Consumer Attitudes Towards Brand Values Alignment

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The research conducted by Censuswide reveals insights into how consumers perceive the alignment of brand values with their own beliefs. Almost half of Brits find it important for brands they shop with to share similar values, with millennials showing the highest preference. The study also highlights the reasons consumers purchase from brands that don't align with their values. Gender and generational differences are apparent in these findings.

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  2. C Previous SAMPLING & METHODOLOGY CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS Censuswide surveyed 2,004 general consumers (nationally representative). The survey was conducted between 13.10.23 16.10.23 2 Censuswide abides by and employs members of the Market Research Society which is based on the ESOMAR principles. Next

  3. C Q1. How important or unimportant, if at all, is it to you for the brands you shop with to have missions/values that align with your own? Previous Important (NET)* = 46% Unimportant (NET)* = 15% CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS Almost half (46%) of Brits said it is important* to them that the brands they shop with have missions/values that align with their own, with just over 3 in 10 (31%) saying this is fairly important. Almost half (49%) of male consumers surveyed said it is important* to them that the brands they shop with have missions/values that align with their own, compared with over 2 in 5 (43%) female consumers surveyed who said the same. Millennials surveyed (57%) are most likely to say it is important* to them that the brands they shop with to have missions/values that align with their own, followed by Generation Z (48%), Generation X (44%), and finally, Baby Boomers (32%) who said the same. 8% 7% 3 32% Very unimportant Fairly unimportant Neither important nor unimportant 31% Fairly important 15% Very important Next * Very important and fairly important responses combined ** Very unimportant and fairly unimportant responses combined

  4. C Previous Q2. Which of the following statements, in regards to brands, if any, apply or do not apply to you? Over a third (36%) of Brits try to primarily buy from brands whose missions / values align with their own. Almost 3 in 10 (28%) Brits research brands missions / values before making a purchase with them. Over 3 in 10 (32%) male consumers surveyed agree that they research brands missions / values before making a purchase with them, compared with a quarter (25%) of female consumers surveyed who said the same. Almost 2 in 5 (38%) Millennials surveyed research brands missions / values before making a purchase with them, compared with under a fifth (18%) of Baby Boomers who said the same. CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS 4 I would encourage others to stop shopping with a brand after it, or its leadership, behaved in a way that does not align with my values 30% 48% I would stop purchasing from a brand after it, or its leadership, behaved in a way that does not align with my values 38% 40% I try to avoid purchasing from brands whose missions / values do not align with my own 34% 44% I research brands' missions / values before making a purchase with them 28% 54% I try to primarily buy from brands whose missions / values align with my own 36% 44% Next Yes, this applies to me No, this does not apply to me

  5. C Previous Q3. Why, if at all, do you purchase from brands that don t align with your values? (Tick all that apply) 2 in 5 (40%) Brits purchase from brands that don t align with their values because of cost. Just under a third (32%) of Brits purchase from brands that don t align with their values because they like the products. Almost 3 in 10 (29%) Brits purchase from brands that don t align with their values because of convenience. A quarter (25%) of Brits purchase from brands that don t align with their values because of necessity (i.e. they need to use the products they sell). CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS 5 40% 32% 29% 25% 22% 15% 9% Cost I like the products Convenience Necessity (i.e. I need to use the products they sell) There is no alternative N-A /Unsure N/A - I do not purchase from brands that don't align with my values Next

  6. C Q4. What values, if any, are most important to you when deciding which brands to engage with / purchase from? (Tick up to three) Previous 23% Quality (i.e. of products and services) CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS 18% Environmental sustainability 13% Putting people ahead of profits Brits say quality (23%) and environmental sustainability (18%) are the most important values to them when deciding which brands to engage with / purchase from. Around 1 in 8 Brits said putting people ahead of profits (13%), transparency (13%) and ethical employment practises (12%) are the most important values to them when deciding which brands to engage with / purchase from. Almost a fifth (18%) female consumers surveyed said environmental sustainability quality is a value that s most important to them when deciding which brands to engage with / purchase from, compared with just over 1 in 6 (17%) male consumers surveyed who said the same. 13% Transparency 12% Ethical employment practices 11% Supporting consumers during the cost-of-living crisis 6 10% Mental health support 10% Diversity and Inclusion 8% Creativity 8% Innovation 7% Charity and fundraising 6% Social and economic justice 6% Support for women's causes 5% LGBTQ+ support 5% Democracy Next 4% Supporting people of colour

