Case IH McCormick-Deering W-14 Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.INT-5192)
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McCormick-Deering W-14 Tractor Operator's Manual INT-5192
THIS SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL INDICATES IMPORTANT SAFETY it ALERT TO THE POSSIBILITY OF PERSONAL INJURY OR DEA TH. MESSAGES IN THIS MANUAL. WHEN YOU SEE THIS SYMBOL, , CAREFULL Y READ THE MESSAGE THA T FOLLOWS AND BE M171B If Safety Decals on this machine use the words Danger, Warning or Caution, which are defined as follows: DANGER: Indicates an immediate hazardous situation which if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. The color associated with Danger is RED. WARNING: Indicates an potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided, will result in serious injury. The color associated with Warning is ORANGE. CAUTION: Indicates an potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. The color associated with Caution is YELLOW. If Safety Decals on this machine are ISO two panel Pictorial, decals are defined as follows: The first panel indicates the nature of the hazard. The second panel indicates the appropriate avoidance of the hazard. Background color is YELLOW.I\:\ it WARNING IMPROPER OPERATION OF THIS MACHINE CAN CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. BEFORE USING THIS MACHINE, MAKE CERTAIN THAT EVERY OPERATOR: Prohibition symbols such as \::::I X and e if used, are RED. Is instructed in safe and proper use of the machine. Reads and understands the Manual(s) pertaining to the machine. Reads and understands ALL Safety Decals on the machine. Clears the area of other persons. Learns and practices safe use of machine controls in a safe, clear area before operating this machine on a job site. It is your responsibility to observe pertinent laws and regulations and follow Case Corporation instructions on machine operation and maintenance. Bur 0-00000 2001 Case Corporation March, 1995 (Revised October, 1997) CASE and IH are registered trade marks of Case Corporation
Instruet:lon Book MeCormick-Deering W-14 Tractor beludlng seetlonal de.'s and part& list J-.,t TO OWNER$- Tbl_ book .... ...... _......,..t ... d ;. fural.t..d ,.... tIM ......,...... .., iii ...... tIM ..... , .' _h. b>l_ti ...... .,......n.1. ~ '" , ............ d _u- of thi$ -.:ru..... n.. __ 1& .......... to ..... .....t u....,. thi$ in.t .... cu- book ........ U _I....,. .,...... h _n:u.d, hot will to. .........s of ,..",factory ........... INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY (J ... cO .. J>O .... T 180 NORTH MICHIGAN "'IE. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. U.S.A. paCIIIl"J: TBla BOOK: (DOlilUTIC. CAlf"D" AlfD IxPOaT)
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- E:x mlne the lr_iqr """wily !MVi *" that fill oel ho{r;;:s (Ir(; c{coow oj paint DntI dil'f- if tmgtlmUliJed otllwluflf'e /CItlmi without fittitl8,$ OT pipe ,Qnnmiql'W\ l o o ~ it tile LulIrh Nil"" Charlo Jj (XInnedl"" /., slwwn, and n.,l in pl_el it W lf l f i ~ ' anil.f1Qu.(r! Oc: rcplactd l,efore .ttlrling. Special Precautions with .. Hew Tractor 1. Before starting a new engine, remove the spark. piugs and put about one o u n ~ of gas engine lubricating oil into each cylinder; replace the spark plui,S and crank the engine to distribute the oil over the cylinder walls. 2. During the first one hundred honrs of operation, mix one pint of engine oil with every five gallons of fuel. 3. Engine is filled with oil suitable for "running in" a new engine. Bt/ore ope-rating unaer looJ, the CTtml{CIlft .JtoulJ k Jrained compldely aM jilled with oil os $fJ ified in the "Lubrication Chtlrl." 4. Tractors shipped Domestic and Canada are properly fined with oil in all parts when shipped from the factory. All oil i$ araimil from trm:tor$ .hipped Exporl.. However, Tractor should be checked over for proper quantities of oil before starting. 5. Complete instructions for oiling are shown on "Lubrication Chart." 6. Do nof o p e r a t ~ a mw Traclor ilrl111iediately o n / u l l ~ . be loaded to full capacity until it has been run light for a reasonable length of time. Do not overloaJ the tractor at 4tt1l time. 1. \Vben tractor lugs are attached to wheels of new tractor, or when new Jugs are attached to old wheels, the lug bolts shoutd be tightened at short intervals in order that lugs may properly seat themselves. 8. Read I tl$lrudion BClQl( ~ f l f ' t / u l 1 g . The Tractor should never Caution: BMed on the fire hazarJ ani iruurancc regulation$, we do not recommend the ule 0/ gQ$oline /or the c1e4nint 0/ POTU, at leost "ot IOhen uroicc I, per/Ot'tTIed imiJe 0/ building,. A leu inflamma1>le fluid than ,awline $houla ~ $o/vent or kerosene. u.ed, men Q$ StoJtlara We reserve the right to make changes in design or add any improvements without incurring the obligation to install such changes on Tractors previously purchased. Ordering Repairs When ordering repairs, be sure to give Serial Number and Model of Tractor and name and number of Part Ordered. This book contains, in addition to instructions Cor operating. instructions and illustrations pertaining t o ~ a i n <:an readily be made. However. the owner should consult the service dealer before attempting a general overhauling or when any mechanical difficulties occur. as he has the necessary equipment for doing the work. simple adjustments and replacements which S/>IOtifi<:l1Jions will K jMZl'l(} on ifuide load( t:(1(Ier. Jndu: will KJounJ on ~ I.
