Legal Status of Seaports Open to Public Traffic in Croatia
Exploring the legal framework governing seaports open to public traffic in the Republic of Croatia, including key regulations such as the SPA and CMDSPA. The classification of ports, their significance for Croatia, and the concept of maritime domain are discussed in detail.
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Strategies for Enhancing PORTS System Effectiveness and Resilience
Proposed by the HSRP Strategic Effectiveness Sub-Committee, this focuses on improving the PORTS system, addressing water level changes, enhancing NOAA's products and services, and strengthening outreach and branding. Key issues identified include inconsistent funding for PORTS systems, inadequate co
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Evolution of Seaport Management in Slovenia
Slovenia has undergone three distinct periods in the management of its seaports since World War II. Initially under traditional management, the transition to commercially based management brought about significant changes, leading to ports operating as commercial entities. The current phase involves
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EU Port Reform and State Aid Regulation Overview
The content delves into EU port reform and state aid regulation issues, discussing the significance of EU ports, state aids to seaports, domestic legislations, port management models, and legal aspects related to aids granted by member states. The European Parliament and Council's regulations, along
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Evolution of Florida Department of Transportation's Roadway Characteristics Inventory (RCI)
The Florida Department of Transportation's Roadway Characteristics Inventory (RCI) has evolved significantly since its inception in 1975, transitioning from a hierarchical IMS mainframe database to a web-based DB2 relational database in 2004. The RCI system now incorporates features for both Plannin
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