Analysis of War Experiences: 1854 vs. 1918

Year 11
Language Paper 2 Revision
Teacher’s Name:
Source A: 
The Charge of the Light Brigade, 1854, by William Howard Russell
They swept proudly past, glittering in the morning sun in all the
pride and splendour of war. We could hardly believe the evidence
of our senses! Surely that handful of men were not going to charge
an army in position? Alas! It was but too true – their desperate valour
knew no bounds.
They advanced in two lines, quickening their pace as they closed
towards the enemy. A more fearful spectacle was never witnessed
than by those who, without the power to aid, beheld their heroic
countrymen rushing to the arms of death. At the distance of 1200
yards the whole line of the enemy belched forth, from thirty iron 
mouths, a flood of smoke and flame, through which hissed the
deadly balls. Their flight was marked by instant gaps in our ranks, by
dead men and horses, by steeds flying wounded or riderless across
the plain.
The first line was broken – it was joined by the second, they never 
halted or checked their speed an instant. With diminished ranks,
thinned by those thirty Russian guns, with a halo of flashing steel above
their heads, and with a cheer which was many a noble fellow’s death cry,
they flew into the smoke of the batteries; but ere they were lost from
view, the plain was strewed with carcasses. 
Wounded men and dismounted troopers flying towards us told the sad
tale. At the very moment when they were about to retreat, an enormous
mass of lancers was hurled upon their flank. Colonel Shewell saw the
danger, and rode his few men straight at them, cutting his way through
with fearful loss. The other regiments turned and engaged in a desperate
encounter. With courage too great almost for credence, they were
breaking their way through the columns which enveloped them, when
there took place an act of atrocity without parallel in the modern
warfare of civilised nations.
The Russian gunners, when the storm of cavalry passed, returned to 
their guns. They saw their own cavalry mingled with the troopers who
had just ridden over them, and to the eternal disgrace of the Russian
name the miscreants poured a murderous volley of grape and canister
on the mass of struggling men and horses, mingling friend and foe in one
common ruin. It was as much as our Heavy Cavalry Brigade could do to 
cover the retreat of the miserable remnants of that band of heroes as
they returned to the place they had so lately quitted in all the pride of life.
Watch the video lesson on Paper 2 Question 1 – available at
 . As you watch, read the
sources below and answer Question 1.
Source B: 
A Beautiful Job – Gunner William Towers, 1918
I was in a carriage on a stretcher fixed on the wall and when I looked round Sergeant 
Emsley was next to me. He’d been wounded in the leg as well. They took us to a hospital
and then put me in a bed and fitted me with a Thomas splint, a round wooden ring with
iron bands and a footrest.
The pain from my knee was terrible so when I saw an officer coming up with his arm around 
two sisters and laughing, I said “Excuse me, Sir, could you have a look at my knee? The pain
is driving me crazy.” He came over and he stank of whisky. When the nurses took the bandages
off he said, “Oh, there’s fluid above the knee. We’ll tap that tonight.”
So they came for me to go to the theatre and I thought “Thank God for that”. But when I
woke up in the early hours of the morning I thought, “Oh my God. My leg’s gone.” They’d 
guillotined it off without saying a word. There had been no hint at all that I was going to
lose my leg. They hadn’t even looked at it until I asked a doctor.
That day, I prayed to die. All I could think of were the men who stood begging on street
corners with a crutch and a tin can. And I was a footballer and that was finished. It was
terrible. Late in the afternoon, a nurse came up, took the blanket off and started tearing 
the gauze off that had dried on. As she was pulling it I think I called her every name I knew.
I said “You’re inhuman, woman!” but she didn’t take any notice, she must have been deaf.
I was in agony.
After that, they put me on a boat and I was taken to Stockport General Hospital. A civilian
doctor, Mr Fenwick, came to look at me and when he took the bandages off the smell was 
terrible. The flesh had receded, two inches of bone stuck out and it had gone black. He said
“Send a telegram for his mother and father to come right away.” He thought I was going to
die. He told a sister to get a bowl of sterilised water with peroxide in it and that my leg had
to be syringed with this solution every four hours.
And then it started to get better. The wound became beautiful clean red flesh. Mr Fenwick 
said “We’re going to win.” My parents came, and my future wife, whom I’d met when I was
home on leave. I think it was her that pulled me through. And Mr Fenwick was an angel. He
arranged for a friend of his, a surgeon who specialised in amputations, to re-amputate the
leg and make a proper stump. He did it and it was perfect. Everyone seeing it said “What a
beautiful job”. 
Question 1:
Read again the first two paragraphs of Source A.
Choose four statements below which are true.
• Shade the circles in the boxes of the ones that you think are true.
• Choose a maximum of four statements.
• If you make an error cross out the whole box.
• If you change your mind and require a statement that has been crossed out then draw a circle around the box.
(4 marks)
The soldiers felt confident when they first went into battle.
It is very dangerous to charge on an army in position.
The soldiers had unlimited courage and bravery.
The army advanced in three lines.
The soldiers increased their speed as they attacked the enemy.
There were 40 Russian cannons.
There was surprisingly little smoke from the canons.
The horses died but the soldiers survived.
Question 2:
You need to refer to Source A and Source B for this question.
Both sources describe injuries sustained in battle
Write a summary of the similarities between the descriptions of the soldiers’ injuries.
[8 marks]
Watch the video lesson on Paper 2 Question 2 – available at
 . As you watch, write a plan
for Question 2, and then write your answer.
Plan your response here:
Write your response here and on the next page:
Question 3:
You now need to refer to paragraphs 3 and 4 of Source A.
How does William Howard Russell use language to present the danger the soldiers were in?
[12 marks]
Watch the video lesson on Paper 2 Question 3 – available at
 . As you watch, write a plan
for Question 3, and then write your answer.
Plan your response here:
Write your response here and on the next page:
Question 4:
For this question, you need to refer to the whole of Source A, together with Source B. Compare how the two writers convey
their different attitudes towards conflict.
In your answer, you could:
Compare their different attitudes
Compare the methods they use to convey their attitudes
Support your ideas with references to both texts
[16 marks]
Watch the video lesson on Paper 2 Question 4 – available at
 . As you watch, write a plan
for Question 4, and then write your answer.
Plan your response here:
Write your response here and on the next page:
Question 5: 
It is essential for young people to have opportunities to complete work experience or to have a part-time job.
This is the only activity which will truly prepare them for the world of work.”
Write an article for a magazine in which you explain your point of view on this statement. (40 marks)
Watch the video lesson on Paper 2 Question 5 – available at
 . As you watch, write a plan
for Question 5, and then write your answer.
Plan your response here:
Write your response here and on the next page:
Use the marking criteria to reflect on your
persuasive writing piece
Source A: 
Sir Ranulph Fiennes, ‘Coping With Extreme Weather’ (2012)
Sir Ranulph Fiennes, who recently returned to the UK after his latest Antarctic
expedition, explains the impact of extremely cold weather-and how to cope with it
I recently returned to the UK after developing a case of frostbite on my latest expedition
in Antarctica, which we nicknamed "The Coldest Journey". The epic journey, which aimed
to complete the first ever trans-Antarctic crossing during the polar winter, has continued
without me, with a highly experienced team of four Britons and one Canadian.
Each foray I've made into the Arctic and Antarctic has confirmed that low temperatures 
without the wind are relatively bearable, providing that your clothing is sufficient. In
Antarctica in particular you have high altitude to deal with which lends itself to being very
windy. In the polar regions, even the smallest of holes in your warm clothing can have major
implications on your core temperature and survival. If you are sweating and cold air manages
to get inside your layers then you are in trouble.
In extreme cold, you can't think that your natural attributes will work as well as they usually
do. In my case, I'd proved in various situations that my circulation was fine, even better than
colleagues on previous expeditions, yet suddenly two weeks ago, during a whiteout at -33°C,
and after only 15 minutes of exposure, one hand had a problem but the other one was fine.
The cold can affect you in strange ways, mentally and physically. To be mentally prepared for 
such extreme and demanding environments is incredibly difficult. Carrying out detailed
planning so that you are confident in the expedition and its success is key, as is developing a
