Sfas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NSLP 101: An Overview of the National School Lunch Program

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) is a federally funded program providing nutritionally balanced, low-cost or free lunches to school children each school day. School Food Authorities (SFAs) ensure meals meet federal requirements without discrimination. Guidelines include offering meal compone

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Understanding Offer Versus Serve (OVS) Training for School Food Authorities

Offer Versus Serve (OVS) is a meal service option available for approved School Food Authorities (SFAs) in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). OVS allows children to decline certain meal components, reducing food waste and costs when properly implemented. However, it is crucial to adhere to meal

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School Nutrition Program (SNP) Administrative Review Process

The School Nutrition Program (SNP) Administrative Review Process is a vital aspect of ensuring compliance with National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) requirements. This process involves assessing critical areas of review and general accountability to maintain program

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School Nutrition Certification Worksheets and Guidelines

School Food Authorities (SFAs) must accurately list and report reimbursable meals offered on the menu, including all required food components such as grains, meats, fruits, vegetables, and milk. This includes crediting fruit juice and vegetables properly based on volume served. The worksheets help e

0 views • 18 slides

Certification Tool Demonstration for 6 Cents Program

Detailed information about the 6 Cents Certification Tool Demonstration process, including three certification options available to SFAs, submission requirements for each option, and the basics of using the certification tool developed in Microsoft Excel. The demonstration covers data entry, navigat

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Understanding Revenue Requirements for Non-program Food Sales

Non-program food revenue plays a crucial role in school food service operations. Schools need to ensure that the revenue from non-program food sales meets a specified proportion to cover costs effectively. Failure to comply may result in corrective action during reviews by the state agency. To meet

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Buy American Final USDA Ruling for Hawaii 2017

The Buy American Final USDA Ruling for Hawaii 2017 introduces regulations specific to Hawaii, requiring School Food Authorities (SFAs) to purchase food products produced in Hawaii to meet school meal program needs. The ruling outlines limited exemptions when Hawaii-produced goods are not available o

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School Nutrition Personnel Training Guidelines Overview

Guidelines for professional standards, unpaid meal charge policy, and recordkeeping in the School Nutrition Programs (SNP), including USDA hiring standards for SNP directors, annual training requirements, and flexibilities for small SFAs. Details on hiring standards, student enrollment criteria, foo

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Procurement and Food Service Management Contract Training

This training provides insights on procurement and food service management contracts, including the role of Food Service Management Companies (FSMCs), reasons for contracting with an FSMC, and the responsibilities retained by School Food Authorities (SFAs). It also outlines the process of procuring

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