Case IH McCormick-Deering W-12 Tractor Operator’s Manual Instant Download (Publication No.INT-5073)

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  1. McCormick-Deering W-12 Tractor Operator's Manual INT-5073

  2. THIS SAFETY ALERT SYMBOL INDICATES IMPORTANT SAFETY it ALERT TO THE POSSIBILITY OF PERSONAL INJURY OR DEA TH. MESSAGES IN THIS MANUAL. WHEN YOU SEE THIS SYMBOL, , CAREFULL Y READ THE MESSAGE THA T FOLLOWS AND BE M171B If Safety Decals on this machine use the words Danger, Warning or Caution, which are defined as follows: DANGER: Indicates an immediate hazardous situation which if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury. The color associated with Danger is RED. WARNING: Indicates an potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided, will result in serious injury. The color associated with Warning is ORANGE. CAUTION: Indicates an potentially hazardous situation which if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices. The color associated with Caution is YELLOW. If Safety Decals on this machine are ISO two panel Pictorial, decals are defined as follows: The first panel indicates the nature of the hazard. The second panel indicates the appropriate avoidance of the hazard. Background color is YELLOW.I\:\ it WARNING IMPROPER OPERATION OF THIS MACHINE CAN CAUSE INJURY OR DEATH. BEFORE USING THIS MACHINE, MAKE CERTAIN THAT EVERY OPERATOR: Prohibition symbols such as \::::I X and e if used, are RED. Is instructed in safe and proper use of the machine. Reads and understands the Manual(s) pertaining to the machine. Reads and understands ALL Safety Decals on the machine. Clears the area of other persons. Learns and practices safe use of machine controls in a safe, clear area before operating this machine on a job site. It is your responsibility to observe pertinent laws and regulations and follow Case Corporation instructions on machine operation and maintenance. Bur 0-00000 2001 Case Corporation March, 1995 (Revised October, 1997) CASE and IH are registered trade marks of Case Corporation

  3. 'Instrnetton -------;' ~ I e ~ o r m i e k ~ ~ e e ~ i n g W-I2' Traetor, '. >... ~ , < ' .... .. : - 1 < < ~ lueluding f1Jeeti .. u.I'dews and ..... .".......1 an<! I. f ............... f<w .0.. ,............ t>I. p , , , , , , , , . u o i U ~ i . o r l potrtairtlb" to th" ..... and ",..",ti_ t>I. thM ......nine. 1M .ttl.ld:y thiA lnatrw;.tion book eu\d j if ordi:n..,.,. (l .... 1 Ql'clMd .. tid.4t.,..,.. .. , r r i c . ~ TIONA1. HARVESTER COMPANY (UICOIlP01M'IUI) PliI.BI$Zlt'f.ll TliII 80011: (DOMlt$'l'lC, C . L ~ A I l A A.l'ID EXPOa'!.') ";"1'# -"" .If

  4. Hello dear friend! Thank you very much for reading. Enter the link into your browser. The full manual is available for immediate download.

  5. o c:: > Order Genuine Parts for Replacemenb I Satisfactory and efficient service in the operation ot this or any other machine is endangered by the use of" inferior repairs, as cheap parts in- variabty mean short life and high cost. If parts could be manufactured at a lower cost and sold at lower prices without sacrificing quality, this would be done. The right material for the purpose and the knowledge acquired througb many years of manufacturing enables Intemation&l Harvester Company to produce quality that win not be found in imitation repairs . . (J 1 Inferior repair parts are sold forI H C machines. but you take an unnecessary risk when . you buy them. Our customers sbould remember that whenever they find repairs furnished are not as GOOD as the pa.rtS on a New IHe Machine. they are NOT getting GENUINE parts. Buyin, "willJit" JlGr" co .. tie money, La tiM .fOp- tJw clock to ...... dnu. ~

