Progress Update on EU Partnership Agreements and Programme Implementation

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This update covers the milestones achieved in the Joint Monitoring Committee Partnership Agreements from 2014 to 2027, focusing on progress made in the implementation of various programmes, including budget allocation, operations launched, and planned initiatives for 2024 in areas such as human resources development, social services, and transport connectivity.

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  2. Implementation of the 2021 2027 Programmes: Progress Made and Planning for 2024



  5. Implementation Progress Budget - EUR 1 967 mln. Programmed funds - EUR 744 mln. (37.81%) Operations launched - 18 (EUR 628 mln.) Contracts 515 total value - EUR 392 mln. 19,9 % of total budget 52,6 % of programmed budget Verified funds - EUR 33 mln. Payments to beneficiaries - EUR 53.5 mln.

  6. Operations to Be Launched in 2024 Subject Total budget ( ) Eligible applicants/ beneficiaries Planned launch of the call Operation EURES Bulgaria 7.6 mln. Employment Agency Q1 2024 Increasing the capacity of GLI EA to implement the control activity at the labor market 5.4 mln. General Labour Inspectorate Executive Agency Q1 2024 National digital platform for translation services from and in Bulgarian sign language 1.5 mln. Ministry of Labour and Social Policy Q1 2024 Increasing the effectiveness of providing social services and their monitoring 3.5 mln. Agency for Quality of Social Services Q1 2024 Continuous support for long-term care 6.1 mln. Agency for Social Assistance Q1 2024 ALMA Youth Initiative 1.5 mln. Employers; social partners; NGOs; Employment Agency; etc. Q2 2024 Destination: Bulgaria 7.7 mln. Employment Agency Q3 2024

  7. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMME TRANSPORT CONNECTIVITY 2021 2027 MARTIN GEORGIEV Head of the MA of Programme ,,Transport Connectivity 2021-2027

  8. Implementation Progress Operations launched, incl. grants and financial Instruments (number, total value, share of programme budget): none Grant award contracts/funding agreement signed (number, total value, share of programme budget): none For some of the projects (for example in the road and rail sector) grant has not been awarded yet but contractor selection procedures have been successfully completed. Payments to beneficiaries (total value, share of programme budget): payments have not been made yet (planned launching of the process 6 months following the signing of the first grant award contracts) Results achieved: not applicable at present Challenges faced/action taken: In the beginning of 2024 discussion and decision taking are pending on the fine-tuning of the TCP 2021 2027 scope (in view of the phasing of railway projects under the OPTTI 2014 2020, as well as scope of road projects in conformity with the actual opportunities of the envisaged budget). The actual possibility for implementation of such a vast scale of activities should be taken into consideration and not just automatically moving the accumulated in the 2014 2020 programming period problems to be solved in 2021 2027.

  9. Operations to Be Launched in 2024 Subject Total budget ( ) Eligible actions Planned launch of the call Intermodal operators 17,6 mln. Grant scheme of funding intensity up to 50% for supporting all intermodal operators in the: purchase of equipment; construction/rehabilitation of railway / road infrastructure; cargo handling areas; introduction of IT systems and charging stations. Q4 2024 Alternative fuels 47 mln. Legal entities or persons as well as their associations acting on the territory of the country Gradually, beginning in the Q4 2024

  10. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMME DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONS 2021 2027 ANGELINA BONEVA Deputy Minister and Head of the of Programme ,,Development of regions 2021 -2027

  11. Implementation Progress Results achieved: Approved Rules for Structuring of Selection Units and Committees in the 10 Municipalities (P1); Established all units and initiated the formation of Selection Committees within municipal administrations (P1); Ongoing Negotiations with the World Bank and Collaborative Efforts with the CCU (P3); Officially submitted version 2.0 of PDR through SFC on September 30, 2023 (P4 and P5 - JTF). Texts Updated and Supplemented According to EC Comments (P4 and P5). Operations launched, incl. grants and financial Instruments: Announced the first call for concepts for Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) on June 27, 2023 (P2); Currently evaluating 165 received concepts for ITI in accordance with the Regulations for the implementation of the Regional development Act (P2); Announced Procedure Support for Effective Implementation of the Integrated Territorial Approach and Policies from the PDR Intervention Sectors (P3) 22,7 million euro (1,2%); Secured a financial agreement with FMFIB (12,8%), allocating EUR 69.85 million under Priority 1 and EUR 166.53 million under Priority 2. Payments to beneficiaries : EUR 70 873 552,94.

