Insights into Operation Dawn: Transforming Lives through Faith and Recovery

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Delve into the world of Operation Dawn, a faith-based nonprofit ministry in Canada that focuses on addiction recovery through spiritual therapy and the love of Jesus Christ. Explore reflections, stories, and testimonials of individuals on their journey to overcoming addiction and rebuilding their lives with the support of this transformative organization.

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  1. Reflections on Operation Dawn April 25, 2021

  2. Outline Introduction to Operation Dawn Reflections Secrets Messy Life Together Nature of Authentic Relationships Concluding thoughts

  3. Introduction to Operation Dawn

  4. What is Operation Dawn? Operation Dawn Canada is a faith-based non-profit ministry that promotes addictions recovery through spiritual therapy, the power of the gospel, and most importantly, the love of Jesus Christ. The board of directors, as well as all teachers and assistants are Christians who volunteer their time, knowledge and love towards the cause.

  5. Why did I join? Several years ago the Operation Dawn team came here to our church, I was deeply moved by their sharing. One of my mentors was involved in a similar ministry, in Hong Kong. I always look forward to listening to his experiences when we get together. So I really want to be involved myself.

  6. Reflections Secrets Messy Life Together

  7. Reflections: Secrets During one week I asked the group, what is the biggest failure of your life? One of the participant said these words that I will never forget, I did drugs, and broke my parents hearts . One of the common denominators for all participants is that each of them had a secret. They had to admit they have no power over it and that they needed help.

  8. Reflections: Secrets Over the 14 years of using drugs I was addicted to marijuana and cocaine. I had trouble staying home and I wasted a lot of money chasing a reckless life I must say this experience here in OD is probably the best thing I have done for myself and my family.

  9. Reflections: Secrets Before I was in Operation Dawn I was in jail because I would do drugs and go on a string of criminal activities such as stealing and break and entering I asked myself how many times have I been going in and out of jail these past years? Then it hit me that when I try to count how many times I have been in and out of jail, I don t remember exactly how many times. That made me realized that it was time for a change

  10. Reflection: Secrets We were married in November. By mid- February of the following year, he started the rehab program at Operation Dawn. When people said the first year of marriage would be tough, I never thought this was what they meant Prior to getting married, we had decided to get a joint bank account...I was noticing some money that had gone missing. This triggered a series of events that eventually led to me eventually finding out everything he had been hiding, including his past and current addiction to drugs. I remember giving him an ultimatum. The choices were simple: going to rehab at Operation Dawn or I would leave him.

  11. Reflection: Secrets When I was 16 years of age I started hanging with a new group of friends and even joined a gang. One day these friends invited me to a birthday party a couple of friends stepped out of the house and came back with an illegal drug called ketamine or K They asked me if I wanted to try, and without much hesitation I said yes this one night would turn into years of depravity while I was still 18 my kidneys and bladder deteriorated badly. I tried quitting by my own strength, but failed I was constantly in and out of jail and house arrest.

  12. Reflection: Secrets The duration period for the program was 18 months, but I left after just 5 months. The pride inside of me told me that my health was better, that I was strong enough to leave and be on my own. I was horribly mistaken I found employment but my pay cheques went directly to supporting my expensive habit I resorted to the most despicable actions in order for me to get my hands on drugs I was stealing and taking advantage of family and friends My life was absolutely disgusting!

  13. Reflections: Secrets Takes a lot of courage to admit our weakness and to get help. Some of their family find it difficult to deal with this haven t seen your son around lately, what has he been up to? Oh, he went on a vacation. But they admitted it and this is the start of their recovery.

  14. Reflection: Secrets They have strong insights as to our weaknesses as a human being. One week during class I ask them, If someone is pointing a gun at you and said they will shoot you if you admit you are a Christian, what would you do? Usually we will say, by God s grace I will stand firm YES! I m a Christian! They all said No.

  15. Reflection: Secrets One week during class, I said, In case you don t know, I consider all of you to be very successful people. You encountered a problem in life that is a secret, but you have decided to admit it, to get help and face the challenge head-on. This is very inspiring to me. I have my own secrets and struggles and I know how difficult it is to share it and seek help. I will learn from all of you.

