Understanding Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis

           Chapter One
    Cerebrospinal fluid analysis
Addisa Ababa University
Jimma University
Hawassa University
Haramaya University
University of Gondar
American Society for Clinical Pathology
Center for Disease Control and Prevention-Ethiopia
Introduction to 
Cerebrospinal fluid
Routine laboratory assays
Collection of sample
Gross appearance
Cell  counts
Chemical analysis
Morphological Examination
Microbiological Examination
Serological Examination
Upon completion of this chapter the student will be able to:
1.Describe the formation of CSF from blood.
     2.  Describe the appearance of normal CSF.
     3.  Define xanthochromia and state its significance.
     4.  Differentiate between CSF specimens caused   by
intracranial hemorrhage and a traumatic tap.
5 Differentiate between CSF specimens caused by
              intracranial hemorrhage and a traumatic tap.
Given the laboratory observations of a bloody CSF,
evaluate the supernatant and propose the type of
pathological condition associated with a clear
supernatant versus a xanthochromic supernatant.
Compare the difference of pathological conditions
associated with the types of cells observed in a CSF.
List the normal range of glucose, protein, and cell
count for a CSF.
Evaluate abnormal laboratory results with a
pathological condition related to CSF.
Discuss appropriate collection requirements for CSF
following a lumbar puncture.
First recognized by Cotugno in 1764, cerebrospinal fluid
(CSF) is a major fluid of the body.
 CSF provides a physiologic system to supply nutrients to
the nervous tissue, remove metabolic wastes, and
produce a mechanical barrier to cushion the brain and
spinal cord against trauma.
CSF is produced in the 
choroid plexuses of the two
lumbar ventricles and the third and fourth venticles. In
adults, approximately 20 mL of fluid is produced every
The fluid flows through the 
subarachnoid space
between the arachnoid and pia mater.
To maintain a volume of 90 to 150 mL in adults
and 10 to 60 mL in neonates.
 the circulating fluid is reabsorbed back into the
blood capillaries in the 
granulations/villae at a 
rate equal to its
Fluid in the space called sub-arachnoid space between
the arachnoid mater and pia mater
Protects the underlying tissues of the central nervous
system (CNS)
Serve as mechanical buffer to
prevent trauma,
regulate the volume of intracranial pressure
circulate nutrients
remove metabolic waste products from the CNS
Act as lubricant
Has composition similar to plasma except that it has
less protein, less glucose and more chloride ion
Collection of  CSF sample
Routine Laboratory assays of CSF
Gross appearance
RBC &WBC counts
Morphological Examination
Microbiological Examination
Serological Examination
Maximum volume of CSF
150 mL
60 mL
Rate of formation in adult is 450-750 mL per day or 20 ml
per hour
 reabsorbed at the same rate to maintain constant
Collection by lumbar puncture done by experienced
medical personnel
About 1-2ml of CSF is collected for examination
lumbar puncture is made from the space between the
 and 5
 lumbar vertebrae under sterile conditions.
Location of CSF
Collected in three
sequentially labeled tubes
Tube 1
Chemical and
immunologic tests
Tube 2
Tube 3
(gross examination,
total WBC & Diff)
This is the list likely
to contain cells
introduced by the
puncture procedure
As soon as the c.s.f. reaches the laboratory, note its
 Report whether the fluid:
– is clear, slightly turbid, cloudy or definitely purulent
(looking like pus),
– contains blood,
– contains clots.
Normal c.s.f. Appears clear and colourless.
Purulent or cloudy c.s.f.
   Indicates presence of pus 
cells, suggestive of acute
pyogenic bacterial meningitis.
Blood in c.s.f.
   This may be due to a traumatic 
(bloody) lumbar
puncture or less commonly to haemorrhage in the
central nervous system. When due to a traumatic
lumbar puncture, sample No. 1 will usually contain
more blood than sample No. 2.
Following a subarachnoid haemorrhage, the fluid may
appear xanthrochromic, i.e. yellow-red (seen after
Clots in c.s.f. Indicates a high protein concentration
with increased fibrinogen, as can occur with
pyogenic meningitis or when there is spinal
Diagnosis of meningitis of bacterial, fungal,
mycobacterial and amoebic origin or differential
diagnosis of other infectious diseases
subarachnoid hemorrhage or intracerebral
CSF specimen examined visually and microscopically
and total number of cells can be counted and identified
the third tube in the sequentially collected tubes
