Carryover of Federal Funds in Education
Exploring the concept of carrying over federal funds in education, this information covers what carryover is, timelines for the process, allowable percentages for carryover in various programs, programmatic requirements, and details on the application process. Learn about the considerations involved
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Enforcement Division Quarterly Progress Report September 2023
The Enforcement Chief has been tasked with reducing open cases by 75%, ensuring annual carryover cases do not exceed 625, and resolving cases within two years. Progress on the directives is shown through case closure data comparison and specific targets set for reducing pre-2023 and carryover cases.
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Financial Policy & Fund Balance Overview
This presentation highlights the importance of having a financial policy in place to protect cash reserves, make informed financial decisions, and ensure audit compliance. It explains the components of a financial policy as per GASB 54 and discusses the link between audited financials and the budget
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Budget Carryover Entries in Financial Management
Budget carryover entries are essential in maintaining budgetary controls, reestablishing prior year balances, and ensuring accurate expenditure planning. Learn about the types, importance, submission timelines, and practical considerations for budget carryovers in financial management.
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Faculty Non-Work Day Procedures and Banking Time
The policy outlines the allocation of non-work days for faculty members based on state service tenure, including personal leave hours and banking time. Faculty with 10+ years of service can utilize additional hours on designated Administrative Days. A maximum of 37.5 hours can be banked per academic
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Reconciling CIP Budget Narratives & Spending Overview
Detailed information on reconciling CIP budget narratives and spending, including the agenda, fiscal timelines, federal funds timeline, annual budget narrative, reconciliation basics, and ensuring alignment with personnel costs. Tips provided on reconciling, identifying errors, and planning for carr
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Comprehensive Overview of Medical Spending Accounts for 2024
Explore the details of Medical Spending Accounts (MSA) and Limited-use Medical Spending Accounts for the year 2024, including eligibility, contribution limits, eligible expenses, carryover options, deadlines, and administration fees. Learn how these accounts can help you manage your healthcare expen
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Efficient Management of Vacation and Sick Leave Balances
Proper maintenance of vacation and sick leave balances in Banner involves updating accruals regularly via time entry or payroll processes. Leave benefits are position-dependent and tracked in the HR system by category. Appendix A provides details on leave codes and corresponding leave categories for
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Drinking Water Disinfection Byproducts Regulations
This content covers essential information about Stage 2 Disinfection Byproducts (DBP) regulations, including workshop schedules, reasons for plan redoing, acronyms, the purpose of DBP regulations, application to water systems, and carryover from Stage 1 DBP. It emphasizes the risks associated with d
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Unobligated Balance Review April 2018
Review of unobligated balances from April 2018 discussing policies for carryover authority, automatic carryover vs. prior approval, and requirements for reporting and explanation of unobligated funds exceeding 25% of the approved budget. The case study illustrates calculations and determinations of
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