Plotters - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Understanding Output Devices in Computer Fundamentals

Output devices in computer systems play a crucial role by converting processed data into human-understandable forms such as text, images, audio, and more. They enable users to interact with computers effectively by displaying information through monitors, printing hard copies through printers, and p

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The Stepper Motor.

Stepper motors, known for their movement in steps, are essential in applications like printers, plotters, robotics, and more. This technology offers precise control over rotation angle, speed, and position, making it ideal for diverse industries. The construction and operation principles of stepper

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Overview of Computer Input and Output Devices

Input devices of a computer system consist of external components like keyboard, mouse, light pen, joystick, scanner, microphone, and more, that provide information and instructions to the computer. On the other hand, output devices transfer information from the computer's CPU to the user through de

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