Breakfast Meal Pattern and Menu Ideas for School Year 2013-2014
Explore the breakfast meal pattern, component requirements, and calorie ranges for the school year 2013-2014 as outlined by the Wyoming Department of Education. Understand the objectives, general requirements, and age-grade groups involved, along with the daily breakfast component requirements and the concept of Serve vs. Offer. Discover strategies to plan nutritious and balanced breakfast menus for students in different grade levels.
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Whats for Breakfast SY 2013-2014? Wyoming Department of Education June 2013 Terry Walling ~ Tamra Jackson
Objectives: 1. Understand the new breakfast meal pattern, component requirements and calorie ranges; 2. Take away one week s worth of menu ideas; 3. Find ways to tweak menus already in use to fit the new pattern Wyoming Department of Education 2013 2
LIVE IN THE MOMENT! Wyoming Department of Education 2013 3
General Requirements: 1. All SFAs must use FOOD BASED MENU PLANNING for breakfast; 2. Nutrient Standard and Enhanced are gone; 3. We will all use one way to plan breakfast Wyoming Department of Education 2013 4
Three age-grade groups: K-5 6-8 9-12 K-12: there is overlap in component requirements and calorie ranges so K-12 is possible Wyoming Department of Education 2013 5
Three age-grade groups: K-5: 6-8: 9-12: K-12: K-8: 400-500 calories Calorie average over the WEEK 350-500 calories 400-550 calories 450-600 calories 450-500 calories Wyoming Department of Education 2013 6
Three age-grade groups: K-5: minimum 7 grain oz eq/week 6-8: minimum 8 grain oz eq/week 9-12: minimum 9 grain oz eq/week MAXIMUM LIMIT has been lifted on grain just as it has been for lunch for school year 2013-2014. Wyoming Department of Education 2013 7
3 Daily Breakfast component requirements: ~Grain ~Fruit ~Milk Food component: one of 3 food groups that comprise reimbursable breakfasts Food item: a specific food offered within the 3 food components; must offer at least 4 food items daily; under OVS, student may decline only one, even if more than 4 items are offered Wyoming Department of Education 2013 8
Serve OR Offer vs. Serve Under OVS for SY 2013-2014, SFA must offer at least 4 food items and students may decline one food item. Food items selected may be from any of the required components and must be in at least the minimum daily portions: ie: 1oz eq grain; 1/2cup fruit/juice; 1 cup milk SERVE is an OPTION at BREAKFAST for all grades K-12, which is different from lunch where 9-12 MUST be OVS. Wyoming Department of Education 2013 9
Lets start with the two easiest: MILK FRUIT/VEGETABLE/100% JUICE Wyoming Department of Education 2013 10
Food Component: MILK MUST offer at least two options; MUST offer 1 cup daily to all grade-groups; MUST offer ONLY: ~ 1%/low-fat unflavored; ~ skim/fat-free unflavored; ~ skim/fat-free flavored; Applies to all service types: traditional, breakfast in the classroom, grab-n-go, etc. Wyoming Department of Education 2013 11
Food Component: FRUIT MUST offer at least cup fruit/vegetable/100% juice each day to all grade groups; NO change to existing juice/fruit/vegetable component; Vegetables and fruits may be offered interchangeably; NO substitution requirements, NO vegetable sub-group requirements Wyoming Department of Education 2013 12
Food Component: FRUIT Juice must be 100% juice; NO limitations on juice in SY 2013-2014; Students are NOT required to take fruit under OVS for SY 2013-2014. But do remember: student may only decline one food item at breakfast under OVS. Wyoming Department of Education 2013 13
Food Component: FRUIT Work toward 1 cup fruit/day; Work toward no more than half fruit/vegetable offerings in form of juice starting SY 2014-2015; Many SFAs are already offering students 1 cup fruit/vegetable/ or 100% juice at breakfast Wyoming Department of Education 2013 14
Now lets look at GRAIN Wyoming Department of Education 2013 15
To review the required components for breakfast: GRAIN GRAIN FRUIT MILK Wyoming Department of Education 2013 16
Food Component: GRAIN MUST offer at least 1 oz eq of grain each day; MUST meet weekly minimum for each grade group: ~K-5: 7 oz eq per week minimum ~6-8: 8 oz eq per week minimum ~9-12: 9 oz eq per week minimum HALF of grain offered must be 50% whole grain-rich SY 2013-2014, same as lunch; all must be whole grain-rich SY 2014-15. Wyoming Department of Education 2013 17
What about large 2oz eq grain items? How are those counted? GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN GRAIN Wyoming Department of Education 2013 18
Food Component: GRAIN Optional flexibility: substitute meat/meat alternate MAY offer meat/meat alternate in place of part of grain component AFTER the minimum daily grains requirement if offered in the menu or planned breakfast A 1 oz eq of meat/meat alternate may credit as 1 oz eq of grains Wyoming Department of Education 2013 19