mental toughness when faced with difficult situations. It is imperative to stay focused and
not to panic if something bad or unexpected happens.
As an expedition member, you must believe in yourself and your abilities, and know your 
role within the expedition inside out. Preparation is key. In a group situation, when one
person is having a down day, it is important for the others to pull him back up and motivate
him and keep him focused. Everyone will have a down day, but in a team environment they
will help each other and work together to reach the end goal.
To be physically prepared for extreme temperatures, training to get fit is critical, and you 
can try to put on weight to give you a bit of a cushion. Obviously, it also helps to research
the best cold weather gear for whatever particular activity you are undertaking as well, so
you are as well-equipped and warm as possible on the expedition.
What makes the Coldest Journey so unique is that it is the first attempt to traverse Antarctica
during polar winter, so not only will it be cold, it will be completely dark for much of the 
expedition, which is also likely to affect the team's mindset.
When the weather sets in you cope with it like any other person. We play cards, draughts,
backgammon, write blogs, write to the nearest and dearest, watch DVDs, listen to music ...
And the team has seven or eight furry little mascots. I had a pink elephant from my daughter,
Rob Lambert the doctor has two penguins, someone else has a power gorilla. There is also a 
busy little mouse called Mary, who seems to be the most notable. These mascots keep
the team going.
Read the extracts twice through
Source B: 
Extract from the London Journal of Flora Tristan (1840), entitled ’London’s Climate
and the English Temperament’
Over every English town there hangs a pall compounded of the Ocean vapours that 
perpetually shroud the British Isles, and the heavy noxious fumes of the Cyclops’ cave.
No longer does timber from the forests provide fuel for the family hearth; the fuel of Hell,
snatched from the very bowels of the earth, has usurped its place. It burns everywhere,
feeding countless furnaces, replacing horse-power on the roads and wind-power on the
rivers and the seas which surround the empire.
Above the monster city a dense fog combines with the volume of smoke and soot issuing
from thousands of chimneys to wrap London in a black cloud which allows only the
dimmest light to penetrate and shrouds everything in a funeral veil.
In London melancholy is in the very air you breathe and enters in at every pore. There is 
nothing more gloomy or disquieting than the aspect of the city on a day of fog or rain or
black frost. Only succumb to its influence and your head becomes painfully heavy, your
digestion sluggish, your respiration laboured for lack of fresh air, and your whole body is
overcome by lassitude. Then you are in the grip of what the English call “spleen”: a profound
despair, unaccountable anguish, cantankerous hatred for those one loves the best, disgust 
with everything, and an irresistible desire to end one’s life by suicide. On days like this,
London has a terrifying face: you seem to be lost in the necropolis of the world, breathing
its sepulchral air. The light is wan, the cold humid; the long rows of identical sombre houses,
each with its black iron grilles and narrow windows, resembles nothing so much as tombs
stretching to infinity, whilst between them wander corpses awaiting the hour of burial.
On such black days the Englishmen is under the spell of his climate and behaves like a brute
beast to anybody who crosses his path, giving and receiving knocks without a word of apology
on either side. A poor old man may collapse from starvation in the street, but the Englishman
will not stop to help him. He goes about his business and spares no thought for anything else;
he hurries to finish his daily task, not to return home, for he has nothing to say to his wife or 
children, but to go to his club, where he will eat a good dinner in solitude, as conversation
fatigues him. Then he will drink too much, and in his drunken slumber forget the troubles
which beset him during the day. Many women resort to the same remedy; all that matters
is to forget that one exists. The Englishman is no more of a drunkard by nature than the
Spaniard, who drinks nothing but water, but the climate of London is enough to drive the 
most sober Spaniard to drink.
Summer in London is scarcely more agreeable than winter; the frequent chilling rainstorms,
the heavy atmosphere charged with electricity, the constant change of temperature, cause so
many colds, headaches and bouts of colic that there are at least as many sick people in
summer as in winter.
The climate of London is so trying that many Englishmen never become reconciled to its vagaries.
Hence it is the subject of eternal complaints and maledictions.
Perpetually –Constantly
Lassitude –Tiredness
Maledictions –Evils
Usurped –Taken over
Cantankerous –Irritable
Sepulchral –Gloomy
Shrouds –Covers
Spaniard –Person from Spain
Necropolis-burial ground
Melancholy –Sadness
Vagaries –Fancies
Question 1: Step by Step
ead the question
nnotate the question
Look at the number of 
arks available
Look at the 
pace available
Re-read lines 1-11 on page 16
Plan your answer by writing “T” or “F” on the LEFT HAND SIDE of the statements.
Check you have 4 true statements
Write your answer by shading in the circles on the RIGHT HAND SIDE
Question 2:
You need to refer to Source A and Source B for this question.
Both sources describe extreme weather.
Use details from both sources to write a summary of the similarities in the way the weather affects people. (8 marks)
Question 2: Step by Step
ead the question
nnotate the question
Look at the number of 
arks available
Look at the 
pace available
Question 2: Plan your answer in the table below
Question 2: Plan your answer in the table below
Then draw arrows to connect your ideas together. Remember that the question is asking you to
explore similarities.
WAGOLL: Read the WAGOLL. Then draw arrows to connect the examiner’s comments to the relevant
section of the student’s response.
In both sources, the writers suggest that the weather
can negatively impact on people’s emotions, indicating
the challenges that individuals face as they travel
through extreme environments or merely try to get
through the day. In Source A, Fiennes explains that the
“extreme and demanding environment” affects people’s
mental attitude as most people will struggle to cope in
such conditions. He explains that “everyone will have a
down day” and therefore teams must stick together to
overcome the mental strain. Similarly, in Source B
Tristan explains that the smog in 19
 century London
could put a mental strain on the people living within it,
“under the spell of this climate … [people] behave like a
brute beast”. The suggestion here is that people who live
in such conditions may become dehumanised and revert
to survival mode, losing their humanity. However, in
contrast to Fiennes’ account of Antarctica, she suggests
that people had not learnt how to cope with the mental
strain, writing that “the Englishman will not stop to
help him”. Unlike Fiennes, who suggests that people will
act positively and altruistically in such situations,
Tristan implies that the natural reaction of people is to
look after themselves.
Link both
Infer meaning –
read between the
lines. What does
the quotation
Use a quotation
from each source.
Extend your
answer by
explaining in detail.
Write your response to question 2 here :
Paragraph 1
Point – flip the Q. link
both texts, use the
writer’s name.
Zoom in on Source A.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface level
e.g. ostensibly. Use
words like “suggest” and
“imply” to infer
Use because/ but/ so to
extend your ideas.
Use a connective to link
to Source B.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface level
e.g. ostensibly. Use
words like “suggest” and
“imply” to infer
Use because/ but/ so to
extend your ideas.
Paragraph 2
Point – flip the Q. link
both texts, use the
writer’s name.
Zoom in on Source A.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface level
e.g. ostensibly. Use
words like “suggest” and
“imply” to infer
Use because/ but/ so to
extend your ideas.
Use a connective to link
to Source B.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface level
e.g. ostensibly. Use
words like “suggest” and
“imply” to infer
Use because/ but/ so to
extend your ideas.
Question 3:
You now only need to refer to Source B.
How does the writer use language to describe 19th Century London?  (12 marks)
Question 3: Step by Step
ead the question
nnotate the question
Look at the number of 
arks available
Look at the 
pace available
Throughout the extract Tristan presents
nineteenth-century London as being a
depressing, often terrifying, and deathly place.
The write uses a metaphor to conjure such an
image, writing that the fog “shrouds [the city[
in a funeral veil”. This suggests that the smog
creates a funeral atmosphere. As the smog is the
subject the sentence, the suggestion is that it is
in control of the city and its population; the
people are trapped in a situation they cannot
escape from. However, there is a hint of
positivity, as the metaphor also implies that
underneath the “veil” there may be a much
more exciting, vibrant city yet to be discovered.
Furthermore, the city is described as being like
“Hell”, a word which draws on Biblical imagery