must be counted within 1 hour of collection (cells
disintegrate rapidly). If delay is unavoidable store 2-
All specimens should be handled  as biologically
Glucose is major energy substrate for brain as
well as a major carbon source for many
Brain uses 20-25% of total oxygen and 15% of
cardiac output is directed to CNS.
When body glucose supply is decreased, other organs
decrease glucose utilization to maintain adequate
supply of glucose to brain.
Other organs can readily switch to oxidation of another
substrate for energy production.
Under certain conditions, such as chronic starvation,
the brain can oxidize other substances but maintains a
minimal obligatory requirement for glucose.
Glycolysis--conversion to lactic acid
Hexokinase has high activity in brain
Serves to trap glucose and maintain concentration
gradient for diffusion
2-deoxyglucose is also taken up by brain and
phosphorylated by hexokinase, but then
becomes trapped
Marker to correlate changes in neural activity with
changes in glucose utilization.
Enolase, an enzyme in glycolytic pathway,
exists in nerve cells in unique isoform (neuron
specific enolase, NSE)
Used as a specific marker for neurons.
Pentose shunt
Provides source of D-ribose for synthesis of
Produces NADPH required for lipid syntheses
Most active during development
Concept: Amino acids serve many functions in
Peptide and Protein synthesis
Precursors for transmitters
Concept: Neurons must produce those proteins
essential for their special functions:
conduction of action potentials
synaptic transmission
axoplasmic transport
establishment of specific connections
Cell Surface proteins play a role during
development in directing neural connections
Contractile proteins
function in axoplasmic movement
Neurotubular protein
Glial proteins (glial fibrillary protein)
Enzymes for transmitter synthesis and
Transmitter receptors
Membrane transporters
Ion Channels
Growth Factors
Synaptic Vesicle
Morphologically identical to neutrophils and
bands in blood
Occasionally granulation disappears and
pseudo-hypersegmentation is observed.
Almost identical morphology to lymphocytes
in the blood
Due to "flattening-out" of the lymphs during
cytocentrifugation, nucleoli may be visible.
Found in all fluid
Leukophages:Macrophagescontaining phagocytized
WBC.  WBCs are often pyknotic and easily confused
with NRBC's.  Found in all fluids.
Erythrophages: Macrophages containing phagocytized
RBC or RBC fragments.  May contain several RBC.
Found in all fluids.
Siderophages: Macrophages containing phagocytized
particles of hemosiderin, which stain a blue-black color.
These are bright-yellow diamond-shaped
crystals of hemosiderin
intracellular or extracellular on the slide.
They are iron-negative on the Prussian blue
stain and therefore
Can be noted on the patient report without
performing an iron stain.
Metamyelocytes, myelocytes, and
promyelocytes may be found in fluids, though
they are rarely seen.
They are morphologically identical to those in
the blood
May be due to bone marrow contamination in
Morphologically similar to blasts found in the
There may be some clover-leaf shaped nuclei
due to cytocentrifugal distortion.
May be found in all fluids
Seen in association with leukemias,
Bone marrow contamination of CSF
NRBC are rarely seen body fluids.  If observed,
they should be reported as the number of
NRBC per number of WBC counted
They must be differentiated from pyknotic
NRBC’s are commonly due to peripheral blood
or bone marrow contamination of CSF
Plasmacytoid lymphs:  Identical in morphology
to plasmacytoid lymphs in blood
Found in all fluids.
Mott cells:  Plasma cells with numerous clear
cytoplasmic vacuoles  containing
These are most common in CSF from small
children with subarachnoid hemorrhage but
may be found in all body fluids
May be very difficult to distinguish
morphologically from large atypical
Malignant cells may be shed from solid tissue
(non-hematopoietic) neoplasms into CSF or
body cavity fluid submitted for cell counts
Fluid will be turbid or bloody
Malignant cells are usually seen in clusters of 3-
5 or more, but may occur singly
Intracellular bacteria or yeast can be observed
in acute bacterial or fungal infections
It is important to coordinate your findings with
those of the Microbiology Section of the
When the CSF is pinkish red, this usually
indicates the presence of blood, which may
have resulted from:
Sub arachnoid hemorrhage
Intra cerebral hemorrhage
traumatic tap
 - Chemistry
 - Microbiology
 - Hematology
Color – Xanthochromia
Increased Protein