  7. C Q5. Where, if anywhere, do you actively seek out information about a brand s missions / values? (Tick all that apply) Previous The places Brits actively seek out information about a brand s missions / values are: 1. The brand s own website (22%) 2. The brand s own social media channels (e.g., TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, X (formerly known as Twitter), YouTube) (19%) 3. Independent websites for checking a brand s values (e.g., GoodOnYou, Ethical Consumer, The Good Shopping Guide) (17%) 4. The brand's advertising (15%) 5. Non-brand-owned social media accounts (e.g., influencers, journalists, reviewers, media outlet social accounts) (12%) 6. Third-party press (e.g., non-brand-owned print magazines, newspapers or online publications) (11%) CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS 7 22% 19% 17% 15% 12% 11% The brand's own website The brand's own social media channels (e.g., TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, X (formerly known as Twitter), YouTube) Independent websites for checking a brand's values (e.g., GoodOnYou, Ethical Consumer, The Good Shopping Guide) The brand's advertising Non-brand-owned social media accounts (e.g., influencers, journalists, reviewers, media outlet social accounts) Third-party press (e.g., non- brand-owned print magazines, newspapers or online publications) Next *Reverse of N/A - I don't actively seek information about a brand's missions / values

  8. C Q6. In a typical week, how frequently, if ever, do you look at content (i.e. news articles, posts, blogs, videos) on each of the following? Previous On average*, Brits look at content (i.e. news articles, posts, blogs, videos) on Instagram three times per week, TikTok twice week, LinkedIn once a week, X (formerly known as Twitter) twice a week, Facebook three times per week and YouTube three times per week. On average*, Brits look at content (i.e. news articles, posts, blogs, videos) on television (i.e. the news) four times per week. On average*, Brits look at content (i.e. news articles, posts, blogs, videos) in magazines (digital, print) once a week. On average*, Brits look at content (i.e. news articles, posts, blogs, videos) in the news (digital newspapers, news sites (e.g. BBC News, Daily Mail, Google News), print newspapers) three times per week. On average*, Brits look at content (i.e. news articles, posts, blogs, videos) on brand s websites twice a week. CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS Average times per week 8 3.80 3.30 3.30 2.90 2.50 2.00 1.90 1.80 1.40 0.17 Television (i.e. the news) Facebook News (digital newspapers, news sites (e.g. BBC News, Daily Mail, Google News), print newspapers) YouTube Instagram TikTok X (formerly known as Twitter) Brands' websites Magazines (digital, print) LinkedIn Next *Mean: (Times per week excl. N/A).

  9. C Q7. Where, if anywhere, have you seen a piece of content about a brands' mission or values that resonated with you? (Tick all that apply) Previous Over half (53%)* of Brits surveyed have seen a piece of content about a brand s mission or values that resonated with them. The top five places that Brits have seen a piece of content about a brand s mission or values that resonated with them are: 1. The brand's own social media channels (e.g., TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, X (formerly known as Twitter), YouTube) (20%) 2. The brand s own website (19%) 3. The brand s advertising (17%) 4. Websites for checking a brand's values (e.g., GoodOnYou, Ethical Consumer, The Good Shopping Guide) (14%) 5. A non-brand-owned social media account (e.g., influencers, journalists, reviewers, media outlet social accounts) (13%) CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS 9 24% 20% 19% 17% 17% 14% 13% 10% The brand's own social media channels (e.g., TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, X (formerly known as Twitter), YouTube) The brand's own website The brand's advertising Websites for checking A non-brand-owned social media account (e.g., influencers, journalists, reviewers, media outlet social accounts) Publications (e.g., print magazines and newspapers or online publications) N/A I have never seen a piece of content about a brand's mission or values that resonated with me N/A there is nowhere specific that I have seen this a brand's values (e.g., GoodOnYou, Ethical Consumer, The Good Shopping Guide) Next *Reverse of N/A I have never seen a piece of content about a brand's mission or values that resonated with me , N/A there is nowhere specific that I have seen this and I don t remember .