of destruction.
List 3 positive aspects of this student’s
Read the mark scheme summary:
What mark would you give this student’s work, and why?
What mark?
Reason 1:
Reason 2:
Question 3: Plan your answer in the table below
Write your response to question 3 here and on the next page:
Paragraph 1
Point – flip the
Q. Include the
writer’s name.
Explain the
surface level
e.g. ostensibly
Zoom in and
dig deeper e.g.
on closer
inspection x 3
Use because/
but/ so to
extend your
Paragraph 2
Point – flip the
Q. Include the
writer’s name.
Explain the
surface level
e.g. ostensibly
Zoom in and
dig deeper e.g.
on closer
inspection x 3
Use because/
but/ so to
extend your
Paragraph 3
Point – flip the
Q. Include the
writer’s name.
Explain the
surface level
e.g. ostensibly
Zoom in and
dig deeper e.g.
on closer
inspection x 3
Use because/
but/ so to
extend your
Question 4: Step by Step
ead the question
nnotate the question
Look at the number of 
arks available
Look at the 
pace available
Question 4:
For this question, you need to refer to the whole of Source A together with the whole of Source B.
Compare how each source conveys their attitude to extreme weather.
In your answer, you should:
•compare the different attitudes
•compare the methods used to convey the attitudes
•support your ideas with quotations from both texts. 
(16 marks)
Question 2: Plan your answer in the table below
Question 4: Plan your answer in the table below
Then draw arrows to connect your ideas together. Remember that the question is asking you to
explore similarities.
WAGOLL: Read the WAGOLL. Then draw arrows to connect the examiner’s comments to the relevant
section of the student’s response.
Although both sources describe the effects of extreme
weather, Fiennes’ attitude is much more promising than
Tristan’s opinion. Fiennes aims to inspire the reader by
showing that survival in such conditions is possible with
a good mindset and teamwork. His factual, yet
personal, stories (“during a whiteout at -33
C”) give
the reader confidence in his advice about survival, whilst
his assured and well-educated idiom (“it is imperative
to stay focussed”) creates confidence in the reader and
indicates that Fiennes is in control – as the leader of
the team, he will bring the group safely home. The noun
“whiteout” also connotes a sense of excitement at the
challenge the team faces. In contrast, Tristan seems to
use her personal experience of the weather to dissuade
her reader from visiting London, whereas Fiennes
emphasises a positive psychological state. The hyperbolic
line “in London melancholy is in the air you breathe and
enters in at every pore” implies a tendency towards
depression. By addressing the reader directly, Tristan
creates a sense of revulsion as the reader visualises the
Link both
Infer meaning –
read between the
lines. What does
the quotation
Use a quotation
from each source.
Extend your
answer by
explaining in detail.
Use subject
terminology to
identify methods.
Zoom in to analyse
methods (explain
why the writer has
used a particular
Write your response to question 4 here :
Paragraph 1
Point – flip the Q. link
both texts, use the
writer’s name.
Zoom in on Source A.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface
level e.g. ostensibly.
Use words like
“suggest” and “imply”
to infer meaning.
Analyse: three things
about three things.
Use because/ but/ so
to extend your ideas.
Use a connective to
link to Source B.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface
level e.g. ostensibly.
Use words like
“suggest” and “imply”
to infer meaning.
Analyse: three things
about three things.
Use because/ but/ so
to extend your ideas.
Write your response to question 4 here :
Paragraph 2
Point – flip the Q. link
both texts, use the
writer’s name.
Zoom in on Source A.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface
level e.g. ostensibly.
Use words like
“suggest” and “imply”
to infer meaning.
Analyse: three things
about three things.
Use because/ but/ so
to extend your ideas.
Use a connective to
link to Source B.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface
level e.g. ostensibly.
Use words like
“suggest” and “imply”
to infer meaning.
Analyse: three things
about three things.
Use because/ but/ so
to extend your ideas.
Question 5: 
“Travel has limited benefits. It is absolutely right that parents should not be allowed to take their
children out of school during term time.”
Write an article for an educational website in which you argue for or against this statement. (40 marks)
Question 5: Step by Step
ead the question
nnotate the question
Look at the number of 
arks available
Look at the 
pace available
My daughter runs over and smiles at me, her
tiny feet stomping in the sand as her six-year-
old brain takes in the surroundings. We are
sitting on a beach – nothing particularly special
– outside a hotel on the coast of a Spanish
fishing town, Sant-pol de Mar. We had flown
out the previous day – a Thursday – so as to
maximise our time together, before having to fly
back on Sunday night. While spending a week
here would have bee a dream (and, given the
time of year, an affordable one), Emily’s school
wouldn’t allow it. The headmaster denied my
request to take Emily out of lessons for any
more than two days.
This begs the question: why? It seems to me that
the schools of our nation are failing to recognise
the need for families to spend quality time
together. Clearly, the schools of our nation do
not recognise – or do not care – that many
parents simply cannot afford to take their
children on holidays out of term time. Let me
present an example: there is a single mother,
earning a standard wage, with a young, school-
age daughter. She wishes to go on a holiday
more interesting than Brighton Pier with her
child for once. So, naturally, given the reduced
rates available during term-time, she  desires,
non-maliciously, to remove her daughter from
school for a week. Given that her daughter’s
current attendance is 98% and she is excelling
academically, this sounds absolutely reasonable,
Use a highlighter or a number code to
identify where the student has:
Used excellent vocabulary.
Used a range of language devices.
Engaged the reader.
Used a range of punctuation.
Used an anecdote/example.
Used a range of sentence structures (e.g.
short or long sentence for effect).
Your turn: write your response to Question 5
“Travel has limited benefits. It is absolutely right that parents should not be allowed to take their children out of school during
term time.”
Write an article for an educational website in which you argue for or against this statement. (40 marks)
Plan your response here:
Write your response below and on the next page:
Use the marking criteria to reflect on your
persuasive writing piece
Source A: Stranded in Vanuatu, by Cash Peters
Cash Peters is a British journalist living in America. Here he is on a remote South Sea island
making a TV programme.
Despite the hotel being a mere few feet from the water’s edge, where you’d think there’d be a breeze, 
there isn’t. The air in the main bar-lounge is unbearably hot and sticky, another harbinger, I suppose, of
what lies ahead. Seriously, you could steam broccoli in here. And of course, that makes the place a magnet
to flies. Bluebottles especially. Big chubby ones carve a zigzag path between tables, coming in to land like
ghastly winged tumours in my hair and on my bare arms to get at my sweat. 
Settling down in a chair on the deck, I watch the sun slide dramatically into the ocean in a tantrum of citrus
hues, before finally throwing itself over the horizon. In its wake a dense, hostile darkness descends, the likes
of which I’ve never encountered before.
Once the light fades in Vanuatu, you’re as good as blind. It’s coal-shaft black out there. Ghoulishly, back-of-your-
closet black. Convulsing flames in small kerosene lamps distributed among tables in the restaurant do their 
best to provide occasional golden pockets of reassurance, but it’s not enough to make the slightest dent on
the monolithic emptiness of the world beyond this one.
At my feet, a lazy surf gurgles and eddies into rocky inlets barely visible through the gauze of night. After that,
several yards out and just below the surface, lies a ring of coral one hundred metres deep. Then nothing. You
don’t touch land again for another four thousand miles – four thousand! – not until you hit the Great Barrier 
Reef. That fact alone has me totally creeped out.
With the onset of night, I feel a slight chill skitter across the back of my neck. A fleeting, barely perceptible
breath, like the icy touch of winter.
A warning? Telling me I’ve committed to something I shouldn’t have.
You idiot, signing that goddamned contract! You know you didn’t want to. Now look at the mess you’re in.
Suddenly, the world I’m use to and feel comfortable in – of leafy suburbs, of food stores open around the
clock, movie theatres, Starbucks on every corner, my beautiful home – feels like it’s in a different galaxy.
Once, when I was a little kid in England, I lost my parents in a department store. They walked off in one
direction and I got side-tracked and ran off in another. Before I realised I couldn’t see them anymore, it
was already too late; they’d gone and I was lost.
Every child has moments like that. Most, by the time they get to be adults, have assimilated them and moved
on. For some reason, I never did. The sense of abject abandonment, the helplessness, the distress I felt sitting
