very important because it can help athletes and coaches choose the right training program and improve the athlete's performance. As a result, someone who has a high VO max value can be considered to have good aerobic capacity. The greater the aerobic capacity, the greater the ability to carry a heavy workload and the faster the body recovers after the heavy work is completed (Trisandy et al., 2019). Thus, it is assumed that maximal oxygen capacity (VO max) plays a very important role for rowing athletes. Bleep Test is a multi-stage fitness test developed by Professor Luc A. Leger of the University of Montreal in Canada in the 1970s, as one way to determine a person's aerobic capacity (VO max), this test is done by running a predetermined distance and gradually increasing the intensity (Prime Motion Training, n.d.). While the rowing ergometer is a machine used to simulate the movement of rowing when on a rowing boat and can also be used to test VO max. However, which test is effective for measuring the VO max of rowing athletes, because according to (Secher, 1983) in the journal the physiology of rowing, rowing is different from most other types of human sports because the body is supported by a seat, and also because of the involvement of both arms and legs, both legs work in the same phase. This is different from running, for example, where one leg does more work at one time.
Methods The method in this research is a quantitative approach method and the research design uses comparative descriptive. The population that the researcher used in this study was the West Java PELATDA Rowing Athletes and the sampling method used is non-probability sampling technique. The non-probability technique used is saturated sampling or often called purposive sampling. According to Fraenkel (Jack R et al., 2012) Sampling with purposive sampling technique means that researchers do not only study who is available but use their judgment to select samples that they believe, based on previous information, so as to provide the data they need. The sample in this study were rowing athletes of PELATDA West Java with the criteria of rowing athletes in the rowing number. Bleep test procedure: 1) Bleep test is done by running continuously between two ends facing each other with a distance of 20 meters. 2) 3 consecutive beeps to start the test and also heard at the beginning of each new level. 3) To start the test, the beep test audio program will indicate that the test is about to start and when you hear 3 quick beeps in a row, you start your first shuttle run. 4) Level 1 requires you to run at a speed of about 8.5 km / h and will increase by about 0.5 km / h for each level (there is an increase of 1 km / h from level 1 to level 2). 5) Successful completion of the shuttle is when we can reach the end of the 20 meter shuttle before the next beep which signals the start of the next shuttle. To obtain data on athlete performance, researchers took the 2000-meter Ergometer Rowing Test instrument, the distance is approximately the distance in world competitions, the procedure for implementing the 2000-meter Ergometer Rowing Test is as follows: 1) Provide direction to the sample about the research to be carried out 2) The sample warms up for about 15-20 minutes. 3) The target distance of 2000 meters is set on the rowing ergometer monitor. 4) The sample starts the test. 5) Data collection is carried out after the sample has completed the test 6) Record the last Watt obtained then match it with table 3.1 VO max Ergometer Rowing Test 7) The data taken is in the form of data which will then be conducted kinematic analysis with the help of the kinovea 25 application.
Result & Discussion Hypothesis Testing Hypothesis testing in this study used Independent Sample T-Test with the help of SPSS 25 to determine the difference between the results of the VO max test using the bleep test and the ergometer rowing test on rowing athletes of PELATDA West Java. Based on the results of the analysis, the following data were obtained: Table 3. Independent Sample T-Test Hypothesis Test Table Independent Sample T-Test Sig. F Information 0.261 0.613 Homogeneous data Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means Sig. 0.0 Information H0 is rejected Equal variances assumed H0: There is no significant difference between the results of the VO max test using the bleep test and the ergometer rowing test H1: There is a significant difference between the results of the VO max test using the bleep test and the ergometer rowing test Based on the output in the Independent Sample T-Test test above, the Sig. Levene's Test for equality of variance is 0.613> 0.05, so it can be assumed that the data between the bleep test group and the ergometer rowing test group is homogeneous or the same. So that the interpretation of the Independent Sample T-Test output table above is guided by the values contained in the "equal variance assumed" table. Based on the output table in the "equal variance assumed" section, the Sig. (2-tailed) value is 0.0 <0.05, so it can be concluded that H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted. Thus, it can be said that there is a difference between the results of the VO max test using the bleep test and the ergometer rowing test in rowing athletes of PELATDA West Java.
Result & Discussion This study aims to determine the difference between the results of the VO max test using the bleep test and the ergometer rowing test on rowing athletes of PELATDA West Java. Based on the results of the research that has been done and proven by the results of the data collection and processing above. The researcher found that the significance value of 0.0 is smaller than <the probability value of 0.05 indicating that there is a difference between the results of the VO max test using the bleep test and the ergometer rowing test. The specific differences in the movements carried out between the two tests can be one of the factors causing the VO max test via the ergometer rowing to have greater results. Because according to (Secher, 1983) in the journal the physiology of rowing, rowing is different from most other types of human sports because the body is supported by a seat, and also because of the involvement of both arms and legs, both legs work in the same phase. This is different from running, where one leg does more work at one time alternately. Initially, it is necessary to study the rowing motion to increase understanding of the physiology of rowing. Rowing is performed by an athlete sitting in a boat that moves back and forth on a movable seat while pulling on an oar that is placed in the water. This will cause the boat to be pushed forward across the surface of the water. When the athlete pulls on the oar, he creates a positive directional force on the boat, and when the oar leaves the water and the athlete moves in the opposite direction to the boat, he creates a negative directional force. The method or technique used by the athlete must coordinate the proper use of muscle groups and the movement of the boat to maximize the positive directional force and minimize the negative directional force. This will optimize the speed of each stroke and result in the highest possible speed achieved during a 2,000 m rowing race.
Conclusion Based on the results of the data analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference between the results of the VO max test using the bleep test and the ergometer rowing test on rowing athletes of PELATDA West Java. The researcher concluded that the VO max test using the ergometer rowing was better than using the bleep test. Based on the specific movements of rowing athletes whose movements are different from running, this allows athletes to perform the test more optimally and accurately. The implications of this study include several things that can be utilized by various parties, especially in rowing sports, coaches and trainers to continue to pay attention to the selection of tests that are appropriate for the needs of their athletes so that the results obtained can be in accordance with the abilities of the athletes and bring out their potential. 1) After describing the implications of the study, there are several recommendations that researchers can convey, namely:For further researchers, it is hoped that they will add other variables that are in line with the VO max test and compare other VO max test instruments, for this reason, further researchers should develop and refine this study. 2) For coaches, it can be input that the VO max test using the ergometer rowing test is better for rowing athletes than the bleep test.
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