Labour welfare - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Safety Health and Welfare.

The Campus Safety, Health, and Welfare (SHW) Committee at TU Dublin is vital for ensuring a safe and healthy environment for all members. Led by Edel Niland, the Senior Manager, the committee focuses on various aspects such as safety arrangements, committee structure, team organization, and safety t

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Courses and Training on Child Welfare and Family Support

The Melograno Training Courses focus on combining scientific and methodological skills with practical experience in managing a variety of services for individuals and families. Drawing from the expertise of professionals with extensive backgrounds in psychology, social work, education, and counselin

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Ensuring Welfare and Safeguarding in Sports Clubs: Forum Insights

In this forum, experts elaborate on the importance of appointing a Welfare Officer in clubs, provide safeguarding best practices, and highlight the link with inclusive insurance. Reasons for prioritizing welfare and safeguarding, along with actions taken to protect children and vulnerable adults, ar

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Social Welfare and the Welfare State

Social welfare and the welfare state aim to provide a minimum income guarantee, support in times of personal and familial crises, and ensure access to certain social services without creating class distinctions. The welfare state intervenes in the economy to enhance social welfare by actively provid

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Animal Welfare and Ethics: Standards and Regulations in India

The content covers a wide range of topics related to animal welfare, ethics, and laws in India. It delves into the definition of animal welfare, the role of veterinarians, animal welfare organizations, regulations like the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, and protection of wildlife, working ani

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Welfare in Islam: A Comprehensive Perspective

The concept of welfare in Islam is deeply rooted in the teachings of the Holy Quran and the practices of Prophet Muhammad and his caliphs. Islam encompasses all aspects of life - social, political, economic, and personal - under its umbrella, emphasizing the importance of unity between temporal and

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Agricultural Production Factors and Strategies

Explore the key production factors in agriculture such as land, labour, capital, and management. Learn about the economic characteristics of land, methods to increase land productivity, different land uses in agriculture, the law of diminishing returns, and techniques to enhance soil productivity. U

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Labour Welfare Initiatives in KPK

Labour welfare plays a crucial role in enhancing the well-being of workers in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). Various programs and services are implemented to improve the working conditions and overall quality of life for laborers in the region. This article explores the definition of labour welfare, the

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Labour Relations in Entrepreneurship

This module delves into the intricacies of labour relations within entrepreneurship. Topics covered include collective bargaining, mediation, arbitration, and applicable labour legislation for small businesses. The importance of good labour relations and disciplinary actions for code violations are

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International Labour Standards: Overview and Application by Courts

This document explores the adoption and implementation of international labour standards by the International Labour Organization (ILO), focusing on their use by domestic courts. It covers the basic features, composition, and significance of ILO conventions and recommendations, emphasizing their tri

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Evolution of Labour Tenancy: Historical Perspectives and Current Realities

Labour tenancy in South Africa has a complex history, shaped by contested perspectives on land tenure and power dynamics between commercial farmers and labour tenants. Originating in survival competition, labour tenancy faced challenges during apartheid and continues to evolve today, impacting livin

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Evolution of Social Welfare Policy in Pakistan (1955) and its Impact

The social welfare policy in Pakistan originated in 1955 to address challenges like poverty, lack of education, health issues, inadequate housing, and social maladjustment. Starting with the influx of migrants post-independence in 1947, the policy aimed to establish social services and a welfare sta

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Recent Changes in Labour Laws and Code on Wages, 2019

The recent changes in labour laws involve the amalgamation of 44 laws into 4 codes, focusing on wages, occupational safety, industrial relations, and social security. The Code on Wages, 2019, aims to amend and consolidate laws related to wages and bonus, applicable to all employees in India. The Cod

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Welfare Arrangements for Under-18 Students Applying for Student Visa

This content discusses the welfare arrangements available to under-18 students applying for a student visa, specifically focusing on options provided by the Department of Home Affairs and RMIT. It outlines two welfare options, approved accommodation and caregiver services, as well as RMIT-approved a

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Addressing Child Labour in 2020: Global Estimates and Recommendations

Economic empowerment, livelihoods, and business initiatives, along with universal social protection, are key strategies to combat child labour globally. Enhancing rural livelihoods and reducing risks in supply chains are critical. Education, child protection, and ending gender norms and discriminati

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Overview of Labour Laws in Department LP&IR

The presentation to the Portfolio Committee covers major labour laws such as the Labour Relations Act, Basic Conditions of Employment Act, National Minimum Wage Act, Employment Equity Act, and more. It details the objectives, enactment dates, and impact of key legislation in regulating employment re

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Implementation Plan for Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act: Progress Report and Budget Allocation

The Department, under the oversight of a Special Master, is processing outstanding claims by labour tenants as per the Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act of 1996. A court order mandated the development of an Implementation Plan, including budget allocation and reporting requirements, to address the ba

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Labour Activation Fund Presentation to Portfolio Committee on Labour

Department of Labour's Unemployment Insurance Fund presentation outlines initiatives to upskill and reintegrate beneficiaries into the job market. The Labour Activation Programme focuses on poverty alleviation, enhancing employability, and supporting beneficiaries through training schemes. The Fund

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Managing Second Stage of Labour and AMTSL

Second stage of labour involves the full dilatation of the cervix until the baby is expelled. Proper management during this stage is crucial, including recognizing imminent signs of delivery, supporting controlled delivery of the head, shoulders, and body, and following the steps of Active Managemen

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Active Management of Third Stage of Labour - Components and Procedures

This session focuses on understanding the active management of the third stage of labour. It covers essential components like early clamping and cutting of the cord, the use of oxytocin, and controlled cord traction. By the end of the session, participants should have a good grasp of these key pract

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Employment Relations: New Labour vs Coalition Government

