UKMOD: UKHLS Input Data Analysis
UKMOD-UKHLS is a versatile dataset derived from the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS) for policy years 2010-2019. It aims to provide valuable insights for longitudinal analysis in the UK. The dataset undergoes meticulous processing to align with policy years, address data gaps, and deliver acc
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Quantitative Research Designs in Health Research
Quantitative research designs play a crucial role in health research, offering various methodologies like experimental and observational designs. Observational designs are commonly used and can establish associations but not causality. Longitudinal designs track outcomes over time, providing valuabl
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Challenges in MMRM Analysis: Insights from Biostatistics Research
In this informative piece authored by Moses Mwangi from KEMRI, the limitations and challenges of Mixed Models Repeated Measures (MMRM) analysis are discussed. The content covers the introduction to MMRM, model formulation, motivating case studies, and concluding remarks. The article delves into the
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Wave Motion: Longitudinal and Transverse Waves
Explore the fundamentals of wave motion including longitudinal and transverse waves, wave length, frequency, speed, and the Doppler effect. Learn about different types of waves, their characteristics, and the distinction between wave speed and the speed of a particle. Discover the properties of wave
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Latest Research and Studies on Lung Cancer - Update May 2024
This research update includes information on national recruitment to lung cancer studies, comparison of national vs. regional recruitment, and detailed descriptions of various studies and trials related to lung cancer. The studies cover areas such as treatment advancements, observational studies, ma
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Advanced Microbunched Electron Cooling for EIC Design Overview
Microbunched electron cooling is a cutting-edge technique proposed for the Electron-Ion Collider (EIC) design, aimed at enhancing beam properties through coherent electron interactions. The concept utilizes Coherent Electron Cooling (CeC) and broad-band amplification in the form of Micro-bunched Ele
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Advances in ADNI Genetics Research and Studies Update
Explore the latest advancements in ADNI genetics research, including updates on sample collections, longitudinal DNA and RNA studies, pathway analysis, genetic signal to therapeutics, use of genetic data, and publications on ADNI endophenotypes. The content also covers the most frequently reported g
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Overview of Media Studies Disciplines and Historical Development
Media studies is a multidisciplinary field that explores the content, history, and effects of various media, with roots in the relationship between media and culture. Originating in the 1920s, media studies draws on traditions from social sciences and humanities, incorporating theories from discipli
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Introduction to Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling for Intensive Longitudinal Data
Dynamic Structural Equation Modeling (DSEM) is a powerful analytical tool used to analyze intensive longitudinal data, combining multilevel modeling, time series modeling, structural equation modeling, and time-varying effects modeling. By modeling correlations and changes over time at both individu
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Clinical Trials: Types and Designs
Clinical trials are essential research studies that evaluate new tests and treatments to improve human health outcomes. They involve various phases, designs, and purposes, such as treatment trials, prevention trials, and observational studies. Different types of clinical trial designs include experi
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Quantitative Designs in Health Research
Explore different types of quantitative research designs including observational, longitudinal, and case-control studies. Learn how these designs are used to establish associations, measure outcomes over time, and compare groups. Discover the advantages and disadvantages of longitudinal designs in c
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Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships in Medical Education
Longitudinal Integrated Clerkships (LICs) provide medical students with a unique learning experience where they engage in comprehensive patient care over time, develop ongoing relationships with clinicians, and meet core clinical competencies across multiple disciplines simultaneously. Contrasting w
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The Nature of Waves and Sound
Understanding the nature of waves, both transverse and longitudinal, and their properties such as amplitude, wavelength, and frequency. Delve into the world of water waves, periodic waves, and the speed of waves on a string. Learn about the longitudinal nature of sound waves, the audible frequency r
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Insights from the National Child Development Study: Research Instruments, Data Triangulation, and Longitudinal Participation
