Multilingual Situation in Algeria: Influence of French Borrowings on Tamazight Varieties

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The study conducted by the Centre National Pédagogique et Linguistique explores the intricate multilingual environment in Algeria, focusing on the incorporation of French borrowings in Algerian Arabic and Tamazight varieties. The research delves into factors leading Berber speakers to adopt French words, awareness of etymological origins, linguistic adaptations of borrowings, and more. Methodologies such as questionnaires and word lists were employed to analyze the phenomenon. The findings shed light on the linguistic dynamics and interactions among languages in Algeria.

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  1. Centre National Pdagogique et Linguistique pour lEnseignement de Tamazight Laboratoire Paragraphe (Universit Paris 8 et Cergy-Pontoise) Presented by: Dr. Hayat BAGUI Dr. Fatima-Zohra ADDER

  2. Layout 1. Introduction 2. Research Questions 3. Hypotheses 4. Research Methodology 4.1. Questionnaire 4.2. Word List 4.3. Sampling Description & Setting 5. Data Analysis 6. Main Findings 7. Interpretation 8. Conclusion

  3. 1. Introduction The constant contact of languages in Algeria engendered an intricate multilingual situation to the extent that words from various languages co-exist together with both Algerian Arabic and Tamazight resulting in many language contact phenomena. French borrowings, for instance, occupy a tremendous position in bothAlgerianArabic and Berber varieties.

  4. 2. Research Questions 1- What are the main factors that lead Berber speakers to import words and items from French? 2- Are the informants of this study aware of the etymological origin of those borrowed words in their Tamazight dialects or not? 3- To what extent are French borrowings adapted linguistically when used in their everyday interaction?

  5. 3. Hypotheses 1. Berber speakers probably import words and items from French due to a lack of equivalents in Tamazight. 2. Since the members of this sample population are all educated, one may expect that they are conscious of the origin of the French borrowed vocabulary in their Tamazight varieties. 3. French borrowings are adapted phonologically and morphologically when switching back and forth to Tamazight in everyday verbal interactions.

  6. 4. Research Methodology Questionnaire + Word List

  7. 4.1. Questionnaire Pupils were given a questionnaire written in French to answer. Aim: to check pupils attitudes towards French and it is hopefully administered to unveil their personal motivating reasons to borrow French loan words in daily life discourse. Content: The questionnaire involves two sections and each one combines a different number of questions. The preliminary section is about students background information including gender, age, their place of birth and place of residence. The second section of the questionnaire is further divided into 7 questions.

  8. Question Aims Q1. It seeks to unveil whether informants live -in a Berberophone entourage or -in an Arabophone one. Q2. It uncovers informants ethnic belonging (Arab, Berber, other ) Q3. It checks whether they speak Tamazight orArabic in everyday talk. And why? Q4. It checks whether they mix French words with Tamazight or not. This question endeavours to measure the frequency of mixing between French and Tamazight. (four-point frequency scale: very often often And with whom? only with literate speakers or with illiterate people too Q5. sometimes rarely) Q6. It attempts to reveal the motivating reasons to use French words instead of Berber ones in those informants everyday speech. Q7. The last question collects some instances of French words that informants usually use and which do not have equivalents in Tamazight.

  9. 4.2. Word List It entails 14 words in MSA& 16 pictures. The informants were asked to give the usual uttered vocabulary item. The purpose is to reveal how French borrowings are adapted linguistically into Tamazight.

  10. 4.3. Sampling Description & Setting The participants were selected according to their ethnic belonging. The research population of this study involves first year pupils enrolled at the School of Engineers in Tlemcen for this academic year. 40 Berberophones 28 females (70%) 12 males (30%) Ages: 24 to 38 years old. 80 % live in a Berberophone environment (Tizi ouzou, Bejaia, Bouira, Boumerdes ) 20 % live in an Arabophone entourage.

  11. 5. Data Analysis

  12. 6. Main Findings A. Questionnaire Analysis en r alit un m lange les deux. Dans la famille je parle en Tamazight mais au milieu de travail et au quartier je parle en Arabe C est ma langue maternelle ..toute ma famille et mes amis sont des Kabyles et je suis l aise avec . Au wilaya natale je parle tout le temps en Tamazight mais l cole Tlemcen, je parle en Arabe

  13. The use of the 4 points scale measures the frequency of French- Tamazightcode switching; the results show: 100 90 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 5 0 0 Very often Often Sometimes Rarely

  14. Berber Use in Correlation with Interlocutors Educational Level 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 with literate people with illiterate people with both

  15. The reasons that motivate informants to speak in French: To fill in a linguistic gap (No equivalent in Tamazight or new words related to technology) , Seen as an offspring of colonialism, They find French more expressive, Finding words in French easily, It is part of their spontaneous and habitual idiolect, Ignorance of some names / words in Tamazight

  16. Words with no equivalents in Tamazight: 75% stated that there are many words related to technology, sciences, transport vehicles, school supplies, with no equivalent in their mother tongue. 25% asserted that thanks to teaching Tamazight in higher education, most, if not all, French words have approximately their synonyms in Berber.