Increased White Blood Cells (Pleocytosis)
A traumatic tap shows progressively
decreasing RBC in serial samples
Generally, in subarachnoid hemorrhage, the
RBC would be consistent from one tube to the
After the CSF is centrifuged, the supernatant
fluid is clear in a traumatic tap, but it is
xanthochromic in a subarachnoid hemorrhage
 of the CSF refers to a pink,
orange, or yellow color of the supernatant after
the CSF has been centrifuged
The white cell count is increased when there is
inflammation of the central nervous system,
particularly the meninges
Bacterial infections are usually associated with
the presence of neutrophils in the CSF
Viral infections are associated with an increase
in mononuclear cells
An increase in mononuclear cells may also be
seen with:
cerebral abscess
acute leukemia
intracranial vein thrombosis
cerebral tumor
multiple sclerosis
A white cell count with an indication whether
the cells are pus cells or lymphocytes, is
required when the c.s.f. appears slightly cloudy
or clear or when the
Gram smear does not indicate pyogenic
bacterial meningitis
To identify whether white cells in the c.s.f. are
polymorphonuclear neutrophils (pus cells) or
lymphocytes, dilute the c.s.f. in a fluid which stains the
cells. Istonic 0.1% toluidine blue is recommended
because it stains lymphocytes and the nuclei of pus
cells blue. C. neoformans yeast cells stain pink. Red
cells remain unstained. The motility of trypanosomes is
not affected by the dye.
When toluidine blue is unavailable, isotonic methylene
blue can be used which will also stain the nuclei of
Mix 1 drop of the c.s.f. (sample No. 2 uncentrifuged
c.s.f.) with 1 drop of toluidine blue diluting fluid,
2    Assemble a modified Fuchs-Rosenthal ruled
       counting chamber, making sure the chamber
      and cover glass are completely clean.
When unavailable, an improved Neubauer (preferably
       Bright-Line) chamber can be used.
A Fuchs-Rosenthal 
chamber is recommended because it
has twice the depth (0.2 mm) and is more suitable for
counting WBCs in c.s.f.
3     Using a fine bore Pasteur pipette or capillary
       tube, carefully fill the counting chamber with the
       well-mixed diluted c.s.f. The fluid must not 
overflow into
the      channels on each side of the chamber.
4     Wait 2 minutes for the cells to settle.
5    Count the cells microscopically. Focus the cells and
rulings      using the 10 objective Count the cells in 5 of
the large squares
Modified Fuchs-Rosenthal ruled
Improved Neubauer ruled chamber
Because CSF is formed by filtration of the plasma,
chemicals in the CSF are  that are found in the plasma.
chemical composition is controlled by the blood-brain
normal values for CSF chemicals are not the same as
the plasma values.
Abnormal values result from alterations in the
permeability of the blood-brain barrier or increased
production or metabolism by the neural cells in
response to a pathologic condition.
Use the supernatant fluid from centrifuged
c.s.f. or uncentrifuged c.s.f. when the sample
appears clear.
Total protein can be measured in c.s.f. using a
colorimetric technique or a visual comparative
Normal Total c.s.f. protein is normally 
g/l (15–40 mg%).
When the total protein exceeds 2.0 g/l (200
mg%), the fibrinogen level is usually increased
sufficiently to cause the c.s.f. to clot. This may
occur in severe pyogenic meningitis, spinal
block, or following haemorrhage.
The causes of elevated CSF protein include damage to
the blood-brain barrier, production of immunoglobulins
within the CNS, decreased clearance of normal protein
from the fluid, and degeneration of neural tissue.
Meningitis and hemorrhage conditions that damage the
blood-brain barrier are the most common causes of
elevated CSF protein.
Many other neurologic disorders can elevate the CSF
protein, and finding an abnormal result on clear fluid
with a low cell count is not unusual
Diabetes Mellitus
Brain tumor
Acoustic neuroma
Encapsulated brain abscess
Spinal cord tumor
Multiple Sclerosis
Acute purulent Meningitis
Granulomatous Meningitis
Carcinomatous Meningitis
Syphilis  (protein may be normal if longstanding)
Guillain-Barre Syndrome (Infectious polyneuritis)
Cushing's Disease
Connective tissue disease
Cerebral hemorrhage
Glucose enters the CSF by selective transport across
the bloodbrain
barrier, a normal value 60% to 70% that of the plasma
If the plasma glucose is 100 mg/dL, then a normal CSF
glucose would be approximately 65 mg/dL. For an
accurate evaluation of CSF glucose, a blood glucose
test must be run for comparisonCSF glucose is