in the rug department crying my eyes out that day, has stayed with me all these years: the dread of going unmissed,
the fear that nobody knows I’m here, nobody cares, and nobody’s coming back for me. And that same
 thumbprint of anxiety returns to haunt me once again now, as I look out from the deck of the hotel at… well, 
Read the extracts twice through
Source B: Journey to the South Sea Islands by RL Stevenson.
Few men who come to the islands leave them; they grow grey where they alighted; 
the palm shades and the trade-wind fans them till they die, perhaps cherishing to the
last the fancy of a visit home, which is rarely made, more rarely enjoyed, and yet more
rarely repeated. No part of the world exerts the same attractive power upon the visitor,
and the task before me is to communicate to fireside travellers some sense of its seduction,
and to describe the life, at sea and ashore, of many hundred thousand persons, some of our
own blood and language, and yet as remote in thought and habit as Rob Roy or Barbarossa,
the Apostles or the Caesars.
The first experience can never be repeated. The first love, the first sunrise, the first South Sea
island, are memories apart and touched a virginity of sense. On the 28
 of July 1888 the moon 
was an hour down by four in the morning. In the east a radiating centre of brightness told of
the day; and beneath, on the skyline, the morning bank was already building, black as ink.
Although the dawn was thus preparing by four, the sun was not up till six; and it was half-past
five before we could distinguish our expected islands from the clouds on the horizon. The interval
was passed on deck in the silence of expectation, the customary thrill of landfall heightened by 
the strangeness of the shores that we were then approaching. Slowly, they took shape in the
attenuating darkness. Ua-huna, piling up to a truncated summit, appeared the first upon the
starboard bow; almost abeam arose our destination, Nuka-hiva, whelmed in cloud; and betwixt
and to the southward, the first rays of the sun displayed the needles of Ua-pu. These pricked
about the line of the horizon; like the pinnacles of some ornate and monstrous church, they 
stood there, in the sparkling brightness of the morning, the fit signboard of a world of wonders.
Not one soul aboard the Casco had set foot upon the islands, or knew, except by accident, one
word of any of the island tongues; and it was with something perhaps of the same anxious
pleasure as thrilled the bosom of discoverers that we drew near these problematic shores.
The land heaved up in peaks and rising vales; it fell in cliffs and buttresses; its colour ran through 
fifty modulations in the scale of pearl and rose and olive; and it was crowned above by opalescent
clouds. The suffusion of vague hues deceived the eye; the shadows of clouds were confounded
with the articulations of the mountains; and the isle and its unsubstantial canopy rose and
shimmered before us like a single mass. There was no beacon, no smoke of towns to be expected,
no plying pilot. Somewhere, in that pale phantasmagoria of cliff and cloud, our haven lay concealed; 
and somewhere to the east of it a certain headland, known as Cape Adam and Eve, and distinguished
by two colossal figures, the gross statuary of nature. These we were to find; for these we craned
and stared, focused glasses, and wrangled over charts; and the sun was overhead and the land close
ahead before we found them. To a ship approaching from the north, they proved indeed the least
conspicuous features of a striking coast; the surf flying high above its base; strange, austere, and 
feathered mountains rising behind; and Adam and Eve, impending like a pair of warts above the
Question 1: Step by Step
ead the question
nnotate the question
Look at the number of 
arks available
Look at the 
pace available
Re-read Source A
Plan your answer by writing “T” or “F” on the LEFT HAND SIDE of the statements.
Check you have 4 true statements
Write your answer by shading in the circles on the RIGHT HAND SIDE
Question 2:
You need to refer to Source A and Source B for this question.
Both sources describe the South Sea islands.
Use details from both sources to write a summary of the differences in how the writers describe the setting. (8 marks)
Question 2: Step by Step
ead the question
nnotate the question
Look at the number of 
arks available
Look at the 
pace available
Question 1: 
Read Source A again.
Choose four statements below which are true.
• Shade the circles in the boxes of the ones that you think are true.
• Choose a maximum of four statements.
• If you make an error cross out the whole box.
• If you change your mind and require a statement that has been crossed out then draw a circle around the box.   (4 marks)
Cash Peters likes the place he is in.
It is very hot in the hotel
It is sunset when Cash Peters is writing.
Cash Peters has regularly spent time in dark places.
There are many electric lights in the restaurants
It is a long walk from the hotel to the beach.
Cash Peters is pestered by flies whilst he is at the hotel
There is a sense that nothing exists apart from the island
Question 2: Plan your answer in the table below. Then draw arrows to connect ideas.
Write your response to question 2 here :
Paragraph 1
Point – flip the Q. link
both texts, use the
writer’s name.
Zoom in on Source A.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface level
e.g. ostensibly. Use
words like “suggest” and
“imply” to infer
Use because/ but/ so to
extend your ideas.
Use a connective to link
to Source B.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface level
e.g. ostensibly. Use
words like “suggest” and
“imply” to infer
Use because/ but/ so to
extend your ideas.
Paragraph 2
Point – flip the Q. link
both texts, use the
writer’s name.
Zoom in on Source A.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface level
e.g. ostensibly. Use
words like “suggest” and
“imply” to infer
Use because/ but/ so to
extend your ideas.
Use a connective to link
to Source B.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface level
e.g. ostensibly. Use
words like “suggest” and
“imply” to infer
Use because/ but/ so to
extend your ideas.
Question 3: 
You now only need to refer to Source B.
How does the Stevenson use language to describe the beauty of the location?  (12 marks)
Question 3: Step by Step
ead the question
nnotate the question
Look at the number of 
arks available
Look at the 
pace available
Question 3: Plan your answer in the table below
Write your response to question 3 here and on the next page:
Paragraph 1
Point – flip the
Q. Include the
writer’s name.
Explain the
surface level
e.g. ostensibly
Zoom in and
dig deeper e.g.
on closer
inspection x 3
Use because/
but/ so to
extend your
Paragraph 2
Point – flip the
Q. Include the
writer’s name.
Explain the
surface level
e.g. ostensibly
Zoom in and
dig deeper e.g.
on closer
inspection x 3
Use because/
but/ so to
extend your
Paragraph 3
Point – flip the
Q. Include the
writer’s name.
Explain the
surface level
e.g. ostensibly
Zoom in and
dig deeper e.g.
on closer
inspection x 3
Use because/
but/ so to
extend your
Question 4: Step by Step
ead the question
nnotate the question
Look at the number of 
arks available
Look at the 
pace available
Question 4: 
For this question, you need to refer to the whole of Source A together with the whole of Source B.
Compare how each writer conveys their attitude towards travel.  In your answer, you should:
•compare the different attitudes
•compare the methods used to convey the attitudes
•support your ideas with quotations from both texts. 
(16 marks)
Question 4: Plan your answer in the table below. Then draw arrows to link ideas.
Write your response to question 4 here :
Paragraph 1
Point – flip the Q. link
both texts, use the
writer’s name.
Zoom in on Source A.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface
level e.g. ostensibly.
Use words like
“suggest” and “imply”
to infer meaning.
Analyse: three things
about three things.
Use because/ but/ so
to extend your ideas.
Use a connective to
link to Source B.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface
level e.g. ostensibly.
Use words like
“suggest” and “imply”
to infer meaning.
Analyse: three things
about three things.
Use because/ but/ so
to extend your ideas.
Write your response to question 4 here :
Paragraph 2
Point – flip the Q. link
both texts, use the
writer’s name.
Zoom in on Source A.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface
level e.g. ostensibly.
Use words like
“suggest” and “imply”
to infer meaning.
Analyse: three things
about three things.
Use because/ but/ so
to extend your ideas.
Use a connective to
link to Source B.
Fluently embed
Explain the surface
level e.g. ostensibly.
Use words like
“suggest” and “imply”
to infer meaning.
Analyse: three things
about three things.
Use because/ but/ so
to extend your ideas.
Question 5: 
“It is essential for us to do everything we can to protect the environment; it is important to reduce
the risk of flash floods and forest fires, as well as to ensure we are able to improve our own wellbeing by
spending time in a healthy natural world.”
Write an article for a broadsheet newspaper in which you argue for or against this statement. (40 marks)
Question 5: Step by Step
ead the question
nnotate the question
Look at the number of 
arks available
Look at the 
pace available
Plan your response here:
Write your response below and on the next page:
Use the marking criteria to reflect on your
persuasive writing piece
Slide Note

