Bacterial Pathogenesis: Key Concepts and Factors

Pathogenesis of bacterial infection
2. Stages of bacterial pathogenesis
4. Bacterial virulence factors
5. Enzymes production
6. Pathogenicity islands
7. Typical stages if infectious disease
 A P T E R C O N T E N T S
Most bacteria are 
or often 
, some are
For bacteria 
to cause disease (to be pathogenic) 
, it needs to have
some attributes to help it 
reach the host 
persist within the
, then causing harm (disease) to the host.
Characteristics of bacteria that are pathogens are sometimes
referred to as virulence factors :
adherence to host cells
invasion of host cells and tissues
the ability to evade or survive the host’s immune system.
Resistance to antimicrobials and disinfectants
Pathogenesis of bacterial infection
The pathogen:
A microorganism capable of causing disease in the
is the ability of m.o to produce disease in a host.
Opportunistic pathogens
are those that rarely, cause disease in
immunocompetent people but can cause serious infection in
immunocompromised patients. These opportunists are frequent
members of the body’s normal microbiota.
is the quantitative measure of pathogenicity, which is
measured by the number of organisms required to cause disease.
Virulent agents 
cause disease when introduced into the host in small
numbers. Virulence involves adherence, persistence, invasion, and
Non pathogen:
A microorganism that does not cause disease; may be
part of the normal microbiota.
Multiplication of an infectious agent within the body.
Multiplication of the bacteria that are part of the 
normal microbiota
of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, and so on, is generally 
considered an infection
; on the other hand, multiplication of
pathogenic bacteria 
species) even if the person is
asymptomatic is deemed 
an infection
The infectious dose: 
an organism required to cause disease varies
among the pathogenic bacteria. For example, 
both cause diarrhea by infecting the gastrointestinal tract, but the
infectious dose of 
is less than 100 organisms, whereas the
infectious dose of 
is on the order of 100,000 organisms.
The infectious dose of bacteria depends 
on their 
virulence factors
(e.g., whether their 
 allow them to adhere well to mucous
membranes, or they produce 
exotoxins or endotoxins
, whether they
possess a 
 to protect them from phagocytosis, and whether
can survive 
various nonspecific host defenses such as acid in the
Many, but not all, infections are 
they are spread
from host to host
). For example, 
is communicable (i.e., it
is spread from person to person via 
airborne droplets produced by
), but 
 is not, because the exotoxin produced by the
organism in the contaminated food affects only those eating that
If a disease is highly communicable, the term contagious
Many infections are 
asymptomatic or in apparent 
our host
defenses have eliminated the microorganism before it could
multiply to sufficient numbers to cause the symptoms of disease
can be detected only by demonstrating a rise in antibody titer or by
isolating the organism.
Certain other infections lead to a 
carrier state
A person  with
asymptomatic infection that can be transmitted to another
susceptible person.
Most bacterial infections are acquired from an external source.
However, some bacterial infections are caused by members of the
normal microbiota. A generalized sequence of the stages of infection
is as follows:
(1) Transmission from an external source into the portal of entry.
(2) Evasion of primary host defenses such as skin or stomach acid.
(3) Adherence to mucous membranes, usually by bacterial pili.
(4) Colonization by growth of the bacteria at the site of adherence.
(5) Disease symptoms caused by toxin production or invasion
accompanied by inflammation.
Host immune response to each of the mentioned stages
(7)  Progression or resolving of disease.
The mode of transmission of many infectious diseases is “
” but infectious diseases are also transmitted from 
such as 
soil, water, and animals
 are inanimate objects, such as towels, that serve as a source
of microorganisms that can cause infectious diseases.
Pathogens exit the infected patient most frequently from the
respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts; hence transmission to the
new host usually occurs via 
airborne respiratory droplets or fecal
contamination of food and water
Organisms can also be transmitted by 
sexual contact, urine, skin
contact, blood transfusions, contaminated needles, or biting insects
Some bacteria that commonly cause disease in humans exist
primarily in animals and incidentally infect humans.
For example, 
Salmonella and Campylobacter 
species typically
infect animals and are transmitted in food products to humans.
- The 
Clostridium species 
are ubiquitous in many environmental
sources and are transmitted to humans by ingestion
Clostridium perfringens 
gastroenteritis and 
-  or when wounds are contaminated by soil (eg, C. perfringens [gas
gangrene] and C. tetani [tetanus])
Pathogenic organisms can spread from one host to another by
a variety of mechanisms. These include:
a. Direct contact 
include sexually transmitted
diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea
b. Indirect contact 
(via fomites such as clothes , pencils and
drinking cups)
Droplet nuclei 
(such as meningococci and TB)
of food or drink contaminated by pathogens.
Foodborne such as (dysentery) Waterborne such as (cholera )
Inoculation the pathogens 
can be inculcated directly into human
skin or mucosa via different ways such as (wounds , burns ,doge
bite, using contaminated needles and syringes).
modes of transmission of
Bacteria, viruses, and other microbes can also be
transmitted from mother to offspring
, a process called
vertical transmission
The three modes by which organisms are transmitted vertically are
Across the placenta
Within the birth canal during birth
3. Via breast milk
Horizontal transmission 
person-to-person transmission 
that is
not from mother to offspring.
Iatrogenic and laboratory infections 
Pathogens transmission
can happen for example during administration of injections,
lumber puncture, exchange transfusion, dialysis, catheterization
and other.
 Laboratory personnel handling infectious material.
The most frequent portals of entry of pathogenic bacteria into the
body are the 
sites where mucous membranes meet with the skin
which are:
The respiratory tract (upper and lower airways)
Gastrointestinal (primarily mouth)
Genital tract
Urinary tract .
Abnormal areas of mucous membranes and skin (eg, cuts, burns,
and other injuries).
Normal skin and mucous membranes provide the primary defense
against infection.
-To cause disease, pathogens must overcome these barriers
Portals of entry
Many factors determine bacterial virulence or the ability to cause
infection and disease.
When bacteria enter the body of the host, and to cause infection, they
must adhere to cells of a tissue surface. If they did not adhere, 
would be swept away by mucus and other fluids that bathe the tissue
Adherence, which is only one step in the infectious process, is followed
by development of colonies and subsequent steps in the pathogenesis of
Certain bacteria have specialized structures (e.g., 
) or produce
substances (e.g., 
capsules or glycocalyces
) that allow them to adhere to
the surface of human cells, thereby enhancing their ability to cause
disease. These adherence mechanisms are essential for organisms that
attach to mucous membranes.
For example, the 
Neisseria gonorrhoeae 
E. coli 
mediate the
attachment of the organisms to the urinary tract epithelium
and the
Staphylococcus epidermidis 
and certain 
allows the organisms to adhere strongly to the
endothelium of heart valves.
After the bacteria attach, some bacteria form a protective matrix
consisting of various polysaccharides proteins.
Bacterial biofilms are aggregate or 
clusters of bacteria that are
attached to a surface and/or to each other and embedded in a self-
produced matrix
Biofilms form on foreign bodies such as 
prosthetic joints
heart valves
, and 
intravenous catheters
, but they also form on
native structures such as heart valves.
Biofilms may form on living or 
non-living surfaces 
and can be
prevalent in natural, industrial 
and hospital settings
persistence on surfaces,
evasion of the immune response
antimicrobial resistance
For example 
biofilms play an important role
in the persistence of 
in the
lungs of cystic fibrosis patients.
A huge advantage for bacteria to 
reach the host
, and 
evade the
immune system
 is for a bacterium to be 
– to have the ability
to direct its own movement.
The bacterial 
is an amazingly complex machine with
a diversity of roles in pathogenesis including 
reaching the optimal
host site
at the infection
site, and 
post-infection dispersal
2. Motility
After the 
 of bacteria, they 
 and then 
body by spreading through tissues or via the lymphatic
system to the bloodstream and cause bacteremia.
This infection (bacteremia) can be transient or persistent.
Bacteremia allows bacteria to spread widely in the body and
permits them to reach tissues particularly suitable for their
Receptors for the bacteria on the surface of cells determine, the
organs affected
For example, certain bacteria  infect the brain because receptors for
these microbes are located on the surface of brain neurons.
Some bacteria (ex. 
) invade tissues through the
junctions between epithelial cells.
The major mechanism by which bacteria cause disease is the
production of toxins. 
Toxins produced by bacteria are generally
classified into two groups:
These toxins are produced by Many 
gram positive and gram
negative bacteria.
Exotoxins are antigenic and induce antibodies called antitoxins.
When treated with formaldehyde or acid or heat, the exotoxin
polypeptides are converted into toxoids, which are used in
protective vaccines 
because they retain their antigenicity but
have lost their toxicity.
Toxoids, such as tetanus toxoid, are used to immunize against
Exotoxins can be grouped into several categories (e.g.,
neurotoxins, cytotoxins, and enterotoxins) based on their 
on host cells.
Many exotoxins have an A–B subunit structure; 
the A (active or toxic)
subunit possesses the toxic activity
, and 
the B (binding) subunit is