Explore the contrasting approaches to employment relations under New Labour and the Coalition Government. New Labour focused on fairness, skills, and partnership, while the Coalition emphasized deficit reduction, austerity, and cuts. The shift towards private sector interests, deregulation, and mark

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Labour Politics in East and Southeast Asia: Key Insights on Decent Work and Industrial Disputes

Contributions from various experts shed light on labour issues in Indonesia, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Malaysia, China, and Vietnam. The focus is on decent work, minimum wage fixing, labour exclusion, precarious employment, migrant workers, and industrial disputes, revealing challeng

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Insights into Labour and Birth Among Marginalized Groups and Migrant Women

This content discusses new insights into socio-cultural phenomena surrounding labour and birth, particularly focusing on marginalized groups and migrant women. It includes details on sub-working groups, updates, and plans within this topic area, such as experiences of labour and birth, optimizing ch

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Evaluation of Labour Reforms 1945-51 and Their Impact on Poverty Alleviation

Following their landslide victory in 1945, the Labour Government under Clement Attlee implemented a series of reforms aimed at addressing poverty in post-WWII Britain. The Beveridge Report highlighted the giants of poverty - Want, Disease, Idleness, Squalor, and Ignorance - serving as the blueprint

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Animal Welfare and Five Freedoms in Farming

Animal welfare encompasses physical and mental wellbeing, allowing animals to express natural behaviors. The Five Freedoms outline essential welfare needs, making sure animals are free from hunger, discomfort, pain, fear, and distress. The Farm Animal Welfare Council ensures these needs are met for

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North Superior Planning Board Projects and Partnerships Overview

North Superior Planning Board is dedicated to fostering a strategically aligned labour force in Northwestern Ontario through collaborative workforce development planning with community partners. Their projects for 2022-2024 focus on analyzing local labour market data, addressing workforce challenges

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Normal Labour in Pregnancy

Labour is the natural process of expelling a mature foetus from the uterus. Criteria for normal labour include spontaneous expulsion of a single, mature foetus within a reasonable time frame without complications. Various theories explain the onset of labour, such as hormonal factors and mechanical

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Overhead Labour Costs in Neo-Kaleckian Growth Models

Overhead labour costs play a crucial role in income distribution and determining whether economies operate in a profit-led or wage-led demand regime. This article explores the relationship between overhead labour, non-supervisory workers, and managers in the context of economic models proposed by re

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Cocoa Supplier Training on Forced Labour: International Standards & Definitions

This training module covers the definition and international standards related to forced labour in the cocoa industry. It discusses modern slavery practices, the ILO's definition of forced labour, and relevant international instruments such as the ILO Forced Labour Convention. The content emphasizes

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Enhancing Labour Market Integration of Individuals with Disabilities and Chronic Diseases: A Governance Perspective

Addressing the challenges related to the labour market integration of individuals with disabilities and chronic diseases is crucial in the face of demographic changes and societal needs in Europe. The webinar explores the current state of knowledge, including statistics on basic activity difficultie

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Enhancing Employability and Recruitment Skills in the Finnish Labour Market

The Finnish Labour Market Roadmap project, initiated in November 2021, aims to address labour shortages and mismatches in various sectors across Finland. The project identified shortages in critical occupations like health services, ICT, early childhood education, and industrial sectors. Additionall

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Regulation of Low Skilled Labour Migration from India

The regulation of low skilled labour migration from India involves legislative measures, such as the Emigration Act of 1983, which mandates emigration clearance for those migrating for employment to certain countries, mainly Gulf countries. The Act and Rules also outline the role of the Protector of

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Protecting Migrant Workers' Labour Rights: Strategies and Initiatives by Ministry of Labour, Jamaica

The Ministry of Labour & Social Security in Jamaica oversees the Overseas Employment Programme (OEP) focusing on selection, recruitment, and protection of workers participating in various programmes in the USA and Canada. Measures like ethical recruitment, cooperation initiatives, and strengthening

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Strategies for Local Labour Market Information Collection and Distribution

The Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development in Ontario is implementing strategies like Local Employment Planning Council (LEPC) pilots to modernize employment and training programs. The focus is on collecting and distributing local labour market information, engaging with employers and

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Emotional Labour in Probation Practice

Explore the concept of emotional labour in probation practice, highlighting the management of emotions, impact on research and practice, links to burnout, and the role of managerialism and rationality. Delve into emotional work, Chamberlayne's 'emotion work', and feeling rules associated with emotio

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Enhancing Higher Education Quality Through Labour Market Intelligence

Explore how labour market intelligence is used to improve the quality of higher education programs. The process involves developing new study programs based on state and professional standards, aligning learning outcomes with industry needs, and obtaining input from employers and labour market repre

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Evolution of Trade Unions and the Labour Party: A Political Strategy Overview

The need for a Labour Party arose in the late 19th century as trade unions sought representation and protection against employers. This led to the formation of the Labour Representation Committee in 1900, evolving into the Labour Party. Over the years, a political strategy has been vital to ensure w

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Local Labour Market Statistics and Publications May 2019

Providing insights into labour market statistics, publications, and data sources in Scotland, this report covers various aspects such as employment, unemployment, inactivity, equality, and public sector employment. It includes information from sources like the Labour Force Survey, Annual Population

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Labour Statistics in Indonesia

Labour statistics play a crucial role in understanding the dynamics of the labor market in Indonesia. These statistics provide insights into various aspects such as labor demand, supply, different forms of work, economic contributions, and household livelihoods. By monitoring participation in employ

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Guatemala Ministry of Labour: Enhancing Worker Protections and Regulations

The Government of Guatemala, through the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, has implemented changes in legislation and public awareness-raising campaigns to enhance worker protections. This includes regulations for recruiting agencies, ensuring workers' rights are safeguarded prior to their depa

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