  12. Operations to Be Launched in 2024 Planned launch of the call Total budget ( ) Eligible applicants/ beneficiaries Subject Support for integrated urban development in 10 urban municipalities under Priority 1 "Integrated urban development" 332,3 mln. A wide range of stakeholders with prioritization of multi- stakeholder partnerships actively engaged in the territories of 10 urban municipalities, recognized as the primary growth centers based on the Updated National Spatial Development Concept Q2 2024 Support for integrated urban development in 40 urban municipalities under Priority 2 "Integrated territorial development of regions" 664,7 mln. A wide range of stakeholders and partnerships of stakeholders and partnerships actively engaged in the territories of 40 municipalities Q1 2024

  13. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMME ENVIRONMENT 2021 2027 GALINA SIMEONOVA, General Director, Directorate General "Operational Program "Environment"

  14. Implementation Progress Grant procedures - 12 open procedures for Euro 504 747 809 (28% of PE budget), 24 projects under evaluation, incl. 21 operations of strategic importance. Until the end of 2023 another 2 procedures will be prepared and lunched for EUR 405 000 000. First grant award contracts November/December 2023, expected amount Euro 11 759 713 (0,65% of PE budget). Expected contracting till the end of 2025 ~ 60% of PE budget. Payments to beneficiaries payment claims expected: non-infrastructure projects second half of 2024; infrastructure projects phased WSS projects - 2024; new infrastructure projects - 2025. Results achieved: Management and control systems; Procedure manual; Approved Indicative annual work programme for 2024, approved selection criteria for part of the planned procedures. Challenges faced/action taken: Delay in the start of infrastructure projects/ condition for application with announced tender procedures.

  15. Operations to Be Launched in 2024 Subject Total budget ( ) Eligible applicants/ beneficiaries Planned launch of the call Priority 1 Water monitoring of water for human consumption 5,1 mln. Ministry of Health Q3 2024 Priority 2 Waste biodegradable waste 124,2 mln. Municipalities Q1 2024 Priority 3 Biodiversity implementation of measures from Natura 2000 NPAF 29,7 mln. MOEW, MAF, RIA, municipalities, regional administrations, NGOs, scientific institutes, universities, natural history museums Q1/Q2/Q3/ Q4/2024 Priority 4 Risk and Climate Change SEWA, NRTWMS, FRMPs, floods and landslides ITI 123,9 mln. MOEW, MI, RIA, municipalities, regional administrations Q1/Q2/Q3/ 2024 Priority 5 Air green measures, air quality network of experts 32 mln. Municipalities, Association of environmental experts in BG Q1 2024


  17. Implementation Progress Operations launched: Grant procedures, incl. those for direct award 3 procedures with a total value of 200 787 416.8 or 13.39% of the Program budget Financial instruments - signed financial agreement with FMFIB amounting to 645 600 000, incl. 134 340 000 for combined procedure grant and FI in one operation - 43.05% of the Program budget Concepts for ITI implementation - one procedure for concept selection was announced with a total budget of 119 045 697 or 8.32% of the Program budget Payments to beneficiaries - 202 513 245.73 Certified funds: 193 690 371.18 Results achieved: Timely start of the implementation of the Programme: 3 procedures officially announced, 1 procedure for selection of concepts, 1 procedure with a public consultation process finalized and to be launched; 2 market consultations conducted for the implementation of the FIs Contracted funds at the amount of 694 845 666.5

  18. Implementation Progress Challenges faced/action taken: Late start of the implementation of the programing period 2021-2027, both at European and national level Simultaneous implementation of the measures with EU funds under shared management (2021-2027) and the National recovery and resilience plan, and the need for their synchronization and coordination Reduction of the resources, earmarked for regions in transition (SWR) as well as the reduced co-financing rate under the Programme for the measures supported by Grant The significant resources foreseen for FIs under the Programme and availability of other FIs that are on the market (recycled funds, funds from the period 2014- 2020, FI under the NRRP and other FIs at national and European level) The identified challenges were promptly taken into account by the MA and at this stage no risk which to affect the successful implementation of the program is present.

