Probabilistic models - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Evolution of Robot Localization: From Deterministic to Probabilistic Approaches

Roboticists initially aimed for precise world modeling leading to perfect path planning and control concepts. However, imperfections in world models, control, and sensing called for a shift towards probabilistic methods in robot localization. This evolution from reactive to probabilistic robotics ha

3 views • 36 slides

System Models in Software Engineering: A Comprehensive Overview

System models play a crucial role in software engineering, aiding in understanding system functionality and communicating with customers. They include context models, behavioural models, data models, object models, and more, each offering unique perspectives on the system. Different types of system

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Deep Generative Models in Probabilistic Machine Learning

This content explores various deep generative models such as Variational Autoencoders and Generative Adversarial Networks used in Probabilistic Machine Learning. It discusses the construction of generative models using neural networks and Gaussian processes, with a focus on techniques like VAEs and

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Probabilistic Approach for Solving Burnup Problems in Nuclear Transmutations

This study presents a probabilistic approach for solving burnup problems in nuclear transmutations, offering a new method free from the challenges of traditional approaches. It includes an introduction to burnup equations, outlines of the methodology, and the probabilistic method's mathematical form

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Network Perturbations in Computational Biology

Network-based interpretation and integration play a crucial role in understanding genetic perturbations in biological systems. Perturbations in networks can affect nodes or edges, leading to valuable insights into gene function and phenotypic outcomes. Various algorithms, such as graph diffusion and

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Models of Teaching for Effective Learning

Models of teaching serve as instructional designs to facilitate students in acquiring knowledge, skills, and values by creating specific learning environments. Bruce Joyce and Marsha Weil classified teaching models into four families: Information Processing Models, Personal Models, Social Interactio

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Significance of Models in Agricultural Geography

Models play a crucial role in various disciplines, including agricultural geography, by offering a simplified and hypothetical representation of complex phenomena. When used correctly, models help in understanding reality and empirical investigations, but misuse can lead to dangerous outcomes. Longm

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Probabilistic Retrieval Models and Ranking Principles

In CS 589 Fall 2020, topics covered include probabilistic retrieval models, probability ranking principles, and rescaling methods like IDF and pivoted length normalization. The lecture also delves into random variables, Bayes rules, and maximum likelihood estimation. Quiz questions explore document

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Variational Autoencoders (VAE) in Machine Learning

Autoencoders are neural networks designed to reproduce their input, with Variational Autoencoders (VAE) adding a probabilistic aspect to the encoding and decoding process. VAE makes use of encoder and decoder models that work together to learn probabilistic distributions for latent variables, enabli

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Probabilistic Models: Examples and Solutions

This content delves into probabilistic models, focusing on computing probabilities by conditioning, independent random variables, and Poisson distributions. Examples and solutions are provided to enhance understanding and application. It covers scenarios such as accidents in an insurance company, ge

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Foundations of Probabilistic Models for Classification in Machine Learning

This content delves into the principles and applications of probabilistic models for binary classification problems, focusing on algorithms and machine learning concepts. It covers topics such as generative models, conditional probabilities, Gaussian distributions, and logistic functions in the cont

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Efficient Voting via Top-k Elicitation Scheme: A Probabilistic Approach

This work presents a probabilistic approach for efficient voting through the top-k elicitation scheme, focusing on communication-efficient group decision-making. The goal is to select the best outcome while minimizing the extraction of excessive information from committee members. The study explores

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Probabilistic Public Key Encryption with Equality Test Overview

An exploration of Probabilistic Public Key Encryption with Equality Test (PKE-ET), discussing its concept, applications, security levels, and comparisons with other encryption schemes such as PKE with Keyword Search and Deterministic PKE. The PKE-ET allows for perfect consistency and soundness in en

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Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment Project for the NEAM Region

The project, coordinated by Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV) with various partners, aims to develop a region-wide Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA) for the North East Atlantic and Mediterranean coastlines. It involves creating PTHA database and maps, engaging intern

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Probabilistic Pursuit on Grid: Convergence and Shortest Paths Analysis

Probabilistic pursuit on a grid involves agents moving towards a target in a probabilistic manner. The system converges quickly to find the shortest path on the grid from the starting point to the target. The analysis involves proving that agents will follow monotonic paths, leading to efficient con

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Information Retrieval Models and Processes

Delve into the world of information retrieval models with a focus on traditional approaches, main processes like indexing and retrieval, cases of one-term and multi-term queries, and the evolution of IR models from boolean to probabilistic and vector space models. Explore the concept of IR models, r

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Multimodal Semantic Indexing for Image Retrieval at IIIT Hyderabad

This research delves into multimodal semantic indexing methods for image retrieval, focusing on extending Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) and probabilistic LSI to a multi-modal setting. Contributions include the refinement of graph models and partitioning algorithms to enhance image retrieval from tr

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Retrieval Models in Information Retrieval

Retrieval models play a crucial role in defining the search process, with various assumptions and ranking algorithms. Relevance, a complex concept, is central to these models, though subject to disagreement. An overview of different retrieval models like Boolean, Vector Space, and Probabilistic Mode

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Probabilistic Graphical Models Part 2: Inference and Learning

This segment delves into various types of inferences in probabilistic graphical models, including marginal inference, posterior inference, and maximum a posteriori inference. It also covers methods like variable elimination, belief propagation, and junction tree for exact inference, along with appro

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Introduction to Probabilistic Reasoning and Machine Learning in CS440

Transitioning from sequential, deterministic reasoning, CS440 now delves into probabilistic reasoning and machine learning. The course covers key concepts in probability, motivates the use of probability in decision making under uncertainty, and discusses planning scenarios with probabilistic elemen

