Z boson - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Accelerator R&D for High-Energy Physics: Advancements and Future Prospects

Vladimir Shiltsev's presentation at DPF-PHENO 2024 discusses the evolution of accelerator R&D in high-energy physics, emphasizing the need for off-shore Higgs factories and targeted collider developments. The P5 recommendations underscore the importance of engaging in feasibility studies for advance

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Quantum Chromodynamics and Effective Potential in Vacuum Physics

Delve into the intricacies of Quantum Chromodynamics and the concept of effective potential in the context of vacuum physics. Discover how quarks, leptons, photons, W and Z bosons, gluons, and the Higgs boson play crucial roles in shaping the fundamental structures of the quantum vacuum. Explore the

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Associated ttH Channel and Higgs Combinations in Particle Physics

Discussion on the associated ttH channel and Higgs combination in particle physics, focusing on observations, results, and implications from experimental data at CERN. Highlights the production and decay channels of the Higgs boson, observations in various experiments, and considerations for future

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Update on GDR Task Working Groups and Conveners Meeting

The conveners' meeting highlighted changes in working group names, additions to topics, and the importance of collaboration. Key areas include rare decays, flavor physics, and the search for new particles. Emphasis was placed on addressing overlaps and current interests in light boson searches for t

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Nuclear Shapes at Critical Point of U(5)-SU(3) Phase Transition

Exploring nuclear shapes at the critical point of the U(5)-SU(3) nuclear shape phase transition using Bohr Hamiltonian with a sextic oscillator potential. The study investigates the transition from a spherical vibrator (U(5)) to a prolate rotor (SU(3)), providing insights into the Interacting Boson

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Insights into Top Quark EW Coupling Precision Measurement

Exciting images and information about top quark EW coupling precision measurement by Mustapha BIYABI on March 11, 2024. Explore 2D plots of top and topbar mass, boosted decision trees for analyzing signal efficiency, kinematic fitting results, lepton energy outcomes, Z boson mass measurement variati

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Measurement of Higgs Boson Yukawa Couplings and Branching Fractions in CEPC Experiment

The study focuses on measuring the Yukawa couplings between the Higgs boson and Standard Model fermions to understand fermions' masses and potential deviations indicating new physics. The analysis aims to measure Higgs decays to bb, cc, and gg at the CEPC experiment through event selection criteria,

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Search for Low-Mass Resonance in Diphotons with CMS

A search for a standard model-like Higgs boson in the mass range of 70-110 GeV in diphoton final states in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV using Full LHC Run 2 data was conducted by Suzanne Gascon-Shotkin and the CMS Collaboration. Motivated by previous results and theoretical models, the

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Elementary Particles and Their Interactions in Nuclear and Particle Physics

Delve into the fascinating world of elementary particles, where quarks form the basis of protons and neutrons in the nucleus, alongside electrons. Discover a diverse array of particles such as muons, neutrinos, and quarks, each with unique properties of charge and mass. Uncover the significance of t

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ATLAS Physics Research Updates and Discoveries at INFN Roma Tre

Explore the latest advancements in ATLAS physics research conducted at INFN Roma Tre, including insights into Higgs boson production, multilepton final states in ttH searches, Run1 paper results, and expectations for VH(WW) in Run2. Discover the innovative techniques used for signal/background discr

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Unraveling Collider Physics: Investigations, Interpretations, and Accelerations

Dive into the world of collider physics with a focus on LHC results, future collider projects, and experiments from the Baikal Summer School 2021. Explore topics like invariant mass calculations, Higgs boson decays, particle acceleration in the LHC tunnel, and particle velocity considerations. Engag

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SFU Physics: Cutting-Edge Research Advancements

Bernd Stelzer's research group at SFU is at the forefront of high-energy physics, focusing on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider. Their specialization in advanced analysis techniques has led to groundbreaking discoveries, including the 2013 Nobel Prize-winning Higgs boson identificati

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Unveiling the Standard Model at Wonju Spring School on Particle Physics and Cosmology 2015

Delve into the Standard Model's fundamentals, from the Lagrangian to symmetry breaking and the Higgs mechanism. Explore key concepts like flavor mixing and fermion replication. Discover the implications of finding the Higgs boson and the unification of electromagnetic and weak forces. Unravel the th

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Strategic Focus in Particle Physics Development

JINR's strategic long-range plan in particle physics emphasizes elementary particle research, with a primary objective to obtain crucial results from international experiments, such as understanding the Higgs boson and exploring new physics realms. The plan also outlines long-term goals for developi

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