responsible for binding the exotoxin to specific receptors 
on the
membrane of the human cell.
: the toxins produced by Clostridium spp. for example, the
botulinum toxin 
formed by C. botulinum.
: e.g. 
diphtheria toxin
, which is produced by
. This cytotoxin inhibits protein synthesis
in many cell types by catalyzing  ADP-ribosylation of elongation factor
II, which blocks elongation of the growing peptide chain.
Exotoxins associated with diarrheal diseases are
frequently called enterotoxins
stimulate hypersecretion of water and electrolytes from the intestinal
epithelium and thus produce watery diarrhea.
shiga-like enterotoxin from   E. coli
cholera toxin
Examples of exotoxines
The endotoxin {Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)} of gram-negative bacteria.
It is a components of the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria
are often liberated when the bacteria lyse. The substances are heat
They have three main regions
The lipid 
 is the toxic component of LPS. It induces the
overproduction of cytokines, such as TNF-
 and interleukin-1 from
macrophages, which causes the symptoms of septic shock, such as
fever and hypotension
the lipid A moiety confers toxicity
the core polysaccharide
an outermost O-antigen.
Endotoxins are poorly antigenic, do not induce antitoxins, and do not
form toxoids
Pathogenic bacteria produce enzymes
to degrade tissues and spread
infection. E.g  
Hyaluronidase and
are enzymes that
hydrolyze hyaluronic acid and collagen
respectively, constituents of the
ground substance of connective
Immunoglobulin A (IgA) protease
which degrades IgA, allowing the
organism to adhere to mucous
Bacteria produce 
directly kill cells 
usually by forming
pores in their membranes 
4. Enzyme production
Large groups of genes that are associated with pathogenicity and are
located on the bacterial chromosome are termed 
islands (PAIs)
. They are large organized groups of genes, usually
10–200 kb in size.
The genes that encode many virulence factors in bacteria are
clustered in 
pathogenicity islands 
on the bacterial chromosome.
For example
, in many bacteria, the genes encoding adhesions,
invasions, and exotoxins are adjacent to each other on these islands.
The major properties of PAIs are as follows:
They have 
one or more 
virulence genes
They are present in the genome of 
pathogenic members 
a species but absent in the nonpathogenic members
They are 
They typically have a 
different guanine plus cytosine 
(G + C)
content than the rest of the bacterial genome
They often have 
genetic instability
Pathogenicity islands are found in many 
Gram-negative rods
, such
E. coli
, and 
Vibrio cholerae
and in 
Gram-positive cocci
, such as 
S. pneumoniae
 : The polysaccharide capsule prevents the phagocyte
from adhering to bacteria.
Encapsulated strains of many bacteria (such as 
Neisseria meningitides 
) are 
more virulent and more
resistant to phagocytosis and intracellular killing 
non encapsulated strains.
Cell wall proteins of the gram-positive cocci
, such as the
M protein 
of the group A streptococci (
Streptococci pyogenes
protein A
Staphylococcus aureus
The M protein is antiphagocytic, and protein A binds to
immunoglobulin G (IgG) and prevents the activation of complement
Antiphagocytic and other factors
Some bacteria survive intracellularly within the body cells such as
macrophage and are shielded from humoral antibodies.
These bacteria must possess specialized mechanisms to protect
them from the harsh effects of the lysosomal enzymes encountered
within the cell :
inhibition of the fusion of the phagosome with the lysosome
, which
allows the organisms to avoid the degradative enzymes in the
inhibition of acidification of the phagosome
, which reduces the
activity of the lysosomal degradative enzymes.
escape from the phagosome into the cytoplasm
, where there are
no degradative enzymes.
Intracellular survival
A typical stages of acute infectious disease has four stages:
The incubation period
, which is the time between 
the acquisition
of the organism (or toxin) and the beginning of symptoms 
(this time
varies from hours to days to weeks, depending on the organism).
The prodrome period
the time during which nonspecific
such as fever, malaise, and loss of appetite occur.
The specific-illness period
during which the overt characteristic
signs and symptoms of the disease occur
The recovery period
, also known as the convalescence period,
during which the illness abates and the patient returns to the
healthy state
Staphylococcus aureus 
pyogenic diseases 
, and 
septic arthritis
, as well as 
, exotoxine-mediated diseases such as 
toxic shock syndrome
scalded skin syndrome
, and 
food poisoning
 How do bacteria that belong to the same genus and species cause
such widely divergent diseases?
The answer is that 
individual bacteria produce different virulence
factors that endow those bacteria with the capability to cause
different diseases.
Further reading and material
. Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology; 28
edition; 2019
    2. Review of Medical Microbiology & Immunology:
A Guide to Clinical Infectious Diseases, 16
 edition 2020
Slide Note

