Advising Complainants in Criminal Sexual Assault Cases
The essential aspects of advising complainants in criminal sexual assault cases, including their role, barriers, legal advice, and pre-trial applications. It emphasizes the importance of ethical considerations, the role of complainant's counsel, and navigating key legal procedures. The presentation
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Nottingham University Hospitals East Midlands Children and Young People Sexual Assault Service
Nottingham University Hospitals East Midlands Children and Young People Sexual Assault Service, led by Specialist Nurse Kathryn Harley, offers free services for children and young people under 18 in Nottingham and Northampton. The service provides support from a team of professionals including nurse
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Sexual Violence and Harassment in Educational Settings
Sexual violence and harassment, including rape, sexual assault, and unwanted sexual behaviors, are serious issues that can affect anyone. This content highlights what sexual violence is, who can experience it, and the impact it has on students in educational environments. It also covers sexual haras
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Loyola University Maryland Sexual Misconduct Policy Updates and Training Overview
Loyola University Maryland provides comprehensive training on sexual misconduct policies and processes, including updates on definitions such as sexual assault, fondling, and incest. The training covers information on sanctions, case studies, and policy reminders, emphasizing the importance of addre
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Strengthening Hospital Responses to Family Violence and Sexual Assault
This content covers crucial information on sexual assault, consent, prevalence, and legal aspects in Victoria, Australia. It highlights definitions, learning objectives, and ways to respond to disclosures of sexual violence, along with the importance of consent and understanding the law's restrictio
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Illinois Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Version 2.0 by State of Illinois Department of Human Rights
Illinois Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Version 2.0 by State of Illinois Department of Human Rights emphasizes the prohibition of sexual harassment in Illinois, outlining the responsibilities of employers and providing information on what constitutes sexual harassment under the Illinois Human
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Legal Remedies for Temporary Status Holders Facing Sexual Assault and Harassment in Canada
Individuals in Canada with temporary status, like students and foreign workers, facing sexual assault or harassment can seek legal remedies. Students must adhere to specific requirements, while foreign workers may apply for open work permits if experiencing abuse. Remedies include authorized leave f
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Substance-Facilitated Sexual Assault (SFSA)
Substance-Facilitated Sexual Assault (SFSA) involves the use of drugs or alcohol to compromise an individual's ability to consent to sexual activity. Perpetrators often use substances to minimize resistance and memory of the victim. Alcohol is the most common substance used in SFSA, with 30%-79% of
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Sexual Assault: Types, Prevalence, and Impact
Sexual assault is a violent crime that involves a range of non-consensual sexual acts, from unwanted touching to forcible rape. It affects individuals of all ages and backgrounds, with a significant number of cases going unreported. Different types of assailants and rapists exhibit varying behaviors
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Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Work
Sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) in humanitarian settings involves acts of gross misconduct by workers, including abuse of power for sexual purposes and engaging in sexual activities with minors. Six core principles guide the prevention of SEA, emphasizing the prohibition of sexual relationships
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Clinical Care for Survivors of Sexual Assault/Rape: History-Taking and Examination
This session focuses on providing clinical care for survivors of sexual assault/rape, emphasizing the importance of history-taking, examination, and appropriate responses. Key aspects include taking a thorough history, conducting physical and forensic examinations when necessary, offering necessary
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Sexual Dysfunction and Associated Factors
Sexual dysfunction encompasses a range of issues that can affect individuals, with causes including psychological, neurological, hormonal, and relationship-related factors. Evaluating sexual problems involves considering duration, context, and frequency. Psychological causes, such as anxiety and str
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Alcohol and Drug Facilitated Sexual Assault
Perpetrators use alcohol and drugs to facilitate sexual assault, exploiting victims' vulnerability. This includes providing substances to create vulnerability deliberately. Participants learn defense strategies and trauma-informed investigation techniques for such cases. Recognizing what consent is
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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination that is prohibited by laws such as Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It includes any unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other conduct of a sexual nature. An environment becomes hostile when the behavior is both viewed as a
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The Child Sexual Assault Evidence Scheme
The Child Sexual Assault Evidence Scheme is a significant initiative that facilitates child sexual assault trials by introducing witness intermediaries and pre-recording of children's evidence. It applies to prescribed sexual offences and mandates specific provisions for hearings and evidence presen
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Child Sexual Exploitation
Child sexual exploitation involves grooming and controlling a child for sexual purposes, with activities categorized into street grooming and online grooming. Street grooming includes befriending the child, gaining their trust, offering substances or gifts, and engaging in sexual acts in exchange fo
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Consent and Sexual Conduct Law
Exploring topics related to consent, sexual conduct law, and penalties. Covers aspects like age restrictions, marital laws, sexual assault, date rape, sexual battery, and the importance of clear consent. Emphasizes that lack of protest doesn't imply consent and provides insights on what constitutes
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Title IX and Campus Sexual Assault
Title IX is a federal law prohibiting sex-based discrimination in federally funded education programs. The Clery Act mandates disclosure of crime stats on campuses. Statistics reveal alarming rates of sexual assault on college campuses, mainly affecting freshmen and sophomores. Various methods of as
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Uprooting the Culture of Sexual Assault in the Armed Forces: A Gender-Aware Perspective
This presentation sheds light on the pervasive issue of sexual assault in the military, emphasizing the need for a gender-aware approach to uproot the culture of abuse. It outlines the alarming statistics, challenges traditional perceptions, and discusses proposed solutions, highlighting the importa
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STOP Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program Overview
The Services, Training, Officers, and Prosecutors (STOP) Violence Against Women Formula Grant Program provides support to communities in developing effective responses to victims of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. This grant program assists in addressing various for
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Enhancing Sexual Assault Investigations through Researcher-Police Collaboration
