Merkle hellman - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain Technologies

Join the CS251 course at Stanford University to learn about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies. Access course videos on Canvas, participate in discussions on Edstem, and complete homework on Gradescope. Explore the first project on Merkle trees available on the course website.

3 views • 46 slides

Efficient Key Recovery Attack on SIDH

Efficient key recovery attack on Supersingular Isogeny Diffie-Hellman (SIDH) protocol. It explores the vulnerability of the protocol and proposes a concrete solution. The attack leverages auxiliary points to solve the isogeny problem and reveals instances of the common secret key.

5 views • 22 slides

Batching Techniques for Accumulators: Applications to IOPs and Blockchains

This presentation discusses batching techniques for accumulators in the context of IOPs and blockchains. It covers challenges with UTXO sets, Merkle trees, and RSA accumulators, proposing solutions and improvements. The content explores problems with Merkle trees, benefits of RSA accumulators, and e

0 views • 27 slides

Understanding Blockchain Computer of Ethereum

Explore the intricate workings of Ethereum's blockchain computer, from the order-execute structure to persistent state storage mechanisms. Learn about account information, smart contracts, Merkle Patricia Trie, and the role of OPCODEs in Ethereum Virtual Machine. Delve into the creation of contract

0 views • 50 slides

Introduction to Public Key Cryptography

Public key cryptography, exemplified by algorithms like Diffie-Hellman and RSA, revolutionizes secure communication by allowing users to encrypt messages with public keys known to all and decrypt them with private keys known only to the intended recipient. This advanced encryption method ensures sec

1 views • 44 slides

Understanding Diffie-Hellman Problems in Cryptography

Exploring Diffie-Hellman assumptions and problems including Computational Diffie-Hellman (CDH) and Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH). Discusses the difficulty of solving the DDH problem compared to CDH and discrete logarithm assumptions. Covers examples and implications of these cryptographic challeng

0 views • 6 slides

Understanding Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange Algorithm

The Diffie-Hellman key exchange algorithm, a pioneering public-key cryptography method introduced by Diffie and Hellman in 1976, enables secure key exchange between two users to facilitate subsequent message encryption. The algorithm relies on the complexity of computing discrete logarithms and invo

0 views • 24 slides

Understanding Public-Key Cryptography and Its Applications

Public-Key Cryptography revolutionized secure communication by introducing the concept of using separate keys for encryption and decryption. Initially explored by researchers like Diffie, Hellman, and Merkle in the 70s, it addressed key distribution challenges faced by symmetric cryptography. This m

0 views • 34 slides

Dynamo: Amazon's Highly Available Key-value Store Summary

Dynamo is a distributed storage system designed by Amazon to provide scale, simplicity, key-value storage, and high availability. It aims to meet Service Level Agreements (SLAs) by offering simple query models, ACID properties, and efficient latency handling. The system sacrifices strong consistency

0 views • 19 slides

Overview of Knapsack Cryptosystems and Related Problems

The Merkle-Hellman knapsack cryptosystem is a cryptographic system that was initially proposed by Merkle, and later iterated versions were both broken by Shamir and Brickell in the early 1980s and 1985, respectively. This system is related to the classical knapsack problem, subset-sum problem, and e

0 views • 18 slides

Overview of Public-Key Cryptography and Knapsack Problem in Cryptology

This lecture delves into the realm of public-key cryptography, including the Knapsack one-way function and the Merkle-Hellman Crypto System. It explores historical perspectives, the concepts of OWFs, Elliptic Curve Cryptography, and introduces new algebra using additive groups over Elliptic Curves.

0 views • 16 slides