Christ - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Great Commission: Universal Authority to Make Disciples for Salvation

Explore the universal authority and command to make disciples of all nations for eternal life, backed by Jesus in the Great Commission. Learn how to preach the Gospel, baptize, and lead others to Christ. Discover your role in fulfilling this command.

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The Truth of Righteousness by Faith Message in Laodicean Context

Understanding the significance of righteousness by faith message is crucial for Christians, especially in today's Laodicean condition. The message emphasizes justification through faith in Christ, leading to obedience to God's commandments and holy living. Encouraging believers to seek righteousness

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Reflecting on Catholic School Prayer and Liturgy: A Journey of Faith and Education

Explore the intersection of faith and education in Catholic schools through the lens of prayer and liturgy, guided by the new Prayer and Liturgy Directory. Delve into the essence of worship, the importance of holding onto our beliefs, and the role of Jesus Christ in shaping the ethos of Catholic edu

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Catholic Diocesan Vision Update and Parish Development Strategy

The Diocesan Vision Update for October 2023 outlines a mission to fulfill the trust of Jesus Christ through vibrant communities of missionary disciples. Archbishop Bernard Longley leads the charge towards co-responsibility and joyful service. Feedback from the Synod 2023 points to progress in discer

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Deepening Faith Through Christian Meditation at Reid Temple AME Church

Christian meditation at Reid Temple AME Church focuses on going higher in faith through deep contemplation of God's Word. The church's core values include faith in God, integrity, empowerment, excellence, and Christ-centered leadership. With strategic goals such as membership growth and community co

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Understanding the Marriage Relationship in Ephesians 5:25-27

Delve into the intricate analogy of Christ's love for the Church mirrored in the marriage relationship as outlined in Ephesians 5:25-27. Explore the profound symbolism of mutual love, sacrifice, and sanctification between spouses, echoing the divine unity between Christ and His Church.

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Engaging Our World: 100+ Years of Global Ministry Impact

Our mission is to bring Christ to the nations and the nations to the Church. With a focus on reaching the unreached, our unique ministry model equips local staff and volunteers to effectively communicate the Gospel in their context. Through culturally relevant programming such as radio and TV broadc

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Christ-Centered Youth Ministry: Ambassador Club Discipleship Program

Explore the Adventist Youth Ministries' Ambassador Club, a Christ-centered discipleship program designed for young adults aged 16-21. The program focuses on developing individual discipleship plans, engaging in service projects, and growing in faith through a series of modules. Participants learn wh

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Exploring the Depth of Faith and Discipleship Through Christ's Promise

The journey of faith and discipleship in Christ leads us to ponder eternal life and the resurrection, transcending the bounds of human knowledge. By delving into the transformative power of faith, hope, and love, we seek to embody the essence of Christ's teachings and the promise of eternal life bey

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Reflections on Baptism: Embracing Death and Resurrection in Christ

Delve into the profound significance of baptism as a symbolic act of sharing in Christ's death and resurrection, explored through verses from Romans 6. Understand how baptism unites believers with Christ, liberates them from sin, and signifies a transformative journey from death to new life in Him.

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Embracing the Second Mile Mindset in Following Christ

Explore the deep meaning behind Jesus' command to go the second mile, reflecting on how it calls Christians to exhibit meekness, generosity, kindness, and love in various aspects of life. Discover the unique nature of this command that challenges believers to exceed expectations, serve a broader ran

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Five Dimensions to Our Spiritual Authority

Explore the five dimensions of spiritual authority - Redemptive, Inherited, Positional, Delegated, and Empowered authority - outlined in the context of Christ's triumph and our identity as children and heirs of God. Scriptures from Romans 8:16-17 and Galatians 4:6-7 emphasize our position as joint h

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Understanding Christ's Atonement: Gethsemane or Calvary?

Explore the profound concept of Christ's Atonement as highlighted in the Bible and debated among 792 BYU students. Delve into the significance of where Jesus mainly atoned for our sins - whether in the Garden of Gethsemane or on the Cross at Calvary.

