Metaphysical dualism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Understanding the Core Tenets of Samkhya Philosophy

Samkhya philosophy, one of the oldest systems of Indian philosophy, emphasizes a dualism between prakrti and purusa, with prakrti as the root cause of the world of objects. It maintains a plurality of purusa and remains silent on the concept of God. Prakrti is described as uncaused, independent, abs

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Lewis Two-Sector Model: Sustaining Economic Growth Through Labor Transfer

Lewis Two-Sector Model, based on the assumption of surplus labor in agriculture, explains how transferring labor to the industrial sector boosts economic growth. The model highlights the shift from traditional to modern sectors, increased output, wages, and profits, and self-sustaining growth capabi

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Unveiling the Mysteries of the Æther: A Metaphysical Perspective

A philosophical framework, the Æther seeks to provide a foundational understanding for interpreting "electromagnetic" phenomena. Postulated as an energetic, metaphysical background, it is considered a medium or substrate facilitating these phenomena. This proposed concept delves into the realm of p

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Understanding Rasa Theory in Indian Classical Literature

Indian Classical Literature explores the concept of Rasa, elucidating its significance and role in the arts. Rasa is defined as the essence that is relished by the audience, encompassing a range of emotional experiences from aesthetic to metaphysical realms. The theory discusses the elements that co

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Exploring Metaphysical Poetry: Origins, Elements & Poets

Discover the essence of Metaphysical poetry, rooted in 17th-century England and characterized by ingenious wit, philosophical depth, and intricate literary devices. Learn about prominent poets like John Donne and George Herbert, explore themes of love and spirituality, and unravel the challenging ye

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Modern Perspectives on the Philosophy of Mind in Psychology

Explore modern approaches to the philosophy of mind in psychology, including functionalism, the mind-brain identity theory, and the challenges faced by functionalists. Functionalism emphasizes the functional aspect of mental processes and their potential realization in various physical devices, whil

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Analysis of John Donne's "The Ecstasy" and his Philosophy of Love

John Donne's poem "The Ecstasy" explores the intricate relationship between physical and spiritual love, challenging traditional views and emphasizing the importance of both dimensions. The poem delves into the unity of souls through physical connection, bridging the gap between the Renaissance and

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Exploration of 17th Century Literature: Themes, Poets, and Poetry Schools

The literature of the 17th century in London is characterized by melancholic themes, centered around notable figures like John Milton. The era saw the rise of two distinct schools of poetry - metaphysical and cavalier poetry. Metaphysical poets like John Donne employed unconventional metaphors and e

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Analytic Versus Continental Philosophy in the 20th Century: A Comparative Overview

In 20th-century philosophy, the divide between Analytic and Continental schools deepened but has seen recent attempts at reconciliation. Analytic philosophy emphasizes logic, language, and epistemology, requiring technical expertise, while Continental philosophy rejects metaphysical speculation and

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Explore the Scientific Revolution

The Scientific Revolution marked a shift from the medieval worldview to a secular, rational, and materialistic perspective. Key terms such as geocentric and heliocentric conceptions, Cartesian dualism, rationalism, and the scientific method played pivotal roles in shaping this transformative period.

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Analysis of "The Sun Rising" by John Donne: A Metaphysical Love Poem

John Donne's "The Sun Rising" is a metaphysical love poem that personifies the sun, showcasing the speaker's defiance of its intrusion into his intimate space with his lover. The poem reflects themes of love, time, and humanity's relationship with nature, capturing the speaker's desire to remain ent

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Analysis of "The Flea" by John Donne: Detailed Study of a Metaphysical Poem

The poem "The Flea" by John Donne explores the notion of physical intimacy through the metaphor of a flea. The speaker uses the flea as a symbol to persuade his beloved to engage in a physical relationship, arguing that their union is already consummated within the body of the flea. Despite the love

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Exploration of Various Poetry Forms: Descriptive, Narrative, Dramatic, and Metaphysical

Poetry is a diverse art form encompassing descriptive portrayal, storytelling narratives, engaging dialogues, and profound metaphysical insights. Descriptive poetry vividly captures objects and scenes like paintings, narrative poetry weaves interconnected stories, dramatic poetry involves dialogues,