  19. Operations to Be Launched in 2024 Subject Total budget ( ) Eligible applicants/ beneficiaries Planned launch of the call Protection of industrial property rights in enterprises Micro, Small, Medium-sized Enterprises and Small mid- caps April 2024 12,3 mln. Introduction of Industry 4.0 technologies in enterprises 52 mln. Micro, Small and Medium- sized Enterprises November 2024 Affirming Bulgaria as a Competitive investment destination by supporting the activities of IBA 3,5 mln. Invest Bulgaria Agency January 2024


  21. Implementation Progress Operations launched, including grants and FI implementation (number, value, % of budget) 8,55 % of budget Complementary funding of European Digital Innovation Hubs selected by the European Commission - EUR 6,9 mln. Financial instruments under the Research, Innovation and Digitalisation Programme for Smart Transformation 2021-2027 - EUR 60 mln. Platform for cooperation between higher education institutions, research organisations and business through the upgrading of the Register of Research Activity, the Register of Academic Staff and the Bulgarian Open Science Portal - EUR 0,6 mln. Providing technical assistance for the successful implementation of PRIDST - EUR 25,8 mln.

  22. Implementation Progress Results achieved: 3 grant procedures have been launched; 6 procedures will be announced by the end of 2023, which are at the final stage of the conciliation of the application package; On 11 August, the MA announced a request for payment submitted by FMFIB EAD amounting to EUR 18 010 084,03, representing a first tranche or 30 % of the contribution of EUR 60 033 613,44, in accordance with the Financing Agreement signed between the two parties; Certified amount: 18 010 360.29 EUR

  23. Operations to Be Launched in 2024 Subject Total budget (EUR) Eligible applicants/beneficiaries Planned launch of the call Research organisations that have signed a funding agreement with the EC in the Horizon Europe contest HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-01 (Teaming) Phase and their partners Complementary support for Bulgarian scientific organisations implementing projects under Horizon Europe HORIZON-WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-01 (Teaming) Phase 2 November 2024 46 mln. Research organisations with projects that have passed the Horizon Europe evaluation thresholds HORIZON- WIDERA-2023-ACCESS-02 (Twinning) and their partners. Support for Bulgarian scientific organisations with projects that have passed the Horizon Europe evaluation thresholds HORIZON-WIDERA-2023- ACCESS-02 (Twinning) August 2024 3 mln. SMEs in cooperation with CFR, CCP, NPCI sites, Laboratory Complex at Sofia Tech Park and other research organisations and laboratories December 2023/January 2024 Small innovative grants (voucher scheme) for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) 12, 8 mln. Complementary funding to support Bulgaria s participation in the Clean Hydrogen European Partnership for the Construction of Hydrogen Valley February- March 2024 Procedure with direct beneficiary 8,2 mln. SMEs in cooperation with research organisations and higher education institutions Green and digital partnerships for smart transformation May 2024 31 mln.

  24. Operations to Be Launched in 2024 Subject Total budget (EUR) Eligible Planned launch of the call applicants/beneficiaries Bulgarian networks of enterprises, including in partnership with research organisations and higher education institutions Participation of Bulgarian organisations in institutionalised European partnerships May 2024 49, 2 mln. Cooperation programmes for innovation and knowledge and technology transfer Building a strategic, organisational and technical framework for data management and interoperability (d1) Industry, SMEs and research organisations and higher education institutions February 2024 87, 9 mln. Ministry of e-Government March 2024 2,1 mln. Building, strengthening and developing capacities and raising awareness and promoting data opportunities (d2/d7) January-March 2024 Institute of Public Administration 4,8 mln. MES in partnership with the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency, the National Centre for Information and Documentation, NSI, Higher Schools, CoEs and CoCs Building data spaces by strategic sectors and areas of public interest Stage 1 (d3) October- December 2024 5,7 mln.

  25. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMME EDUCATION 2021 2027 IVAN POPOV Deputy Executive Director of Executive Agency Programme Education

  26. Implementation Progress 4 procedures launched amounting to 218 513 056 (23% of PE budget) 3 signed grant contracts amounting to 155 001 713 (16% of PE budget) Payments to beneficiaries amounting to 22 611 679 (2,34% of PE budget): Challenges faced/action taken: Currently no challenges have been identified in the implementation of PE.