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Probabilistic Information Retrieval: Okapi BM25 Model

Probabilistic Information Retrieval plays a critical role in understanding user needs and matching them with relevant documents. This introduction explores the significance of using probabilities in Information Retrieval, focusing on topics such as classical probabilistic retrieval models, Okapi BM2

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Graphical Models and Belief Propagation in Computer Vision

Identical local evidence can lead to different interpretations in computer vision, highlighting the importance of propagating information effectively. Probabilistic graphical models serve as a powerful tool for this purpose, enabling the propagation of local information within an image. This lecture

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Cross-Device Tracking for Better Engagement

Delve into the world of cross-device tracking with insights on probabilistic vs. deterministic matching models, limitations of third-party cookies, reasons to engage in cross-device tracking, and the distinctions between probabilistic and deterministic matching methods. Explore how tracking across m

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Language Modeling: An Overview of Probabilistic Models and Applications

Dive into the world of language modeling with a focus on probabilistic models like N-grams, the Chain Rule, and Shannon Visualization Method. Explore the importance of assigning probabilities to textual data for tasks such as machine translation, spell correction, speech recognition, and more. Disco

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Comprehensive Overview of OSCAR v3.1: A Compact Earth System Model with CMIP6 Simulations

Showcasing the compact Earth system model OSCAR v3.1 and its CMIP6 simulations. OSCAR is a reduced-form Earth system model calibrated to emulate complex models, focusing on radiative forcing, temperatures, precipitation, ocean heat content, aerosols, ozone, and more. Historical periods and scenarios

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Probabilistic Graphical Models in Real-world Applications

Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) offer a powerful framework for modeling real-world uncertainties and complexities using probability distributions. By incorporating graph theory and probability theory, PGMs allow flexible representation of large sets of random variables with intricate relations

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Benefits of Probabilistic Static Analysis for Improving Program Analysis

Probabilistic static analysis offers a novel approach to enhancing the accuracy and usefulness of program analysis results. By introducing probabilistic treatment in static analysis, uncertainties and imprecisions can be addressed, leading to more interpretable and actionable outcomes. This methodol

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Latent Variable Models in Machine Learning

Latent variable models play a crucial role in machine learning, especially in unsupervised learning tasks like clustering, dimensionality reduction, and probability density estimation. These models involve hidden variables that encode latent properties of observations, allowing for a deeper insight

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Probabilistic Existence of Regular Combinatorial Objects

Shachar Lovett from UCSD, along with Greg Kuperberg from UC Davis, and Ron Peled from Tel-Aviv University, explore the probabilistic existence of regular combinatorial objects like regular graphs, hyper-graphs, and k-wise permutations. They introduce novel probabilistic approaches to prove the exist

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Bayesian Decision Networks in Information Technology for Decision Support

Explore the application of Bayesian decision networks in Information Technology, emphasizing risk assessment and decision support. Understand how to amalgamate data, evidence, opinion, and guesstimates to make informed decisions. Delve into probabilistic graphical models capturing process structures

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Probabilistic Weather Information in Aircraft Safety Recommendations

Subcommittee on Aircraft Safety (SAS) emphasizes the importance of understanding probabilistic weather information for better operational decisions in aviation. Recommendations include leveraging existing knowledge and conducting studies to improve user understanding and decision-making processes re

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Probabilistic Query Answering and Group Nearest Neighbor Queries

This chapter delves into probabilistic query types, focusing on probabilistic group nearest neighbor queries. Explore the definitions, processing techniques, and applications of such queries. Learn how probabilistic data management plays a crucial role in uncertain databases, spatial queries, and mo

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CSCI 5822 Probabilistic Models of Human and Machine Learning

This content delves into probabilistic models of human and machine learning, covering topics such as Hidden Markov Models, Room Wandering, Observations, and The Occasionally Corrupt Casino. It explores how observations over time impact hidden unobserved states, formalizing problems, and understandin

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Probabilistic Environments: Time Evolution & Hidden Markov Models

In this lecture, we delve into probabilistic environments that evolve over time, exploring Hidden Markov Models (HMMs). HMMs consist of unobservable states and observable evidence variables at each time slice, following Markov assumptions for state transitions and observations. The lecture covers tr

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Probabilistic CKY Practice Test Feedback

Discussion and feedback on practice test questions related to probabilistic CKY algorithm. The session includes analysis of sample answers and solutions for questions on LM tuning, hyperparameter settings, and improving language models for medical dialogue systems.

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Probabilistic Graphical Models

The intersection of intelligent agents, web mining, and probabilistic graphical models in Tanya Braun's insightful work. Dive into the realm of cutting-edge technology and data analysis techniques that are shaping the future of artificial intelligence and information retrieval. Gain valuable insight

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Probabilistic Data Management

In this chapter, explore various types of probabilistic queries, focusing on correlations in uncertain data and sensor networks. Learn about representing and querying correlated tuples in probabilistic databases through examples and graphical models.

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Unsupervised Learning of Probabilistic Grammars

In the Artificial Intelligence Research Laboratory at Iowa State University, researchers study the utility of curricula in unsupervised learning of probabilistic grammars. They explore grammar learning with a curriculum, the incremental construction hypothesis, and provide theoretical analysis suppo

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Lagged Dependent Variable Models in Regression Analysis

Lagged dependent variables are utilized in various regression models such as distributed lag models, partial-adjustment models, models with expectations, and models with serially correlated residuals. By incorporating lagged dependent variables, researchers can analyze the impact of past values on t

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Computer Simulation Models Classification

Computer simulation models are classified based on various characteristics such as static or dynamic, deterministic or stochastic, and discrete or continuous. Static models represent systems at a specific point in time, while dynamic models depict changes over time. Deterministic models involve no r

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