  6. o , E AT' I , C A urI 0 S ' o l l o ~ "Lubr!catlon Chort", h(or. cralliln, f/I,tlll, h ur.:- 1. .htft '.v.r Ie til n.ulral posItion. J. CooZln, sgst I. ,tll.d with wot.r. S. Cran_cD has .uffiCI.nt lubrtealtAi oil. Ih.n, th. ,n,ln., r.tar4 .por. cantrol port W4U. OP,rator .hoUld to ht. po,ltfon .0 01 to auold b.ln, ,truc. b, ,torttll, crall_ if Ih.r. 1s (I r,u.rsol of lh. 4lr.ce10n of lh n,tn. fro. an, cau" whatlo.v.r. ,h,ll start In, th, tractor alwa, n,o'. clutch ,roduollg. 60 .ntln. will pte. up the load .10wl,. rhl. t. par'Lcalarl, n,c,ssoru wh.n '0- In; up a st p htll. elt.bln; out o( d t ~ c h or wh.n hitch.d to a hsau, or dffrlcute load, I.v.r hlteh to a ,ta.p or oth,r object av an. of 0 lon, chotn or rap. with .tac. eo tllat ~ h . n tractor aou forword It w1lt j.ra 1nto til. lood. 'xc - I,u.r ap.rate .n,in. at '01', Cllon tile r.;uiar ,ou.rn.d ,p d. .tu. sp.ed. are dan,. roue. iVarnln,; /)(J nat httch to tll.tractQr at anll potu ue.p' to CII. draw oar. Do not lO pull when drow bar t. r oued. Draw bor Gnd brae. bolt u.t b pc tf,ht. Jlwoj/' UI. d r a ~ bar ond oraee l'II,r ftll ,a.olt", to wll.n la'PI or. 1f,IlUd or 01"4 fI"," II or 'A,tne t. runnln" I p funn.l t. contact wltll .,tal of tan. 101/1,," pourtn, til fu.l. to twold pOlStUIHlI of an ,I.ctrlc .parR '_nitta, the 'ae. B. lI.rg careful about It,httn, .atch 'aloltne, a. th. atr .teliin a rodlu. of u.rol f,.t 1. per- '.at.d .t,h a h';lIlg .xplOSlv. vapor. Car. ,hould b xercla,d wh,n fractor t. til .aC'on to pr, occt- d.ntl and perBonol tnJurt . Do no, Ulf the clutch p.dala oe a foot rut; thl. CaUlfl undul ilIaI' '011 clUCc/l pllru. "I/ltr poar cold wot.r Into radiator tf .n,tn. te hOl, Do lI:ot OUftrl04d tillt '1r4ctor at 011.11 ft f.,P corr.e: otr pr.,aur. til: pneua4ttc ttr { ~ h , n u d}.

  7. 'ASOLIIE. XEROSEI 01 DISTILLATE OPEllTIOI Poro,ropll. or. Ailahr." to corrnponG ."11 Ailab.r, on the U l utrat tOil', 'le'.RATlO.' FOR STARTlla lUlRlCATIOI - ISu -LllbrtcoUoll C/lQr'-). Para. Illust. 1 Oil magneto. Check oil level ot air cleaner. Checlt oil level ot engine crankcase. Check oil level ot transmission ease. Check 011 level of steering worm housing. Check Tractor caretully with -Lubrication Chart". It any lubrication connections are miSSing, replace before startlnc. Lubrluate each place throughout entire Tractor as instructed on "Lubrication Chart" EMiliE COOLIU SYSTEM - (toter copocttJt !Ji 'oHon. 4Pproxta"t,IJ/J. See that drain plUC 1. on radlatordrdn. Remove radiator tiller cap and t111 radiator with clean water. &eep tIlled to full leTel. Use sort or rain water 1t possible. 1 2 3 Do not pour cold water into an empty systelll 'llben engine i. "fer7 hot. In temperature. below zSO,. s Cold oth.r QP.r4,loA po,.. 16 4/U!. 11.

