Secure Two-Party Computation and Basic Secret-Sharing Concepts

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In today's lecture of "Foundations of Cryptography," the focus is on secure two-party and multi-party computation, emphasizing semi-honest security where Alice and Bob must compute without revealing more than necessary. Concepts such as real-world vs. ideal-world scenarios, the existence of PPT simulators, and leveraging Oblivious Transfer (OT) for secure two-party computation are explored. Additionally, the basics of secret-sharing schemes between Alice and Bob are discussed to enable collaboration while preserving individual privacy.

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  1. MIT 6.875 Foundations of Cryptography Lecture 22

  2. TODAY: Secure Two-Party and Multi-Party Computation

  3. Secure Two-Party Computation Input: ? Input: ? Alice Bob Alice and Bob want to compute ? ?,? . Semi-honest Security: Alice should not learn anything more than ? and ? ?,? . Bob should not learn anything more than ? and ? ?,? .

  4. Secure Two-Party Computation Input: ? Input: ? REAL WORLD: Alice Bob IDEAL WORLD:

  5. Secure Two-Party Computation Input: ? Input: ? Alice Bob There exists a PPT simulator ???? such that for any ? and ?: ????(?,?(?,?)) ?????(?,?)

  6. Secure Two-Party Computation Input: ? Input: ? Alice Bob There exists a PPT simulator ???? such that for any ? and ?: ????(?,?(?,?)) ?????(?,?)

  7. Secure 2PC from OT Theorem [Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson 87]: OT can solve any two-party computation problem.

  8. Tool: Oblivious Transfer (OT) ?0 ?1 Choice bit: ? Receiver Sender Sender holds two bits ?0 and ?1. Receiver holds a choice bit ?. Receiver should learn ??, sender should learn nothing.

  9. How to Compute Arbitrary Functions For us, programs = functions = Boolean circuits with XOR (+ ??? 2) and AND ( ??? 2) gates. ??(? + ? ) X ? + ? ?? + X ? ? ? ? Want: If you can compute XOR and AND in the appropriate sense, you can compute everything.

  10. Basic Secret-Sharing A secret (bit) ? is shared between Alice and Bob if Alice holds a bit ? and Bob holds a bit ? s.t. ? ? = ? ? and ? are (typically) individually random, so neither Alice nor Bob knows any information about ?. Together, however, they can recover ?.

  11. Recap: OT Secret-Shared-AND Alice gets random ?, Bob gets random ? s.t. ? ? =ab. ? {0,1} ? {0,1} Output: ? Output: ? Run an OT protocol ?0= ? ?1= ? ? Choice bit ? Alice outputs ?. Bob gets ??? + ??? ? = (?? ??)? + ??= ?? ? ?

  12. How to Compute Arbitrary Functions Secret-sharing Invariant: For each wire of the circuit, Alice and Bob each have a bit whose XOR is the value at the wire. XOR gate: Locally XOR the shares AND gate?? X ? ? + X ? 0 ? 0 0 ? 0 ? Base Case: Input wires

  13. Recap: XOR gate ? ? Alice has ? and Bob has ? s.t. + ? ? = ? ? ? Alice has ? and Bob has ? s.t. ? ? = ? Alice computes ? ? and Bob computes ? ? . So, we have: (? ? ) ? ? = ? ? ? ? = x x

  14. AND gate ?? Alice has ? and Bob has ? s.t. X ? ? = ? ? ? Alice has ? and Bob has ? s.t. ? ? = ? Desired output (to maintain invariant): Alice wants ? and Bob wants ? s.t. ? ? = ??

  15. AND gate ?? ?? = (? ?)(? ? ) X = ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ss-AND ss-AND ?? ?? ?? ?? ? = ?? ?? ?? ? = ?? ?? ??

  16. How to Compute Arbitrary Functions Secret-sharing Invariant: For each wire of the circuit, Alice and Bob each have a bit whose XOR is the value at the wire. Finally, Alice and Bob exchange the shares at the output wire, and XOR the shares together to obtain the output. ? ? ? = ??(? ? ) ? X + X ? ? ? ?

  17. Security: Intuition Imagine that the parties have access to an ss-AND angel. ? ? =ab

  18. Security: Intuition Imagine that the parties have access to an ss-AND angel. Simulator for Alice s view: XOR gate: simulate given Alice s input shares X ? ? + X ? 0 ? 0 0 ? ? 0 Input wires: can be simulated given Alice s input

  19. Security: Intuition Simulator for Alice s view: AND gate: simulate given Alice s input shares & outputs from the ss-AND angel. Alice s share = ? 0 + ????? ?,? + ?????(0,0) ?????? X ? ? ?????? + X ? 0 ? 0 0 ? ? 0 ?????? and ?????? are random, independent of ?

  20. Security: Intuition Simulator for Alice s view: Output wire: need to know both Alice and Bob s output shares. Bob s outputshare = Alice s output share function output X ? ? Simulator knows the function output, and can compute Bob s output share given Alice s output share. + X ? 0 ? 0 0 ? ? 0

  21. We showed: Secure 2PC from OT Theorem [Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson 87]: OT can solve any two-party computation problem.

  22. In fact, GMW does more: Theorem [Goldreich-Micali-Wigderson 87]: OT can solve any multi-party computation problem.

  23. MPC Outline Secret-sharing Invariant: For each wire of the circuit, the n parties have a bit each, whose XOR is the value at the wire. Base case: input wires. ? XOR gate: given input shares ?1, ,?? s.t. ?=1 and ?1, ,?? s.t. ?=1 output of the XOR gate: ?1+ ?1, ,??+ ?? ??= ? ? ??= ?, compute the shares of the AND gate: given input shares as above, compute the shares of the output of the XOR gate: ? ?1, ,?? s.t ?=1 ??= ?? Exercise!

  24. Optimization 1: Preprocessing OTs Random OT tuple (or AND tuple, or Beaver tuple after D. Beaver): Alice has (?,??) and Bob has (?,??) which are random s.t. ?? ??= ??. Theorem: Given O(1) many random OT tuples, we can do OT with information-theoretic security, exchanging O(1) bits.

  25. Optimization 2: OT Extension Theorem [Beaver 96, Ishai-Kushilevitz-Nissim-Pinkas 03]: Given O(?) many random OT tuples, we can generate ? OT tuples exchanging O(?) bits --- as opposed to the trivial O(??) bits --- and using only symmetric-key crypto.

  26. Complexity of the 2-party solution Number of OT protocol invocations = 2 #??? gates Can be made into O(#inputs ?): Yao s garbled circuits Number of rounds = AND-depth of the circuit Can be made into O(1) rounds: Yao s garbled circuits Communication in bits = ?(#??? ? + #???????) Can be made into O(? #inputs) using FHE: but FHE is computationally more expensive concretely.

  27. Next class: Secret-Sharing and Information- Theoretically Secure MPC