This research delves into the design of research instruments, data triangulation, and participation in the National Child Development Study of 1958 British birth cohort. The study covers the qualitative data collected up to 2008, with a focus on perennial participants, non-participants, frequent par
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Longitudinal Standing Waves in Musical Instruments and the Human Ear Canal
Musical instruments in the wind family rely on longitudinal standing waves to produce sound, with wind instruments like trumpet, flute, clarinet, and pipe organ being modified tubes of air. This article explores the concept of standing waves in open tubes of air and their relevance to instruments an
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Hematological Cancer Clinical Studies Update and Recruitment Statistics
Latest update on hematological cancer clinical studies from the SWAG.Network Haematological Cancer Clinical Advisory Group, including national recruitment data, regional recruitment comparisons, open studies, and sample size information for ongoing studies. This comprehensive update covers a range o
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Binge Eating in Children and Adolescents: Implications for Obesity Practitioners
Conceptualizing binge eating in young individuals involves criteria like loss of control over eating and the amount of food consumed. The prevalence of binge eating varies based on definitions and assessment methods, with non-treatment seekers showing lower rates than treatment seekers. The developm
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Advances in Baryon Spectroscopy and Hadronic Matter Studies
Discussions at the meeting focused on interpreting HADES results for e+e- and meson production in hadronic reactions, with studies involving proton, pion, light, and heavy ion beams. The role of time-like electromagnetic transitions, baryon spectroscopy, and connecting hadronic matter studies were e
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Key Issues in Longitudinal Research Design: Insights from the Growing Up in Scotland Study by Paul Bradshaw
Longitudinal research involves observing changes over time in various entities like individuals, households, and institutions. The UK has a rich history of conducting longitudinal studies, including birth cohort studies and family panel studies. Challenges in longitudinal research include stable lea
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Longitudinal Study on Transitions for Students with Visual Impairments
This presentation delves into the longitudinal study focusing on transitions for students with visual impairments conducted by VICTAR at the University of Birmingham. Covering aspects such as equipping young individuals with visual impairments to access information independently and their experience
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Longitudinal Top-Up Injection for Small Aperture Storage Rings
In 3rd generation light sources, achieving lower emittances requires smaller physical apertures. Top-up injection is essential for stable photon beam flux, but introduces beam disturbances in transversely on-axis injection chicanes. Various injection schemes like conventional, multipole kicker, swap
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The Role of Contact in Contemporary Adoption
The slides prepared by Professor Beth Neil delve into the significance of post-adoption contact, exploring questions, experiences, and studies related to contact between adopted children, birth relatives, and adoptive families. The content highlights the importance of flexibility in contact guidelin
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Exploring Career Aspirations of Women Doctoral Students
Three-year longitudinal study by Rachel Handforth delves into the career aspirations of women PhD students, analyzing their experiences and why they are less likely to pursue academia post-PhD. Through examining imagined futures and possible selves, the research sheds light on the factors influencin
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Seasonal and Longitudinal Trends in University Students' Workload in Aotearoa
This study examines the workload of university students in Aotearoa, focusing on seasonal and longitudinal trends. The research, conducted by Daniel Wrench and Dr. Sarah Randal from Universities New Zealand along with Dr. John Randal from VUW, explores estimated mean weekly hours worked, annual empl
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Targeted Clinical Investigation in Pharmacovigilance
Targeted clinical investigation plays a crucial role in pharmacovigilance by further evaluating significant risks identified in pre-approval clinical trials. This involves conducting pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies, genetic testing, interaction studies, and large simplified trials to ass
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The LABB System: Advancing Swiss Educational Research with Longitudinal Data
The LABB System, led by Dr. Jacques Babel at FSO, focuses on longitudinal analyses in Swiss education. Leveraging AHV numbers for data integration, the project aims to enhance understanding of the Swiss educational system through trajectory analyses. The team includes dedicated members like Francesc
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Concentration and Minor Requirements for Bachelor of General Studies (BGS)
Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) students at Northwestern State University of Louisiana must complete a concentration consisting of 36 hours, with a minimum of 12 hours at the 3000 and 4000 levels taken at NSU. The popular concentrations are Social Science, Computer & Natural Science, and Arts & Co
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Pesticide Monitoring and Contamination Studies in Maine
Mary Tomlinson's work with the Maine Board of Pesticides Control includes past studies on groundwater and surface water monitoring, ongoing monitoring initiatives, and future collaborative studies. The State Law mandates residue surveys to identify possible contamination sources and develop a pestic
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Adventist Health Studies Contributions & Collaborations Overview
Adventist Health Studies have made significant contributions to understanding the health and longevity advantages of Seventh-day Adventists, particularly focusing on vegetarian diets and cardiovascular health. With a history spanning over 57 years and various cohort studies, these studies have provi
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Longitudinal Data Collection in Virginia Public Schools
Virginia public schools meticulously gather student data four times a year to build a historical data set for accurate reporting and accreditation. The Student Record Collection process includes demographics, program participation, completion status, and attendance details. The state emphasizes stan
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Sound Waves: Harmonic Vibrations and Longitudinal Waves
Exploring the concepts of harmonic string vibrations in musical instruments, longitudinal waves in pipes, boundary conditions at pipe open ends, and the wave equation for waves in two and three dimensions. Topics include interference, Doppler effect, and wavelength calculations for standing harmonic
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Cohort Studies Workshop: Data Collection & Interdisciplinary Research
Explore the world of cohort studies with Dr. David Bann, Dr. Morag Henderson, and Vanessa Moulton. Learn about the extensive data collection process, interdisciplinary research examples, and engage in discussions on research ideas. Access free data from national longitudinal studies and gain insight
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Comprehensive Overview of Longitudinal System Analysis in Homelessness Data Management
Explore the details of Longitudinal System Analysis (LSA) including its introduction, data utilization, benefits for Communities of Care (CoC), and alignment with HUD Data Standards. LSA offers improved insights, better control over data, and a more comprehensive look at homelessness trends over tim
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Building a Food Studies Center at Met College
Establishing a Food Studies Center at Met College, driven by the merging of Food and Wine courses with Gastronomy programs, aims to integrate hands-on and academic approaches to food studies. Drawing inspiration from existing models like the Culinaria Research Centre and the Center for Regional Agri
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Challenges in Studying Time Preference
The content discusses challenges in studying time preference, including the ideal longitudinal test, longitudinal evidence from various studies, controlling for payment risk, and defining the present in temporal decision-making. Various experiments and findings are highlighted, shedding light on the
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Micromechanical Analysis of Lamina Elastic Moduli in Composite Materials
Micromechanical analysis of lamina elastic moduli in composite materials, focusing on properties like longitudinal elastic modulus, transverse elastic modulus, Poisson's ratio, and in-plane shear modulus. It explains how to calculate the longitudinal Young’s modulus for a unidirectional lamina and
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Longitudinal Biomarker Interpretation for Early Detection of Ovarian Cancer
This presentation explores the use of longitudinal CA125 as a biomarker for early detection of ovarian cancer, discussing screening trials, cancer death rates, advances in therapy, and the importance of early detection in improving survival rates.
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Genetic Epidemiology and Association Studies Overview
This content explores genetic epidemiology, association studies, and power considerations led by Dr. Karen L. Edwards. It covers various genetic epidemiologic study approaches, including family studies, twin studies, segregation studies, linkage analysis, and linkage disequilibrium. The importance o
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Linking Vital Events to the Longitudinal and Mortality Studies
This content discusses the vital links between longitudinal studies and mortality, as presented at the NISRA Conference in 2013 by Joanne Cartland and Karen McConnell of the Demography & Methodology Branch. It covers the background of NILS/NIMS, the significance of the NILS and NIMS, and the researc
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Breast Cancer Studies Research Update
This research update includes data on national and regional recruitment to breast cancer studies, SWAG region lead network studies, and opened breast cancer studies in 2022. The information covers various clinical trials and studies aimed at improving breast cancer diagnosis, treatment, and outcomes
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