  8. IEROS!"E 01 DISTILLATE OPEIATIOI retraph. ar, lIuab.r.d &0 corr pond wtt. Auab.r. 011 th' Illu.tratIon :,AIATIOI' FOR STAlTI.. Para. Illust. 1I0rl: prout.lon t. aad, tn th, d,.t,n of Lh' ~ - 1 2 'froctor .ntln. to u ,lth,r ,o.oltll'. _.rOI,II, or dt.LIllot. 01 fu,L .tth .tth,r rli.l. leono.'cal , Of rO.8n. or d l . ' t l l o ~ . r.qulr dlf- '.r.n' op.rotint ear. of ,n,ln,. ,oHoli tn.SrucUolI, to 01110'" b.U rllul U. B.for. Iwttehtn, to .,roll.n, or dt.tIILot. ollow .n'ln. to thorouthlll liara Itp. (tv. or etlht .llIlitu or aor. or. u.ual/II lI.c."arv d.p,ndln, on t perature C O I l I l ~ p t t a l l tn ;alloll' Is o.bolit tA, lIaa, )lATOI CUITAII fo assist engine to warm up quickly to burn kerosene or distillate, pull radiator curtain to top or radiator. Atter engine il hot, adjult curtain to a height that will maintain t e m p e ~ a t u r e s ot approximately I9QO F. to 2000 ,. ot water in cooling .515tea. e AdJultment ot curtain will Tary according to load and temperature. 'When starting engine do not change troll gasoUne until engine il hot enough to burn kerosene or distillate. Do not idle engine tor long intervals as engine will get cool, Which il objectionable to best operation on kerosene or distillate. 2 9 not Itart thl In,tn. tn frl.ztn, oth,r Iaportontl .ttlloll' "rat COllirtil, th' rodtator It engine misses or ill alOY to accelerate When start- ing, it i8 likely not hot enough to run on kerosene or distillate. ~ 10 Illustration 10.2 - Radiator Curtain.

  9. IEIOIIE 01 OlSTILLATE OPERATIOI a < Illustration .0. 3 Kerosene or Distillate I'n&tna {'Lett Side) aholliD.i Puel 'IaZllts, Pipes aJld ConneotioWJ. Par(1,raplla ara IldllaT.d to cor,. .. pond tits" nllaba,.e: 011 ,11;. ttirutrattolli. ,IEPA.ATIOII FO. ST 11'" ContinUld Para. Ulust. X.rosene or distillate capaoit,. l ~ gallons. 11 Gasoline capacity 1 , a l l o n Fill 1 ,allon laso11ne tank 1I1th olean gasoline. iosottlll ,. n.c org onlv wh.n '&orttn, olla w o r a t n ~ up til, tn, 1111. r111 tuel tank with clean kerosene or distillate, wt Ch; .'1'0"11' or dl.&1110" Ihut-off ualve clos.d. th. f l tOil. has all otr u . n ~ III cap. Carer.llM .tra!n all fu.l and b. aur. tt t. fre. (roa tora"" .. bltonCI. Open gasoline shut-ott valve. Do not open kerosene or dist111ate valve until engine i. tho;roUlhl,. up. loh: l!httlloC. (ul hould confora to lntulltltlolla! ,arll"'." Coapang ,pec t ff cat tOll'. Place tran5l11i!llllon sear ahitt lever in neutral position- ~ ' l p tht, Ulnt op" 14 15 4.9 AdvaDCe encin. speed control hand l ever Con steering meel) down about ona third. 16 4 Do not ttLll1 adT&nce until eD.iine hes been run a fn .1n;utu. 17 Gasoline shut-ott nlve should be open and l ero5ene or distillate TalV. olosed tor start1ng. 18

  10. - IER03EME 01 DISTILLATE OPERATIO. Illustration No. 4 A Detail of Spark Control Lever Illustration 10. 4 - Controls PI '1R1TI015 FOR STARTII' - Continued UIIFOLO IIUT eOITROL Para. Illust. Push the manifold heat control lever (located on lert s1de ot ruel tank) 10 all the way to last notch which 1s WHotW or starting position. It t. I.portont that control l.ver b. prop.rlv a.t '0 carr.apond with fu.l betn; uaed end operettn, condttton 19 When start10g Oll gualine and operat1og on kerosene or distillat 1t will be desirable to keep the valve in ~ H o t pos1t10n most of the time unless the weather 1.s very hot. III hot weather wi th a heaT'1 10e4 on the engine, good result. may b. obta1oed with this val,.. 10 intermediate or Cold" posit10n, but generally, better results will be secured 1t the intake manifold 1s kept hot when using kerosene or distillate. It not kept hot, tuel will not be properly vaporized and dilut10n ot the crankcase lubricating oil, as well as imperfect r e g u l ~ t 1 o n ot engine will result. lor.: - If .,.,tn. t. to ~ . op.rat,d wh.1l : p.ratur or. b.lo. 32' t . e. ,plclcl tn.'ruction. for Cold '.oth.r op.r"Uoll p ~ 2l .. 16 and 17. -