Bacterial pathogenesis involves the ability of certain bacteria to cause disease by attributes such as transmissibility, adherence, motility, invasion, and toxigenicity. Pathogens can exploit host defenses, while virulence determines the severity of infection. Learn about opportunistic pathogens, non-pathogens, and the concept of infection, including the infectious dose required for different bacteria.

  • Bacterial Pathogenesis
  • Virulence Factors
  • Pathogenicity
  • Infection
  • Opportunistic Pathogens

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BACTERIAL PATHOGENESIS Dr. Wasan Abdul-elah Bakir

  2. Objective 1. Pathogenesis of bacterial infection 2. Stages of bacterial pathogenesis 3. Transmission 4. Bacterial virulence factors 5. Enzymes production 6. Pathogenicity islands 7. Typical stages if infectious disease

  3. Pathogenesis of bacterial infection Most bacteria are harmless or often beneficial, some are pathogenic. For bacteria to cause disease (to be pathogenic) , it needs to have some attributes to help it reach the host and persist within the host and replicate, then causing harm (disease) to the host. Characteristics of bacteria that are pathogens are sometimes referred to as virulence factors : transmissibility adherence to host cells motility persistence invasion of host cells and tissues Toxigenicity the ability to evade or survive the host s immune system. Resistance to antimicrobials and disinfectants

  4. The pathogen: A microorganism capable of causing disease in the host. Pathogenicity: is the ability of m.o to produce disease in a host. Opportunistic pathogens: are those that rarely, cause disease in immunocompetent people but can cause serious infection in immunocompromised patients. These opportunists are frequent members of the body s normal microbiota. Virulence: is the quantitative measure of pathogenicity, which is measured by the number of organisms required to cause disease. Virulent agents cause disease when introduced into the host in small numbers. Virulence involves adherence, persistence, invasion, and toxigenicity. Non pathogen: A microorganism that does not cause disease; may be part of the normal microbiota.

  5. Infection: Multiplication of an infectious agent within the body. Multiplication of the bacteria that are part of the normal microbiota of the gastrointestinal tract, skin, and so on, is generally not considered an infection; on the other hand, multiplication of pathogenic bacteria (eg, Salmonella species) even if the person is asymptomatic is deemed an infection. The infectious dose: an organism required to cause disease varies among the pathogenic bacteria. For example, Shigella and Salmonella both cause diarrhea by infecting the gastrointestinal tract, but the infectious dose of Shigella is less than 100 organisms, whereas the infectious dose of Salmonella is on the order of 100,000 organisms.

