Christian Perspectives on End Times and Environmental Responsibility" (68 characters)

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Explore Christian beliefs about the End Times and their impact on environmental stewardship. Discusses views on tribulation, resurrection, Christ's reign, and the ultimate destiny of the world, guiding present actions based on future expectations. Reflect on different theological perspectives and the call to care for creation amidst eschatological beliefs. (497 characters)

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  1. Churches Together in Boscombe The Christian in Creation 8. Tribulation and millennium

  2. Jesus said to them, Truly, I say to you, in the new world[a] Matthew 19:28 [a] Greek in the regeneration

  3. I. What should we expect to happen in the environment in End Times ? How should that expectation guide our actions now? III. How will we need to act when we are in such a time? IV. When might we expect such a time? II.

  4. Survey/questionnaire Where do Christians ultimately go after they die? Heaven (not on this earth) This earth What form will Christians be in when they are resurrected? A spirit A physical body A spiritual body Will Christ physically come again? Yes No

  5. Will Christ reign on earth for 1000 years? Yes No What will happen to creation beforeChrist s return? It will improve It will be damaged / degenerate What will happen to creation afterChrist s return? God will destroy the present heavens and earth and create a completely new heaven and earth (REPLACEMENT) There will be a period of destruction to remove evil from the world but after that the earth will be renewed (RENEWAL)

  6. Do the different views about the ultimate destiny of the world influence Christians attitudes towards the environment now? Yes a lot Yes a little No

  7. Preterist Historicist Futurist Idealist Premillennial X X Amillennial X X X X Postmillennial X X X

  8. The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth. How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going When might we expect such a time? The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?

  9. David King The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? There is of course, a major difference. Humanity will survive coronavirus David Attenborough How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! If we don t take action, the collapse of our civilisations and the extinction of much of the natural world is on the horizon. How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going The Doomsday Clock The members of the Science and Security Board therefore set the Doomsday Clock at 100 seconds to midnight, the closest it has ever been to civilization-ending apocalypse and the same time we set in 2020. When might we expect such a time? The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?

  10. Seals Rev 5,6,8:1 Trumpets Rev 8,9,11:15 Bowls Rev 16 No . 1 The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? Hail and fire ... A third of the earth was burned up, and a third of the trees were burned up, and all green grass was burned up. a third of the sea became blood. A third of the living creatures in the sea died a third of the waters became wormwood, and many people died from the water. The sun, moon and stars are darkened Creatures like locusts released Harmful and painful sores came upon the people who bore the mark of the beast and worshipped its image. How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! 2 Sea becomes like blood and every living thing in the sea died 3 Famine. Springs of water became blood How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going 4 Famine, pestilence and wild beasts. Sun scorches people When might we expect such a time? 5 Darkness The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment 6 7 A great earthquake Peals of thunder, rumblings, flashes of lightning, and an earthquake. Euphrates dries up Flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, and a great earthquake such as there had never been since man was on the earth. Great hailstones. Flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail. How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?

  11. The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going When might we expect such a time? The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?

  12. The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? No: (1) In the past. (2) Revelation symbolic. Yes: How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! (1) Symbolic language must still point to a basic underlying truth! (2) Consistent with the way God acts. God gives warnings. How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going (3) God willing to act destructively. (4) God s purpose is to draw people to repentance. (5) Isaiah 24 leads us to expect global devastation. When might we expect such a time? (6) Jesus compared End Times to birth pains and to Noah s flood. The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment (7) 1 Thess 5:3, When they say, There is peace and security , then sudden destruction will come upon them How should that expectation guide our actions now? (8) Mounce: The intensity of the final conflict of righteousness and evil will rise to such a pitch as to become the great tribulation. How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?

  13. The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? The nations raged, but your wrath came, and the time for the dead to be judged, and for rewarding your servants, the prophets and saints, and those who fear your name, both small and great, and for destroying the destroyers of the earth. How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going When might we expect such a time? The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?

  14. The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going When might we expect such a time? The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?

  15. The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going When might we expect such a time? The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?

  16. The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! Do not damage the earth or the sea or the trees, until we have marked the servants of our God with a seal on their foreheads. How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going They were told not to damage the grass of the earth or any green growth or any tree, but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. When might we expect such a time? The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment Revelation 7:3 and Revelation 9:4 How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?

  17. The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name's sake.And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray.And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going When might we expect such a time? The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment Matthew 24:9-13 How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?

  18. The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? 1. Persecution of Christians 2. A new Roman Empire 3. A destructive empire based on steel 4. Gospel reaching every nation 5. The roaring of the sea 6. The re-emergence of Israel as a nation 7. Plans to build a new temple in Jerusalem 8. Global environmental destruction by man How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going When might we expect such a time? The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?

  19. The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! No more shall there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not fill out his days, for the young man shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner a hundred years old shall be accursed How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going When might we expect such a time? The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment Isaiah 65:20 How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?

  20. In that day I will raise up the booth of David that is fallen and repair its breaches, and raise up its ruins and rebuild it as in the days of old Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when the ploughman shall overtake the reaper and the treader of grapes him who sows the seed; the mountains shall drip sweet wine, and all the hills shall flow with it. I will restore the fortunes of my people Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit. The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going When might we expect such a time? The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time? Amos 9:11,13-14

  21. The tribulation What should we expect to happen? 1. Human activity 2. God s intervention 3. Should we really expect such destruction of the environment? How should that expectation guide our actions NOW? 1. Look after creation 2. Build resilience 3. Teach and preach on this subject! And your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in How will we need to act when we are IN such a time? 1. Care for creation 2. Care for others, keep going When might we expect such a time? The millennium What should we expect to happen? 1. Long life 2. Restoration of society and the environment Isaiah 58:12 How should that expectation guide our actions now? How will we need to act when we are in such a time? When might we expect such a time?


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