  17. B/ Word List and Pictures Analysis: French Borrowing/ Phonological and Words in MSA Berber origin Percentages morphological Percentages adaptation /ticket/ 75% /atiki/ 16.33% /tikitet l bus/ 8.67% /h pital/ 45% /sbitar/ /svitar/ 55% /asbitar/ /retard/ 75% /yatel/ /i3attal/ 25% /feuille/ 32% /thawarqat/ 68% /bureau/ 46% /albiro/ /abiro/ 54% /l assenseur/ 45% /asasuur/ 30% /aslluum/ 25% La pompe 38% /pompa/ 36% /thapompth/ 26% /mis re/ 20% /miziria/ 25% /lixsas/ 35% /tizawla/ 20%

  18. /marki/ 22% /amarki/ /thakuzinth/ 78% 100% /cl / 12% /tassaruth/ 80% /amftah/ 8% /robinet/ 25% /arobini/ 40% /hasabbalt/ 5% /thavernint/ 30% /boite/ 3% /thabbatat/ 42% /thaboite/ 55% /automobile/ 15% /tomobile/ 29% /thakarrost/ 23% /tonobile/ 33%

  19. /thaktabet/ /tabla/ /tavla/ /acahier/ /akorras/ /alvista/ /thjakit/ Thakabbot/ /stilo/ /astilo/ thacravate /acartable/ /acartave/ /thavioust/

  20. /valisth/ /thavalisth/ /arestaurant/ /ilmadrasat/ /l cole/ /axam/ /portable/ /t l phone/ /t l vision/ /alcadre/ /assalon/ /assalo/ /aportmonie/ /aportefeuille/

  21. The results demonstrate that Berberophones; mainly educated ones, borrow many French words spontaneously, These words are adapted into Berber phonology and morphology as it has appeared in many instances such as the adding of /a/ in many words like /acahier/, /acartable/, /astilo/, /arobini/. Moreover, words which are associated with technology are borrowed from French as well and become part of the Berber language with no adaptation at either level such as: /portable/or /t l vision/. Borrowed verbs are adapted in the same way as Berber verbs like in /amarki/. This adaptation corresponds to Smeaton s view who maintains that borrowed words undergo modification of morphological structure to fit with the system of recipient language( Berber); except words linked to technology.

  22. 7. Interpretation Berber speakers do import many words and items from French to fill in linguistic gaps. Berberophones are unaware of the origin of the French borrowed vocabulary in their Tamazight varieties.

  23. Core Borrowing Cultural Borrowing cl = /tassaruth/ or Portable, Email, Facebook, T l vision /amftah/ Importation Adaptation Substitution

  24. 8. Conclusion The present paper has been conducted to unveil Berberophones awareness about French borrowings and the motivating reasons to take over words. The Berber language is, in fact, characterized by a heavy load of borrowings from French and other languages due to historical, political and socio-cultural attributes. Languages compete with each other, as each one having its linguistic market dominating certain domains. Yet, this competition does not engender the exclusion of any of them, but they take over / adapt from each other as they are in constant contact.

  25. Limitations of the Study

  26. Thank you for your attention

  27. Rsum La pr sente tude vise essentiellement explorer l'utilisation de mots d'emprunt Fran ais adapt s au Tamazight en Alg rie. Il tente enqu ter sur les facteurs principaux qui poussent les locuteurs importer des mots et des l ments en Fran ais; montrant comment ceux-ci sont adapt s linguistiquement dans leurs dialectes natifs. Echantillon : compos de 40 tudiants berb rophones de l cole Nationale des Ing nieurs Tlemcen. Il tente alors de v rifier si ces l ves connaissent l'origine tymologique de ces mots emprunt s dans leurs dialectes Tamazight ou non. Une approche m thodologie mixte, bas e sur des m thodes quantitatives et qualitatives, a t s lectionn e. 1. Le questionnaire visait v rifier l attitude des tudiants l gard du Fran ais et r v ler leurs raisons personnelles d emprunter des mots Fran ais dans le discours verbal quotidien. 2. La liste de mots tente de rassembler le lexis qui fait partie int grante des idiolectes quotidiens des berb rophones. Il tente galement de montrer leur nature et de sp cifier leurs contextes d'utilisation. Une analyse descriptive et statistique a t utilis e pour analyser les donn es recueillies. Les r sultats ont montr que les mots emprunt s en Fran ais occupent une place consid rable dans le syst me linguistique des tudiants. Le vocabulaire fran ais est adapt sur le plan linguistique dans leur langue maternelle pour des raisons linguistiques et socioculturelles: Pour combler un vide linguistique Ils trouvent le Fran ais plus expressif, ou trouver des mots en Fran ais facilement Malgr leur niveau d'instruction lev , ces l ves sont inconscients de la coexistence et de l'utilisation abondante de mots Fran ais avec leurs l ments berb res parce que ces emprunts sont adapt s linguistiquement dans leurs dialectes berb res.


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