  11. 8 ----------------------------------------- . KERO'EIE OR DISTILLATE O'EIATIOI TO ST ART 16 III E Para. Illult. Retard spo)k bg aoul., .par. control l,v.r all the liaR to til. left. 4 & 4A 22 2$ 3 Push up on tne choke rod all the 1. in,. en,t t. cold and trounded. erank en,t.a roptdlv tbr or tour revolwttone. Move sparx' lever to starting position, about one- quarter open, IIOve choke rod one-hal! open and crank engine using quick up-strokes until engine starts. The use ot choke tor starting nll vary depending on temperature and altitude. 24 Do not use choke to enrich tuel mixture except "hen starting ehe angine. ,eu.r op.rat, .n,ln. IIlth cho_, partill 011. 25 As soon Il$ engine starts, the ohoke should be ad.justett to where the encine runs n thout .!l1i ssing, Gild a$ til Il,tn. war uP. th, chok. ahould Oe trouuallv 0p8 4 all tit, lMoR_ 26 4 & 4A 4 & 4A Advance spark control lever. lOT.: Do not ataft 'he en'tne wttll th. apor_ lavar fu11V advanced, a. lh.r, ta dolt,.r of c oacM-ftr, or .tel" whLCh -ON 2? 28 t n J ~ r . the op.Tator. See that 011 pressure indioator is registering pressure. 29 Should engine stall on kerosene or distillate it can be started by cranking tf tt t. hot .nau,h. 3J It' engine has been stopped Qn kerosene or distillate and is cold, drain the carburetor fuel bowl. Then proceed in accordance With starting engine instructions. If difficulty is experienced, .,. Corractive 'easar." Olt pot. 33. 31 Since the governor maintains constant engine speed under variable loads, the engine speed control hand lever should be used only to reduce the speed or the engine below n o r ~ a l operating speed; with ~ n g i n e speed oontrol hand leTer retarded, Tar, little load can 08 handled by the engine. 44 32

  12. KEROSENE OR DISTILLATE OPERAT10M AFT R .61. IS WARHEO UP Paxa. Illust. After engine is thoroughly warmed up, which should be in from 5 to 8 minutes, change over to operate on kerosene or d 1 s t i l l & t ~ by closing gasoline shut-ott valve tight, and qUickly open kerosene or distillate valve. Neuer haue both ualues open, or partZv open, at the ap, tt.e, o,h,rlll1a, hrosene or dletillaU wILL .tx wIth 'a.ol!n., aaktn, It unsa '.'actorv lor .tartln,. 3 Advance spark and engine speed control levers for load to be handled. 4 TIl STOl' Ell OlliE 35 Close kerosene or distillate shut-otr valve and imme- diately open gasoline valve. Run engine on gasoline 2 or 3 minutes, long enough to empty fuel lines ot kerosene or distHlate, and till lines and fuel bowl with gasoline. This will insure gasoline in the ruel bowl for staxtlDg. :5 36 3 Close fuel shut-ot'! valve. 4 & 4A 37 Set spark control to tull retard position. It (s taportont to e that fuel bowl te not Itlled with Nerostnt or 4t,,'llo, wh.n ,n,Ine 1 lort,d. Thta .aRe. th' ,tortln, Of th' 8l!1111. dtfftcult and ullaer ao.t condHlolI tapou'llIl. to .tort. Ine automatic grounding Switch on the magneto can be used in emergenc:iu, when. the engine !!lUst i.le stopped quickly. lot.: - Se. pale IS for tn.tructtons 011 Stortllll Gnd Stopptn, fractor. -