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The Grim Reaper Paradox: A Metaphysical Inquiry into Time and Causation

Exploring the intriguing Grim Reaper paradox and its implications on the necessity of finitude in time and causation, this content delves into various philosophical arguments surrounding the concept of infinity and the nature of existence. Through detailed analyses of different paradoxes and argumen

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Interpretation and Analysis of "Passchendaele" Dance Performance

Explore the choreographic intention and theme of the dance performance "Passchendaele" by Neil Ieremia, presented by The Royal New Zealand Ballet. The performance delves into the emotional impact of war, focusing on honoring sacrifices and reuniting loved ones through a metaphysical journey. Support

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Understanding Galileo's Physics and Newton's Philosophy

Explore the intersection of Galileo's terrestrial physics experiments, Galileo's physics discoveries, and Newton's philosophy and physics. From challenging Aristotelian views to introducing concepts like equivalence, inertia, and relativity, delve into the evolution of scientific thought on measurem

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Exploring Reality as a Process in A.N. Whitehead's Metaphysics

Delve into A.N. Whitehead's metaphysical concepts, such as creativity and the multifariousness of the world, challenging traditional philosophical notions and questioning language's impact on intelligence. Discover Whitehead's texts post-1924 and his critique of Aristotelian logic, urging philosophy

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Labor Market Trends and Union Growth in the Philippines

The Philippine model of trade unionism involves a cycle of union recognition, negotiation, and conclusion, with a continuing duty to bargain in good faith. The trade union structure consists of three levels with one level of collective bargaining. The context of trade unions and collective bargainin

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The Theory of Beauty and Criteria for Existence

Understanding the criteria for the existence of beauty encompasses different philosophical perspectives such as Materialism, Idealism, and Dualism. Materialism posits that everything is composed of material, while Idealism asserts that reality is fundamentally mental or immaterial. The debate on the

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The Wave Model: Understanding the Sea's Positive Impact on Wellbeing

Explore how immersing in the sea positively affects wellbeing through the Wave Model, uncovering themes like awareness, time, connectedness, growth, and dualism. The study delves into participants engaging in sea-related activities across various locations, showcasing both positive and negative emot

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Metaphysical Poets: MCQ Quiz and Answers

Explore a multiple-choice quiz about Metaphysical Poets featuring questions on poets like John Donne and Andrew Marvell, coined terms, literary references, and more. Test your knowledge and check the answers to enhance your understanding.

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Towards Establishing Scientifically Valid Proofs for Mythological Cosmology by Bamidele Oluwade

This presentation by Bamidele Oluwade explores the research on mythological cosmology, aiming to provide scientifically valid proofs for metaphysical phenomena through mathematical models and standard methods of proof in mathematics, supported by scientific/thought experiments and results from vario

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John Donne: A Journey Through Metaphysical Poetry and Personal Turmoil

John Donne, a prominent figure in Metaphysical Poetry, was born into a Roman Catholic family at a time of religious turmoil in England. Despite facing personal tragedies, struggles with faith, and financial difficulties, Donne's poetry reflected his deep emotions and complex thoughts. His life was m

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Understanding Love in "Absent from Thee" by John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester

Explore the complex portrayal of love in John Wilmot's poem "Absent from Thee." Delve into the speaker's manipulative use of language to justify his unfaithfulness as a libertine, amidst the backdrop of Puritan morality and the Restoration era. Uncover the metaphysical nuances and societal influence

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The Foundations of the Separation of Powers in Companies

The separation of powers in companies is based on the dualism of organs: the Board and General Meeting. The actual situation in companies diverges between large public companies with autonomous management and smaller private companies with owner-operators. The search for the foundations of the separ

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Exploring Sankhya Philosophy: Metaphysical Dualism and Causation

Delve into the ancient Sankhya philosophy, the oldest school of Indian philosophy founded by Kapila. Discover its metaphysical goal of avoiding monistic materialism and idealism, leading to a dualism between nature and spirit. Explore the concepts of Prakriti (Nature) and Purusha (Self), along with

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