Challenges and Solutions in Preventing Misuse of the RTI Act in India

Subhash Chandra Agrawal
RTI Consultant and Guinness World Record Holder for most letters in newspapers
Experience with RTI Act as observed in its journey of
eleven years in the country does lead to think for
refining it with some suitable modifications so as to
prevent its misuse.
Modification and refining should be a regular on-going
process, and so should be same for RTI Act in India.
Cases of misuse of every Act in India including Dowry
Act or the one legislated after infamous 16/12 Nirbhaya
episode are regularly surfacing like also for misuse of
RTI Act.
India is gifted with brilliant minds, but negative side is
that many in India misuse brilliance of their minds for
negative deeds. Miscreants have started misusing RTI
Act in India.
Percentage of such misuse is totally insignificant as per
study done by them!
Some Information Commissioners also endorsed that
they noted just 5-7 percent cases of misuse are
detected by them. But it is important to note that very
few out of total RTI applications reach to stage of
second appeal at Information Commissions.
My Experience 
- After Conducting RTI workshops on
regular basis  with public-authorities, I have
experienced practical feedback about the grim situation
of large-scale misuse of RTI Act faced by public-
One person used to file about one hundred RTI-applications per
week at Delhi Fire Service, evidently for mischievous objectives.
But a proper training provided to their officers arming them with
Supreme Court verdict in case ‘CBSE vs Aditya Bandopadhyaya’
resulted in preventing him playing mischief with the RTI Act.
A person had been filing RTI petitions of nuisance nature in
name of his friends/relations based in different cities of the
country from the same post-office bearing the same format and
signature signed by the same pen!
Since there is no provision of asking for an Identity Proof of RTI
applicant, concerned public-authority can do nothing but
wasting precious man-hours, resources, postal and stationery
costs in dealing with such RTI petitions
It is also experienced that certain mischievous persons even
misuse name of known activists by sending such complaints
under their names with forged signatures, which causes
unnecessary embarrassments
CVC issued circular dated 10.03.2017 to all the CVOs of
various public-authorities about CIC-verdict dated
25.06.2014 in case ‘Shri Ramesh Chand Jain vs DTC’ in which
CVC has asked all its CVOs to bring to notice of
CPIOs/Appellate Authorities of their organisations about the
verdict. CVC had to issue such directions to CVOs only
because of detection of large-scale misuse of RTI Act having
been noted by it. The said CIC-verdict observed as under:
a single repetition of RTI application would demand
the valuable time of the public authority, first appellate
authority and if it also reaches second appeal, that of the
Commission, which time could have been spent to hear
another appeal or answer another application or perform
other public duty.
Every repetition of RTI application which was earlier
responded will he an obstruction to flow of information and
defeats the purpose of the RTI Act.”
Guide public-authorities through publicised verdicts on
misuse of RTI Act
There are many CIC-verdicts passing stringent strictures on
misuse of RTI Act, subsequently endorsed by Courts.
Central Information Commission, State information
Commissions and Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT)
should compile all such verdicts on their websites so as to
educate those handling RTI applications
A person filing indiscriminate RTI applications sometimes
about 50 in a day was prevented from doing so after strong
strictures were passed against him by Hon’ble Central
Information Commission
Some public-authorities are in habit of misusing section 6(3) of RTI Act
by unnecessarily transferring RTI petitions to hundreds/thousands
offices even though information might exist with the transferring public-
authority itself.
Example 1 - Union Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD)
 in the earlier
UPA regime had adopted clever tactics to avoid uncomfortable RTI
queries like status of government-bungalows like number 6, Krishna
Menon Marg (New Delhi) and change in bungalow-number to 6-A from 8
at Krishna Menon Marg (New Delhi) etc perhaps because such queries
directly related to personalities like the then Lok Sabha Speaker and a
former Prime Minister.
CPWD responses usually never carried names and contact-details of
CPIOs and Appellate Authorities.
Example 2 - Income Tax Department 
(Headquarters) transferred an RTI
petition to thousands of Income Tax Offices across the country where
information was sought about those Non-Government-Organisations
(NGOs) and political parties which are entitled for tax-exemption under
Income Tax Act.
Most of the Income Tax Offices replied that information relating to them
as ‘NIL’.
Increase RTI fees
Increasing RTI fees uniformly to rupees fifty with provision to
provide first twenty copied pages free-of-cost.
It will be economical in terms of man-hours spent and
postal-charges for both the public-authorities and genuine
RTI applicants and in demanding and remitting copying-
Charges have not been changed for more than one decade
ID proof should be compulsory with RTI applications
Misuse of filing RTI petitions in name of others or with non-
existing persons has also become quite common.
RTI Act does not permit those ex-Indians who later took
nationality of some other country
Provision of compulsorily attaching copy of ID proof should
be there for filing complaints in government-departments to
prevent filing complaints in name of others.
Issue RTI stamps
CIC’s repeated recommendations for introducing exclusive
RTI stamps in several denominations
Most popular mode of remitting RTI fees is through postal-
orders which cost heavily to public-exchequer with handling
cost of rupees 39.99 per postal-order, apart from banking-
cost in clearing-operations
Accept RTI applications at all post-offices
Indian postal-department presently provides facility of
receiving post-free RTI applications addressed to central
public-authorities at just about 4500 post-offices.
This facility should be available at all post-offices in the
country which are about 160000
Providing such a facility will prove to be much more effective
and useful than on-line filing of RTI petitions in a country
where most people especially in rural India are still not using
Disposals of RTI applications will be much-much
faster even at stage of Information Commissions
with frivolous petitions being largely eliminated.
Huge man-hours and other resources like
stationery, postal-charges in handling
mischievous or frivolous RTI-applications
account for unnecessary burden on public-
exchequers funded by hard-earned money of
tax-payers, both at central and state levels will
Since no quantum of training for handling RTI
petitions can be sufficient to such large number
of PIOs/public-authorities and others handing
RTI petitions, effective ways to check misuse of
RTI Act may be possible , which may ultimately
be beneficial for genuine RTI-applicants.
Slide Note