A comparison of war accounts from 1854 and 1918, highlighting the futile nature and devastating consequences of conflicts. The juxtaposition of "The Charge of the Light Brigade" and Gunner William Towers' personal experience sheds light on the horrors and sacrifices of war, contrasting heroic valor with the harsh reality of injuries and amputations. These narratives offer a poignant reflection on the human cost of warfare throughout history.

  • War analysis
  • Historical perspectives
  • Conflict consequences
  • Heroism vs. reality
  • Human cost

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Year 11 Language Paper 2 Revision Booklet 2023-24 Name: Teacher s Name: 1

  2. 2

  3. 3

  4. 1. Section A 1. Section A Futile Wars Futile Wars Watch the video lesson on Paper 2 Question 1 available at . As you watch, read the sources below and answer Question 1. Source A: The Charge of the Light Brigade, 1854, by William Howard Russell They swept proudly past, glittering in the morning sun in all the pride and splendour of war. We could hardly believe the evidence of our senses! Surely that handful of men were not going to charge an army in position? Alas! It was but too true their desperate valour knew no bounds. 1 5 They advanced in two lines, quickening their pace as they closed towards the enemy. A more fearful spectacle was never witnessed than by those who, without the power to aid, beheld their heroic countrymen rushing to the arms of death. At the distance of 1200 yards the whole line of the enemy belched forth, from thirty iron mouths, a flood of smoke and flame, through which hissed the deadly balls. Their flight was marked by instant gaps in our ranks, by dead men and horses, by steeds flying wounded or riderless across the plain. 10 The first line was broken it was joined by the second, they never halted or checked their speed an instant. With diminished ranks, thinned by those thirty Russian guns, with a halo of flashing steel above their heads, and with a cheer which was many a noble fellow s death cry, they flew into the smoke of the batteries; but ere they were lost from view, the plain was strewed with carcasses. 15 20 Wounded men and dismounted troopers flying towards us told the sad tale. At the very moment when they were about to retreat, an enormous mass of lancers was hurled upon their flank. Colonel Shewell saw the danger, and rode his few men straight at them, cutting his way through with fearful loss. The other regiments turned and engaged in a desperate encounter. With courage too great almost for credence, they were breaking their way through the columns which enveloped them, when there took place an act of atrocity without parallel in the modern warfare of civilised nations. 25 The Russian gunners, when the storm of cavalry passed, returned to their guns. They saw their own cavalry mingled with the troopers who had just ridden over them, and to the eternal disgrace of the Russian name the miscreants poured a murderous volley of grape and canister on the mass of struggling men and horses, mingling friend and foe in one common ruin. It was as much as our Heavy Cavalry Brigade could do to cover the retreat of the miserable remnants of that band of heroes as they returned to the place they had so lately quitted in all the pride of life. 30 35 4

  5. Source B: A Beautiful Job Gunner William Towers, 1918 I was in a carriage on a stretcher fixed on the wall and when I looked round Sergeant Emsley was next to me. He d been wounded in the leg as well. They took us to a hospital and then put me in a bed and fitted me with a Thomas splint, a round wooden ring with iron bands and a footrest. 1 The pain from my knee was terrible so when I saw an officer coming up with his arm around two sisters and laughing, I said Excuse me, Sir, could you have a look at my knee? The pain is driving me crazy. He came over and he stank of whisky. When the nurses took the bandages off he said, Oh, there s fluid above the knee. We ll tap that tonight. 5 So they came for me to go to the theatre and I thought Thank God for that . But when I woke up in the early hours of the morning I thought, Oh my God. My leg s gone. They d guillotined it off without saying a word. There had been no hint at all that I was going to lose my leg. They hadn t even looked at it until I asked a doctor. 10 That day, I prayed to die. All I could think of were the men who stood begging on street corners with a crutch and a tin can. And I was a footballer and that was finished. It was terrible. Late in the afternoon, a nurse came up, took the blanket off and started tearing the gauze off that had dried on. As she was pulling it I think I called her every name I knew. I said You re inhuman, woman! but she didn t take any notice, she must have been deaf. I was in agony. 15 After that, they put me on a boat and I was taken to Stockport General Hospital. A civilian doctor, Mr Fenwick, came to look at me and when he took the bandages off the smell was terrible. The flesh had receded, two inches of bone stuck out and it had gone black. He said Send a telegram for his mother and father to come right away. He thought I was going to die. He told a sister to get a bowl of sterilised water with peroxide in it and that my leg had to be syringed with this solution every four hours. 20 And then it started to get better. The wound became beautiful clean red flesh. Mr Fenwick said We re going to win. My parents came, and my future wife, whom I d met when I was home on leave. I think it was her that pulled me through. And Mr Fenwick was an angel. He arranged for a friend of his, a surgeon who specialised in amputations, to re-amputate the leg and make a proper stump. He did it and it was perfect. Everyone seeing it said What a beautiful job . 25 30 Question 1: Read again the first two paragraphs of Source A. Choose four statements below which are true. Shade the circles in the boxes of the ones that you think are true. Choose a maximum of four statements. If you make an error cross out the whole box. If you change your mind and require a statement that has been crossed out then draw a circle around the box. (4 marks) A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. The soldiers felt confident when they first went into battle. It is very dangerous to charge on an army in position. The soldiers had unlimited courage and bravery. The army advanced in three lines. The soldiers increased their speed as they attacked the enemy. There were 40 Russian cannons. There was surprisingly little smoke from the canons. The horses died but the soldiers survived. 5

  6. Question 2: You need to refer to Source A and Source B for this question. Both sources describe injuries sustained in battle. Write a summary of the similarities between the descriptions of the soldiers injuries. [8 marks] Watch the video lesson on Paper 2 Question 2 available at . As you watch, write a plan for Question 2, and then write your answer. Plan your response here: Write your response here and on the next page: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  7. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  8. Question 3: You now need to refer to paragraphs 3 and 4 of Source A. How does William Howard Russell use language to present the danger the soldiers were in? [12 marks] Watch the video lesson on Paper 2 Question 3 available at . As you watch, write a plan for Question 3, and then write your answer. Plan your response here: Write your response here and on the next page: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  9. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  10. Question 4: For this question, you need to refer to the whole of Source A, together with Source B. Compare how the two writers convey their different attitudes towards conflict. In your answer, you could: Compare their different attitudes Compare the methods they use to convey their attitudes Support your ideas with references to both texts [16 marks] Watch the video lesson on Paper 2 Question 4 available at . As you watch, write a plan for Question 4, and then write your answer. Plan your response here: Write your response here and on the next page: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 10 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  11. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 11 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  12. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 12 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  13. 1. Section B 1. Section B Education and Work Education and Work Question 5: It is essential for young people to have opportunities to complete work experience or to have a part-time job. This is the only activity which will truly prepare them for the world of work. Write an article for a magazine in which you explain your point of view on this statement. (40 marks) Watch the video lesson on Paper 2 Question 5 available at . As you watch, write a plan for Question 5, and then write your answer. Plan your response here: Write your response here and on the next page: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 13 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  14. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 14 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  15. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 15 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  16. Use the marking criteria to reflect on your persuasive writing piece Did you achieve this? (yes/no/maybe) Add a quotation from your work as evidence Target Communication is convincing it reads like an article Communication is compelling it is an article would be interested in reading Tone, style and register are matched to audience you have written in the style of a journalist Content and organisation: 24 marks Extensive and ambitious use of vocabulary Sustained crafting of linguistic devices you have used a range of language devices throughout Use of structural features e.g. circular structure Inclusion of a range of complex ideas e.g. you explore different moods, emotions, aspects of character Paragraphs are linked Sentence demarcation is accurate full stops, commas etc are in the correct place Technical accuracy: 16 marks Wide range of punctuation used accurately Uses the full range of sentence forms for effect Secure control of complex grammatical structures High level of accuracy in spelling Extensive and ambitious use of vocabulary 16