  27. Operations to Be Launched in 2024 Subject Total budget ( ) Eligible applicants/ beneficiaries Planned launch of the call Dual training in vocational education and training (ITI approach) 44,3 mln. Vocational high schools and schools with vocational classes, including private schools (candidates) with approved ITI concepts March 2024 Adult literacy (ITI approach) 33,3 mln. Municipalities, state, municipal and private schools March 2024 Complex programmes at municipal level for school desegregation, against secondary segregation and discrimination (ITI approach) 13,3 mln. Municipalities, schools (participants/candidates with approved ITI concepts) March 2024 Support for the mechanism for joint work of institutions on coverage, inclusion and prevention of dropping out of the education system of children and school students 8,9 mln. Regional Departments of Education (RDEs) April 2024 Access to higher education for vulnerable groups, disadvantaged groups and non- pedagogical staff 18,2 mln. Secondary schools and non-profit legal entities in public benefit June 2024


  29. Implementation Progress 7 Operations launched Almost 70,000 people receive a hot lunch. 235 contracts with municipalities are being implemented. 447 216 food and hygiene product packages are expected to be distributed. 200 children receive food from a children's kitchen /baby meal/ Programmed funds: EUR 163 140 754.11 (77.50%) of the programme budget Contracted funds: EUR 148 268 596.62 (70.44%), of the programme budget and 90.88% of the programmed funds Verified expenditure: EUR 18 840 673.56 (8.95%) of the programme budget and 11.55% of the programmed funds Actual funds disbursed - EUR 31 678 376.15 (15.05%), of the programme budget and 19.42% of the programmed funds

  30. Operations to be Launched in 2024 There are no operations to launched in the 2024 according to the Indicative Annual Working Programme All procedures have been launched in 2022 and 2023.

  31. IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMME TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE 2021 2027 DANIELA NIKOLOVA Head of Department Good Governance Directorate Council of Ministers Administration Managing Authority of TA Programme

  32. Implementation Progress 2 procedures for direct grant award launched: "Effective and efficient management of the Technical Assistance Programme with a specific beneficiary: MA of the TA Programme at total value of EUR 7 714 372 (6,4 % of TAP budget) "Improved information systems for managing and monitoring funds from European funds under shared management in Bulgaria" with specific beneficiaries: CCU and State Aid Unit at total value of EUR 19 815 679 (16,3 % of TAP budget) Grant award contracts signed and Payments to beneficiaries: None Results achieved: Methodology and criteria for the selection of operations under 4 grant award procedures at a total value of EUR 44 668 504 and implementation period by 2029 were approved by the Programme Monitoring Committee on 14.11.2023, which is 36,8 % of TAP budget. As of 15 November, there are 7 procedures approved under TAP at the total amount of EUR 103 323 581 or 85,1 % of the programme budget.

  33. Operations to Be Launched in 2024 Planned launch of the call Total Eligible applicants/ beneficiaries Subject budget ( ) BG16RFTA001-1.008 "Active and competent civil society organizations to increase the added value of the Cohesion Policy in Bulgaria 1,3 mln. Non-profit legal entities Q2 2024

  34. Maritime and Fisheries directorate Ministry of Agriculture and Food IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAMME FOR MARITIME, FISHERIES AND AQUACULTURE 2021 2027 BORYANA VODENICHARSKA State Expert, Maritime and Fisheries Directorate Ministry of Agriculture and Food

  35. Implementation Progress Actions taken to launch the EMFAF: First meeting of the EMFAF Monitoring Commission held on March 17, 2023; Project selection criteria for 7 types of actions have been approved; Signed Agreement for the delegation of the functions to the Intermediate Body - SF "Agriculture" - November 21, 2023 Draft of the EMFAF Evaluation Plan - 30.11.2023, expected approval by the MC - December 2023; Prepared methodologies for applying SCOs under EMFAF and reducing the administrative burden - in the process of coordination with the Audit Authority; Preparation of visibility and communication activities under EMFAF has been started - preparation of communication strategy and video films, website and Facebook page; Launch of calls of proposals until the end of 2023 for the following types of actions from the IAWP 2023 are under preparation

  36. Implementation Progress Challenges Identified: Stagnation in the processes of launching and implementing EMFAF as a result of the unexpected managerial and structural changes in the administration of the MA; Direct and indirect negative effects of the economic crisis in the country caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia's war in Ukraine. Actions taken: Mobilization of all MA efforts to catch up on the delay in announcing the first admissions 8 procedures Optimizing the processes in the MA and strengthening the administrative capacity; Introduction of simplified costs in order to reduce the administrative burden for beneficiaries.

