SACE Teachers Conference: Enhancing Professional Development in Education
The SACE Teachers Conference focuses on improving teacher education through developing a National Framework for Teacher Education in SA. The Ministerial Committee on Teacher Education aims to create a coordinated system for both initial and continuing professional education. Recommendations include
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SACE Presentation on Registration Requirements
The presentation by Ms. Yvonne Lechaba, Head of Registration & Teacher Professionalisation at SACE, focuses on the registration requirements for educators in South Africa according to the SACE Act. It outlines the vision, mission, and values of SACE, as well as the professional registration value ch
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Birdwood High School Course Counselling Event 2023
Birdwood High School is hosting a Course Counselling event for the 2024/25 academic year. The event includes acknowledgment of the Peramangk people, presentations by school leaders, information on the SACE Future Pathways, and details about the course confirmation day. Students will have opportuniti
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