Over the years, the RTI Act in India has faced challenges due to misuses by individuals for personal gains. Efforts to prevent such misuse through training, Supreme Court verdicts, and CVC circulars have been observed. The need for regular modifications and refinements to address misuse and maintain the Act's integrity is emphasized based on experiences and observations. Various instances of misuse and practical feedback highlight the importance of addressing this issue for the effective functioning of the RTI Act.

  • RTI Act
  • India
  • Misuse
  • Solutions
  • Challenges

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Subhash Chandra Agrawal Subhash Chandra Agrawal RTI Consultant and Guinness World Record Holder for most letters in newspapers

  2. Experience with RTI Act as observed in its journey of eleven years in the country does lead to think for refining it with some suitable modifications so as to prevent its misuse. Modification and refining should be a regular on-going process, and so should be same for RTI Act in India. Cases of misuse of every Act in India including Dowry Act or the one legislated after infamous 16/12 Nirbhaya episode are regularly surfacing like also for misuse of RTI Act. India is gifted with brilliant minds, but negative side is that many in India misuse brilliance of their minds for negative deeds. Miscreants have started misusing RTI Act in India.

  3. Percentage of such misuse is totally insignificant as per study done by them! Some Information Commissioners also endorsed that they noted just 5-7 percent cases of misuse are detected by them. But it is important to note that very few out of total RTI applications reach to stage of second appeal at Information Commissions. My regular experienced practical feedback about the grim situation of large-scale misuse of RTI Act faced by public- authorities My Experience Experience - After Conducting RTI workshops on basis with public-authorities, I have

  4. One person used to file about one hundred RTI-applications per week at Delhi Fire Service, evidently for mischievous objectives. But a proper training provided to their officers arming them with Supreme Court verdict in case CBSE vs Aditya Bandopadhyaya resulted in preventing him playing mischief with the RTI Act. A person had been filing RTI petitions of nuisance nature in name of his friends/relations based in different cities of the country from the same post-office bearing the same format and signature signed by the same pen! Since there is no provision of asking for an Identity Proof of RTI applicant, wasting precious man-hours, resources, postal and stationery costs in dealing with such RTI petitions. It is also experienced that certain mischievous persons even misuse name of known activists by sending such complaints under unnecessary embarrassments concerned public-authority can do nothing but their names with forged signatures, which causes

