Unodc - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Developing the ARQ Data Exchange Platform for UNODC

Explore the development process of the ARQ Data Exchange Platform (ARQ-DXP) for UNODC, focusing on questionnaire creation, data collection, and web-based mechanisms. The platform enhances data management efficiency, provides user-friendly interfaces, and facilitates communication during data collect

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UNODC Firearms Champion Country Initiative for Combatting Illicit Arms Trafficking

The UNODC's Firearms Champion Country Initiative focuses on countering illicit arms trafficking by implementing UNTOC and the Firearms Protocol through international cooperation and information exchange. Efforts include monitoring illicit arms flows, supporting member states in preventing traffickin

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Enhancing Border Protection and Cross-Border Cooperation Strategies by UNODC

The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) works to address border protection challenges through intelligence-led approaches, training, and equipment support. This includes fostering cross-border cooperation, establishing border liaison offices, implementing risk assessment programs like A

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Case-Control Trials of Lions Quest Skills in South East Europe Research Results

Research results from a study on the effectiveness of Lions Quest Skills program for adolescents in South East Europe, conducted by Wadih Maalouf, expert and programme coordinator at UNODC. The baseline demographics and current substance use data from Montenegro, FYRO Macedonia, and Serbia are prese

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UNODC Small Grants Scheme - Empowering Civil Society Organizations

This content highlights the UNODC Small Grants Scheme aiming to assist Civil Society Organizations in engaging with the private sector to combat corruption. It discusses the criteria for CSO selection, the importance of partnering with the private sector, and encouraging SMEs to work on UNCAC. The a

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