Abominations - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

The Warning of Worldliness in Revelation

The images and verses from Revelation 17 highlight the dangers of worldliness, spiritual adultery, and the deception of the world system. The vivid descriptions of a woman on a scarlet beast, symbolizing worldly allure and opposition to God, serve as a cautionary tale against being ensnared by the a

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Seven Things God Hates - Proverbs 6:16-19 Insights

Revealing the seven abominations to the Lord from Proverbs 6:16-19, including a proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart devising wicked plans, feet swift to evil, a false witness spreading lies, and sowing discord among brethren.

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Insights from Proverbs: Lessons on Guarantees, Work Ethic, Troublemakers, and Abominations

Explore the teachings of Proverbs on the dangers of loan guarantees, the importance of hard work and avoiding laziness, the characteristics of a troublemaker, and the seven abominations. Learn valuable lessons on financial responsibility, diligence, discerning character traits, and living a morally

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Pride and Arrogance in the Eyes of God

This content explores the biblical perspective on pride and arrogance as detestable to the Lord, highlighting the seven abominations in Proverbs 6:16-19. It delves into the definition of pride and arrogance, emphasizing their harmful effects and God's resistance towards the proud. Discover how God h

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He is Holy, We Should Be Holy - Leviticus 19:3-8

The passage from Leviticus 19:3-8 emphasizes the importance of holiness and obedience to God's statutes. It warns against defiling oneself with abominations that led to the expulsion of nations from the land. The text also highlights the significance of revering parents, avoiding idolatry, and obser

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