This study focuses on improving the quality of sexual assault investigations through collaboration between researchers and police chiefs in Los Angeles. It addresses issues such as downgrading of rapes, lack of investigation, and the impact of crime reporting criteria. The research aims to examine s
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Title IX: Sexual Misconduct Overview
Explore essential information on Title IX, including definitions, reporting options, responsible employee roles, the sexual misconduct process, gender identity considerations, and more. Learn about sexual harassment, assault, consent, exploitation, dating/domestic violence, and stalking, along with
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Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Sexual harassment is unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or any unwanted verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. It is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. There are different types of sexual harassment, such as quid pro quo and hostile environment. Orga
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Preventing Sexual Misconduct at Wake Forest University
Welcome to Wake Forest University's educational module on Understanding and Preventing Sexual Misconduct. This module covers behaviors constituting unlawful sexual misconduct, responsibilities for reporting, bystander intervention, ways to reduce risk, avenues to report, and receive support. Wake Fo
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Addressing Sexual Misconduct in Higher Education Policies
This content outlines the panelist training for the academic year 2020-2021 focusing on policies related to sexual harassment, assault, misconduct, domestic and dating violence, stalking, and retaliation. It emphasizes the prohibition of such behaviors, provides definitions of sexual assault, and hi
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Sexual Misconduct and Reporting at Northwestern University
This PowerPoint presentation provides information on the Sexual Misconduct Policy at Northwestern University, including definitions of sexual assault, sexual exploitation, stalking, dating and domestic violence, and sexual harassment. It also outlines reporting responsibilities and resources availab
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Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Policy Overview
This document outlines a comprehensive sexual harassment prevention policy in compliance with the Illinois Human Rights Act and State Officials and Employee Ethics Act. It covers the prohibition of sexual harassment, responsibilities of the municipality as an employer, defining sexual harassment, an
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Whittier College Sexual Assault Campus Climate Survey Data Analysis
Whittier College conducted Sexual Assault Campus Climate Surveys in 2016 and 2017, with responses from students regarding difficult situations, views on sexual assault, and institutional responses. Demographics, response rates, and general campus climate perceptions were also analyzed. The surveys a
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Healing Together: Understanding Relationships Among Sexual Assault Survivors in Group Therapy
Qualitative study delves into the relationships among sexual assault survivors in group therapy, exploring how social support and shared trauma impact their healing processes. The study aims to uncover beneficial factors, coping mechanisms, and the effects of vicarious traumatization in a virtual th
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Understanding Sexual Violence: What You Need to Know
Sexual violence encompasses any non-consensual sexual act or behavior that targets a person's sexual function. It goes beyond unwanted penetration and can involve various forms of sexual contact, including physical violence targeting sexual organs. Gender-based violence differs in how it targets men
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Sexual Assault Communications Privilege and Balancing Public Interests
Exploring the complexities and practical challenges surrounding Sexual Assault Communications Privilege (SACP), this content delves into the reasons for its establishment, the services it provides, and the implications for both defence lawyers and complainants in sexual assault trials. It sheds ligh
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Sexual Harassment and Assault Policies at Central Oregon Community College
Central Oregon Community College educates its community about sexual harassment, assault, domestic violence, and stalking, providing information on definitions, reporting and investigation processes, resources for support, and Title IX policies. The institution emphasizes the prohibition of all form
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Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault Legislative Update December 2019
Updates on sexual assault legislative activities in Illinois by the Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault including no statute of limitations for adult sexual assault, bills related to victims' rights, evidence tracking system, victim confidentiality, and changes effective Jan 1 and June 1, 2020
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Campus Climate Survey 2022 Preliminary Findings on Sexual Misconduct Response Team Membership and Assault Rates at UW
The Campus Climate Survey 2022 Preliminary Findings reveal the members of the Sexual Misconduct Response Team (SMRT) at the university, highlighting the importance of large-scale, methodologically sound surveys in addressing sexual misconduct. The survey indicates significant rates of sexual assault
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Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SAVE) at California Lutheran University
Campus Sexual Violence Elimination Act (SAVE) was passed in March 2013 as part of the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act, impacting institutions of higher education like California Lutheran University (CLU). The act mandates CLU to educate its community on prevention/awareness of sexual viol
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Sexual Violence Risk Reduction and Seeking Help
Sexual violence risk reduction involves avoiding dangerous situations, planning ahead, staying in groups, practicing safe drinking, and knowing how to react if someone pressures you. Protecting younger children from sexual assault involves open communication, teaching body parts, boundaries, and tru
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NSW Consent Reforms: Legislative Changes and Impacts on Sexual Assault Laws
In the past 40+ years, the NSW legislative landscape has seen significant changes in addressing sexual assault, culminating in the recent Crimes Legislation Amendment (Sexual Consent Reforms) Act 2021. These reforms implement recommendations, introduce affirmative consent model, and enhance provisio
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Sexual Assault: Important Information and Resources
Comprehensive information covering different degrees of sexual assault, types such as acquaintance rape and domestic violence, potential aftermath like PTSD and substance abuse, the importance of receiving medical attention, preserving DNA evidence, and collecting forensic evidence in cases of sexua
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Sexual Assault Prevention and Response: Impact and Solutions
Delve into the impact of sexual assault, constructive response strategies, and ways to prevent such incidents. Explore scenarios and challenges in responding tactfully, promoting respect and support among individuals. Discover the roles of characters and their interactions in handling sexual assault
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Institution-wide Approach to Sexual Climate
The discussion at Colgate University explores an all-campus strategy for addressing the social and sexual climate to enhance student safety and navigate issues like sexual assault and harassment. Topics covered include legal frameworks, advisory committees, positive sexuality initiatives, and stakeh
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