Namas - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Implementing NDCs Through NAMAs: Drivers, Needs & Opportunities

This content discusses Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) as a vehicle to implement Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), highlighting success factors, guiding questions, and lessons from the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). It covers the role of NAMAs in achieving sustainable

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Strategy for Implementing NAMAs in Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast aims to develop a strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the implementation of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs). The plan involves creating an institutional framework, educating stakeholders on NAMA concepts, training actors on the NAMA process, and submitti

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Global Low Emission Capacity Building Programme Overview

The Low Emission Capacity Building Programme is a global initiative by UNDP aimed at enhancing capacities for designing and implementing Low Emission Development Strategies and national mitigation actions in various sectors. It includes components like GHG inventory management, NAMAs, LEDS, MRV, and

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Overview of NAMA Implementation and Progress Across Regions

The content discusses the status of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) in various regions, outlining key programs and initiatives in countries such as Colombia, Chile, Thailand, Kenya, and more. It also highlights the goals of the Mitigation Action Implementation Network aimed at crea

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Assessment Framework for Mitigation Actions: A Tool for NAMA Development

This proposed tool supports the development and management of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) by providing a structured approach to assess and prioritize different mitigation programs. The tool is designed to assist developing countries, donor countries, and private investors in ev

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NAMA Development and International Support in Malaysia

The UNFCCC Workshop in Bonn discussed NAMAs in Malaysia, focusing on national frameworks, prioritization, sectoral assessments, and international support. Various NAMA projects were highlighted, including peat swamp forest management, e-waste management, electric mobility, CDM projects, and low carb

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Overview of NAMAs in the Buildings and Residential Sector

This presentation delves into the specifics of NAMAs (Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions) within the context of the buildings and residential sector. It covers the origins and evolution of NAMAs, negotiations under the UNFCCC, and the implementation actions related to NAMAs. The content also

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NAMA Facility Support for Mitigation Actions in Developing Countries

Financial support for mitigation actions in developing countries through NAMA Facility. Learn lessons on NAMAs and climate finance, enhance engagement in climate change mitigation, promote national policies, remove barriers, strengthen national ownership, and foster transformational change. Provide

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Interlinkages Between NAMAs and INDCs in Climate Mitigation

Both NAMAs and INDCs are key concepts in climate mitigation efforts, yet their connection and implementation require further clarification and coordination. This article discusses the challenges, opportunities, and examples of NAMA-INDC linkages to promote a coherent mitigation strategy in the post-

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