analyzed using the same procedures employed for
blood glucose.
Specimens should be tested immediately because
glycolysis occurs rapidly in the CSF.
The diagnostic significance of CSF glucose is confined
to the finding of values that are decreased in relation to
plasma values.
Elevated CSF glucose values are always a result of
plasma elevations.
Low CSF glucose values can be of considerable
diagnostic value in determining the causative agents
in meningitis.
The finding of a markedly decreased CSF glucose
accompanied by an increased WBC count and a large
percentage of neutrophils is indicative of bacterial
Glucose must be measured within 20 minutes of the
c.s.f. being withdrawn otherwise a falsely low result
will be obtained due to glycolysis.
Use the supernatant fluid from centrifuged c.s.f. or
uncentrifuged c.s.f. if the sample appears clear.
Glucose can be measured in c.s.f. using a colorimetric
technique or a simpler semiquantitative 
technique using
Benedict’s reagent.
Normal c.s.f. glucose: This is about half to two thirds
      that found in blood i.e. 2.5–4.0 mmol/1 (45–72
Raised c.s.f. glucose: Occurs when the blood glucose
     level is raised (hyperglycaemia) and sometimes with
Low c.s.f. glucose: The c.s.f. glucose concentration is
     reduced in most forms of meningitis, except viral
In pyogenic bacterial meningitis it is markedly
reduced and may even be undetectable.
Low glucose levels, as compared to plasma
levels, are seen in:
bacterial meningitis
cryptococcal meningitis
malignant involvement of the meninges and
Glucose levels are usually normal in viral
infections of the CNS
Normal CSF Levels:
Protein (10 - 45 mg/dL)
Glucose (40 - 70 mg/dL)
Physical Appearance
RBC <5/
WBC <5/
In bacterial and cryptococcal infection, an increased
CSF lactate is found earlier than a reduced glucose
In viral meningitis, lactate levels remain normal, even
when neutrophils are present in the CSF
Raised levels may also occur with severe cerebral
hypoxia or genetic lactic acidosis
When cryptococcal meningitis is clinically suspected,
e.g. patient with HIV disease, or when yeast cells are
detected when performing a cell count or examining a
Gram smear, examine an India ink preparation or a
wet preparation by dark-field microscopy for
encapsulated yeasts.
1  Centrifuge the c.s.f. for 5–10 minutes. Remove
    the supernatant fluid and mix the sediment.
2  Transfer a drop of the sediment to a slide, cover
    with a cover glass and examine by dark-field
Microscopy or add a drop of India ink , use nigrosin 200
g/l (20% w/v solution.
3 Examine the preparation using the 40 objective Look for
oval or round cells, some showing budding, irregular in
size, measuring 2–10 m in diameter and surrounded by
a large unstained capsule
Examine a wet preparation for motile amoebae
when primary amoebic meningoencephalitis is clinically
suspected (rare condition caused by 
N. fowleri) 
or the
c.s.f. contains pus cells with raised protein and low
glucose, but no bacteria are seen in the Gram smear.
Red cells may also be present.
1 Transfer a drop of uncentrifuged purulent c.s.f. or a
drop of sediment from a centrifuged specimen to a
slide and cover with a cover glass.
2 Examine the preparation using the 10 and 40
objectives, with the condenser 
closed sufficiently
to give good contrast. Look for small, clear,
motile, elongated forms among the pus cells. Use
the 40 objective
 1 A CSF WBC count is diluted with:
 2 A total CSF cell count on a clear fluid should be:
 3 The purpose of adding albumin to CSF before
cytocentrifugation is to:
4 The primary concern when pleocytosis of neutrophils
and lymphocytes is found in the CSF is:
 5 Neutrophils with pyknotic nuclei may be mistaken
6 The presence of which of the following cells is
increased when a CNS shunt malfunctions?
You should now be able to discuss the
formation and collection procedure for cerebral
spinal fluid, normal and abnormal findings in
CSF and methods of analysis and evaluation of
Urinalysis and body fluids / Susan King Strasinger,  5th ed. 2008
District laboratory practice in tropical countries. 2
 ed. Part I. Monica
Cheesbrough, 2005
Text book of urinalysis and body fluids. Doris LR, Ann EN, 1983
Urinalysis and body fluids: A color text and atlas. Karen MR, Jean JL.
Clinical chemistry: Principles, procedures, correlation. 3
 ed. Michael
L. Bishop et al. 1996
Tietz Text book of clinical chemistry. 3
 ed. Carl AB, Edward RA,
Clinical chemistry: Theory, analysis, correlation 4
 ed. Lawrence AK.
ASCP Document
Urinalysis lecture note . Mistire W. , Dawite Y.
Slide Note

