Subgraph isomorphism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Advancements in Simple Multigraph Convolution Networks by Xinjie Shen

Explore the latest innovations in simple multigraph convolution networks presented by Xinjie Shen from South China University of Technology. The research evaluates existing methods, such as PGCN, MGCN, and MIMO-GCN, and introduces novel techniques for building credible graphs through subgraph-level

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Privacy-Preserving Analysis of Graph Structures

Explore the world of graph structures and differential privacy in data publishing networks, focusing on preserving privacy while releasing structural information about graphs. Differential privacy techniques such as edge privacy and subgraph counts are discussed in detail, highlighting the challenge

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Recent Applications of Quasi-Poly Time Hardness in Densest k-Subgraph

Recent applications of the Birthday Repetition technique have demonstrated the quasi-polynomial time hardness in various computational problems, including AM with k provers, Dense CSPs, Free games, and Nash equilibria. These applications also explore the potential implications in signaling theory an

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Finding Reductions in NP-Hardness Proofs

To find a polynomial-time many-one reduction from a known NP-hard decision problem A to a target problem B, ensure that the reduction maps inputs correctly such that the output for A is 'yes' if and only if the output for B is 'yes.' An example is demonstrated using Subgraph Isomorphism and Hamilton

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