Avoid Accidents Most accidents, whether they occur in industry, on the farm, at home. or on the highway. are caused by the failure of some individual to follow simple and fundamental . afety rules or precautions. For this reason most accidents can be prevented by recognizing the real cause and doing something about it before the accident occurs. Regardless of the care used in the design and construction of any type of equipment. there are many conditions that cannot be completely safeguarded against without interfering with reasonable accessibility and efficient operatioo. A core/ul oper.tor U. u..e e..., Ua.UI'4nU 464i,..t 4n accident. TIt.e complete obael"ll8llCe of one aimp!e rule tDOuld pre- "nt mony thoUMnd aerioua mjuriea each year. Tlut.t rule u.: it u. in modon." ~ c N e f t ! r .ttempt to deem" oil. or culjuat machine while NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL
IMPORTANT The owner will aid in rendering prompt and efficient service. by a careful observance of the following: I-When ordering parts, give the Tractor Serial Number. 2-Write the part number wanted exactly as shown in parts list. 3-All orders should be sent to the Dealer or the Branch House in charge of territory. 4-Give definite shipping instructions. When ordering by tele- graph, prepay, and give correct address. So that you may haw it before you, write both the Tractor and Engine Serial numbers here: Tractor Serial No_. _ _ _ {SI""",," on I"d I Q " ~ 'uP"""'. / ..... ,} Engine No. _________ ____ _ (Sl""",," 0" wi. of ."" ... .... n te_) Do n.ot omit prefix or suffix letters appearing with numbers.
1 INDEX Descriptton Page No. Anti-Preez1D Solutions Carburetor (Gasoline) Carburetor (Distillate) Cold ~ e a t h e r Operation. Distillate Operation. Engine speed control lever. Gasoline Operation. Gear shifting Gov' ernor. . Lincoln Lubricating System. ". Lubrication Manifold heat control O p e r a t ~ Precautions Preparing Tractor for starting (Gasoline Operation) Preparing Tractor for starting (Distillate Operation) Starting Eng1ne (Gasoline Operation) Starting Engine (Distillate Operation). ; Starting Tractor. Stopping Engine Stopping Tractor. Tractor Specifications Winter front 19 15 11 18,19 4 to 11,16 10,14,16 4,12 to 16 16 16 2() 2,4,17,20 8,13 3 4,12,13 4 to 8 14 9 16 10,14 16 nside back cover 5,6,13 TRACTOR MAINTrM.aCr Air Cleaner Corrective Measures Eng ine Ignition Fuel Pump Fuel Strainer Fuel Tanks. Magneto Oil fil tel' Care OVerhauling Spark plug s and Storing Tractor \IIiring. 24,25 33 26 23 .23 23 27 to 32 22 36 to 46 26 34,35 26 . .. " . Cables. 10fl: Polu 12 to 15 are for Gaeo! til' Operct1on. P a ~ . e 5 to 11 are ror Dllttllat. Op.rafton. Pa, alld 16 are for both Oo.oltne and Dtetlllate OperatIons. fh. bolGllce or the book" for both Goeoline and Dtattllate Op.ratlon xc.pt a. not.d. TO O ERS: '!'his 'tractor 1s designed. and bUilt to give good performance and maximum Service. Quality materials and good workmanship are employed through- out the entire unit. '!'he suggestions and requirements for operating outlined in this book are essential to maintain satisfactory performance and economical service. '!'he care and daily attention given the Tractor will largely determine its mainten.ance cost and success of operation. 'tractor Olmers should use the extensive facilities offered by McCormick- Deering and International dealers when service is needed that requires the knowledge of an experience service man. Dealers are kept informed on the best methods of servicing Tractors and are in a position to give satisfactory service. '!'his is advisable as
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2 LUBRICATION s. ~ . I. 'uabers or wet.hts of ott and lubrtcante reeoa.ended. to It Cl' 11J:lg Lubrlcatillg FH,1llgs Air Cleaner Very Light, or Sew1J:lg Machine 011 Approved Lubricant SAE-ISO SAE-20 or Lighter SAE-210 or SAE-40 SUlllller Very Light, or Se1l"1J:lg Machine 011* Approved Lubricant SAE-SO SAE-IO-W or SAE-20-W SAE-20 or Lighter Winter * U.e Iero.ene 1n . a ~ n e t o e o u p l l n ~ durtn, cold weath,r. Be sure to use a mineral oil for lubricat1J:lg this ellgine. top cylinder or va.Ive oils. Do not use Hote: water, sediment, acld, resin or any other substance not derived from petroleum. 011 shall not corrode any metal used in ellgine construction. Engine lubricatiDg oil shall be of well refined Oils, free from Hever check oil level while engine is runni.tlg. Proper lubrlcation is very important and instrucUons should be followed closely. (Bee -Lllbrtcattoll Chort oJ. (Bee Speetal In$tructlOIl, for Cold 'eather Op,raUolI 011 1/4.ee 18 alld un ' TRANSMISSION, STEERING WORM, FRONT A . ~ REAR WKEElS, ETC. Transmission Steerillg Worm, Front and Rear Case Wheels, Etc. Approved Lubricant SAE-160 Approved Lubr1cant SAE-160 SUllllller Approved Lubr1cant SAE-90 Approved Lubr1cant SAE-90 Winter See Instruction on pa,e 20 for !lIlllI' Lubricator. Approved lubricant used for transmissions, etc., Lincoln Syst8lll should be a good grade of oil and contorm to the followillg:- SAE-160 should be used wben m1nimum temperature 1s above 400 F. SAE-90 should be used when m1nimum temperature 1s below 400 F. The preferred lubricant should be made from mineral oil and should be free from so11d material, which are undesirable for baIlor roller bearing lubricat1on.
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