Calipso - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

NASA Earth Applied Sciences Program Updates and NRT Data Products

NASA's Earth Applied Sciences Program updates include discussions on NRT data products and user needs from health and air quality programs. Updates on NISAR, TEMPO, SBG, AOS, and LANCE are highlighted, focusing on real-time data products for monitoring various atmospheric parameters. Future near rea

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Comparison of Model 1 Simulations to Satellite Observations for July 1, 2010

Explore the comparison of Model 1 simulations with various satellite measurements such as AIRS, OMI, CloudSat, and CALIPSO for July 1, 2010. Focus on OMI Tropospheric NO2 data and factors impacting the tropospheric NO2 column retrieval.

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EOSDIS FY2010 Annual Metrics Report

The EOSDIS FY2010 Annual Metrics Report provides an overview of data metrics and web activities at the Earth Observation System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) data centers during Fiscal Year 2010. The report includes statistics on data ingest, archive, distribution, and web metrics collected b

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