  17. 2. Section A 2. Section A - - Extreme Weather Extreme Weather Read the extracts twice through Source A: Sir Ranulph Fiennes, Coping With Extreme Weather (2012) Sir Ranulph Fiennes, who recently returned to the UK after his latest Antarctic expedition, explains the impact of extremely cold weather-and how to cope with it. I recently returned to the UK after developing a case of frostbite on my latest expedition in Antarctica, which we nicknamed "The Coldest Journey". The epic journey, which aimed to complete the first ever trans-Antarctic crossing during the polar winter, has continued without me, with a highly experienced team of four Britons and one Canadian. 1 Each foray I've made into the Arctic and Antarctic has confirmed that low temperatures without the wind are relatively bearable, providing that your clothing is sufficient. In Antarctica in particular you have high altitude to deal with which lends itself to being very windy. In the polar regions, even the smallest of holes in your warm clothing can have major implications on your core temperature and survival. If you are sweating and cold air manages to get inside your layers then you are in trouble. 5 10 In extreme cold, you can't think that your natural attributes will work as well as they usually do. In my case, I'd proved in various situations that my circulation was fine, even better than colleagues on previous expeditions, yet suddenly two weeks ago, during a whiteout at -33 C, and after only 15 minutes of exposure, one hand had a problem but the other one was fine. The cold can affect you in strange ways, mentally and physically. To be mentally prepared for such extreme and demanding environments is incredibly difficult. Carrying out detailed planning so that you are confident in the expedition and its success is key, as is developing a mental toughness when faced with difficult situations. It is imperative to stay focused and not to panic if something bad or unexpected happens. 15 As an expedition member, you must believe in yourself and your abilities, and know your role within the expedition inside out. Preparation is key. In a group situation, when one person is having a down day, it is important for the others to pull him back up and motivate him and keep him focused. Everyone will have a down day, but in a team environment they will help each other and work together to reach the end goal. 20 To be physically prepared for extreme temperatures, training to get fit is critical, and you can try to put on weight to give you a bit of a cushion. Obviously, it also helps to research the best cold weather gear for whatever particular activity you are undertaking as well, so you are as well-equipped and warm as possible on the expedition. 25 What makes the Coldest Journey so unique is that it is the first attempt to traverse Antarctica during polar winter, so not only will it be cold, it will be completely dark for much of the expedition, which is also likely to affect the team's mindset. 30 When the weather sets in you cope with it like any other person. We play cards, draughts, backgammon, write blogs, write to the nearest and dearest, watch DVDs, listen to music ... And the team has seven or eight furry little mascots. I had a pink elephant from my daughter, Rob Lambert the doctor has two penguins, someone else has a power gorilla. There is also a busy little mouse called Mary, who seems to be the most notable. These mascots keep the team going. 35 17

  18. Source B: Extract from the London Journal of Flora Tristan (1840), entitled Londons Climate and the English Temperament Over every English town there hangs a pall compounded of the Ocean vapours that perpetually shroud the British Isles, and the heavy noxious fumes of the Cyclops cave. No longer does timber from the forests provide fuel for the family hearth; the fuel of Hell, snatched from the very bowels of the earth, has usurped its place. It burns everywhere, feeding countless furnaces, replacing horse-power on the roads and wind-power on the rivers and the seas which surround the empire. 1 5 Above the monster city a dense fog combines with the volume of smoke and soot issuing from thousands of chimneys to wrap London in a black cloud which allows only the dimmest light to penetrate and shrouds everything in a funeral veil. In London melancholy is in the very air you breathe and enters in at every pore. There is nothing more gloomy or disquieting than the aspect of the city on a day of fog or rain or black frost. Only succumb to its influence and your head becomes painfully heavy, your digestion sluggish, your respiration laboured for lack of fresh air, and your whole body is overcome by lassitude. Then you are in the grip of what the English call spleen : a profound despair, unaccountable anguish, cantankerous hatred for those one loves the best, disgust with everything, and an irresistible desire to end one s life by suicide. On days like this, London has a terrifying face: you seem to be lost in the necropolis of the world, breathing its sepulchral air. The light is wan, the cold humid; the long rows of identical sombre houses, each with its black iron grilles and narrow windows, resembles nothing so much as tombs stretching to infinity, whilst between them wander corpses awaiting the hour of burial. 10 15 20 On such black days the Englishmen is under the spell of his climate and behaves like a brute beast to anybody who crosses his path, giving and receiving knocks without a word of apology on either side. A poor old man may collapse from starvation in the street, but the Englishman will not stop to help him. He goes about his business and spares no thought for anything else; he hurries to finish his daily task, not to return home, for he has nothing to say to his wife or children, but to go to his club, where he will eat a good dinner in solitude, as conversation fatigues him. Then he will drink too much, and in his drunken slumber forget the troubles which beset him during the day. Many women resort to the same remedy; all that matters is to forget that one exists. The Englishman is no more of a drunkard by nature than the Spaniard, who drinks nothing but water, but the climate of London is enough to drive the most sober Spaniard to drink. 25 39 Summer in London is scarcely more agreeable than winter; the frequent chilling rainstorms, the heavy atmosphere charged with electricity, the constant change of temperature, cause so many colds, headaches and bouts of colic that there are at least as many sick people in summer as in winter. 35 The climate of London is so trying that many Englishmen never become reconciled to its vagaries. Hence it is the subject of eternal complaints and maledictions. Glossary: Perpetually Constantly Lassitude Tiredness Maledictions Evils Usurped Taken over Cantankerous Irritable Sepulchral Gloomy Shrouds Covers Spaniard Person from Spain Necropolis-burial ground Melancholy Sadness Vagaries Fancies 18

  19. Question 1: Step by Step Read the question Annotate the question Look at the number of marks available 4. Look at the space available 5. Re-read lines 1-11 on page 16 1. 2. 3. 6. Plan your answer by writing T or F on the LEFT HAND SIDE of the statements. 7. Check you have 4 true statements 8. Write your answer by shading in the circles on the RIGHT HAND SIDE Question 1: Read lines 1-11 of Source A again (up to you are in trouble ). Choose four statements below which are true. Shade the circles in the boxes of the ones that you think are true. Choose a maximum of four statements. If you make an error cross out the whole box. If you change your mind and require a statement that has been crossed out then draw a circle around the box. (4 marks) (a) Ranulph Fiennes is still in Antarctica. (b) The expedition was nicknamed The Coldest Journey . (c) On the expedition still are 4 Canadians and 1 Briton. (d) Fiennes developed frostbite whilst on the expedition. (e) Having holes in your clothing can help keep you warm. (f) The journey aims to complete the first trans-Antarctic crossing ever. (g) The high altitude makes it windier. (h) Fiennes has been to the Antarctic before. Question 2: Step by Step Read the question Annotate the question Look at the number of marks available 4. Look at the space available 1. 2. 3. Question 2: You need to refer to Source A and Source B for this question. Both sources describe extreme weather. Use details from both sources to write a summary of the similarities in the way the weather affects people. (8 marks) 19

  20. Question 2: Plan your answer in the table below Question 2: Plan your answer in the table below Source A Source B Point Quotation Point Quotation e.g. Weather can affect people s mental attitude negatively. e.g. everyone will have a down day Then draw arrows to connect your ideas together. Remember that the question is asking you to explore similarities. WAGOLL: Read the WAGOLL. Then draw arrows to connect the examiner s comments to the relevant section of the student s response. In both sources, the writers suggest that the weather can negatively impact on people s emotions, indicating the challenges that individuals face as they travel through extreme environments or merely try to get through the day. In Source A, Fiennes explains that the extreme and demanding environment affects people s mental attitude as most people will struggle to cope in such conditions. He explains that everyone will have a down day and therefore teams must stick together to overcome the mental strain. Similarly, in Source B Tristan explains that the smog in 19th century London could put a mental strain on the people living within it, under the spell of this climate [people] behave like a brute beast . The suggestion here is that people who live in such conditions may become dehumanised and revert to survival mode, losing their humanity. However, in contrast to Fiennes account of Antarctica, she suggests that people had not learnt how to cope with the mental strain, writing that the Englishman will not stop to help him . Unlike Fiennes, who suggests that people will act positively and altruistically in such situations, Tristan implies that the natural reaction of people is to look after themselves. Link both texts Infer meaning read between the lines. What does the quotation imply? Use a quotation from each source. Extend your answer by explaining in detail. 20

  21. Write your response to question 2 here : ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. link both texts, use the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in on Source A. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use a connective to link to Source B. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. link both texts, use the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in on Source A. Fluently embed ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use a connective to link ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ to Source B. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to ___________________________________________________________________________________________ extend your ideas. 21

  22. Question 3: Step by Step Read the question Annotate the question Look at the number of marks available 4. Look at the space available 1. 2. 3. Question 3: You now only need to refer to Source B. How does the writer use language to describe 19th Century London? (12 marks) WAGOLL: Read the WAGOLL. Throughout the extract Tristan presents nineteenth-century London as being a depressing, often terrifying, and deathly place. The write uses a metaphor to conjure such an image, writing that the fog shrouds [the city[ in a funeral veil . This suggests that the smog creates a funeral atmosphere. As the smog is the subject the sentence, the suggestion is that it is in control of the city and its population; the people are trapped in a situation they cannot escape from. However, there is a hint of positivity, as the metaphor also implies that underneath the veil there may be a much more exciting, vibrant city yet to be discovered. Furthermore, the city is described as being like Hell , a word which draws on Biblical imagery of destruction. List 3 positive aspects of this student s response: 1. 2. 3. Read the mark scheme summary: What mark would you give this student s work, and why? What mark? Why? Reason 1: Reason 2: 22