Explore the essential aspects of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis, from routine laboratory assays to interpretation of pathological conditions. Learn about CSF formation, normal parameters, and interpretation of lab results to diagnose various neurological conditions.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Chapter One Cerebrospinal fluid analysis

  2. Addisa Ababa University Jimma University Hawassa University Haramaya University University of Gondar American Society for Clinical Pathology Center for Disease Control and Prevention-Ethiopia

  3. Introduction to Cerebrospinal fluid Routine laboratory assays Collection of sample Gross appearance Cell counts Chemical analysis Morphological Examination Microbiological Examination Serological Examination

  4. Upon completion of this chapter the student will be able to: 1.Describe the formation of CSF from blood. 2. Describe the appearance of normal CSF. 3. Define xanthochromia and state its significance. 4. Differentiate between CSF specimens caused by intracranial hemorrhage and a traumatic tap. 5 Differentiate between CSF specimens caused by intracranial hemorrhage and a traumatic tap.

  5. 8. Given the laboratory observations of a bloody CSF, evaluate the supernatant and propose the type of pathological condition associated with a clear supernatant versus a xanthochromic supernatant. 9. Compare the difference of pathological conditions associated with the types of cells observed in a CSF. 10. List the normal range of glucose, protein, and cell count for a CSF. 11. Evaluate abnormal laboratory results with a pathological condition related to CSF. 12. Discuss appropriate collection requirements for CSF following a lumbar puncture.

  6. First recognized by Cotugno in 1764, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is a major fluid of the body. CSF provides a physiologic system to supply nutrients to the nervous tissue, remove metabolic wastes, and produce a mechanical barrier to cushion the brain and spinal cord against trauma. CSF is produced in the choroid plexuses of the two lumbar ventricles and the third and fourth venticles. In adults, approximately 20 mL of fluid is produced every hour.