  16. Reflections: Secrets Whoever conceals their sins does not prosper, but the one who confesses and renounces them finds mercy. Proverbs 28:13 NIV Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16 NIV

  17. Reflections: Messy Life Together When I was starting at Operation Dawn, things were good, people are nice and cordial. I came, delivered my lesson, they were grateful and I felt I had done something good. With time, things change. We were more comfortable with each other. Sometimes I saw them argue with each other, swear at each other, be mad at each other. I was teaching and I didn t know what to do. Sometimes things got uncomfortable.

  18. Reflections: Messy Life Together But I was also really glad! They trust me enough to not be cordial and are comfortable to just be themselves. Sometimes I get intimidated by the members and I had to learn to muster enough courage to share my thoughts with them.

  19. Reflections: Messy Life Together Once I said to a member, You know, you have something very precious, something I wished I had but I don t. You are very charismatic and have a great ability to lead and influence others. I can see you use this precious gift to bless others greatly! That would be awesome. But more than the uncomfortable times, there were times of memorable sharing and care

  20. Reflections: Messy Life Together One week, one of the members shared how the drug addiction has caused damage to his brain (may not be reversible) and he struggles with hearing voices or suspicious thoughts. I felt sad hearing his sharing, when I drove back that day I poured my heart to the Lord in prayer.

  21. Reflections: Messy Life Together The members are talented in a wide variety of things. One of them is such a good salesman, super confident, he can sell anyone anything on the spot. ( Let me try to sell you this pen here ) Another member shared with me his family secret recipe. I tried making it at home. One day they invited me to the basement to play ping pong I loved ping pong and I am good at it. I won competitions when I was at high school. But alas, high school was a long time ago

  22. Reflections: Messy Life Together Another week I discovered that one of the members really loved chess. I loved chess as well and I am good at it . He beat me. Since then every week I challenged him. I would study the moves during the week and try to beat him. Every week he would beat me (some weeks I don t concentrate as well as I should ). The last week before his graduation

  23. Reflection: Messy Life Together We became better friends... One week I said to him, You know, I know I am a pretty smart guy, I am not saying this to boast or anything, but every week I use 100% of my brain power to try to beat you, but I can t. I can t think as detailed as you and I can t strategize like you. I just wanted you to know how intelligent and gifted you are and that I know you will be great at the life path you choose going forward. He is very dear to my heart.

  24. Reflection: Messy Life Together During 2019 NBA finals they invited me to watch it together. There, being with them with their parents, girlfriends, cheering together in great excitement. I sat there among them I was filled with joy. I am so grateful that they accepted me as a friend, sharing life together.

  25. Reflection: Messy Life Together Behold, how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell in unity! It is like the precious oil on the head, running down on the beard, on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes! It is like the dew of Hermon, which falls on the mountains of Zion! For there the LORD has commanded the blessing, life forevermore. (Psalms 133)

  26. Concluding thoughts

  27. Concluding thoughts In Larry Crabb s book Connecting: One of my mentors, Chuck Smith, told me that he had scheduled a visit with each of his two grown sons. It may be the last time with my boys before I die. Chuck was approaching the last stages of advanced cancer. I immediately asked, What will you tell them? What will you talk about that you want them to understand before you die?

  28. Concluding thoughts He looked puzzled. Well, nothing really. I m expecting we ll probably watch a football game together maybe we ll hold hands as we watch it. I just want to be with them. I learned something that day. My inclination to say important things that will change people s lives has more of the flesh in it than I realized. Chuck understood what it means to simply be with someone, to connect with a deep desire both to enjoy the connection and to whet their appetites for enjoying its source. Crabb, L., Connecting: Healing Ourselves and Our Relationships. Thomas Nelson Incorporated. 2005

  29. Concluding thoughts Before I joined Operation Dawn, one of the directors said to me, If the reason you volunteer at Operation Dawn is that you have some time in your hands and you think you know, let me come help these people out , then don t come here. Now I know what he meant. Instead of focusing to be helpful, I wanted to spend time together, sharing life together, be friends together.

  30. Concluding thoughts With time things get messy, relationships are no longer clean and controlled , but such is the nature of close, authentic relationships. In such relationships (close friends, family, marriage etc.), it is like holding hands with the other person jumping together into the unknown. Everyone will be affected, changed, in unpredictable ways. But in these relationships God does magical things, as we, in clumsy and stumbling fashion, try to support each other, learning to love.

  31. Concluding thoughts I am a different person now than before joining Operation Dawn. I am less focused in carving out my own comfort space and I am learning how to love in a community. I stopped going because of the COVID-19 pandemic, but I wanted to go back in the future, it is a place where I see miracles happen.


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