Divine Judgement on Egypt: The Story of Moses and Pharaoh

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The story of Divine Judgement on Egypt unfolds as Moses and Aaron confront Pharaoh, demanding the release of the Israelites from slavery. Despite warnings and miraculous signs, Pharaoh's heart remains hardened, leading to a series of powerful judgments from God. This narrative highlights the consequences of unrepentant sin and the importance of heeding divine warnings.

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  1. Click to edit Master title style DIVINE JUDGMENT ON EGYPT 1

  2. Click to edit Master title style But Pharaoh shall not hearken unto you, that I may lay my hand upon Egypt, and bring forth mine armies, and the children of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great judgments (Exodus 7:4) MEMORY VERSE my people TEXT:Exodus 7:1-25; 8:1-32; 9:1-35; 10:1-29; 11:1-10 2 2

  3. Click to edit Master title style INTRODUCTION The children of Israel had lived in Egypt for more than four hundred years as slaves. Pharaoh and the Egyptians had made Israel to suffer with hard labour. In the midst of the hardship, Israel remembered the God of their father Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They cried unto God for help. God heard their cry and raised up Moses and Aaron to deliver His people from the bondage and oppression in Egypt. God told Moses that the assignment was not going to be an easy one. 3

  4. Click to edit Master title style INTRODUCTION CONT D. Before the judgment came, God had already sent Moses to warn Pharaoh. If he had listened and obeyed God's word, the judgment would have been avoided. God is not willing that a sinner should perish but that he should repent and be saved. Anyone who partake of God s judgment has chosen to do so. This is why sinful children are warned to repent. Those who remain in their wicked ways will be judged and thrown into hell. On the other hand those who answer the call of God and repent will receive pardon and deliverance from the judgment to come. 4


  6. 1. MOSES BEFORE PHARAOH: Exodus 7:1-13 Click to edit Master title style Moses with his elder brother Aaron went to Pharaoh, king of Egypt to deliver God's message. The message was simple and direct. God said, Let my people go that they may serve me . Pharaoh refused to honour God, he was a proud king who could not recognize God as his maker. He asked: Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the Lord, neither will I let Israel go (Exodus 5:2) God confirmed His word through the miracle of the rod and snake. 6

  7. 1. MOSES BEFORE PHARAOH CONTD. Click to edit Master title style Aaron's rod became a snake which later swallowed up the magician's snakes. This miracle was enough to convince Pharaoh and his people that there is only one God. But he refused and hardened his heart until he experienced God's divine judgment. Sinners should not harden their heart because the Bible cautions that He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy (Prov 29:1). Sinners should not wait until it is too late, they must repent and turn from their wicked ways. 7

  8. 2. DIVINE JUDGMENT ON EGYPT: Exodus 7:14-25; 8:1- Click to edit Master title style 32; 9:1-35; 10:1-29; 11:1-10 God is merciful and longsuffering. He will always give sinners the opportunity to repent from sin and make their ways right. When the opportunity is not accepted, then judgment will follow. This was what happened to Pharaoh and his people. The divine judgment came upon Egypt in form of plagues. These plagues were ten in number and it was experienced by the Egyptians alone because of the wickedness and rebellion of their king. Friends of Jesus must always pray for our leaders in the school, church, community, nation and family so that their actions will lead us to enjoy God's blessings and not judgment. 8

  9. 2. DIVINE JUDGMENT ON EGYPT CONTD. Click to edit Master title style The plagues that came upon the Egyptians were: (i) River Nile, their source of domestic water turned to blood, Exodus 7:17,20. (ii) Frogs invaded their land and homes, Exodus 8:2,5 (iii) Lice came upon human beings and animals, Exodus 8:16-18. (iv) Swarms of flies covered their houses, Exodus 8:21-24. (v) Strange diseases killed their animals, Exodus 9:6. 9

  10. 2. DIVINE JUDGMENT ON EGYPT CONTD. Click to edit Master title style vi) Boils and sores on human bodies and animals, Exodus 9,10. (vii) Thunder and hailstones destroyed plants and trees, Exodus 9:18,23-25. (viii) Locusts consumed all vegetation, Exodus 10:4,12-14. (ix) Thick darkness covered the land for three days, Exodus 10:21,22. (x) The firstborn of every family and animals died, Exodus 11:5. 10

  11. 2. DIVINE JUDGMENT ON EGYPT CONTD. Click to edit Master title style It was a time of great suffering for the Egyptians. The ten miraculous plagues against Egypt had several purposes to: (a) Show Egypt as well as the children of Israel that the Lord is God above all gods. (b) Exalt God's Name among the Egyptians and throughout all the earth. (c) Establish Israel's faith and convince them of God's power, love and supremacy. (d) Demonstrate God's power over the gods of Egypt and all the forces of evil. 11

  12. Click to edit Master title style 2. DIVINE JUDGMENT ON EGYPT CONT D. The divine judgment forced Pharaoh to let Israel go free. Sinners should not wait till it becomes too late to repent. If Pharaoh had heeded God's warning, he could have saved his people from the punishment that came on them. Sinful children must repent now because tomorrow may be too late. The judgment of God is coming soon. 12

  13. Click to edit Master title style While the Egyptians were suffering under God's judgment, the children of Israel were safe. God is going to separate the righteous from the sinners during the time of judgment. A time is coming when everything in the world will be destroyed and the wicked cast into hell fire. 3. ETERNAL JUDGMENT ON UNREPENTANT SINNERS: Exodus 7:4; 6:6; Psalm 9:16,17; 2 Peter 3:1-11 13

  14. 3. ETERNAL JUDGMENT ON UNREPENTANT SINNERS Click to edit Master title style CONT D. Knowing this fact is enough to make sinners repent so as to escape God's righteous judgment. Therefore, if you are still a sinner, do not harden your heart like Pharaoh did. To escape God's judgment: (i) Humble yourself and accept that you are a sinner. (ii) Repent and confess all sins (stubbornness, wicked acts, witchcraft, idolatry, fighting, rebellion etc.). (iii) Ask for forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus. (iv) Invite Jesus into your heart as Lord and Saviour. If you sincerely take the above steps, you will escape the judgment of God and suffering in hell fire. 14

  15. Click to edit Master title style QUESTIONS: 1. The children of Israel cried unto God for deliverance from bondage. Yes/No? 2. Who did God send to deliver them? 3. What was the first miracle performed before Pharaoh? 4. Mention five of the plagues that came as punishment upon Egypt. 5. What were the reasons for the miraculous judgment? 6. How can a sinful child escape God's judgment? 15

  16. LESSON, THOUGHT, & ACTIVITY Click to edit Master title style LESSON: God's judgment will soon come upon unrepentant sinners. THOUGHT: I must not remain a sinner to escape God's judgment ACTIVITY: Prayer session (1) Sinners and backsliders should pray for forgiveness and restoration. (2) Saved children should pray for sanctification and grace to endure till the end. 16

  17. Click to edit Master title style CHORUSES i. There's a great day coming ii. No, you can't get to heaven iii. Without SALVATION iv. Pharaoh, let my people go 17

  18. REFERENCES Click to edit Master title style 1. https://friarmusings.com/2020/07/24/heaven-and-earth/ 2. http://christianitymalaysia.com/wp/wpcontent/uploads/2013/12/Crowning- Jewel-God 3. http://archive.encouraging.com/2013/02/why-creation-matters-day-1.html 4. https://biblekeyword.com/second-day-of-creation-genesis-1-6-8/ 5. https://www.bibleinfo.com/en/questions/what-are-7-days-of-creation 6. https://www.istockphoto.com/photos/child-asking-forgiveness-praying 18