  13. Description. Ur intake. Starting shutter shatto and lever assellibly. . Fuel pipe connection and screen retainer. Fuel adjusting screw. Idling adjusting screw. Idle throttle adjusting screw. Throttle shatt assembly. 1 2 a 4 5 (; 7 Illustration No. 5 The IHC Xodel A -10 Carburetor is or conventional downdraft. plain tube con_ struction, and is llIOunted on a hot-spot manifold with adJustable heat control Th( .e proper mixture ot tuel and air 15 controlled by the main tuel adjustment see Ref,No.4) and the idle tuel adjustment (No.5). The throttle position to give the proper idling engine speed is controlled by the tdle throttle stop screw <Ho. 6) Before startin6 the engine for the first time, set the main fuel adjusting screw (No,4) 2t to ~ ~ s open and the ldle fuel adjusting sere. (No.5) 11 to 21 ~ s open. Also set manifold heat control valve in "Rot" posi tion. MAl. FUEL AOJUSTMEMT Atter starting, allow engine to run on gasoline about 20 minutes with engine speed control hand leTer tully advanced and manifold heat control valve in "Bot"pos1tlon". Have radlator completely covered with curta1n during this period. Betore turning OTer to kerosene or di.tillate and ... i tn spark in i advanced position. slowly screwlll&in tuel adjusting screw (No.4) in until engine slo ... s down .lightly, then turn over to kerosene or distillate. No ... turn adjusting screw in until engine starts to miss or operate unsteadily t then unscrew until steady 15 obtained at thiS speed. For best operation and lIIinilllUlll dilutlon, keep adjustment as leen as possible. Screw in tor lean and out tor riCh load mixture. tOLE FUEL AOJUSTMEMT Yhl1e operating on gasoline, retard angine speed control hand lever to about t advence, spark t advance. Sere. in idle throttle stop screw (No.6) untll the engine speed increases slightly_ low screw idle fuel adjusting sere ... (10.5) until engine ~ s steadily. Unsere ... idle throttle stop sere. (No.6) until the engine idles at desired speed with engine speed control hand l e ~ e r in tull retard position. It lIIay be necessary to correct this adjustment aUghtly after completing uin load adJustment on kerosene or distillate. Idle adjusting acre .. turns in tor rich and out for leen mixture. tARE OF CAleU.ETOR The tuel screen .mould be cleaned occasionally_ Fuel screen 1s relDOved by unscrenng tilter plug (No .3). Flange nl1ts ... hicn hold csrburetor to manifold should be checked periodically tor t1ghtness. MOT SPOT NA*IFOLO - KEIOSEM 01 DISTILLATE O' IATIOM A tu.ll range ot mixture telllperaturu ill nailaole by changingtbe setting ot the heat control valn on the hot .pot manifold. The engine should never ~ operated on kerosene or dtlt111ate. with the valve in all "Cold" position. At normal all' temperatures, tbe valve lIhould be in ! to f ~ n o t ~ when operaf- ing on kerosene or distillate. At lower temperatures, SOO to 35 , the . a ~ r ! should be i to full "Bot-, At lower temperatures, the valve should be in a "Hot" poSition and tbe radiator curtain raised. Par satisfactory cold weather operation on kerosene or distillate, the radia tor curtain must be raised, the amount to depend on load end tiilllIpeu,ture _

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  15. 11 GASOLINE OPERATION ( l H H H ~ ) - ~ HI1t p<HKimt-- Mcmili>fd /tNt _,'> conftM Ie"", Cold politicK""'/ ( Illustration No. 6 - Eugin$ (l$tt side) p ~ r Q ' r a p h 8 are nU&befed tv cOffespond wIth nu.bers on the IllustratIons. PREPARATIONS FOR STARTING Para. !11ust. Fuel tank capacity is approximately 11 gallons. Fill fuel tank with clean gasoline. Carefully strain all fuel and be sure it is free from foreign substance. Open fuel tank shut-off valve under the tuel tank. 1 6 e 2 6 lOT.: - If tractor has been tn storais for a l o ~ t partod ee spectal tnstructtons on paie 35. the fuel tanl! has an aIr (lent In cap. lIent open. [UP tilts ----------------------------------------------------------------------

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