  23. Question 3: Plan your answer in the table below Three things about three things Quotation 1: Above the monster city a dense fog combines with the volume of smoke and soot issuing from thousands of chimneys to wrap London in a black cloud which allows only the dimmest light to penetrate and shrouds everything in a funeral veil. e.g. monster city e.g. smoke and soot black cloud e.g. shrouds everything in a funeral veil e.g. The city is personified it is in control, entrapping the people living within. e.g. The image of the monster suggests something that cannot be controlled. e.g. The monster is devilish, violent, and terrifying. Quotation 2: In London melancholy is in the very air you breathe and enters in at every pore. There is nothing more gloomy or disquieting than the aspect of the city on a day of fog or rain or black frost. Quotation 3: choose your own quotation. 23

  24. Write your response to question 3 here and on the next page: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. Include the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in and ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ dig deeper e.g. on closer inspection x 3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. Include the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in and dig deeper e.g. on closer inspection x 3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 24

  25. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. Include the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in and ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ dig deeper e.g. on closer inspection x 3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Question 4: Step by Step Read the question Annotate the question Look at the number of marks available 4. Look at the space available 1. 2. 3. Question 4: For this question, you need to refer to the whole of Source A together with the whole of Source B. Compare how each source conveys their attitude to extreme weather. In your answer, you should: compare the different attitudes compare the methods used to convey the attitudes support your ideas with quotations from both texts. (16 marks) 25

  26. Question 2: Plan your answer in the table below Question 4: Plan your answer in the table below Source A Source B Point Quotation Point Quotation Then draw arrows to connect your ideas together. Remember that the question is asking you to explore similarities. WAGOLL: Read the WAGOLL. Then draw arrows to connect the examiner s comments to the relevant section of the student s response. Infer meaning read between the lines. What does the quotation imply? Although both sources describe the effects of extreme weather, Fiennes attitude is much more promising than Tristan s opinion. Fiennes aims to inspire the reader by showing that survival in such conditions is possible with a good mindset and teamwork. His factual, yet personal, stories ( during a whiteout at -33oC ) give the reader confidence in his advice about survival, whilst his assured and well-educated idiom ( it is imperative to stay focussed ) creates confidence in the reader and indicates that Fiennes is in control as the leader of the team, he will bring the group safely home. The noun whiteout also connotes a sense of excitement at the challenge the team faces. In contrast, Tristan seems to use her personal experience of the weather to dissuade her reader from visiting London, whereas Fiennes emphasises a positive psychological state. The hyperbolic line in London melancholy is in the air you breathe and enters in at every pore implies a tendency towards depression. By addressing the reader directly, Tristan creates a sense of revulsion as the reader visualises the scene. Link both texts Use a quotation from each source. Extend your answer by explaining in detail. Zoom in to analyse methods (explain why the writer has used a particular method). Use subject terminology to identify methods. 26

  27. Write your response to question 4 here : ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. link both texts, use the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in on Source A. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analyse: three things ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ about three things. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use a connective to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ link to Source B. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analyse: three things ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ about three things. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 27

  28. Write your response to question 4 here : ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. link both texts, use the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in on Source A. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analyse: three things ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ about three things. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use a connective to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ link to Source B. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analyse: three things ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ about three things. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 28

  29. 2. Section B 2. Section B - - Travel Travel Question 5: Step by Step Read the question Annotate the question Look at the number of marks available 4. Look at the space available 1. 2. 3. Question 5: Travel has limited benefits. It is absolutely right that parents should not be allowed to take their children out of school during term time. Write an article for an educational website in which you argue for or against this statement. (40 marks) WAGOLL: Read the WAGOLL. My daughter runs over and smiles at me, her tiny feet stomping in the sand as her six-year- old brain takes in the surroundings. We are sitting on a beach nothing particularly special outside a hotel on the coast of a Spanish fishing town, Sant-pol de Mar. We had flown out the previous day a Thursday so as to maximise our time together, before having to fly back on Sunday night. While spending a week here would have bee a dream (and, given the time of year, an affordable one), Emily s school wouldn t allow it. The headmaster denied my request to take Emily out of lessons for any more than two days. Use a highlighter or a number code to identify where the student has: 1. Used excellent vocabulary. 2. Used a range of language devices. 3. Engaged the reader. 4. Used a range of punctuation. 5. Used an anecdote/example. 6. Used a range of sentence structures (e.g. short or long sentence for effect). This begs the question: why? It seems to me that the schools of our nation are failing to recognise the need for families to spend quality time together. Clearly, the schools of our nation do not recognise or do not care that many parents simply cannot afford to take their children on holidays out of term time. Let me present an example: there is a single mother, earning a standard wage, with a young, school- age daughter. She wishes to go on a holiday more interesting than Brighton Pier with her child for once. So, naturally, given the reduced rates available during term-time, she desires, non-maliciously, to remove her daughter from school for a week. Given that her daughter s current attendance is 98% and she is excelling academically, this sounds absolutely reasonable, yes? 29

  30. Your turn: write your response to Question 5 Travel has limited benefits. It is absolutely right that parents should not be allowed to take their children out of school during term time. Write an article for an educational website in which you argue for or against this statement. (40 marks) Plan your response here: Write your response below and on the next page: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 30 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  31. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 31 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  32. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 32 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  33. Use the marking criteria to reflect on your persuasive writing piece Did you achieve this? (yes/no/maybe) Add a quotation from your work as evidence Target Communication is convincing it reads like an article Communication is compelling it is an article would be interested in reading Tone, style and register are matched to audience you have written in the style of a journalist Content and organisation: 24 marks Extensive and ambitious use of vocabulary Sustained crafting of linguistic devices you have used a range of language devices throughout Use of structural features e.g. circular structure Inclusion of a range of complex ideas e.g. you explore different moods, emotions, aspects of character Paragraphs are linked Sentence demarcation is accurate full stops, commas etc are in the correct place Technical accuracy: 16 marks Wide range of punctuation used accurately Uses the full range of sentence forms for effect Secure control of complex grammatical structures High level of accuracy in spelling Extensive and ambitious use of vocabulary 33

  34. 3. Section A 3. Section A Travel Travel Read the extracts twice through Source A: Stranded in Vanuatu, by Cash Peters Cash Peters is a British journalist living in America. Here he is on a remote South Sea island making a TV programme. Despite the hotel being a mere few feet from the water s edge, where you d think there d be a breeze, there isn t. The air in the main bar-lounge is unbearably hot and sticky, another harbinger, I suppose, of what lies ahead. Seriously, you could steam broccoli in here. And of course, that makes the place a magnet to flies. Bluebottles especially. Big chubby ones carve a zigzag path between tables, coming in to land like ghastly winged tumours in my hair and on my bare arms to get at my sweat. 1 5 Settling down in a chair on the deck, I watch the sun slide dramatically into the ocean in a tantrum of citrus hues, before finally throwing itself over the horizon. In its wake a dense, hostile darkness descends, the likes of which I ve never encountered before. Once the light fades in Vanuatu, you re as good as blind. It s coal-shaft black out there. Ghoulishly, back-of-your- closet black. Convulsing flames in small kerosene lamps distributed among tables in the restaurant do their best to provide occasional golden pockets of reassurance, but it s not enough to make the slightest dent on the monolithic emptiness of the world beyond this one. 10 At my feet, a lazy surf gurgles and eddies into rocky inlets barely visible through the gauze of night. After that, several yards out and just below the surface, lies a ring of coral one hundred metres deep. Then nothing. You don t touch land again for another four thousand miles four thousand! not until you hit the Great Barrier Reef. That fact alone has me totally creeped out. 15 With the onset of night, I feel a slight chill skitter across the back of my neck. A fleeting, barely perceptible breath, like the icy touch of winter. A warning? Telling me I ve committed to something I shouldn t have. You idiot, signing that goddamned contract! You know you didn t want to. Now look at the mess you re in. 20 Suddenly, the world I m use to and feel comfortable in of leafy suburbs, of food stores open around the clock, movie theatres, Starbucks on every corner, my beautiful home feels like it s in a different galaxy. Once, when I was a little kid in England, I lost my parents in a department store. They walked off in one direction and I got side-tracked and ran off in another. Before I realised I couldn t see them anymore, it was already too late; they d gone and I was lost. 25 Every child has moments like that. Most, by the time they get to be adults, have assimilated them and moved on. For some reason, I never did. The sense of abject abandonment, the helplessness, the distress I felt sitting in the rug department crying my eyes out that day, has stayed with me all these years: the dread of going unmissed, the fear that nobody knows I m here, nobody cares, and nobody s coming back for me. And that same thumbprint of anxiety returns to haunt me once again now, as I look out from the deck of the hotel at well, nothing. 30 34