  7. The fluid flows through the subarachnoid space located between the arachnoid and pia mater. To maintain a volume of 90 to 150 mL in adults and 10 to 60 mL in neonates. the circulating fluid is reabsorbed back into the blood capillaries in the arachnoid granulations/villae at a rate equal to its production

  8. Fluid in the space called sub-arachnoid space between the arachnoid mater and pia mater Protects the underlying tissues of the central nervous system (CNS) Serve as mechanical buffer to prevent trauma, regulate the volume of intracranial pressure circulate nutrients remove metabolic waste products from the CNS Act as lubricant Has composition similar to plasma except that it has less protein, less glucose and more chloride ion

  9. Collection of CSF sample Routine Laboratory assays of CSF Gross appearance RBC &WBC counts Morphological Examination Microbiological Examination Serological Examination

  10. Maximum volume of CSF Adults Neonates Rate of formation in adult is 450-750 mL per day or 20 ml per hour reabsorbed at the same rate to maintain constant volume Collection by lumbar puncture done by experienced medical personnel About 1-2ml of CSF is collected for examination lumbar puncture is made from the space between the 4thand 5thlumbar vertebrae under sterile conditions. 150 mL 60 mL

  11. Collected in three sequentially labeled tubes Tube 1 Chemical and immunologic tests Tube 2 Microbiology Tube 3 Hematology (gross examination, total WBC & Diff) This is the list likely to contain cells introduced by the puncture procedure Location of CSF

  12. As soon as the c.s.f. reaches the laboratory, note its appearance. Report whether the fluid: is clear, slightly turbid, cloudy or definitely purulent (looking like pus), contains blood, contains clots. Normal c.s.f. Appears clear and colourless.

  13. Purulent or cloudy c.s.f. Indicates presence of pus cells, suggestive of acute pyogenic bacterial meningitis. Blood in c.s.f. This may be due to a traumatic (bloody) lumbar puncture or less commonly to haemorrhage in the central nervous system. When due to a traumatic lumbar puncture, sample No. 1 will usually contain more blood than sample No. 2.

  14. Following a subarachnoid haemorrhage, the fluid may appear xanthrochromic, i.e. yellow-red (seen after centrifuging). Clots in c.s.f. Indicates a high protein concentration with increased fibrinogen, as can occur with pyogenic meningitis or when there is spinal constriction.

  15. Diagnosis of meningitis of bacterial, fungal, mycobacterial and amoebic origin or differential diagnosis of other infectious diseases subarachnoid hemorrhage or intracerebral hemorrhage

  16. CSF specimen examined visually and microscopically and total number of cells can be counted and identified Specimen: the third tube in the sequentially collected tubes must be counted within 1 hour of collection (cells disintegrate rapidly). If delay is unavoidable store 2- 8oC. All specimens should be handled as biologically hazardous

  17. Glucose is major energy substrate for brain as well as a major carbon source for many molecules. Brain uses 20-25% of total oxygen and 15% of cardiac output is directed to CNS.

  18. When body glucose supply is decreased, other organs decrease glucose utilization to maintain adequate supply of glucose to brain. Other organs can readily switch to oxidation of another substrate for energy production. Under certain conditions, such as chronic starvation, the brain can oxidize other substances but maintains a minimal obligatory requirement for glucose.

  19. Glycolysis--conversion to lactic acid Hexokinase has high activity in brain Serves to trap glucose and maintain concentration gradient for diffusion

  20. 2-deoxyglucose is also taken up by brain and phosphorylated by hexokinase, but then becomes trapped Marker to correlate changes in neural activity with changes in glucose utilization. Enolase, an enzyme in glycolytic pathway, exists in nerve cells in unique isoform (neuron specific enolase, NSE) Used as a specific marker for neurons.

  21. Pentose shunt Provides source of D-ribose for synthesis of DNA and RNA Produces NADPH required for lipid syntheses Most active during development

  22. Concept: Amino acids serve many functions in CNS Peptide and Protein synthesis Precursors for transmitters Neurotransmitters

  23. Concept: Neurons must produce those proteins essential for their special functions: conduction of action potentials synaptic transmission axoplasmic transport establishment of specific connections

  24. Structual-cytoskeletal Cell Surface proteins play a role during development in directing neural connections Contractile proteins function in axoplasmic movement Neurotubular protein Glial proteins (glial fibrillary protein)

  25. Enzymes for transmitter synthesis and degradation Transmitter receptors Membrane transporters Ion Channels Growth Factors Synaptic Vesicle

  26. Morphologically identical to neutrophils and bands in blood Occasionally granulation disappears and pseudo-hypersegmentation is observed.