  37. Operations to Be Launched in 2024 Subject Total budget ( ) Eligible applicants/ beneficiaries Planned launch of the call Temporary cessation of fishing activities 1 mln. Fishing vessel owners and fishermen Q4 2024 Support for economic and social status in fisheries 1,9 mln. Fishing vessel owners Q2 2024 Selective gear and innovations on the fishing vessel to protect the environment and biodiversity 2,5 mln. Scientific organizations; NGOs; Operators in the "Fisheries" sector Q4 2024 Investments in fishing ports, auction halls, landing sites and shelters 9,2 mln. Public legal bodies Q4 2024 Production and marketing plans 300 000 Fishery and Aquaculture Producers' Organizations Q1 2024 Marine surveillance 1,4 mln. IA "Maritime Administration"; SP "Port Infrastructure" Q3 2024 Implementation of CLLD strategies 17,9 mln. Approved LAG under EMFAF Q1 2024 Current costs and activities for the promotion of the territory 5,9 mln. Approved LAG with approved strategy Q1 2024


  39. Implementation Progress ISF Operations launched, incl. grants and financial Instruments (number, total value, share of programme budget): No launched operations Grant award contracts/funding agreement signed (number, total value, share of programme budget): 14 concluded Award contracts / Grant awarding orders Total awarded amount 32 302 702,07 EURO / 63 177 624,71 BGN, 55,10 % of the programme budget; Payments to beneficiaries (total value, share of programme budget): No payments have been made Results achieved: No results have been achieved Challenges faced/action taken: New grant awarding regulatory framework. Alignment of the grant awarding procedures with new regulatory framework.

  40. Implementation Progress BMVI Operations launched, incl. grants and financial Instruments (number, total value, share of programme budget): 3 launched two are in the evaluation phase and one in project proposal submission phase Total amount: 89 576 750 EURO / 175 194 207,65 BGN, 33,59 % of the programme budget. Grant award contracts/funding agreement signed (number, total value, share of programme budget): 21 concluded Grant awarding orders Total awarded amount 93 090 068,49 EURO / 182 065 555,95 BGN, 34,910 % of the programme budget. Payments to beneficiaries (total value, share of programme budget): 930 923,40 EURO / 1 820 700 BGN, 0,34 % of the programme budget. Results achieved: No results have been achieved Challenges faced/action taken: New grant awarding regulatory framework. Alignment of the grant awarding procedures with new regulatory framework.

  41. Implementation Progress AMIF Operations launched, incl. grants and financial Instruments (number, total value, share of programme budget): 1 launched in project proposal submission phase Total amount: 14 858 241,93 EURO / 29 059 749,57 BGN, 39,38 % of the programme budget. Grant award contracts/funding agreement signed (number, total value, share of programme budget): 5 concluded Award contracts / Grant awarding orders Total awarded amount 20 286 743,70 EURO / 39 676 813,32 BGN, 53,76% of the total programme budget. Payments to beneficiaries (total value, share of programme budget): 4 057 348,91 EURO / 7 935 363 BGN, 10,75 % of the total programme budget. Results achieved: No results have been achieved Challenges faced/action taken: New grant awarding regulatory framework. Alignment of the grant awarding procedures with new regulatory framework.

  42. Procedures to Be Launched in 2024 Subject Total budget ( ) Eligible applicants/ beneficiaries Planned launch of the call Procedure 1 ISF (SO 3) 2,2 mln. Natural and legal persons and their associations January 2024 Procedure 2 ISF (SO 3) 8,4 mln. GDCOC, GDNP, GDBP, SATO, SACP and A21 Foundation January 2024 Procedure 3 ISF (SO 2) 2,0 mln. GDBP, DIOC, AMVR March 2024 Procedure 4 ISF (SO 1) 4,5 mln. DIOC, DCIS August 2024 Procedure 1 BMVI (SO 1) 10,3 mln. GDBP, DCIS January 2024 Procedure 2 BMVI (SO 1) 16,9 mln. GDBP, DCIS, MFA April 2024

  43. Procedures to Be Launched in 2024 Subject Total budget ( ) Eligible applicants/ beneficiaries Planned launch of the call Procedure 3 BMVI (SO 1) 2,5 mln. GDBP, DIOC, FRI May 2024 Procedure 4 BMVI (SO 1) 4,5 mln. GDBP, AMVR January 2024 Procedure 1 AMIF (SO 3) 320 000 DM, EAGLI January 2024 Procedure 2 AMIF (SO 3) 390 476 Natural and legal persons and their associations June 2024


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