  6. The infectious dose of bacteria depends on their virulence factors (e.g., whether their pili allow them to adhere well to mucous membranes, or they produce exotoxins or endotoxins, whether they possess a capsule to protect them from phagocytosis, and whether they can survive various nonspecific host defenses such as acid in the stomach). Many, but not all, infections are communicable (i.e., they are spread from host to host). For example, tuberculosisis communicable (i.e., it is spread from person to person via airborne droplets produced by coughing), but botulism is not, because the exotoxin produced by the organism in the contaminated food affects only those eating that food. If a disease is highly communicable, the term contagiousis applied.

  7. Many infections are asymptomatic or in apparent because our host defenses have eliminated the microorganism before it could multiply to sufficient numbers to cause the symptoms of disease. can be detected only by demonstrating a rise in antibody titer or by isolating the organism. Certain other infections lead to a carrier state: A person with asymptomatic infection that can be transmitted to another susceptible person.

  8. Stages of bacterial pathogenesis Most bacterial infections are acquired from an external source. However, some bacterial infections are caused by members of the normal microbiota. A generalized sequence of the stages of infection is as follows: (1) Transmission from an external source into the portal of entry. (2) Evasion of primary host defenses such as skin or stomach acid. (3) Adherence to mucous membranes, usually by bacterial pili. (4) Colonization by growth of the bacteria at the site of adherence. (5) Disease symptoms caused by toxin production or invasion accompanied by inflammation. (6) Host immune response to each of the mentioned stages (7) Progression or resolving of disease.

  9. The mode of transmission of many infectious diseases is human-to- human, but infectious diseases are also transmitted from nonhuman sources such as soil, water, and animals. Fomites are inanimate objects, such as towels, that serve as a source of microorganisms that can cause infectious diseases. Pathogens exit the infected patient most frequently from the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts; hence transmission to the new host usually occurs via airborne respiratory droplets or fecal contamination of food and water. Organisms can also be transmitted by sexual contact, urine, skin contact, blood transfusions, contaminated needles, or biting insects.

  10. Some bacteria that commonly cause disease in humans exist primarily in animals and incidentally infect humans. - For example, Salmonella and Campylobacter species typically infect animals and are transmitted in food products to humans. - The Clostridium species are ubiquitous in many environmental sources and are transmitted (eg, Clostridium perfringens gastroenteritis and Clostridium botulinum [botulism]) to humans by ingestion - or when wounds are contaminated by soil (eg, C. perfringens [gas gangrene] and C. tetani [tetanus])

  11. modes of transmission of infection Pathogenic organisms can spread from one host to another by a variety of mechanisms. These include: Contact : a. Direct contact include sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea b. Indirect contact (via fomites such as clothes , pencils and drinking cups) Inhalation Droplet nuclei (such as meningococci and TB) Ingestion of food or drink contaminated by pathogens. Foodborne such as (dysentery) Waterborne such as (cholera ) Inoculation the pathogens can be inculcated directly into human skin or mucosa via different ways such as (wounds , burns ,doge bite, using contaminated needles and syringes). Insects

  12. Congenital :Bacteria, viruses, and other microbes can also be transmitted from mother to offspring, a process called vertical transmission. The three modes by which organisms are transmitted vertically are 1. Across the placenta 2. Within the birth canal during birth 3. Via breast milk. Horizontal transmission isperson-to-person transmission that is not from mother to offspring. Iatrogenic and laboratory infections Pathogens transmission can happen for example during administration of injections, lumber puncture, exchange transfusion, dialysis, catheterization and other. Laboratory personnel handling infectious material.

  13. Portals of entry The most frequent portals of entry of pathogenic bacteria into the body are the sites where mucous membranes meet with the skin, which are: The respiratory tract (upper and lower airways) Gastrointestinal (primarily mouth) Genital tract Urinary tract . Abnormal areas of mucous membranes and skin (eg, cuts, burns, and other injuries). - Normal skin and mucous membranes provide the primary defense against infection. -To cause disease, pathogens must overcome these barriers.