  5. CVC issued circular dated 10.03.2017 to all the CVOs of various 25.06.2014 in case Shri Ramesh Chand Jain vs DTC in which CVC CPIOs/Appellate Authorities of their organisations about the verdict. CVC had to issue such directions to CVOs only because of detection of large-scale misuse of RTI Act having been noted by it. The said CIC-verdict observed as under: Even a single repetition of RTI application would demand the valuable time of the public authority, first appellate authority and if it also reaches second appeal, that of the Commission, which time could have been spent to hear another appeal or answer another application or perform other public duty. Every responded will he an obstruction to flow of information and defeats the purpose of the RTI Act. public-authorities about CIC-verdict dated has asked all its CVOs to bring to notice of repetition of RTI application which was earlier

  6. Guide misuse of RTI Act There are many CIC-verdicts passing stringent strictures on misuse of RTI Act, subsequently endorsed by Courts. Central Commissions and Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) should compile all such verdicts on their websites so as to educate those handling RTI applications A person filing indiscriminate RTI applications sometimes about 50 in a day was prevented from doing so after strong strictures were passed against him by Hon ble Central Information Commission public-authorities through publicised verdicts on Information Commission, State information

  7. Some public-authorities are in habit of misusing section 6(3) of RTI Act by unnecessarily transferring RTI petitions to hundreds/thousands offices even though information might exist with the transferring public- authority itself. Example UPA regime had adopted clever tactics to avoid uncomfortable RTI queries like status of government-bungalows like number 6, Krishna Menon Marg (New Delhi) and change in bungalow-number to 6-A from 8 at Krishna Menon Marg (New Delhi) etc perhaps because such queries directly related to personalities like the then Lok Sabha Speaker and a former Prime Minister. CPWD responses usually never carried names and contact-details of CPIOs and Appellate Authorities. Example petition to thousands of Income Tax Offices across the country where information was sought about those Non-Government-Organisations (NGOs) and political parties which are entitled for tax-exemption under Income Tax Act. Most of the Income Tax Offices replied that information relating to them as NIL . Example 1 1 - - Union Union Ministry Ministry of of Urban Urban Development Development ( (MoUD MoUD) ) in the earlier Example 2 2 - - Income Income Tax Tax Department Department (Headquarters) transferred an RTI

  8. 1 1) ) Increase Increasing RTI fees uniformly to rupees fifty with provision to provide first twenty copied pages free-of-cost. It will be economical in terms of man-hours spent and postal-charges for both the public-authorities and genuine RTI applicants and in demanding and remitting copying- charges. Charges have not been changed for more than one decade ID Misuse of filing RTI petitions in name of others or with non- existing persons has also become quite common. RTI Act does not permit those ex-Indians who later took nationality of some other country Provision of compulsorily attaching copy of ID proof should be there for filing complaints in government-departments to prevent filing complaints in name of others. Increase RTI RTI fees fees 2 2) ) ID proof proof should should be be compulsory compulsory with with RTI RTI applications applications

  9. 3 3) ) Issue CIC s repeated recommendations for introducing exclusive RTI stamps in several denominations Most popular mode of remitting RTI fees is through postal- orders which cost heavily to public-exchequer with handling cost of rupees 39.99 per postal-order, apart from banking- cost in clearing-operations Accept Indian receiving post-free RTI applications addressed to central public-authorities at just about 4500 post-offices. This facility should be available at all post-offices in the country which are about 160000 Providing such a facility will prove to be much more effective and useful than on-line filing of RTI petitions in a country where most people especially in rural India are still not using internet. Issue RTI RTI stamps stamps 4 4) ) Accept RTI RTI applications postal-department applications at at all presently all post post- -offices provides offices facility of

  10. Disposals of RTI applications will be much-much faster even at stage of Information Commissions with frivolous petitions being largely eliminated. Huge stationery, mischievous account exchequers funded by hard-earned money of tax-payers, both at central and state levels will reduce. Since no quantum of training for handling RTI petitions can be sufficient to such large number of PIOs/public-authorities and others handing RTI petitions, effective ways to check misuse of RTI Act may be possible , which may ultimately be beneficial for genuine RTI-applicants. man-hours and frivolous other resources in RTI-applications burden like postal-charges or unnecessary handling public- for on



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