Computational Geometry: Triangulations and Art Gallery Guarding
Explore the concepts of triangulations and guarding art galleries in computational geometry. Learn about the problem of placing cameras or guards strategically in an art gallery to ensure every point is visible. Discover how polygons are defined, the variations in guarding strategies, and the use of
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Rectangular Dissections and Edge-Flip Chains in Lattice Triangulations
Explore equitable rectangular dissections and their applications in VLSI layout, graph mapping, and combinatorial problems in this scholarly work by Dana Randall from Georgia Institute of Technology. Discover the concept of partitioning an n x n lattice region into n2/a rectangles or areas where cor
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Geometric Beauty Through Triangulation and Optimization
Delve into the world of triangulation of point sets on the plane, emphasizing the importance of maximizing the minimum angle to avoid skinny triangles. Discover the mathematical structures that allow for efficient optimization and the beauty of symmetry in labyrinth and Triakis tilings. Learn about
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Rainbow Cycles in Flip Graphs and Associahedra: Combinatorial Study
Exploring rainbow cycles and associated properties in the context of flip graphs and triangulations, this study delves into the diameter, realiability, automorphism group, and more of the associahedron. Motivated by binary reflected Gray codes, the research aims to find balanced Gray codes for vario
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Randomized Incremental Construction of Delaunay Triangulations II
This presentation delves into the computational geometry topic of Delaunay Triangulations, focusing on the Randomized Incremental Construction method. The process involves incrementally inserting points into a large triangle, flipping edges to ensure legality, and storing historical triangle data fo
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