  14. Many factors determine bacterial virulence or the ability to cause infection and disease. When bacteria enter the body of the host, and to cause infection, they must adhere to cells of a tissue surface. If they did not adhere, they would be swept away by mucus and other fluids that bathe the tissue surface. Adherence, which is only one step in the infectious process, is followed by development of colonies and subsequent steps in the pathogenesis of infection. Certain bacteria have specialized structures (e.g., pili) or produce substances (e.g., capsules or glycocalyces) that allow them to adhere to the surface of human cells, thereby enhancing their ability to cause disease. These adherence mechanisms are essential for organisms that attach to mucous membranes.

  15. For example, the pili of Neisseria gonorrhoeae and E. coli mediate the attachment of the organisms to the urinary tract epithelium, and the glycocalyx of Staphylococcus epidermidis and certain viridans streptococci allows the organisms to adhere strongly to the endothelium of heart valves. After the bacteria attach, some bacteria form a protective matrix called a biofilm consisting of various polysaccharides proteins. Bacterial biofilms are aggregate or clusters of bacteria that are attached to a surface and/or to each other and embedded in a self- produced matrix.

  16. Biofilms form on foreign bodies such as prosthetic joints, prosthetic heart valves, and intravenous catheters, but they also form on native structures such as heart valves. Biofilms may form on living or non-living surfaces and can be prevalent in natural, industrial and hospital settings. Help bacteria in a. persistence on surfaces, b. evasion of the immune response c. antimicrobial resistance d. dissemination. For example biofilms play an important role in the persistence of Pseudomonas in the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients.

  17. 2. Motility A huge advantage for bacteria to reach the host, and evade the immune system is for a bacterium to be motile to have the ability to direct its own movement. The bacterial flagellum is an amazingly complex machine with a diversity of roles in pathogenesis including reaching the optimal host site, colonization or invasion, maintenance at the infection site, and post-infection dispersal

  18. After the colonization of bacteria, they multiply and then invade the body by spreading through tissues or via the lymphatic system to the bloodstream and cause bacteremia. This infection (bacteremia) can be transient or persistent. Bacteremia allows bacteria to spread widely in the body and permits them to reach tissues particularly suitable for their multiplication. Receptors for the bacteria on the surface of cells determine, the organs affected. For example, certain bacteria infect the brain because receptors for these microbes are located on the surface of brain neurons. Some bacteria (ex. Salmonella species) invade tissues through the junctions between epithelial cells.

  19. The major mechanism by which bacteria cause disease is the production of toxins. Toxins produced by bacteria are generally classified into two groups: A. Exotoxins B. Endotoxins

  20. A- EXOTOXINS These toxins are produced by Many gram positive and gram negative bacteria. Exotoxins are antigenic and induce antibodies called antitoxins. When treated with formaldehyde or acid or heat, the exotoxin polypeptides are converted into toxoids, which are used in protective vaccines because they retain their antigenicity but have lost their toxicity. Toxoids, such as tetanus toxoid, are used to immunize against disease Exotoxins can be grouped into several categories (e.g., neurotoxins, cytotoxins, and enterotoxins) based on their biologic effect on host cells.

  21. Many exotoxins have an AB subunit structure; the A (active or toxic) subunit possesses the toxic activity, and the B (binding) subunit is responsible for binding the exotoxin to specific receptors on the membrane of the human cell. Examples of exotoxines Neurotoxins: the toxins produced by Clostridium spp. for example, the botulinum toxin formed by C. botulinum. Cytotoxins: Corynebacteriumdiphtheriae. This cytotoxin inhibits protein synthesis in many cell types by catalyzing ADP-ribosylation of elongation factor II, which blocks elongation of the growing peptide chain. e.g. diphtheria toxin, which is produced by Enterotoxins: Exotoxins associated with diarrheal diseases are frequently called enterotoxins stimulate hypersecretion of water and electrolytes from the intestinal epithelium and thus produce watery diarrhea. e.g., shiga-like enterotoxin from E. coli, cholera toxin.