  27. Almost identical morphology to lymphocytes in the blood Due to "flattening-out" of the lymphs during cytocentrifugation, nucleoli may be visible. Found in all fluid

  28. Leukophages:Macrophagescontaining phagocytized WBC. WBCs are often pyknotic and easily confused with NRBC's. Found in all fluids. Erythrophages: Macrophages containing phagocytized RBC or RBC fragments. May contain several RBC. Found in all fluids. Siderophages: Macrophages containing phagocytized particles of hemosiderin, which stain a blue-black color.

  29. These are bright-yellow diamond-shaped crystals of hemosiderin intracellular or extracellular on the slide. They are iron-negative on the Prussian blue stain and therefore Can be noted on the patient report without performing an iron stain.

  30. Metamyelocytes, myelocytes, and promyelocytes may be found in fluids, though they are rarely seen. They are morphologically identical to those in the blood May be due to bone marrow contamination in CSF

  31. Morphologically similar to blasts found in the blood There may be some clover-leaf shaped nuclei due to cytocentrifugal distortion. May be found in all fluids Seen in association lymphomas Bone marrow contamination of CSF with leukemias,

  32. NRBC are rarely seen body fluids. If observed, they should be reported as the number of NRBC per number of WBC counted They must be differentiated from pyknotic WBCs NRBC s are commonly due to peripheral blood or bone marrow contamination of CSF

  33. Plasmacytoid lymphs: Identical in morphology to plasmacytoid lymphs in blood Found in all fluids. Mott cells: Plasma cells with numerous clear cytoplasmic vacuoles containing immunoglobulins

  34. These are most common in CSF from small children with subarachnoid hemorrhage but may be found in all body fluids May be very difficult to distinguish morphologically from large atypical lymphocytes

  35. Malignant cells may be shed from solid tissue (non-hematopoietic) neoplasms into CSF or body cavity fluid submitted for cell counts Fluid will be turbid or bloody Malignant cells are usually seen in clusters of 3- 5 or more, but may occur singly

  36. Intracellular bacteria or yeast can be observed in acute bacterial or fungal infections It is important to coordinate your findings with those of the Microbiology Section of the laboratory

  37. When the CSF is pinkish red, this usually indicates the presence of blood, which may have resulted from: Sub arachnoid hemorrhage Intra cerebral hemorrhage Infarct traumatic tap

  38. 1st - Chemistry 2nd - Microbiology 3rd - Hematology

  39. Color Xanthochromia Hyperbilirubinemia Increased Protein Turbidity Increased White Blood Cells (Pleocytosis)

  40. A traumatic tap shows progressively decreasing RBC in serial samples Generally, in subarachnoid hemorrhage, the RBC would be consistent from one tube to the next

  41. After the CSF is centrifuged, the supernatant fluid is clear in a traumatic tap, but it is xanthochromic in a subarachnoid hemorrhage Xanthochromia of the CSF refers to a pink, orange, or yellow color of the supernatant after the CSF has been centrifuged

  42. The white cell count is increased when there is inflammation of the central nervous system, particularly the meninges Bacterial infections are usually associated with the presence of neutrophils in the CSF

  43. Viral infections are associated with an increase in mononuclear cells An increase in mononuclear cells may also be seen with: cerebral abscess acute leukemia Lymphoma intracranial vein thrombosis cerebral tumor multiple sclerosis

  44. A white cell count with an indication whether the cells are pus cells or lymphocytes, is required when the c.s.f. appears slightly cloudy or clear or when the Gram smear does not indicate pyogenic bacterial meningitis

  45. Method To identify whether white cells in the c.s.f. are polymorphonuclear neutrophils (pus cells) or lymphocytes, dilute the c.s.f. in a fluid which stains the cells. Istonic 0.1% toluidine blue is recommended because it stains lymphocytes and the nuclei of pus cells blue. C. neoformans yeast cells stain pink. Red cells remain unstained. The motility of trypanosomes is not affected by the dye. When toluidine blue is unavailable, isotonic methylene blue can be used which will also stain the nuclei of leucocytes.


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