Optional Flexibility: Meat/meat alternate as EXTRA MAY offer meat/meat alternate as an extra food and not credit toward grain component; Meat/meat alternate is NOT required; Would not count toward a component Wyoming Department of Education 2013 20
What would it look like to substitute a meat for a grain? MEAT/MA in place of 2nd grain GRAIN FRUIT MILK Wyoming Department of Education 2013 21
What might a reimbursable breakfast look like under OVS? MEAT/MA in place of 2nd grain GRAIN FRUIT MILK Wyoming Department of Education 2013 22
And a reimbursable breakfast could look like this under OVS: MEAT/MA in place of 2nd grain GRAIN FRUIT MILK Wyoming Department of Education 2013 23
What would it look like have meat/meat alternate as an extra ? MEAT/MA as an extra GRAIN GRAIN FRUIT MILK Wyoming Department of Education 2013 24
So lets compare: SUBSTITUE meat/meat alternate for grain this works: yogurt, fruit and milk EXTRA meat/ma this works: grain, fruit, milk and meat/ma is EXTRA Wyoming Department of Education 2013 25
Recap: Offer vs. Serve Under OVS for SY 2013-2014, SFA must offer at least 4 food items and students may decline one food item. Food items selected may be from any of the required components and must be in at least the minimum daily portions: ~ ie: 1oz eq grain; 1/2cup fruit/juice; 1 cup milk Wyoming Department of Education 2013 26
Lets look at current minimum for traditional: Does it still work for SY 2013-2014? Wyoming Department of Education 2013 27
Does it still work for SY 2013-2014? YES! YES! NO! Wyoming Department of Education 2013 28
MUST offer 1 oz eq grain daily NO! YES! Wyoming Department of Education 2013 29
What if I offerand kids can have all? Does this work? Why or why not? Wyoming Department of Education 2013 30
What if I offer? Does this work? What do you need to know? What can be declined? Wyoming Department of Education 2013 31
Multiple Choices: For an SFA that offers many choices for breakfast (ie: 13 items), the decline only one item does not work as the student would have to take 12 of the 13 items. Look at combinations that are possible and EDUCATE-EDUCATE-EDUCATE! Wyoming Department of Education 2013 32
Monday Choose One: Tuesday Choose one: Cereal and toast Cereal and yogurt Bagel w/ cream cheese Breakfast sandwich Toast and string cheese Cereal and toast Muffin and yogurt Breakfast Pizza Breakfast sandwich Toast and string cheese FRUIT: Choose one: 1/2cup fruit, fresh fruit OR 1/2cup juice FRUIT: Choose one: 1/2cup fruit, fresh fruit OR 1/2cup juice MILK: Choose one: skim choc, 1% unflavored, or skim unflavored MILK: Choose one: skim choc, 1% unflavored, or skim unflavored Wyoming Department of Education 2013 33
Can combination items still work? We think so Cereal bar, string cheese: 1-2grain/1 ma Breakfast wrap: 1 grain/1 meat/ma Pancake on a stick: 1-2grain/1 meat/ma Breakfast sandwich: 2 grain/1-2 meat/ma Yogurt parfait: IF it has at least 1 oz GRAIN then yes, with 1 ma Egg/cheese patty w/toast: 1 grain/2 ma But READ labels and consult the bread/grain chart! Calculate calories! Wyoming Department of Education 2013 34
Q: Where will the extra or substitution be documented? A: On the Food Production Records. There is an area on the breakfast tab to mark meat as a substitution for grain . The new "production records are available: On the DE Web site:, then School Nutrition Standards, then New Meal Pattern Production Record Wyoming Department of Education 2013 35
Q: What about potato products for breakfast? A: For SY 2013-2014: NO substitution requirements; NO vegetable sub-group requirements; Vegetables and fruits may be offered interchangeably; May offer hash browns and mixed items at breakfast if calories allow Wyoming Department of Education 2013 37
Q: Whats up with the bread/grain chart? The NEW bread/grain chart goes into effect SY2013-2014 for breakfast and lunch; Grain amount increases from 14.75 to 16 grams; Cereal (flakes/rounds) must be 1cup or 1 oz (many are 15/16oz, cup so check labels) Check labels: some 2 oz eq items will now be 1.75 oz eq or less Wyoming Department of Education 2013 38
Q: Will my current menu still work? A:That depends on what is being offered and how substitutions and/or extras are handled. There are so many different ways to do breakfast. Start with what you have and then make additions or subtractions. Wyoming Department of Education 2013 39
Take away messages for breakfast SY 2013-14: Calorie Ranges in effect; 3 components offered daily: Grain-Fruit-Milk; Weekly MINIMUMS for grain with minimum of 1 oz eq grain offered daily; At least 4 food items offered daily; cup fruit/vegetable/100% juice daily; Milk: two types; 1% and skim unflavored, skim flavored; Zero grams trans-fat. No more meat-meat! Wyoming Department of Education 2013 40
Terry Walling: Tamra Jackson: Wyoming Department of Education 2013 41