  22. ENDOTOXIN (LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDES) The endotoxin {Lipopolysaccharide (LPS)} of gram-negative bacteria. It is a components of the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria that are often liberated when the bacteria lyse. The substances are heat stable. They have three main regions: 1- The lipid A is the toxic component of LPS. It induces the overproduction of cytokines, such as TNF- and interleukin-1 from macrophages, which causes the symptoms of septic shock, such as fever and hypotension. (the lipid A moiety confers toxicity) 2- the core polysaccharide 3- an outermost O-antigen. Endotoxins are poorly antigenic, do not induce antitoxins, and do not form toxoids.

  23. 4. Enzyme production Pathogenic bacteria produce enzymes to degrade tissues infection. E.g Hyaluronidase and collagenase are hydrolyze hyaluronic acid and collagen respectively, constituents of the ground substance tissue. Immunoglobulin A (IgA) protease, which degrades IgA, allowing the organism to adhere membranes and spread enzymes that of connective to mucous Bacteria produce cytolysins which directly kill cells usually by forming pores in their membranes (e.g. hemolysins, leukocidins).

  24. Large groups of genes that are associated with pathogenicity and are located on the bacterial chromosome are termed pathogenicity islands (PAIs). They are large organized groups of genes, usually 10 200 kb in size. Or The genes that encode many virulence factors in bacteria are clustered in pathogenicity islands on the bacterial chromosome. For example, in many bacteria, the genes encoding adhesions, invasions, and exotoxins are adjacent to each other on these islands.

  25. The major properties of PAIs are as follows: They have one or more virulence genes They are present in the genome of pathogenic members of a species but absent in the nonpathogenic members They are large They typically have a different guanine plus cytosine (G + C) content than the rest of the bacterial genome They often have genetic instability Pathogenicity islands are found in many Gram-negative rods, such as E. coli, Salmonella, Shigella, Pseudomonas, and Vibrio cholerae, and in Gram-positive cocci, such as S. pneumoniae.

  26. Antiphagocytic and other factors Capsule : The polysaccharide capsule prevents the phagocyte from adhering to bacteria. Encapsulated strains of many bacteria (such as Streptococcus pneumoniae and Neisseria meningitides ) are more virulent and more resistant to phagocytosis and non encapsulated strains. intracellular killing than Cell wall proteins of the gram-positive cocci, such as the M protein of the group A streptococci (Streptococci pyogenes) and protein A of Staphylococcus aureus. The M protein is antiphagocytic, and protein A binds to immunoglobulin G (IgG) and prevents the activation of complement

  27. Intracellular survival Some bacteria survive intracellularly within the body cells such as macrophage and are shielded from humoral antibodies. These bacteria must possess specialized mechanisms to protect them from the harsh effects of the lysosomal enzymes encountered within the cell : 1. inhibition of the fusion of the phagosome with the lysosome, which allows the organisms to avoid the degradative enzymes in the lysosome. 2. inhibition of acidification of the phagosome, which reduces the activity of the lysosomal degradative enzymes. 3. escape from the phagosome into the cytoplasm, where there are no degradative enzymes.

  28. A typical stages of acute infectious disease has four stages: (1) The incubation period, which is the time between the acquisition of the organism (or toxin) and the beginning of symptoms (this time varies from hours to days to weeks, depending on the organism). (2) The prodrome period, is the time during which nonspecific symptoms such as fever, malaise, and loss of appetite occur. (3) The specific-illness period, during which the overt characteristic signs and symptoms of the disease occur. (4) The recovery period, also known as the convalescence period, during which the illness abates and the patient returns to the healthy state.

  29. DIFFERENT STRAINS OF THE SAME BACTERIA CAN PRODUCE DIFFERENT DISEASES Staphylococcus aureus causes inflammatory, pyogenic diseases such as endocarditis, osteomyelitis, and septic arthritis, as well as non pyogenic, exotoxine-mediated diseases such as toxic shock syndrome, scalded skin syndrome, and food poisoning. How do bacteria that belong to the same genus and species cause such widely divergent diseases? The answer is that individual bacteria produce different virulence factors that endow those bacteria with the capability to cause different diseases.

  30. Further reading and material 1. Jawetz, Melnick, & Adelberg's Medical Microbiology; 28th edition; 2019 2. A Guide to Clinical Infectious Diseases, 16th edition 2020 Review of Medical Microbiology & Immunology:

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