  35. Source B: Journey to the South Sea Islands by RL Stevenson. Few men who come to the islands leave them; they grow grey where they alighted; the palm shades and the trade-wind fans them till they die, perhaps cherishing to the last the fancy of a visit home, which is rarely made, more rarely enjoyed, and yet more rarely repeated. No part of the world exerts the same attractive power upon the visitor, and the task before me is to communicate to fireside travellers some sense of its seduction, and to describe the life, at sea and ashore, of many hundred thousand persons, some of our own blood and language, and yet as remote in thought and habit as Rob Roy or Barbarossa, the Apostles or the Caesars. 1 5 The first experience can never be repeated. The first love, the first sunrise, the first South Sea island, are memories apart and touched a virginity of sense. On the 28th of July 1888 the moon was an hour down by four in the morning. In the east a radiating centre of brightness told of the day; and beneath, on the skyline, the morning bank was already building, black as ink. Although the dawn was thus preparing by four, the sun was not up till six; and it was half-past five before we could distinguish our expected islands from the clouds on the horizon. The interval was passed on deck in the silence of expectation, the customary thrill of landfall heightened by the strangeness of the shores that we were then approaching. Slowly, they took shape in the attenuating darkness. Ua-huna, piling up to a truncated summit, appeared the first upon the starboard bow; almost abeam arose our destination, Nuka-hiva, whelmed in cloud; and betwixt and to the southward, the first rays of the sun displayed the needles of Ua-pu. These pricked about the line of the horizon; like the pinnacles of some ornate and monstrous church, they stood there, in the sparkling brightness of the morning, the fit signboard of a world of wonders. 10 15 20 Not one soul aboard the Casco had set foot upon the islands, or knew, except by accident, one word of any of the island tongues; and it was with something perhaps of the same anxious pleasure as thrilled the bosom of discoverers that we drew near these problematic shores. The land heaved up in peaks and rising vales; it fell in cliffs and buttresses; its colour ran through fifty modulations in the scale of pearl and rose and olive; and it was crowned above by opalescent clouds. The suffusion of vague hues deceived the eye; the shadows of clouds were confounded with the articulations of the mountains; and the isle and its unsubstantial canopy rose and shimmered before us like a single mass. There was no beacon, no smoke of towns to be expected, no plying pilot. Somewhere, in that pale phantasmagoria of cliff and cloud, our haven lay concealed; and somewhere to the east of it a certain headland, known as Cape Adam and Eve, and distinguished by two colossal figures, the gross statuary of nature. These we were to find; for these we craned and stared, focused glasses, and wrangled over charts; and the sun was overhead and the land close ahead before we found them. To a ship approaching from the north, they proved indeed the least conspicuous features of a striking coast; the surf flying high above its base; strange, austere, and feathered mountains rising behind; and Adam and Eve, impending like a pair of warts above the breakers. 25 30 35 35

  36. Question 1: Step by Step 1. Read the question 2. Annotate the question Look at the number of marks available 4. Look at the space available 5. Re-read Source A 3. 6. Plan your answer by writing T or F on the LEFT HAND SIDE of the statements. 7. Check you have 4 true statements 8. Write your answer by shading in the circles on the RIGHT HAND SIDE Question 1: Read Source A again. Choose four statements below which are true. Shade the circles in the boxes of the ones that you think are true. Choose a maximum of four statements. If you make an error cross out the whole box. If you change your mind and require a statement that has been crossed out then draw a circle around the box. (4 marks) (a) Cash Peters likes the place he is in. (b) It is very hot in the hotel. (c) It is sunset when Cash Peters is writing. (d) Cash Peters has regularly spent time in dark places. (e) There are many electric lights in the restaurants. (f) It is a long walk from the hotel to the beach. (g) Cash Peters is pestered by flies whilst he is at the hotel. (h) There is a sense that nothing exists apart from the island. Question 2: Step by Step 1. Read the question 2. Annotate the question Look at the number of marks available 4. Look at the space available 3. Question 2: You need to refer to Source A and Source B for this question. Both sources describe the South Sea islands. Use details from both sources to write a summary of the differences in how the writers describe the setting. (8 marks) Question 2: Plan your answer in the table below. Then draw arrows to connect ideas. Source A Source B Point Quotation Point Quotation e.g. The setting is extremely humid and uncomfortable Peters is not enjoying his trip. e.g. you d think there d be a breeze but there isn t . 36

  37. Write your response to question 2 here : ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. link both texts, use the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in on Source A. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use a connective to link to Source B. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. link both texts, use the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in on Source A. Fluently embed ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use a connective to link ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ to Source B. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to ___________________________________________________________________________________________ extend your ideas. 37

  38. Question 3: Step by Step 1. Read the question 2. Annotate the question Look at the number of marks available 4. Look at the space available 3. Question 3: You now only need to refer to Source B. How does the Stevenson use language to describe the beauty of the location? (12 marks) Question 3: Plan your answer in the table below Three things about three things Quotation 1: In the east a radiating centre of brightness told of the day; and beneath, on the skyline, the morning bank was already building, black as ink. e.g. radiating centre e.g. brightness black as ink e.g. Radiating suggestions brightness, and light connoting positivity. e.g. Radiating suggests the landscape is giving beauty to the visitor. e.g. centre indicates that this is the heart of the world a place we must all visit. Quotation 2: choose your own quotation. Quotation 3: choose your own quotation. 38

  39. Write your response to question 3 here and on the next page: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. Include the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in and ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ dig deeper e.g. on closer inspection x 3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. Include the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in and dig deeper e.g. on closer inspection x 3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 39

  40. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. Include the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in and dig deeper e.g. on closer inspection x 3 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Look at the number of marks available 4. Look at the space available Question 4: Step by Step 1. Read the question 2. Annotate the question Question 4: For this question, you need to refer to the whole of Source A together with the whole of Source B. Compare how each writer conveys their attitude towards travel. In your answer, you should: compare the different attitudes compare the methods used to convey the attitudes support your ideas with quotations from both texts. (16 marks) Question 4: Plan your answer in the table below. Then draw arrows to link ideas. Source A Source B Point Quotation Point Quotation 40

  41. Write your response to question 4 here : ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 1 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. link both texts, use the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in on Source A. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analyse: three things ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ about three things. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use a connective to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ link to Source B. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analyse: three things ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ about three things. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 41

  42. Write your response to question 4 here : ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Paragraph 2 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Point flip the Q. link both texts, use the writer s name. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zoom in on Source A. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analyse: three things ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ about three things. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use a connective to ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ link to Source B. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fluently embed evidence. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain the surface level e.g. ostensibly. Use words like suggest and imply to infer meaning. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Analyse: three things ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ about three things. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Use because/ but/ so ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ to extend your ideas. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 42

  43. 3. Section B 3. Section B The Environment The Environment Question 5: Step by Step Read the question Annotate the question Look at the number of marks available 4. Look at the space available 1. 2. 3. Question 5: It is essential for us to do everything we can to protect the environment; it is important to reduce the risk of flash floods and forest fires, as well as to ensure we are able to improve our own wellbeing by spending time in a healthy natural world. Write an article for a broadsheet newspaper in which you argue for or against this statement. (40 marks) Plan your response here: Write your response below and on the next page: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 43 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  44. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 44 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  45. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 45 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

  46. Use the marking criteria to reflect on your persuasive writing piece Did you achieve this? (yes/no/maybe) Add a quotation from your work as evidence Target Communication is convincing it reads like an article Communication is compelling it is an article would be interested in reading Tone, style and register are matched to audience you have written in the style of a journalist Content and organisation: 24 marks Extensive and ambitious use of vocabulary Sustained crafting of linguistic devices you have used a range of language devices throughout Use of structural features e.g. circular structure Inclusion of a range of complex ideas e.g. you explore different moods, emotions, aspects of character Paragraphs are linked Sentence demarcation is accurate full stops, commas etc are in the correct place Technical accuracy: 16 marks Wide range of punctuation used accurately Uses the full range of sentence forms for effect Secure control of complex grammatical structures High level of accuracy in spelling Extensive and ambitious use of vocabulary 46


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