  10. C Previous Q8. What, if anything, resonated with you about the piece of content? (Tick all that apply) 27% Human stories CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS Brits are most likely to say human stories (27%), eye-catching visuals (25%) or emotion (23%) resonated with them about the piece of content. Almost 3 in 10 (27%) female consumers surveyed said eye-catching visuals resonated with them, compared with just under a quarter (23%) male consumers surveyed said the same. A quarter (25%) of female consumers surveyed said emotion resonated with them, compared with just over a fifth (21%) male of consumers surveyed who said the same. Almost a quarter (24%) of Baby Boomers surveyed said compelling research / statistics resonated with them, compared with almost a fifth of Generation X (19%) and Millennials (18%) who said the same. 1 in 7 (14%) Generation Z Brits also said compelling research / statistics resonated with them. Over a fifth (21%) of Brits who think it is fairly important for the brands they shop with to have missions / values that align with their own said compelling research / statistics have resonated with them, compared with just under 1 in 7 (13%) Brits who think it is fairly unimportant for the brands they shop with to have missions / values that align with their own who said the same. 25% Eye-catching visuals 23% Emotion 21% Humour 20% Useful educational content 20% Compelling storytelling 10 19% Supermarkets 18% Compelling research / statistics 17% Leadership visibility 14% Beauty 13% Fashion 13% Health & Fitness 12% Entertainment (e.g. Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime) 12% Travel 11% Shock factor 11% Celebrity spokesperson Next Respondents who have seen a piece of content about a brands' mission or values that resonated with them

  11. C Q9. How likely, if at all, are you to do the following when you see a piece of content from a brand or in the news that shows that their missions / values align with yours? Previous Almost 2 in 5 (39%) Brits are likely* to recommend a brand to friends and family etc. when they see a piece of content from the brand or in the news that shows that their missions / values align with theirs. 2 in 5 (40%) Brits are likely* to make a purchase from a brand when they see a piece of content from the brand or in the news that shows that their missions / values align with theirs. Just over 3 in 10 (31%) Brits are likely* to spend more with a brand when they see a piece of content from the brand or in the news that shows that their missions / values align with theirs. Almost 2 in 5 (38%) Millennials and 3 in 10 (30%) Generation Z surveyed are likely* to share the content to their social media when they see a piece of content from the brand or in the news that shows their missions / values align with theirs, compared with just over a fifth (22%) of Generation X Brits and, finally, under 1 in 10 (9%) Baby Boomers who said the same. CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS Very likely Somewhat likely Neither likely nor unlikely Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely 11 9% 13% 13% 14% 18% 21% 21% 24% 6% 27% 9% 9% 9% 11% 12% 11% 10% 35% 11% 30% 31% 35% 27% 27% 25% 30% 26% 29% 28% 28% 23% 21% 23% 21% 19% 17% 11% 11% 10% 10% 9% 9% 9% 8% 8% Share the content on your social media Leave a positive review for the brand (i.e. on Google or TrustPilot) Leave a positive comment on the post or article Make a purchase from the brand Recommend the brand to friends and family etc. Follow the brand on social media Subscribe to more content from the brand (i.e. newletters, catalogues, promotion emails) Spend more with the brand Choose to make a purchase from that brand over a cheaper competitor Next * Very likely and Somewhat likely responses combined.

  12. C Previous Q10. To what extent do you agree or disagree, if at all, with each of the following statements? Under 2 in 5 (35%) Brits agree* that brands are doing a good job of making their missions and values visible. Almost 2 in 5 (39%) Brits agree* that more visible brand missions and values would help them to make easier purchasing decisions. Over 2 in 5 (42%) Brits agree* that they think brands that make their mission and values visible / easily accessible are more trustworthy. Almost half (46%) of Brits agree* that they are often wary that brands' missions and values are misleading / false (e.g. greenwashing). Under 2 in 5 (35%) Brits agree* that they think brands genuinely do value things like sustainability, diversity and inclusion and social and economic justice etc. over profit. CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS I think brands genuinely do value things like sustainability, diversity and inclusion and social and economic justice etc. over profit 9% 26% 34% 13% 8% 12 I am often wary that brands' missions and values are misleading / false (e.g. greenwashing) 14% 32% 33% 7% 3% I think brands that make their mission and values visible / easily accessible are more trustworthy 12% 30% 35% 7% 6% More visible brand missions and values would help me to make easier purchasing decisions 11% 28% 35% 8% 8% Brands are doing a good job of making their missions and values visible 10% 25% 38% 11% 6% Next Strongly agree Somewhat agree Neither agree nor disagree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree * Strongly agree and Somewhat agree responses combined.