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The Doctrine of Salvation: Understanding God's Plan for Redemption

Delve into the profound concept of salvation as a gift offered by God through Jesus Christ. Explore the foundational beliefs, including the need for salvation, predestination, the transforming work of the Holy Spirit, and regeneration leading to a new life in Christ.

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The Life of Jesus Christ: Gospels Overview, Identity, Birth, Childhood, and John the Baptist

Explore the Good News shared in the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, depicting the life of Jesus Christ. Discover Jesus' divine identity, prophesied role, miraculous birth announcement, formative childhood years, and the significant work of John the Baptist in preparing the way for Christ.

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Christ's Second Coming and the Battle of Armageddon in the Book of Revelation

The focal point of the Book of Revelation is Christ's second coming, where He will reclaim the world from sin and Satan's rule. The earth will be renewed by Jesus, who will return as the Lion of the tribe of Judah to execute judgment and reign. Contrasting the rapture with His second coming, this le

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Understanding the Relationship Between Christ and His Church

Explore the intricate relationship between Christ and His Church through scrutinizing, analyzing, synthesizing, eulogizing, and personalizing various aspects. Delve into the Church Jesus built, its connections to Scriptures, its significance, and its ties to Christ, emphasizing the biblical foundati

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Dimensions of Spiritual Authority: Five Empowering Realms in Christ

Explore the five dimensions of spiritual authority rooted in Christ's triumph, our identity as sons and daughters of God, our authority in Christ, the delegated authority as Christ's representatives, and the empowered authority through the anointing. Delve into how Jesus ministered under the anointi

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Overview of Mormon Beliefs and Practices

The Mormon religion, officially known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, was founded by Joseph Smith in the 1830s in the U.S. Mormons believe in the atonement of Jesus Christ, ongoing revelations from God, and unique practices such as proxy baptism for the deceased. They emphasize m

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The Victorious Titles of Jesus Christ: King of Glory & King of Kings

The message focuses on the death, resurrection, and victorious titles of Jesus Christ as the King of Glory and the King of Kings. It highlights biblical passages emphasizing his reign, triumph, and eternal significance, inviting believers to experience Jesus as their ultimate King. Through vivid ima

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The Church: Foundation, Etymology, and Mystical Body

The Church, founded by Christ, holds a rich history from the Old Testament to the present day. Its establishment, meaning, and unity as the Mystical Body of Christ are explored through key figures and teachings. The word "Church" carries historical significance, tracing back to its Greek and Latin r

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Engaging Every Church Member in Personal Outreach for Growth

Encouraging total member involvement and personal ministries is key for church growth. When every member is engaged in personal outreach, the church has the potential to expand. Through intentional acts of kindness, compassionate service, and health ministry, hearts can be prepared to receive the go

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The Message of Losing to Win in Matthew 16:24-26

Jesus teaches in Matthew 16:24-26 the concept of losing to win, emphasizing the surrender of one's own desires to follow Him. He explains that holding onto worldly possessions or pursuits leads to ultimate loss, while sacrificing for His sake leads to true gain and eternal life. The verses highlight

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Transformation of Paul: From Pharisee to Christian according to Philippians 3:7-14

The passage from Philippians 3:7-14 reflects Paul's profound transformation from a Pharisee with power, wealth, and influence to a Christian who values the knowledge of Christ above all. Paul considers his previous life accomplishments as loss compared to gaining Christ and aims to know Him deeply,

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Understanding the Two Natures of Jesus Christ in Christian Doctrine

The concept of the two natures of Jesus Christ, divine and human, is explored through various biblical references and historical heresies such as Docetism. The struggles over the doctrine of the Trinity and the nature of Christ are interconnected, emphasizing the importance of understanding Christ's

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Lakeland Hills Church of Christ Worship Service Information

Join the Lakeland Hills Church of Christ for their worship services on Sundays and Wednesdays. Explore their schedule, special events, activities, and ways to connect with the community. Discover opportunities for Bible study, singing, men's gatherings, and more.