  13. C Q11. What types of brands, if any, do you think generally have missions and values that best align with your own? (Tick all that apply) Previous 19% Supermarkets 14% Beauty CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS Brits are most likely to think that supermarkets (19%), beauty (14%), fashion (13%) and health & fitness (13%) have missions and values that best align with their own. Brits are least likely to think that gambling (5%) brands generally have missions and values that best align with their own. 1 in 7 (14%) male Brits said that banking brands generally have missions and values that best align with their own, while 1 in 14 (8%) female Brits said the same. Almost 3 in 10 (29%) Brits who say it s very important to them that the brands they shop with have missions/values that align with their own said that supermarkets generally have missions and values that best align with their own, while just 1 in 16 (6%) of those who said this is very unimportant to them feel the same. 13% Fashion 13% Health & Fitness 12% Entertainment (e.g. Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime) 12% Travel 13 11% Hospitality (e.g. restaurants, pubs, hotels) 11% Technology (e.g. Google, Apple etc.) 11% Banking 10% Gaming 7% News outlets 7% Media (e.g. broadcasters) 7% Car manufacturers 7% Utilities (e.g. energy providers) 5% Telecoms 5% Gambling Next

  14. C Q12. What types of brands, if any, do you think are best at communicating their missions and values? (Tick all that apply) Previous 18% Supermarkets CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS 12% Beauty The top 10 types of brands Brits think are best at communicating their missions and values are: o Supermarkets (18%) o Beauty (12%) / Fashion (12%) o Technology (e.g. Google, Apple etc.) (11%) / Health & Fitness (11%) / Banking (11%) o Entertainment (e.g. Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime) (10%) o Travel (9%) / Media (e.g. broadcasters) (9%) / Hospitality (e.g. restaurants, pubs, hotels) (9%) 12% Fashion 11% Technology (e.g. Google, Apple etc.) 11% Health & Fitness 11% Banking 14 10% Entertainment (e.g. Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime) 9% Travel 9% Media (e.g. broadcasters) Millennials (17%), Generation X (20%) and Baby Boomers (20%) are all most likely to think that supermarkets are best at communicating their missions and values. However, Generation Z are most likely to think that fashion (17%) brands are best at communicating their missions and values. 9% Hospitality (e.g. restaurants, pubs, hotels) 8% News outlets 8% Utilities (e.g. energy providers) 7% Car manufacturers 6% Gaming 6% Telecoms 6% Gambling Next

  15. C Q13. What types of brands, if any, do you think behave in a way that does NOT align with your missions and values? (Tick all that apply) Previous 18% Gambling 11% Utilities (e.g. energy providers) CENSUSWIDE ITHE RESEARCH CONSULTANTS 11% Banking Brits are most likely to think that gambling (18%), utilities (11%), banking (11%) and gaming (11%) behave in a way that does not align with their missions and values. Brits are least likely to think that hospitality (e.g. restaurants, pubs, hotels) (5%) and health and fitness (5%) brands behave in a way that does not align with their missions and values. Over a fifth (22%) of Brits who it s very important to them that the brands they shop with have missions/values that align with their own said gambling behaves in a way that does not align with their missions and values, whereas just over 1 in 7 (15%) of those who said it is unimportant** said the same. 11% Gaming 10% Fashion 10% Media (e.g. broadcasters) 15 9% Beauty 8% Car manufacturers 7% Technology (e.g. Google, Apple etc.) 7% Entertainment (e.g. Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime) 7% News outlets 7% Travel 7% Supermarkets 6% Telecoms 5% Hospitality (e.g. restaurants, pubs, hotels) 5% Health & Fitness Next ** Very unimportant and fairly unimportant responses combined