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The Book of Romans: Themes of Justification and Sanctification

The Book of Romans delves into the themes of justification, sin, sanctification, and service. It emphasizes that salvation is available through obedient faith in Jesus Christ. The need for God's righteousness is explored, along with the provision and effect of God's righteousness through Christ. The

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Unity in Christ - Scriptures on Community and Spiritual Strength

Explore the Scriptures from Galatians, Ephesians, Corinthians, Psalms, and Samuel that highlight the unity of believers in Christ as one body and dwelling place of God. These verses emphasize the importance of communal worship, maintaining holiness, and using individual gifts for the edification of

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Exploring the Book of Revelation: Insights into the Divine Revelation of Jesus Christ

Discover the profound teachings within the Book of Revelation, as we delve into themes such as the symbolic Rapture of the church, the seven churches of Asia Major, and the central message of Jesus Christ revealed. Unveil the fascinating eschatological viewpoints of Preterism and Futurism, all while

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Understanding and Overcoming Blocks to Faith in Christ According to John's Gospel

Explore the challenges to belief in Christ as outlined in John's Gospel, including the influence of respected opinions, lack of evidence, reliance on personal religious works, deception by false teachers, and disregard for sin and forgiveness. Learn how these stumbling blocks can be overcome through

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Reflections for the New Year: A Journey in Christ

Embrace new experiences, acknowledge the uncertainty of the future, recognize the value of time, take inventory of blessings, lay aside hindrances, make resolutions for life in Christ to develop spiritually, read Scripture, pray, resist temptation, pursue peace, and move forward in faith.

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Preparation and Prophecies: How Christians Get Ready for Christmas

Advent marks the start of the Church year, signifying a time of preparing for the celebrations of Christmas and eagerly anticipating the return of Jesus in power. Christians reflect on the themes of hope, peace, love, and joy during Advent while exploring the significance of prophets in foretelling

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Overview of End Times Events and Preparation for Christ's Return

Understanding the sequence of events leading up to the Day of the Lord as outlined in Revelation and Matthew, emphasizing the importance of being prepared and watchful for Jesus' return. It highlights key aspects such as the spread of the Gospel, wars, famines, martyrdom, and the ultimate wrath of G

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The Resurrection of Jesus Christ: Beyond the Grave

The narrative delves into the account of Jesus Christ's resurrection, emphasizing Peter's transformation from denial to acceptance and embracing forgiveness and hope. The message of repentance and judgment is intertwined with the promise of eternal life, culminating in the profound impact of the Res

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Jesus Christ: The Central Theme of the Bible - Colossians 1:15-17

The central theme of the Bible is Jesus Christ as articulated in Colossians 1:15-17. This passage emphasizes that Jesus is the image of the invisible God, the creator of all things, and the sustainer of the universe. The introduction further highlights Jesus as the Savior of the world, with addition

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Magnifying Christ Through Life and Death

The importance of magnifying Christ in both life and death is emphasized through verses from Philippians 1:20, highlighting the joy found in Christ and the proclamation of salvation and deliverance. The concept of boasting in the cross and being dead to the world but alive in Christ is explored, enc

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Overcoming Fear Through Faith in Christ

Believing in Jesus as the Christ, being born of God, and having faith empowers us to overcome fear and challenges in this world. Jesus within us is greater than any fear we face. Understanding how fear affects us helps us combat its negative impact and trust in the Lord for safety and destiny fulfil

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Exploring the Riches of Ephesians: Grace, Unity, and the Mystery of Christ

In Ephesians, Paul delves into the profound themes of God's grace, unity among believers, and the mystery of Christ. Through his letters, he emphasizes the blessings and gifts bestowed upon us in Christ, the breaking down of walls through grace, and the revelation of God's plan for all. Paul's words

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Insights from Discipleship, Leadership, and Congregational Health Survey

Discipleship, leadership, and congregational health were surveyed in August 2021 within a religious context. The survey revealed insights into total participation, characteristics of a disciple of Jesus Christ, qualities of transformational leaders, and responses from survey participants regarding p

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A Biblical Process for Conflict Resolution: Rule of Christ

Explore the Rule of Christ, a biblical process for dealing with concerns in the church setting. This process emphasizes mutual invitation, respectful communications, taking responsibility for words and feelings, and resolving conflicts through clear communication. Discover how conflicts, when addres

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